Double Agent Saga


Last night, Ye Gongjin had a secret meeting with Zhao Minggui and Huang Fenglin in his secret residence. 【】

The first thing that terrified Zuo Shaoqing was their secret meeting.

Ye Gongjin was very disturbed.Director Mao was obviously very dissatisfied with him.In recent months, one thing after another has stacked up against him.He already felt that Director Mao's anger was about to explode.He must do his best to change this situation and strive to restore Director Mao's trust in him.

After he entered the secret residence, he first boiled a pot of boiling water, and then sat down to think carefully.

Zhao Minggui and Huang Fenglin also arrived soon.Ye Gongjin made tea for them, then sat down, looked at them seriously, and whispered, "Let's sum up the whole situation and what should we do."

Hearing this, both Huang Fenglin and Zhao Minggui were a little embarrassed.

Huang Fenglin first said: "Director Ye, the monitoring of those six people in the Ministry of National Defense is still going on, but there is no progress. The bug is working normally, but nothing of value has been heard. These people , nothing out of the ordinary."

"What about outside the Ministry of National Defense?" Ye Gongjin asked.

"Now our surveillance outside the Ministry of National Defense is only targeting two people." Huang Fenglin looked at Ye Gongjin attentively, "One is Guo Chongmu, and the other is Yu Zhidao. The other four people's surveillance points are still maintained, but they have been withdrawn. So far So far, the monitoring of these two people has not found anything."

Ye Gongjin looked back at Zhao Minggui, "Minggui, how are you doing?"

Zhao Minggui said carefully: "These days, I have been studying the information given to us by the intelligence department. In addition to what you said last time, the transfer plan in the Dabie Mountains may be leaked, I found that there are several other action plans that may also be leaked One is the combat plan to focus on attacking Shandong. I learned about a situation. In one day, Chief Xue received orders from the chairman three times to advance and retreat, which completely disrupted the combat deployment. During that time, this Guo Chongmu every day They are all by the chairman's side, making suggestions for the chairman. If this is the case, this Guo Chongmu will make Chief Xue's troops suffer."

Ye Gongjin nodded repeatedly, "Good analysis. What else?"

Zhao Minggui continued: "There is another battle plan to rescue Yanzhou. The purpose of this plan is to destroy the communist army that surrounded Yanzhou. However, our plan has just begun to be implemented, but the communist army launched an attack in advance, making our The plan completely fell through. This plan to rescue Yanzhou was formulated by the Operation Office. I have doubts, mainly because of these two times, the operation plan may have been leaked in advance."

Ye Gongjin nodded, "Well said, very valuable. Also, do you have any information about Yu Zhidao?"

Both Zhao Minggui and Huang Fenglin shook their heads.

"I have some." Ye Gongjin looked at them calmly, "The focus is on the arms issue. First, I think he is the mastermind behind the arms case. Second, Wang Tiancai was about to tell about the situation of the Communist Party, but was assassinated." , the mastermind behind it is also him. Third, I just got the news that Chang Fu, who has been locked up in the army prison, has been secretly released, and he was the one who gave the order. Yu Zhidao secretly colluded with the Communist Party and made a huge arms deal His approach is very suspicious."

Both Zhao Minggui and Huang Fenglin paid attention to him, but did not speak.

Ye Gongjin also stared at them, "There is another small matter. Yu Zhidao's arms deal is related to Zhang Nairen, and Zhang Nairen's daughter, Zhang Yalan, is a Communist Party member. You all know this. But this Zhang Yalan sent me a card through Du Ziyuan. A check. Are you in a relationship?"

Ye Gongjin opened her purse, took out a check, and showed it to the two people, "This is evidence. Brother Fenglin reminded me that there might be something wrong with Du Ziyuan. He has connections with Zhang Bowei and Zhang Yalan. He also has a special relationship with Zuo Shaoqing. This person should be a key person. I found an excuse and controlled him. If he really has a problem, controlling him is equivalent to cutting off several aspects of contact. Is it this way?"

Both Zhao Minggui and Huang Fenglin nodded.

Ye Gongjin continued: "During the few days when Du Ziyuan is under control, we must take action, and we cannot delay any longer."

Huang Fenglin whispered: "But, how to do it? Our evidence is not sufficient."

Ye Gongjin shook her head, "We can't wait for the evidence to be fully sufficient, or it may be too late. This matter must be reported to Director Mao as soon as possible. The two senior officials, we can't move, so we can only report to Director Mao for the opinions of the above."

Huang Fenglin asked: "So, how to do it specifically?"

Ye Gongjin said: "The specific method is this. Brother Fenglin will continue to monitor and keep track of the situation of the two senior officials. Minggui, you need to work harder. In the next few days, you should draft a report to Director Mao as soon as possible. Sort out the situation of these two senior officials, that is, those mentioned just now, and I will report to Director Mao."

What Ye Gongjin thought in her heart was that only by using this method could she regain Director Mao's attention.Based on what he knew about Director Mao, Director Mao would definitely report to the chairman immediately and attack these two people.This is what he wanted.

Ye Gongjin said to Zhao Minggui and Huang Fenglin in a low voice: "You two, get moving, hurry up."

Both Zhao Minggui and Huang Fenglin stood up and nodded to him solemnly.

The next day, Zuo Shaoqing discovered that Zhao Minggui had locked himself in the office.Although she didn't know what he was doing, she already had a premonition that it must have something to do with the "locust tree".

All the officials knew that what Zhao Minggui drafted nervously was the report to Director Mao.The targets were Guo Chongmu and Yu Zhidao.

At six o'clock in the afternoon that day, when Zuo Shaoqing looked through the monitoring report and found that the only high-ranking officials Huang Fenglin was monitoring were Guo Chongmu and Yu Zhidao, she knew in her heart that something was wrong.She must act now.

That night, Zuo Shaoqing did not go home.She had been sitting in her office, thinking carefully about the course of action she would take.The office was quiet, the soft light illuminating her stern face.

There was a blank sheet of paper in front of her, and she was holding a pencil and drawing on the paper following her thoughts.She drew some circles, some squares, some lines and arrows.These lines and arrows are connected back and forth, corresponding to the thoughts in her heart.

By the time it was almost dawn, she had basically figured out a way.She struck a match and burned the paper.

She stood in front of her, looking at the gradually brightening sky outside.Her face was livid and her teeth were clenched.She was about to go all out, desperately to protect the "locust tree".

She began to move methodically.

The first thing she did was go to the motorcade to get a car and go home first.

She entered the house and came out immediately. My sister lived here last night.Now she has gone to work.

In her action plan, the younger sister is the most difficult level, and she still needs to think about it.

She took out the hardcover book from the bookcase, opened it, and the recording that finally showed its weight was still inside.She took out the recording and put it in her purse.She was right about that book, and she couldn't keep this one either. She put this book in her purse too.

As she was driving away from the house, in a lonely alley, she threw the book in the trash.

She went back to the office and found a cowhide envelope big enough.She picked up a brush.She rarely uses a brush, but the brush is the easiest to cover up handwriting.She controlled her handwriting and wrote on the envelope: Department of National Defense Secrecy, received by Mr. Mao Renfeng.

Afterwards, she put the recording in an envelope and sealed it carefully.After confirming the error, she put the envelope in her purse.

She walked to the door and called out, "Qiuyue."

Liu Qiuyue immediately ran out from the next room, "Young Master, is there something wrong?"

Zuo Shaoqing looked at her, "Come with me to the Ministry of Defense, to Liu Shouming's place."

Liu Qiuyue showed a smile on her face, "Okay, what should I bring?"

Zuo Shaoqing pointed to the leather bag on the table, "Just carry my bag."

Liu Qiuyue drove the car and accompanied Zuo Shaoqing to the mail inspection team behind the guard room of the Ministry of National Defense.

The car pulled up around the corner inside the Ministry of Defense gate.Zuo Shaoqing got out of the car, turned around and said with a smile, "I'll go to Shouming's place. You are fine, you can go to your Mr. Fu."

Liu Qiuyue smiled all over her face, and handed the purse to Zuo Shaoqing, "Then I'll go, is 10 minutes enough?"

Zuo Shaoqing said: "Okay, just 10 minutes. I'll wait for you to come back."

Zuo Shaoqing joined the mail inspection team.Liu Shouming immediately greeted him, and whispered, "Master, you are here."

The light in the postal inspection team was a bit dim, and there were a few people sitting in front of it, checking letters.Checked and unchecked letters littered the table and the floor.

Zuo Shaoqing glanced at them, "I just came to your situation. Is there any situation with you?"

"Hey, I really let you talk." Liu Shouming said with a smile: "In the past few days, we have received many propaganda letters from the Communist Party and sent them to many people. They are all propaganda materials. We found out , stop him. Master, sit down."

Zuo Shaoqing didn't want to sit down, it was inconvenient to sit down.Seeing a cardboard box full of letters on the table, she asked, "Have these been checked?"

"Yes, they've been checked. Later, the guards will distribute them."

Zuo Shaoqing took out a few letters from the box and wrote them casually.He turned back and said, "Is there any special letter, bring it to me."

"Okay, I'll find some." Liu Shouming turned around and walked over there.

Zuo Shaoqing glanced at him from the corner of his eyes, reached out and took out the big envelope from the purse, and inserted it into the bottom of the carton.

Liu Shouming came back, handed her some letters, and said, "Isn't it a little strange for you? This letter is full of journals. Why do I think it looks like a password?"

Zuo Shaoqing took it, sat down on the chair, and said, "Go and do your work, I'll be here."

Zuo Shaoqing sat here and wrote letters, one or two for 10 minutes, without moving.

During this period, a transceiver came in from the guard room, greeted Liu Shouming inside, picked up the cardboard box on the table and left.

Zuo Shaoqing looked through the door between the guard room and the postal inspection room, and saw that the dispatcher was taking out the letters from the box, and putting them into different compartments on the shelf by the wall while reading them.Finally, she saw him take out the big envelope.Zuo Shaoqing watched him attentively.The transceiver shook his head, then threw the envelope into a box next to it.She guessed that it should be the grid of the Secrecy Bureau.

After about 10 minutes, a car drove into the gate of the Ministry of Defense.The guy in the guard room saw it and waved to the car again and again.The car stopped at the door, and a person got out of the car and talked to the transceiver.

Zuo Shaoqing recognized that the person who got out of the car was the guard of the Secrecy Bureau.Sending and receiving went back to the house, took out the big envelope from the compartment of the Secrecy Bureau, handed it to the person in the car, and waved him to leave.

An hour later, the big envelope was in the hands of Lao Pan, the chief secretary of the Secrecy Bureau.Director Mao's letters have always been opened by him personally.He read the tape in the envelope with very puzzled eyes.He found a tape recorder and listened to it himself first.Before he finished listening, his face changed.

He moved this recording, together with the tape recorder, into Director Mao's office and played it for him.

Director Mao didn't finish listening, so he flew into a rage and threw the teacup in his hand to the ground.

The recording sent by Zuo Shaoqing really exploded in the secrecy bureau like a bomb.However, many people did not hear the voice.

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