When Zuo Shaoqing ran down the stairs with a pistol, the reporters at the stairs rushed into Hou Lianhai's room and patted Hou Lianhai who was lying on the sofa. 【】Some lively people also poured into this room.

Li Lin also entered the room with his own people.They want to drive the journalists out.But the reporters refused to leave and kept taking pictures of Hou Lianhai.

Someone shouted from behind: "The murderer has been caught, he's downstairs!"

As soon as the reporters heard this, they rushed out of the room and ran downstairs.At this time, there was a violent explosion outside the Xuanwu Hotel.

Some of the tenants had just left their rooms and were standing in the corridor looking around.Upon hearing the explosion, the tenants immediately fled back to their rooms.There was no one in the hallway.

Li Lin and the others lifted Hou Lianhai, went out quickly, and sent him into another room.

Du Ziyuan was waiting anxiously in this room.He asked the doctor to check Hou Lianhai's wound.

The doctor unbuttoned Hou Lianhai's clothes, and when he saw the wound, he moaned and shook his head.

Du Ziyuan asked anxiously, "Is he still alive?"

The doctor looked up at him and said, "It's weird, he's still breathing and has a heartbeat, maybe he can be saved."

He began to probe the wound, found gauze inside, and took it out with tweezers.Blood started to come out.He put his fingers into the wound and found that the wound went in obliquely upwards.He turned back and said, "This shot was fired from the bottom up and grazed the heart, which is too strange."

News about Hou Lianhai's assassination appeared in the newspapers that afternoon.The headline is basically the same: "Female spy of military command, assassinate major general".Below are two photos, one is a photo of Zuo Shaoqing rushing out of the corridor with a gun in hand.The other is a photo of Hou Lianhai lying on the sofa with a gun in his chest.

Ye Gongjin has arrived at the newspaper.The task was completed, but at this moment his heart was extremely fearful and flustered.He didn't expect Yu Zhidao to have such a trick at all, to arrange a reporter in the hotel.Although Zuo Shaoqing was not caught by Yu Zhidao's soldiers, he was caught by the reporter's camera.Undoubtedly, everyone who knew knew that Ye Gongjin ordered Zuo Shaoqing to assassinate Hou Lianhai.

Ye Gongjin was really restless at this moment.

But there still needs to be an explanation for this matter, and he needs the support of Director Mao.He walked out of the office and walked towards Director Mao's office uneasily.

As soon as he entered the director's office, he saw that Director Mao was also in the newspaper, and it was the article about Zuo Shaoqing's assassination of Hou Lianhai.He thought, this task was given by your chief, and now I have completed it.You have to give me an expression.

Director Mao looked at him with a gloomy face, pointed to the chair opposite, still looking down at the newspaper.

There are many things that Ye Gongjin doesn't know.But he knows.Within the party and the army, there is an anti-Chiang trend that is making waves.At this moment, the last person who should die is this Hou Lianhai.But he couldn't explain it to Ye Gongjin.This bastard, when it was time to kill, he let him go.When it was time to let go, he killed people.Shame, despicability, imbecility, mental retardation!It's all about this idiot.

However, this task was given to Ye Gongjin by him, and he has been urging him.He can't slap himself in the face now, saying that you, Ye Gongjin, shouldn't have killed Hou Lianhai.

Director Mao restrained the anger in his heart, and finally said: "Mission completed?"

"Yes." Ye Gongjin said carefully, feeling very uneasy.He was so careful, but finally fell into the trap set by Yu Zhidao.It could almost be said that he knew it was a trap, but he still jumped into it.He really hated Zhidao.

Director Mao pointed at the newspaper and said, "This person did it?"

"Yes." Ye Gongjin said softly.

"What's her name?"

"Leo Shaoqing."

Director Mao raised his head and looked at Ye Gongjin, "Who is she?"

At this time, Ye Gongjin was completely speechless.Recently, who Zuo Shaoqing is has become a mess in his heart.He knew for sure that she was an agent of the CIA.But he dared not tell anyone about this situation.What he didn't know clearly was whether she was an agent of the Communist Party of China.In this case, he dared not tell anyone.But he had to answer Director Mao's question.

Ye Gongjin tried her best to make her eyes firmer, and said softly, "He is one of my own." He had to say that, otherwise he would never end well.

Director Mao looked at him calmly, and said, "It's a little unexpected. It's good that the task is completed, and you can go."

Ye Gongjin let out a long sigh of relief, and left Director Mao's office in a loud voice.He hoped this matter would settle down as soon as possible.He couldn't help thinking that it was Qian Yuhong who said, don't keep it!Damn this man!

The situation was worse than anyone expected.

The next day, the assassination of Hou Lianhai by a female military spy began to spread across the country, and it continued to ferment as time went on.

Newspapers and radio broadcasts in major cities across the country began to report the matter at length.Accused of persecuting and assassinating democrats, suppressing democracy, etc.Some newspapers even enumerated the previous crimes committed by the Military Unification Bureau, and issued a long list of those who were assassinated.

Voices accusing the Bureau of Secrecy have also begun to appear within the army and the government, and the words are extremely fierce.At the meeting of the Ministry of National Defense, Chief He asked all the officers to control the army and not to be disturbed by the bad things done by some people.This certain person refers to the Bureau of Secrecy.Director Mao, who attended the meeting, looked livid under the watchful eyes of everyone.

Ye Gongjin's life was also difficult.Several directors in the bureau accused him openly and secretly of acting recklessly and causing such a bad influence.

Zuo Shaoqing's life was not easy either.There are often reporters blocking the gate of Honggong Temple, waiting to take pictures of her.Fortunately, it is winter.She went in and out, wearing plain clothes, and wrapped most of her face with a long scarf.

The worst has finally come.Bai Chongxi, who was in Wuhan, began to shrink his troops.Except for his No.12 Corps, which was pinned down in the Fuyang area, the other troops began to retreat.This retreat action made the battle on the Xu Bang battlefield even worse.The troops either delayed their actions or retreated at the touch of a button.The Communist Army, on the other hand, gnawed at the troops methodically and bite by bite.

The worst-case scenario has finally emerged.On December 24, Bai Chongxi sent a "Hai Jing Telegram" from Hankou, which meant to force Chairman Jiang to step down.On December [-]th, Bai Chongxi issued another "Hai Quandian".The fundamental purpose is still to force Generalissimo Chiang to step down.

Director Mao has cleared up the situation.He must take the initiative, otherwise, he will end badly.

He called in the chief secretary Pan Qiwu, conspired with him for two days, and then took a series of measures in secret.

The first step is to secretly order all units of the headquarters of the Bureau of Secrecy to evacuate Nanjing secretly and transfer to Hangzhou to continue their work.Only the second branch of the operation remained, but it also left the Honggong Temple, and the office was moved to Xufu Lane.

The second step is to leave a fake "secrecy bureau" in Honggong Temple, and leave a small number of people everywhere, only 79 people in total, to set up the airs of this "secrecy bureau".As for whether this "Secret Bureau" is working, it's up to you.

In the third step, taking into account the pressure of public opinion, Director Mao submitted his resignation to Chairman Jiang, and suggested that Xu Qiaochen, the deputy director of the Secrecy Bureau, be appointed as the acting director.

That night, Director Mao took his resignation letter and went to the presidential palace in person to report his plan to the Chairman.

The chairman of the committee was very satisfied with Director Mao's arrangement and said yes repeatedly.He smiled and said, "You have come ahead of me. Come on, I will soon follow you." Then he asked: "Can you control all levels of the Secrecy Bureau system?"

Director Mao nodded again and again, "Chairman, please rest assured that all the provincial stations under the bureau have already called and agreed, and the deployment work will continue as before. Similarly, the top and bottom of the Bureau of Secrecy will still obey the chairman as before. instructions, there is absolutely no problem."

After hearing this, the chairman nodded repeatedly, and immediately approved Director Mao's plan, and told the attendant room to transfer the order to the Ministry of Defense.

With the approval of the chairman, all units of the Bureau of Secrets started to act quietly.Every night, the Honggong Temple is brightly lit.All units are packing up, packing boxes and arranging vehicles.At the same time, an advance team was sent to Hangzhou to arrange office space and dormitories.

Ye Gongjin's second office is also busy.They want to secretly move to Xufu Lane.

Zuo Shaoqing's second team was also busy packing things.She didn't need to use her hands, she just flipped through the sorted documents.

Liu Qiuyue came in.She is the busiest right now.She is actually the manager of the whole group, and she decides everything big and small.Although it is winter, her forehead is sweating.

She walked up to Zuo Shaoqing, bent down and whispered, "Young team, I got the news that next week, the archives department will come to move the files in the basement, and it will be at night. I guess the intelligence department will come to move their secret room at the same time." .”

Zuo Shaoqing stared at her, knowing that her thoughts were so fine that she was still thinking about this matter.

She nodded, "Okay, just pay attention and let me know if there is any situation."

Liu Qiuyue nodded, "Don't worry, young master, I will pay attention."

Of course, Zuo Shaoqing had nothing to say about Liu Qiuyue's abilities.But being so careful and thinking about this extremely dangerous matter for her still made her doubtful.What is this girl's idea?Or, what did she guess?Zuo Shaoqing was a little suspicious.Although she trusted Liu Qiuyue, she didn't dare to trust Liu Qiuyue in the deepest part.

In Xufu Lane, it was a three-story building handed over to the second office.They used to be classrooms, but they were partitioned later, but the rooms are still spacious.The director and the team leaders are all on the third floor.Except for the director who used one room alone, all other team leaders shared one room with their officers.The intelligence team has few people and is also on the third floor.The second group is on the second floor, and the first group is naturally on the first floor.The convoy from the bureau headquarters was assigned to the second office, and they were all parked in the open space in front of the building.

Sitting in her new office, Ye Gongjin once thought, this is also good, the sky is high and the emperor is far away, so there is more freedom.But before Director Mao left, he had another conversation with him alone.

"Gongjin, Nanjing is the capital." Director Mao looked at Ye Gongjin and said solemnly: "Your work will be even more serious in the future. I will give you three tasks, and you must complete them well. First, continue to do well in the past. Don’t slack off at work. Second, keep an eye on what’s going on in Hong Gong Temple. Third, find the locust tree.”

Ye Gongjin understood that these three tasks became more and more important in the future.His first task now is to find the locust tree.

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