Yu Zhidao accidentally bumped into Zuo Shaoqing's upcoming hostility, which of course had something to do with Hou Lianhai. 【】

But in order to clarify this matter, we must first explain clearly the weird political situation that was constantly changing during December [-], as well as the several unusual political forces that were wrestling secretly.

The first force, of course, is the Kuomintang government represented by Chairman Chiang.The unfavorable situation on the battlefield has put the Kuomintang on the eve of evolution.Chairman Jiang has been under tremendous pressure from all sides, asking him to make decisions about advancing and retreating.His every move is closely watched by all parties, especially within the army.Senior generals are watching carefully to decide their own actions.

The second force, of course, is aspect.Already won the Northeast in November.At this time, the strategic encirclement was completed on the front lines of Pingjin and Zhangjiakou, and Fu Zuoyi's army of more than [-] troops had nowhere to retreat.The high-level leaders have already noticed that there may be huge changes within the Kuomintang, and their special focus is on the Huaihai battlefield.As a test, the high-level officials decided to launch an offensive in Huai'an, Huaiyin, and Haizhou in northern Jiangsu, and wipe out Huang Baitao's Seventh Corps, known as "Little Huaihai" in history.Whether or not to fight the next battle, and how to fight it, the high-level officials are paying close attention to the movements of Bai Chongxi, the commander of the Chinese "Suppression Commander-in-Chief".

The third force is the U.S. government represented by the U.S. ambassador to China, Mr. Stuart.The U.S. State Department was anxious about the unfavorable situation on the national battlefield, and secretly ordered Ambassador Situ to change the leader of the Chinese government as soon as possible to save the defeat.Mr. Situ had many secret talks with Chairman Jiang to understand his interests, but no results were achieved.Later, according to the suggestion of Metz, a senior agent of the US Intelligence Agency, they turned their attention to the little Hou Lianhai.

The fourth force is the quiet "Gui Clan".Bai Chongxi was sitting in Wuhan at this time, controlling 40 troops.Whether this army enters the Lianghuai area determines the success or failure of the Xu Bang battle.In the first ten days of November, Bai Chongxi ordered the No.12 Corps to enter the Taihe and Fuyang areas, and prepared to move eastward.However, Vice President Li and Bai Chongxi had secret meetings many times, and they were not prepared to actually send troops to the Xu Bang battlefield.This reason has something to do with the little Hou Lianhai.

In December, the news that Hou Lianhai was assassinated by the female secret agent Zuo Shaoqing was published in major newspapers, which aroused the anger of some senior generals in the army.Bai Chongxi took the opportunity to refuse to send troops to the Xubeng battlefield.The high-level officials took this opportunity to launch the "Great Huaihai" campaign, and with 60 troops, 80 were beaten to pieces.

Little Hou Lianhai actually messed up Chairman Jiang's big chess game.

On December 24, Bai Chongxi sent a "Hai Jing Telegram" from Hankou, asking He Yingqin, Zhang Qun, Zhang Zhi and others to forward it to Chairman Jiang. The telegram stated that "people's hearts, morale, and material resources can no longer be fought." Peace, and forced Generalissimo Chiang to step down.On December 29, the Hubei Provincial Council issued a telegram advocating political solutions to state affairs.On the [-]th, Bai Chongxi transferred the telegram to Zhang Qun and presented it to Chairman Jiang. This is the "Hai Quandian".The purpose is still to force Generalissimo Chiang to step down.

Such was the strange situation during December [-].

Zuo Shaoqing was held up by a hard-to-dispel hostility in his heart, and he had a fierce confrontation with Yu Zhidao, the chief of staff of the Joint Logistics Command, and Hou Lianhai was involved because of this. It was in this weird environment.

In the evening of this day, Zuo Shaoqing got off work.She went out of the north gate of Honggong Temple and called a rickshaw to go home.But when the rickshaw turned across the street, there was a car parked in front of it.An officer and a private stand beside the car.

Zuo Shaoqing's vigilance has become a habit.As soon as she got to the cars and officers on the side of the road, she realized there might be a problem.She took a pistol out of her pocket and thrust it backhand into her waist.It is faster to draw a gun from the back of the waist than to draw a gun from the pocket.Not long ago, she killed Huang Fenglin with a gun drawn from her back waist.

Seeing Zuo Shaoqing's rickshaw, the officer stepped to the side of the street, raised his hand to salute her from a distance, and stretched out his hand to signal the driver to stop.The driver who pulled the cart dared to disobey the officer's order, stopped the cart in a hurry, and turned back to Zuo Shaoqing.

The officer walked to the side of the car, saluted again, and said respectfully: "I'm sorry, young team leader, our officer has a request."

Zuo Shaoqing recognized the officer as soon as he saw him.In the Guest House of the Armory Depot in the south of the city, it was this officer who pointed a pistol at her.She also guessed that the officer who invited her must be Yu Zhidao.But she still asked, "Who is your chief?" She also took the opportunity to give herself a little time to think.

The officer smiled and said, "Young team leader, as you have seen, he is the Chief of Staff of the Joint Logistics Command."

Zuo Shaoqing guessed that he was Yu Zhidao's adjutant or staff officer, and wanted to show off his prestige, so he asked, "Did you return your pistol?"

The officer was really embarrassed, and said with a wry smile: "No one returned it, so I had to take another one. Young team leader, I will not point the gun at you again. After suffering a loss, you must have a longer memory."

"What's your surname?" Zuo Shaoqing asked.

"Miangui, surnamed Yang, Yang Zhi. However, it's not Yang Zhi who sells knives in Water Margin. I don't have his skills."

Zuo Shaoqing smiled.She got out of the rickshaw, gave the car money, and asked, "Where are you going?"

Yang Zhi smiled and said, "When we arrive, you will know."

Zuo Shaoqing thought for a while, she had nothing to be afraid of, saw the officer opened the car door, and sat in.

The car drove for a long time, and finally drove into a yard that looked like a military institution.Facing him was a gray three-story building, and there were guards standing straight outside the door of the building.

Yang Zhi led her directly into the building.But instead of leading her upstairs, he bypassed the stairs and walked downstairs from the back stairs.

Out of the stairs, they entered a long, wide and clean underground corridor.

Zuo Shaoqing judged that this place is not like a basement like storage, but it is more likely to be an underground headquarters.She glanced behind her, except for Yang Zhi beside her, there was no one else following her.Things might not be so bad, she guessed.She is going to wait and see.

Yang Zhi walked to a double door, opened it, and respectfully invited her in.

When Zuo Shaoqing entered, he couldn't help being a little surprised.This is a huge basement.There is a long table in the middle, and three or 40 people can sit on both sides.Huge maps hung on the walls.This might indeed be an underground command.

In the innermost part of the basement, there is a huge desk.Sitting behind the desk was Yu Zhidao.

What Zuo Shaoqing noticed was that on both sides of the desk, facing the middle, there were three heavily armed guards standing on each side.She is now aware of her situation.She is probably facing a situation like Hongmen Banquet.

Yang Zhi stretched out his hand forward, "Young team leader, please."

Zuo Shaoqing had no choice but to move forward.But when I walked to the desk, I found that there were no chairs for the guests on the opposite side of the desk.She couldn't help but darken her face, showing a malicious sneer, staring at Yu Zhidao who was sitting behind the table.You bastard, play this little trick for me!

Zuo Shaoqing didn't walk towards the desk, but walked to one side.She went around the desk and walked straight to Yu Zhidao's side.She pressed the edge of the table behind her with both hands, and with a little force, she was already sitting on the desk, staring at Yu Zhidao condescendingly.

Yu Zhidao also stared at Zuo Shaoqing with a sneer.

A guard next to him yelled, "You are bold! Dare to sit on the table, come down!"

Zuo Shaoqing ignored him, and only said, "Go away!"

The guard roared, and all six guards drew their guns and aimed at Zuo Shaoqing.

The leading guard roared again, "Presumptuous! Get off!"

Zuo Shaoqing still stared at Yu Zhidao, and said in a cold tone: "Mr. Yu, you call one, two, three now, and whoever shoots first after one! Call now! One!"

Yu Zhidao also gritted his teeth and stared at Zuo Shaoqing, and as expected, he shouted, "One!"

Zuo Shaoqing still stared at him and shouted: "Two!"

Yu Zhidao hesitated for a second, "Two!"

Zuo Shaoqing smiled, "Okay, Officer Yu, I'll come down."

She leaned on the edge of the table with both hands and jumped down.But in the action of supporting the table, she played an imperceptible trick.All her strength to support the table was concentrated on her left hand, but her right hand only used the knuckles of her index finger to press against the table.But the thumb and finger have already lifted the hem of the clothes and stretched to the back waist.When her feet hit the ground, her right hand had drawn a pistol from her back waist.She turned around slightly, and was already standing beside Yu Zhidao, with the muzzle of the gun firmly pressed against his neck.

She said, "Officer Yu, call now, three!"

At this time, how dare Yu Zhidao shout three more times.He doesn't know if this Zuo Shaoqing is dead or not, but at least one shot from the gun in her hand will hit his neck.

He waved his hands to both sides, "Let it go, let it go!"

The guards had no choice but to holster their guns, still staring.

Yu Zhidao turned around and said, "Young team leader, they've all put them away, please put them down too."

But Zuo Shaoqing didn't want to put down the gun.The hostility in her heart was making her furious.She shouted to Yang Zhi, who was standing not far away, only dared to put his hand on the holster, but did not dare to take it out: "Adjutant Yang, go and check their guns, whoever's gun didn't have the safety on, whose gun is There is no top in it. Go check it out!"

Seeing Zhidao's expression, Yang Zhi went to check the guns of the six guards.It turned out that none of the three guns had caps on them, and two of the guns did not have their safety on.

Yang Zhi turned his head and said, "Young team leader, only squad leader Qin's gun is loaded, and the safety is also on."

As soon as his words fell, the gun in Zuo Shaoqing's hand rang.Squad leader Qin, who was the leader, fell to the ground in response.

The other guards hurriedly drew their guns.Zuo Shaoqing fired two more shots, and the two guards beside Squad Leader Qin also fell to the ground.She quickly turned to Yu Zhidao's other side, the gun in her hand was still on his neck.Now she has only one side to face the enemy and controls Yu Zhidao, so she has completely taken the initiative.

She said, "Officer Yu, it's you who counts now, or I do the counting!"

The remaining three guards just put on their caps, opened the safety, and pointed their guns at Zuo Shaoqing.But how dare they shoot.The woman's gun was on the officer's neck.

Yang Zhi was completely panicked, and stopped in front of the three guards, "Put it up, put it away quickly! Young team leader, don't do this. You three, go, go!"

The three guards were resentful, so they had to retreat to the far wall and stand, glaring at Zuo Shaoqing viciously.

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