Double Agent Saga

245、Abnormal Request Collection

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Zuo Shaoqing waved to A Sen calmly, "Captain A Sen, please sit down. 【. Captain A Sen put forward his idea. If these Chinese people are my colleagues, I should know logically. But I don't Don't know. Let's continue to analyze."

In the discussion and analysis that followed, some people believed that these people might come from the Communist Party.Someone immediately retorted, saying what are they doing here?Makes no sense.Others thought it might be Japanese.This was immediately ridiculed, saying that the focus of the Japanese is domestic, and they can't even eat enough now.Someone else asked, could it be people from other Asian countries?There was laughter in the classroom, saying that as soon as those people came in, we immediately knew who he was.

This time, Captain Aben added a little, "they are three people. My informant reported it to me. I observed it, and there is no doubt that they are professional agents. One of them has a mole on the tip of his eyebrow. .I feel that this guy is more like a killer!" Aben emphasized his tone.

"What are they doing here?" Everyone questioned.

Someone asked: "Has anything happened in the world lately? I'm talking big."

Some people say that Sudan has become independent from Britain.Some people say that the Winter Olympics will start in Italy.Some say the French are finally getting the hell out of here.Some people say that an American pastor named Martin Luther King was bombed to death in front of his house.Some say there is finally a ceasefire between Egypt and Israel.

In the end someone said: "It's none of our business!"

All the officers slapped the table in approval.No one spoke in the classroom for a while.

A Liang, the chief of the Dalat police sub-district, nodded gloomyly to everyone, "I feel that if something happens, it should be here. I heard that something happened above, it seems to be in the presidential palace. I don't know who is going to be unlucky again. "

Captain Aben said angrily: "The great people are always intriguing endlessly."

Lieutenant Ah Liang said softly: "It may not be that simple. I heard that martial law has been quietly imposed in the capital."

Zuo Shaoqing stared at Wei A Liang calmly, and there seemed to be a tight string in his heart, clanging.

There is a reason for Zuo Shaoqing's doubts.

Three months ago, Lao Huang quietly told her in the "Green Bamboo" coffee shop, "Pay close attention to Ruan Qibo, Secretary-General of the Presidential Palace, and the people around him."

Zuo Shaoqing asked: "Why? He's in Saigon, I can't reach him."

Lao Huang shook his head, "I don't know why. But the higher-ups asked this person and asked us to pay attention to any situation. The focus is not on Saigon, but here, Cam Ranh Bay. I guess, it may have something to do with the Americans."

In the following two months, when Zuo Shaoqing taught the military officers, he tried his best to divert the topic in the direction of Saigon and the high-level government as carefully as possible.Her intelligence training class is a good place to exchange information.All officers are responsible for intelligence in their respective positions.The situation they said, even if it is fragmented, can form a roughly complete picture in Zuo Shaoqing's shrewd mind.

She narrated to Lao Huang everything she had heard about Ruan Qibo, the people around him, and the Americans.Lao Huang listened very carefully and sometimes asked questions.

Generally speaking, Ruan Qibo is a democrat.He studied in the Soviet Union in his early years and can speak fluent Russian.He also has a good impression of the Soviet Union because of this.Later he went to the United States, where he met Ngo Dinh Diem and became his most important political aide.The most important thing about Ruan Qibo is that he has a good impression of the Soviet Union, and he seems to have a good impression of the country as well.

Lao Huang listened to all this, but he didn't record it.Like Zuo Shaoqing, he has a good brain.

However, a month ago, Lao Huang broke off his relationship with his superiors.This afternoon, when they met in the "Green Bamboo" coffee shop, they both confirmed this.She suggested that Lao Huang disappear as soon as possible.So what about herself?

At this time, there was a little chaos in the classroom.The officers speculated wildly, made various analyses, and even argued with each other.

Zuo Shaoqing listened carefully and guided carefully, hoping to find clues to explain her doubts from the few words of these intelligence officers.

At the end of the training class, Zuo Shaoqing made a summary of the case analysis class.

"Very good. Captain Aben made a good case, albeit lacking in detail. But each of us put our brains to work, and the analysis was very in-depth. I feel that whatever the situation, we can't go beyond our analysis. In general, It seems that something happened to our high-level people here, and this situation has attracted the intelligence agencies outside. At present, we cannot determine where the intelligence agencies caught their attention. They even sent people here. What do they want to do? It may be to conduct investigations , may also have special missions. Their missions are likely to cause us trouble. Captain Aben, what you should do is to closely monitor, strengthen your defenses, and report to your commander at any time. I also think that other people You should also pay attention to the situation related to this. If you find anything abnormal, you should report the situation to Captain Aben as soon as possible. Maybe it will help Captain Aben."

All nodded in agreement.

Zuo Shaoqing added one more point at the end, "If the situation mentioned by Captain Aben is true, it may be more sensitive. I suggest that the situation of this discussion and analysis should not be circulated."

The training session is over.Zuo Shaoqing sent the officers out of the classroom.There was a roar of motors in front of the small building.

Zuo Shaoqing leaned in front, watching those French army jeeps, American army jeeps, or old-fashioned cars, leaving the small building one by one.Her heart was extremely heavy.She still doesn't know the current situation, and she doesn't know what kind of secrets or dangers are hidden behind the foggy situation.

A U.S. Army orderly came into her classroom and asked her to go to the McCann school office.

Zuo Shaoqing had to link this order with the case analysis just now.She was deeply suspicious.

The office of McCann School is located on the other side of the base in Cam Ranh Bay.Known as the "Green Zone," it has closed walls and gates, and tighter security.If Zuo Shaoqing has something to report to School McCann, he will call him in advance.School McCann would send his orderlies to drive to pick her up.Because the distance is really far.

The orderly also drove a car today.Zuo Shaoqing got into the jeep and went to the "Green Zone".

With a smile on his face, Principal McCann got up and asked Zuo Shaoqing to sit down first, and then sat down behind the desk.

"Dear Zuo, here's the thing. At nine o'clock tonight, the city government has a reception, and I have to attend. But, as you may know, Miss Louisa has gone back to the country for vacation. Therefore, I need a female companion."

Louisa is the secretary of McCann School, a beautiful and charming American girl with the rank of Second Lieutenant.To be honest, it's hard to imagine what kind of relationship there would be between Second Lieutenant Louisa and Colonel McCann.

Zuo Shaoqing thought for a while.She had to think a little, because this was a place she particularly wanted to be.The situation mentioned by Captain Aben, the situation mentioned by the branch chief A Liang, and the situation that Lao Huang lost contact with his superiors were intertwined in her heart, making her full of doubts.She really wanted to go to the reception of the city government to observe.But she couldn't give it away.She said softly, "Sir, I may...not have the right clothes."

This is a truth.She came from Taipei, and she did not bring a dress for the reception.

Colonel McCann nodded, with a smile on his face, "Dear Zuo, I've thought of this too. I'll send someone to send you a suitable suit. I hope you won't be picky. At least, I think it's suitable."

Zuo Shaoqing guessed that it might be Luisa's clothes.But Luisa was tall and slender, with a big bosom.Her clothes may not fit.But she just said, "Sir, then I'll be fine."

McCann nodded, "Very good. At 08:30, or less than one o'clock, I will drive to pick you up."

Zuo Shaoqing stood up, "Yes, sir, I will be ready on time."

She declined the suggestion of McCann School to send a car to take her back, and decided to walk back to the dormitory.There was plenty of time, and she wanted to think about the current situation on the way back.

When she was approaching the dormitory, she saw a young local girl standing in front of the dormitory door, holding a big cardboard box in both hands.Zuo Shaoqing recognized her as the maid of McCann School.She couldn't help smiling.In terms of time, before Principal McCann informed her that she was going to the reception that night, he had already sent his maid out.

The girl recognized her too, and smiled at her.She is also a pretty girl.McCann has always liked beautiful women.

The girl followed Zuo Shaoqing into the room, put the box on the table, and opened it.

Zuo Shaoqing glanced at the clothes in the box.The clothes in the box once again confirm that McCann proofreads women with a high appreciation taste.It was a very finely crafted local garment, the "Ao Dai".This afternoon, the waitress at the "Green Bamboo" coffee shop also wore such an "Ao Dai".

The girl gently unfolded the clothes in the box and let Zuo Shaoqing.She said: "Miss Zuo, Mr. McCann asked me to ask you first if you like this dress. If you like it, he asked me to put it on. If it is not suitable, Mr. McCann will change another one. Miss Zuo, please You try it on."

This "Ao Dai" is very beautiful, it looks soft and drapes.The clothes are pure white, with only light green grass leaves and elegant flowers on the skirt and trouser legs.

Zuo Shaoqing stroked the clothes and asked, "What kind of fabric is this?"

The girl said: "This is heavy double-wrinkled silk fabric, thicker than ordinary silk, and it is not transparent when worn. The workmanship is made by the best tailor in the city, and it is all handmade."

Zuo Shaoqing looked at her with a smile, "Whose figure was it made for?"

The girl froze for a moment, and said, "I don't know. It must not have been made according to my figure."

Zuo Shaoqing smiled and said, "Okay, I'll wash my face, and then I'll try it on."

In the bathroom, Zuo Shaoqing took off the pistol on his ankle and the dagger in his waist.She believed that the girl would report to School McCann everything she had seen.Zuo Shaoqing never wanted to let Colonel McCann know that she had such precautions.After washing her face, she came out with the gun and dagger wrapped in a towel and put it on a small table by the door.

She took off her outer clothes and put on the "Ao Dai" with the help of the girl.She took a look in the mirror, and she was indeed beautiful.This also made her a little puzzled. This "Ao Dai" was simply made according to her figure.The top wraps around the chest and waist without being loose or tight, and it really shows every detail.The hem trails straight to the foot, dangling and undulating.The waist of the trousers is not too much, and it also fits the same. It wraps the buttocks from the waist down, and the trouser legs get wider and wider, like a huge bell mouth.

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240 five, abnormal

240 Fifth, the abnormality is caused by【

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