Zuo Shaoqing was just as Liu Qiuyue guessed. 【】It has been five or six days since she came back from Xufu Lane, but she basically didn't go out.

She was very anxious.First, she didn't know how to meet Zhang Bowei.There is no doubt that as long as she goes out, the spies will follow behind her and record everyone she sees.In this way, Zhang Bowei is in danger.Second, she didn't know whether to send a signal to Gao Maolin in the guard room of the Ministry of National Defense, and what kind of signal to send.Because she currently doesn't know what measures the outside organization has taken, whether they have retreated or left it to others.She can only make a decision after seeing Zhang Bowei.

She is anxious to make a decision, and she needs to act.She couldn't go to see Zhang Bowei directly, she was going to use the opportunity of work to meet many people.She hopes to put Zhang Bo as "submerged" in these people, at least not so prominent.In her past training, this is a method of connecting with her own people, which is called the "submersion method".

From this day on, she took Liu Qiuyue to check the surveillance points she set up one by one.When she had the opportunity, she also contacted people from all walks of life to talk about various situations.She wants to know everything she can.

She went to the International Festival Club first.This is a place where foreigners gather, and some people have suspicious identities.She sat down with an American named Mace and drank a cup of coffee.During the chat, she learned that it seemed that the Soviet Union continued to increase its troops in the Far East.It was a bit strange, and it was hard for her to understand.Maybe in the future she will report this to her superiors.

After that, she went to the Provincial Postal Administration, where the situation of the postal inspection team.The three people there were all inserted by her.She called on a deputy director of the post office.It is also interesting to know that the volume of mail has increased significantly recently.

She found Liao Fengshan, known as "Xibatian" at Shuiximen.She was going to meet him before she entered Xufu Lane.

Liao Fengshan laughed haha ​​when he saw her.She came out immediately, Liao Fengshan had already heard about her.She stared at him coldly, stopping the smile on his face.

She suddenly found that the strength of the port could not be weakened, and a large amount of military supplies were transferred to barges here.She turned around and told Liu Qiuyue that the power of the port should be strengthened.

For several days, she ran like this, sometimes by car, sometimes on foot.Occasionally meet acquaintances, stop and say a few words.On the fourth night, she went to the "revolving door" entertainment hall.That's her point.As she expected, she met Zhang Bowei at the "revolving door".She didn't go over to talk to him, she just waved to him and walked over.She invited a few people to eat here.

Zhang Bowei was taken aback. "Fishbone" didn't show up for more than a month, but now he suddenly appeared, which made him a little nervous.

Zhang Bowei went to Jingye Bank the next day.When Du Ziyuan saw his expression, he knew something was wrong.

Zhang Bowei closed the door carefully, sat beside Du Ziyuan, and said in a low voice, "The 'fishbone' has appeared."

"Are you connected?"

"No. She doesn't look like she wants to talk to me, so I didn't move forward."

This situation made Du Ziyuan very unpredictable.When the superior urgently asked "Fishbone" to retreat, "Fishbone" disappeared.For more than a month, he has been in touch with the intelligence department of the North China Bureau to discuss ways to protect the safety of Comrade "Huaishu".The preliminary opinion is that another person should be assigned to be responsible for the safety of the "locust tree".But no matter who is sent, it is not as good as the position of the "fishbone".At this time, the "fishbone" appeared again.It seems that "Fishbone" is also very cautious and refuses to meet Zhang Bowei easily.

"Fishbone" going out to perform tasks?Can't get away from work?Arrested or even mutinied?Neither seemed like it.The result of his discussion with Zhang Bowei is to wait a little longer to see what the "fishbone" means.

Du Ziyuan has not been in Nanjing for a long time, less than two years, but he started working very quickly.He borrowed a small dedicated bank and established contacts with various parties in Nanjing.One of the key points of his work is to ensure the safety of Comrade "Huashu". He doesn't know who the "Sorrow Tree" is, not even Zhang Bowei, only "Fishbone" knows.And he didn't know who the "fishbone" was.Only Zhang Bowei knew.This makes him hesitate when making suggestions to his superiors or making decisions.

Du Ziyuan left Luofengling at the end of [-].At that time he was the political commissar of the Luofengling guerrilla detachment, and Wu Fengying was the commander.He was ordered to go to the division headquarters for a meeting.But as soon as he got there, he was notified and immediately reported to the Intelligence Department of the North China Bureau.As soon as he went, he was left behind.He hoped to give him a chance to go back and explain his work, but he was rejected, saying that someone was in charge of this matter.In fact, he wanted to say goodbye to Wu Fengying.He had been with this commander who was a bandit leader for several years, and secretly, he already had deep feelings for her, but he never expressed it.

By an extremely chance, he heard that the Luofengling guerrilla detachment had been reorganized and a new head and political commissar had been appointed.But Wu Fengying's whereabouts are completely unknown.

Sometimes when Du Ziyuan was alone at night, he would miss this heroic heroine and feel that he had missed the most important person in his life. This was the most regrettable thing in his heart.

He always thought that he would go to Peking, because all he had access to was information from Peking.Suddenly one day, the leader of the intelligence department informed him that he was preparing to go to Nanjing.

"News came from the East China Bureau that the party organization in Nanjing was recently informed by traitors, and this time it suffered heavy losses." The leader of the Intelligence Department explained to him, "You must strengthen the work there. Nanjing has our very important sources of intelligence. , one of your priorities is to do a good job in security."

In Jingye Bank, after Du Ziyuan sent Zhang Bowei away, he felt very anxious. If something happened to the "fishbone", this very important source of information would definitely be affected.He has been hesitating, what should he do.

The same anxiety arose in the Ministry of Defense guard room.

Gao Maolin sorted out the letters in the guard room every day, and he didn't have any free time.But he was very anxious.It's been over a month without a single safety signal.He can't act rashly without a safety signal, that's discipline.

Sometimes he would look back and see what was going on in the special inspection unit through the glass.There are three or four people in the special inspection team, checking emails every day.He saw that Liu Shouming walking up and down the room, and even wiped the small blackboard, but he never left a message on it once.

One day, he went to Director Guo's office to deliver mail.Director Guo looked up at him, his eyes full of doubts.

"Huh?" Director Guo only made a sound.

Gao Maolin understood what he meant and just shook his head at him.

"Can you," Director Guo flipped through the mail in his hand, "try to get in touch?"

"I have been there." Gao Maolin also lowered his voice, "A contact point and a backup point have been withdrawn."

Guo Chongmu, the general director of the Department of Defense Operations, codenamed "Huaishu".His anxiety was hidden in his heart.

He is in the fifth class of Whampoa and the tenth class of Lu University. He went to Japan to study military affairs and has extremely high military literacy.During the War of Resistance Against Japan, during the defense of Wuhan, as a staff officer, he urged Chen Cheng to give up the combat plan of sticking to the core and adopt active defensive operations on the periphery, which reduced losses and won the attention of senior military officials.Since then, he has served as Chief of Operations twice.On the other hand, he is the most important source of information for the Central Ministry of Social Affairs.

In the current situation, he concluded that the situation was very serious.In fact they have become isolated and have lost touch with the organization.He looked at the young man in front of him calmly, and said softly, "Xiao Gao, don't worry, everything will be fine. Go ahead and hold your breath."

Director Guo waved Gao Maolin away.They had no choice but to wait.

When Gao Maolin left the director's office, he was also thinking about it.He now has four film rolls in his hand, which have been accumulated over the past month, and he does not know when he will be able to send them out.He was out of blank film.The film he used could only be brought in from outside.He still has some information on paper, which makes him even more nervous.

The guardhouse is an open place where people come and go without any sex.He could only scatter these paper-based information in a pile of waste paper in the corner of the room, which was covered with dirt.Under normal circumstances, no one will go through it.But if someone proposes to destroy this pile of waste paper, then the information will also be destroyed.

This is loss.Thinking of this, his heart will be very painful.

Last week, he couldn't take it anymore and ventured to contact point one.

The contact point is at Confucius Temple.He took half a day off to wander around the Confucius Temple.In the past, there should have been a shoe-shining booth at the entrance of the Confucius Temple. A young man sat behind the booth and loudly solicited customers.The shoe shine booth is here, which means everything is safe.But today, the shoe shine booth is not there, which means that the superior is not prepared to receive his information today.This is in his expectation.

But he still wants to do it again.He continued to walk in.In a corner of the Confucius Temple, there used to be a cart selling small commodities. The box of the cart was covered with a piece of blue cloth, and on the blue cloth were cheap goods such as copper earrings, jade rings, pearl necklaces, etc. Small commodities such as face cream.There are several boxes on the outside of the blue cloth, and each box contains two walnuts with strange shapes.The man guarding the cart was an old man with a beard.

In the past, Gao Maolin would walk over, pick up a walnut, and when he put it down, he put down the other in his hand, and then walked away.The old man would dust it around with a feather duster, and put the box under the box.

But today, Gao Maolin went around, but he didn't see the old man with the cart.He went to the backup point again.There used to be a small shop selling tobacco and alcohol.But now the small shop has switched to selling house calligraphy and paintings.Gao Maolin was so disappointed that he could only walk back slowly.This is the result of Gao Maolin trying to contact him a week ago.

After Gao Maolin left Director Guo's office, he was deeply anxious.He didn't know what to do next.

Not long after returning to the guard room, the successor came.He packed his things and went home.

When he got home, he didn't want to eat.Sitting alone in a darkened room, thinking about the current situation.

He suddenly realized a problem.Obviously, the line on the old man Che's side has been cut off, the purpose is to prevent endangering the "locust tree".But what about yourself?The easiest way for the superiors to ensure the safety of the "locust tree" is to notify themselves to retreat.But so far no.Then, once something happens to him, it will endanger the "locust tree".

Thinking of this, Gao Maolin's heart became hard as iron.Once something happens to him, can he hold on?He sat in the dark thinking, He must hold on.

This is Gao Maolin's premonition of danger at this moment, he has a premonition.

At the same time, You Shaoqing was sitting in his office.She's working overtime, and her opponent's case has taken an interest.What she is working on is the student union case of Nanjing University.On the one hand, she secretly admitted that the case was handled beautifully; on the other hand, from the perspective of a bystander, she also realized that there was still room for further development in this case.

When Zuo Shaoqing was handling this case, he had arrested two people, but they were later released due to insufficient evidence.

You Shaoqing learned from other people's confessions that the two had a good friend before they entered Nanjing University two years ago.Known as the "Three Musketeers," the three were members of a reading group.That person's name is Gao Maolin.

What kind of person is this Gao Maolin?Where is he now?What work do you do?You Shaoqing remembered this name in his mind, hoping to find this person in other places in the future.

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