She opened the box, and there was a passport inside, which was essential for the future.A gun, and two clips, which are also essential in the future.At the bottom are two stacks of money.Lao Huang told her that she must keep some money in her hand, which can be used in case of accidents.The money was also left to her by Lao Huang.She took everything out, put the wooden box back under the floorboards, and fastened the floorboards carefully.

She picked up everything, went to the bed and sat down.She first picked up the pistol, unbolted the bolt to check it, inserted the clip, put the cap on, and closed the safety.This is her favorite and most trusted Colt m1911 pistol, powerful.With the gun in hand, she felt her confidence return.

On her passport, her name is He Fengzhi.The photo is not her, but a woman who looks very similar to her, and the difference between them can be seen only by careful identification.Now she still had some money, two hundred dollars and three hundred francs, all in change.Both currencies are accepted in this country.

Now, she cannot leave the house.Neighbors would be surprised to see her and even report it to the police.She decided to sleep.She hasn't slept well for two nights.At this time, she felt tired all over and couldn't open her eyes.

She lifted part of the cloth sheet covering the bed, put the money and passport under the pillow, held the gun in her hand, sandwiched between her legs, and lay down on the bed sideways.After a few minutes, she fell asleep. [

She didn't know that at this time near the Jin Ran Bay base, the sky was about to turn upside down.The police and army set up checkpoints on the road to check the passing pedestrians.More police officers searched the streets and alleys. When they saw a woman with long hair, they stopped for questioning, trying to find a Chinese woman who was at large.

Another thing is that Dr. Mei, who was rescued by Zuo Shaoqing in the clinic, finally did not escape.When the police entered her room to check, the wounds on her face and body aroused the suspicion of the police.Both she and the two men in that house were arrested.Dr. Mei has since disappeared.Later, Du Ziyuan sent people here to search for her many times, but they couldn't find her.Some say she was extradited to Taiwan, others say she was secretly killed.Later, when Zuo Shaoqing heard the news, he could only sigh secretly in his heart.

At this time, Metz was not idle either.On the one hand, he kept in touch with Ye Gongjin in Taipei through his own radio station.On the other hand, he informed the "Water Hyacinth" lurking in the mainland about what happened here.His order to "Water Hyacinth" is: This person must be cleaned up!

At dusk that day, Zuo Shaoqing finally woke up.This time, she barely turned over.Now she feels much more sober.But the feeling of hunger and thirst made her restless.She went into the bathroom and turned on the faucet, but all that came out was cloudy yellow water.She had to give up.

She sat in the front and watched the movement outside through the gap in the curtain.There was nothing she could do now but wait.

It wasn't until ten o'clock at night that the alley outside gradually quieted down.Zuo Shaoqing took all his things, left the small building with a loud sound, and walked outside along the narrow alley.

As soon as she stepped out of the street, she felt her stomach twitching and making noises, and she already smelled an extremely tempting fragrance.

At the corner of the street, there is a small square table with a few small stools beside the table and a pot on the stove beside it.A middle-aged woman was busy with a load of dishes and food.This is a food stall selling snail noodles.

Zuo Shaoqing couldn't resist the hunger, so he sat down at the small table with his back to the wall.She knew that there were pistols and daggers stuck in her lower back, and she didn't want others to see the protrusion of her lower back.The busy middle-aged woman smiled kindly at her.Zuo Shaoqing glanced at the passers-by on the street, and then said softly, "Sister-in-law, please make me a bowl of rice noodles."

The middle-aged woman nodded and began to get busy.She grabbed a handful of snow-white vermicelli made of rice from the basin, put them in a pot of boiling water, and then put various seasonings in a large bowl.Then I took a large spoonful of snail soup from another pot and poured it into a bowl.At this time, the pot for boiling rice noodles has been opened.She scooped the rice noodles into a bowl with a strainer, sprinkled some chopped green onion on top, picked out some snail meat with a bamboo stick and put them in the bowl, and then brought it to Zuo Shaoqing.

Zuo Shaoqing could already smell the aroma wafting from that bowl.She grabbed the chopsticks, picked up the rice noodles and put them into her mouth.Damn!The rice noodles were luscious and spicy, and they slid directly from her mouth into her stomach.She had a very admiring smile on her face.She said, "Sister-in-law, please make me two more spring rolls."

The middle-aged woman also smiled all over her face, nodding to her again and again.She took out two sheets of thin rice noodle skins from the bamboo basket, put them on the chopping board in front of her, and then put stuffing made of bean sprouts, rice vermicelli, shredded fish, dried shrimps and shallots on them, carefully Wrap it up and fry it in a pan.While it was frying, she started making a delicious dip in a dish with fish sauce, chilli paste and rice vinegar.The spring rolls were fried.She wrapped the spring rolls with lettuce leaves, put them on a plate, and brought them to Zuo Shaoqing.

Zuo Shaoqing picked up a spring roll and took a bite, oh my god!The spring rolls are spicy, crispy and tender, making her mouth water.She couldn't help closing her eyes, enjoying the feeling of the hot spring roll sliding into her hungry stomach.

When Zuo Shaoqing was eating delicious rice noodles and spring rolls, he couldn't help but think of how many years ago, she and her sister sat in front of the food stalls in Xinjiekou, Nanjing, eating all kinds of delicious snacks.The younger sister is scrambling to grab the old duck meat in her bowl.That scene seemed to be right in front of my eyes.Now here she is, on the run.But my sister, I don't know where she is.Zuo Shaoqing couldn't help but sigh in his heart at this moment.

She finished her snack and paid for it.The middle-aged woman thanked her repeatedly.But she wasn't full.She can't eat too much at once, for fear of attracting attention from others.When she is going to meet the next food stall, it is best to eat another big meat dumpling.It is also a very famous local snack, made entirely of meat.In the next few days, she may not have food to eat in the mountains, so she needs to stock up now.

Zuo Shaoqing left the food stall and walked slowly along the side street.She bought a light brown backpack in a store and bought some clothes in a clothing store.The occupation on her passport is a company accountant, and the clothes she buys must conform to this status.She also bought some underwear.It is a very serious matter for a woman not to change her underwear. It will make a woman feel bad, and a bad mood will bring disaster.She also bought matches and a lighter, a pair of rubber-soled shoes, a flashlight, a toy compass, several different maps, and a wide-brimmed sun hat, also light brown.She also bought some medicines, including trauma medicine.In the mountains, she could get sick or hurt, and she had to be prepared.In the end, she bought a large bag of crispy rice as dry food in the mountains.In her heart, this pack of crispy rice is a backup.

She returned to the small building.She hid in an empty bathroom, looking at a map with a flashlight.

The address that Dr. Mei wrote to her was not in Da Lat Mountain, but in a small village called "Wa Zhu Liao" in the south of Da Lat Mountain.She knew that to cross the border she had to cross the Da Lat Mountains.But at this time, there must be troops searching near Da Lat Mountain.She went to the south of Da Lat Mountain first, which was relatively safer.

But how could she get to that small village?There is no other way, she must have a car.But she couldn't think of a way to get a car, so she could only act with the camera. [

Four o'clock in the morning is the quietest and darkest time of night.

Zuo Shaoqing was finally ready and quietly left the small building where she was hiding.She understood that she couldn't wait any longer and had to leave as soon as possible.Now is the best time.

The small street was as deadly quiet, passing her by like Feng Shui at night.Her rubber-soled shoes clattered across the stone-paved streets.As for how to get to that small village and what would happen on the way, she could only play by ear.

Residents have already fallen asleep.Zuo Shaoqing walked under the shade of a tree by the wall, carefully observing the movement around him.

At dawn, she stopped against the cold stone wall.A dilapidated delivery truck loomed like a monster in the shadows by the side of the road.This doesn't seem like a place to park your car.She judged that the driver might have breakfast at a roadside snack bar.She hid behind the corner and waited quietly.

Ten minutes later, she saw a fat middle-aged man, wiping his mouth, staggering out of a small shop on the street.Coughing loudly, he walked over to the battered delivery truck.

The driver got into the car and started the car in an instant.After a rumbling roar, the car trembled forward.

While driving the car, the fat driver wriggled his tongue, stuck his fingers into his mouth from time to time, picked the residue between his teeth, and spat it out of the car.He noticed that there seemed to be something strange on the other side.He turned his head, and immediately saw a black head emerging from the car door on the right.Then, a large pistol was thrust into the car and pointed directly at his temple.

Fear always follows fright.Faced with such a big black pistol, anyone would be scared out of their wits.The driver screamed, leaned against the car door beside him, and raised his hand in fear.

Zuo Shaoqing roared, "Stand aside! Stop!"

The out-of-control car was crashing into a tall coconut tree on the side of the road.The fat driver clutched the steering wheel shivering, feeling the icy chill on his temples.He finally brought the car to a shuddering stop on the side of the road.

Zuo Shaoqing got into the car, still pointing the gun at the driver.She asked, "Do you understand me?"

The driver nodded hurriedly, "Yes, yes, don't kill me, I... I will get off."

"Sit down and don't move!" Zuo Shaoqing ordered, his fierce eyes piercing the fat driver's face like a knife.She took out the map from her pocket, and pointed it to the driver in the morning light that was gradually brightening outside, "Do you understand it?"

The driver nodded repeatedly, "Yes, yes."

Zuo Shaoqing pointed at the map with the gun barrel, "You have to go along this road. You must go along this road! No parking in the middle! Do you understand? No parking in the middle! Pass here, go here, and finally arrive at Baishizhen. Do you understand? Speak!" she roared.

The fat driver nodded repeatedly, "Yes, yes, I will, I will."

Zuo Shaoqing continued to stare at him, as if deciding whether to believe his words.

38 Wanghai Pavilion)

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