At this time in Nanjing, it was late November, and the weather was getting cooler. 【】People have put on thicker autumn clothes.If it is cloudy and rainy, elderly people will wear thin cotton clothes.

The market is already depressed.Pedestrians on the street walked hurriedly with their heads bowed, and the gloom on their faces was getting colder and colder like the weather.The only warm place seems to be the bathhouse.

Du Ziyuan was still in charge of himself, and kept a secret relationship with Guo Chongmu with great care.Every time he went to the bathhouse, he had to observe carefully before deciding whether to talk to Guo Chongmu.

At the beginning, they all took a bath every three days.Later, Du Ziyuan felt that this was inappropriate, and suggested that Guo Chongmu should not take a bath regularly, but take a bath every three or four days or four or five days.Just make an appointment with the other party when you broke up last time, so as not to form a pattern and be suspected.

Every time Guo Chongmu came, he brought Du Ziyuan a large package of documents, some of which were hand-copied.These handwritten pieces are often more important.Guo Chongmu once brought the munitions transportation documents of the Joint Logistics Headquarters, and this one alone is [-] to [-] pages thick.

In this way, Wei Shuyun's work is even heavier.She copied them day and night, then burned the originals, and the ashes had to be flushed down the sewer.These were the prescribed actions Du Ziyuan gave her.She only stops when she goes out to buy some food for herself, or order some noodles or porridge for herself.

She copied documents from morning to night, and she slept very shortly, only four or five hours a day.No one would have thought that her accident later was due to lack of sleep.

Every few days, in the evening, Wei Shuyun would go out with a cloth bag, first take a bus, and then pass through the winding alley unobtrusively.She ended up walking into a workshop for making papyrus.

In the straw paper shop, there is only the boss who supports the facade.The guy he hired made papyrus in the backyard.The straw paper shop is small and messy. On the shelves or on the ground, there are large bundles of small packages or yellow straw paper stacked one by one. It is the cheapest kind of straw paper, and it is a small business.

The shop owner is in his 50s, thin and capable.Seeing her come in, without saying a word, she turned around and took a knife of toilet paper from the shelf.When Wei Shuyun handed him the thick paper bag in the cloth bag, he put the scrap of straw into her cloth bag, not letting her go out with the empty cloth bag.

At this point, their handover is complete.

After the boss sent Wei Shuyun away, he did it himself, carefully and conscientiously bundled the thick paper bags into a straw paper bag.The papyrus bales are large and heavy, and he wants to make this bundle of papyrus paper the same as the others, and then make an imperceptible mark on it.Every morning, a carriage will come to the workshop to transport papyrus.When the driver sees this marked straw paper bag, he will nod to the boss.

The carriage delivering papyrus had to enter and leave the city gate every day, and they were already familiar faces with the soldiers guarding the gate.The dozens of bundles of papyrus on the carriage were so clear at a glance, so the soldiers guarding the city gate waved their hands and let him pass.

The carriage delivered papyrus to many small department stores along the way, and the marked pack of papyrus would be delivered to one of the small shops.The clerk took the bundle of straw paper, nodded to the coachman, and went in.

Along the way, Li Lin quietly followed and secretly protected.He has followed so far, and he doesn't know how to forward it later.All he knew was that this task was extremely important.Because every time he returned, he would call Du Ziyuan and say, "Mr. Du, your check has been received."

Every time, Du Ziyuan would feel relieved after receiving this call.

Du Ziyuan was very willing to go to the bathhouse to meet Guo Chongmu.Because from Guo Chongmu, he heard a lot about the situation on the battlefield that he couldn't hear anywhere.

At this time, he was sitting on the bunk in the "Tsinghua Pool" bathhouse, wiping the sweat on his head and body with a hot towel, and at the same time observing the surrounding situation inadvertently.Guo Chongmu was lying on the opposite bunk, holding a newspaper in his hand. It seemed that he was reading the newspaper, but he was actually introducing Du Ziyuan to the situation on the battlefield outside.

"Communist Army," Guo Chongmu said with a smile on his face, "I'll still say Communist Army."

Du Ziyuan couldn't help laughing, "Of course, according to your habits, don't change your words."

He thought it was very interesting.Zhang Nairen used to be a general, but instead of talking about "communist army", he said "your army".Guo Chongmu is his own comrade, but he wants to say "communist army".He covered his face with a towel to hide his smile.

Guo Chongmu continued: "The communist army fought extremely bravely on the Xubeng battlefield. I calculated that the total strength of the communist army in Xuzhou, Bengbu and surrounding areas was less than 60. But there were more than 80 in this area. Ten thousand people. On November 2th, more than [-] people from He Jifeng and Zhang Kexia's troops had to surrender under the pressure of the Communist Army. Surrounded. I received the latest news yesterday that Huang Baitao had committed suicide, and the Seventh Corps had basically been wiped out."

Du Ziyuan was very surprised.The Battle of Jinzhou in the Northeast has already surprised him very much.That is closing the door and beating the dog, so what if it is not eliminated?It's all surrounded.But it is different in the Xubeng area. The "communist army" here is under siege, and a corps of more than [-] people can be wiped out in one battle.He felt that the blood vessels in his whole body were surging and jumping rapidly.

Guo Chongmu covered his face with a newspaper and smiled at Du Ziyuan, "Mr. Du, there is also a war brewing in Beiping and Tianjin."

Du Ziyuan's eyes widened in surprise, "Mr. Guo, tell me, what kind of war is it?"

Guo Chongmu narrowed his eyes, "I am a staff officer. It is my specialty to formulate combat plans and study and judge the battlefield situation. In the Ministry of National Defense, I dare not say these things. But here, I can tell you. , to eat up Fu Zuoyi's 50 troops in one bite."

Du Ziyuan was taken aback, "Really, has it already started?"

"Not yet, this is my judgment. I have received secret information that the Northeast Field Army of the Communist Army has finished its rest early and entered the customs in secret in several ways. The Communist Army in North China has also taken action. I guess the intention of the Communist Army is Surround Beiping, Tianjin, and Zhangjiakou, and then eliminate them one by one. The communist army has now surrounded Zhangjiakou, cutting off Fu Zuoyi's retreat to the west. They also sent troops to harass Tangshan and Tanggu to prevent Fu Zuoyi from retreating from the sea. This is a big encirclement , strategic encirclement, Fu Zuoyi is likely to retreat."

Du Ziyuan was extremely surprised. This was not the capture of a mountain, but a battle in the whole of North China.This war is very likely to determine the future direction of the country.

He asked: "Mr. Guo, you, can the Communist Army win the battle between Beiping and Tianjin?"

Guo Chongmu turned his head and stared at him, "Do you know how many troops the Communist Army has assembled?"

"How many?"

"100 million!"

Du Ziyuan covered most of his face with a towel, only showing two surprised eyes.He had an uncontrollable smile all over his face, he just didn't want others to see it.He wanted to jump up and scream.He has participated in the revolution for more than ten years, and now he has finally seen the dawn of victory.How could he not be happy.

He loves Guo Chongmu, but finds that he is not as happy as himself.There was even worry hiding in his eyes.

"Mr. Guo, we are about to win, aren't you happy?"

"Of course I'm happy. However, I'm also worried about the communist army on the Xubeng battlefield."


"On the Xubeng battlefield, the communist army actually fought more with less, 60 against 80. This is already very dangerous, and it is a taboo for military strategists. However, there are still 40 troops in the hands of the Chinese suppression chief Bai Chongxi. I have received news that Chiang Kai-shek has ordered Bai Chongxi to devote his troops to the battle of Xubeng. I heard that Bai Chongxi has been preparing, but he has not moved yet. The fate of the Communist Army is worrisome! The Communist Army has 60 soldiers, how could it beat 120 million of them!"

Having said that, Guo Chongmu fell into silence.Du Ziyuan was also deeply worried about the People's Liberation Army, which was surrounded by enemy troops.He said softly: "Mr. Guo, I believe that our army is more effective."

Guo Chongmu nodded to him, "I hope so too."

Du Ziyuan said to him, "Mr. Guo, I'm going to get dressed. You can get dressed after I'm gone."

Guo Chongmu nodded and continued with the newspaper.

At this time, in Mao Renfeng's mind, the matter that Guo Chongmu mentioned was also circling in the mind of the director of the Security Bureau.Whether Bai Chongxi will devote his troops to the battle of Xu Bang has already drawn a huge question mark in his heart.

The key to this question mark is that damned Hou Lianhai!

Director Mao not only handed over the matter of Hou Lianhai to Ye Gongjin, he also arranged for others to look for Hou Lianhai.He had just received information that someone seemed to have seen Hou Lianhai in Wuhan.However, this news has not been verified, and it is not yet certain.

But the news that Hou Lianhai might appear in Wuhan still terrified Director Mao.This matter is related to Bai Chongxi, commander-in-chief of the Chinese suppression.

The chairman of the committee ordered Bai Chongxi to send troops to the battle of Xu Bang.Bai Chongxi's reply was that preparations were underway.But the information obtained by Director Mao was not like this.The secret report from the Hubei Station of the Bureau of Secrecy showed that Bai Chongxi was not ready to go to war.Instead, he was secretly in contact with all kinds of people.Telegram exchanges with Vice President Li are extremely frequent.Director Mao is most worried about whether Bai Chongxi will contact Hou Lianhai.Now, I just got the information that Hou Lianhai may have arrived in Wuhan.And it is very possible that they have been talking with Bai Chongxi in secret for many days.

Director Mao was very worried about this matter.

Yesterday, he specially visited Chief He and asked Chief Bai if he would send troops to Xu Bang.

Director He was also very suspicious, but he still said: "Mr. Bai will always keep an eye on the general situation of the country, and he should not be arrogant."

But Director Mao is not like that.In [-], this Chief Bai sent a telegram to force the Chairman of the General Committee to "resign". He had a criminal record.

Director He smiled and said, "If Mr. Bai doesn't send troops, party discipline and state laws won't allow it."

Director Mao did not speak again.What he thought in his heart was that this Chief Bai might do something even more incompatible with party discipline and state law.He was born with a back bone.

Director Mao was really worried sitting in the office.He has already begun to think about the longer-term step of the Secret Service.Later, even the chairman of the committee praised him for his foresight.

These are all later stories.

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