Double Agent Saga

279: secret code

After hearing the boy's simple narration, Qin Donghai's heart was churning, and he was even panicked.Although he was not sure, the sensitivity developed by the intelligence profession made him feel that this situation was extremely important.

The small market town looked extremely quiet in such a dark night.It was dark all around, and the bamboo groves and coconut trees by the roadside swayed in the breeze.There seemed to be a dog barking in the distance.

Qin Donghai was apprehensive and gradually couldn't sit still.He got up and said, "Pack up your things, we have to leave immediately."

Long Jinyun looked at him in astonishment, "Where are we going?"

"Go to Saigon. The situation here must be reported to Lao Du as soon as possible." [

The truck was back on the narrow road, speeding between the dark hills.

At three o'clock in the morning, the truck drove into the old city of Saigon and stopped beside a narrow street.Qin Donghai asked Long Jinyun and Azhu to wait in the car, and he quickly disappeared into the dark alley.

He went to a secret contact station in Saigon, which had a radio station.

He followed a thin middle-aged man into the attic.While the middle-aged man was preparing for the radio station, he sat in the corner drafting telegrams.This is a specially encrypted draft.The content of the telegram is roughly as follows:

"Read 2629. We waited for the southward trip to obtain the following information: [-]. The left side of the base retreated for unknown reasons, and was closely searched by the military and police. [-]. The entire Mei group was lost for unknown reasons. Mei and others are now whereabouts unknown. [-]. Mei was arrested Before the arrest, a woman was asked to cross the border and return to the country immediately. It seems that she brought back something very important. I judge that the woman may be the left of the base, and the things she brought may be related to Ruan's death. Fourth, the three of us have been arrested by the local US intelligence agency and SAARC has learned that there is a suspected internal leak. I request the next step and wait for it.”

After the telegram was sent, the thin middle-aged man worried that the radio station would be monitored and asked to turn it off.

Qin Donghai stared at him sternly and said, "No! I have to wait for a call back!"

Half an hour later, Du Ziyuan was woken up by a correspondent from the Guangxi Investigation Bureau, who told him that there was a telegram from the bureau to him, which was a secret message.Du Ziyuan realized that there might be an important situation, so he hurried to the investigation bureau with the correspondent.In the confidential room of the Bureau of Investigation, a confidential officer asked him to sign the receipt book, and then handed him a telegram.

Du Ziyuan took out his code book and translated them one by one.After the translation, he also understood.

The situation in the telegram made the hairs all over his body stand on end, as if he was suddenly immersed in cold water, making him tremble all over.The situation mentioned in the telegram was far more serious than he had imagined.

His trip to the south was strictly kept secret in the investigation department.But it was controlled by the Americans, and even people in SAARC knew about it.The situation terrified him.There was no doubt that the secret had leaked from the Ministry, and his future whereabouts were almost secure.What frightened him even more was that he dared not even tell anyone about the situation.

"Water hyacinth"!This was the thought that immediately popped up in Du Ziyuan's mind.This "water hyacinth" is hidden in the investigation department, and it is even possible to know all his actions.Thinking of this, Du Ziyuan really shuddered.

The loss of the Mei organization in Cam Ranh Bay was another thing that shocked him.This is no longer a question of traffic disruption.He vaguely realized that the loss of Mei's organization might even be a part of Ruan Qibo's assassination, which was a special precautionary measure.prevent what?To prevent Ruan Qibo's assassination from being detected or mastered by the Mei organization?That might be the case, he felt.Then, he can further judge that the loss of the Mei organization may also be related to the "water hyacinth".It may even be an integral part of this assassination operation.

Du Ziyuan felt cold sweat streaming down his forehead.If his judgment is correct, then the assassination of the Americans can really be said to be extremely well planned.Everything is aimed at destroying Sino-Soviet relations?In order to sabotage China's acquisition of the technology to manufacture atomic weapons?Du Ziyuan couldn't help thinking, this is very likely to be the case!

Therefore, another more important situation is the retreat of the "left side of the base", which is being closely searched by the local military and police.He felt that Qin Donghai's judgment was correct, and the retreat of the "left of the base" was most likely related to Ruan Qibo's assassination!

"Crossing the border"!The word in the telegram made him nervous.He immediately found a map of the Indochina Peninsula and carefully looked at the borders of Vietnam, Cambodia and their surrounding countries.He understood that Cambodia was almost the only way out for Zuo Shaoqing who had infiltrated the base to flee Vietnam and return to China.And Cambodia has only one way out, which is to take the train to Bangkok.

I believe the officials must understand that Du Ziyuan knew that the "left of the base" was Zuo Shaoqing, but he didn't know that Zuo Shaoqing was Zuo Shaoqing from Nanjing.Because Zuo Shaoqing went to Cam Ranh Bay from Taipei and was in charge of training local intelligence officers as an entourage of the US military advisory group, he must have changed his name and resume.This is a common practice for intelligence personnel on new missions.In this story, she is still called "Zuo Shaoqing" only for the readers to read smoothly.Therefore, although Du Ziyuan had received a report about Zuo Shaoqing from the Mei organization, he did not know that she was Wu Fengying back then.The story between them will be narrated slowly below.

At this time, Director Gao of the Guangxi Bureau of Investigation had been sitting opposite Du Ziyuan.He could already see from Du Ziyuan's face that the situation in the telegram was extremely serious.He asked, "Old Du, what can we do?"

Du Ziyuan stared at him sternly, as if staring at a stranger.After thinking for a while, he said: "Old Gao, there are two things. First, make arrangements for me. I'm going to fly to Hong Kong. Second, I can't tell anyone about me, not even the Ministry." Li! The mission that I am entrusted with is now a critical moment, and I hope you must understand this!" [

Director Gao also looked at him seriously, with doubts hidden in his eyes.He knew that Du Ziyuan, as the deputy director of the Second Bureau of the Investigation Department, went abroad to Hong Kong alone. This was a major event and he should report it to the Ministry.But seeing Du Ziyuan's face, he also knew that there must be something extremely serious.He thought about it for a while, and finally nodded to Du Ziyuan.

Du Ziyuan almost gritted his teeth and said, "Old Gao, thank you for your understanding."

Then, Du Ziyuan urgently drafted a call back and encrypted it. The message was as follows: "4440, go to Phnom Penh Railway Station and meet me." He and Director Gao went to the confidential room of the investigation bureau, watched the operator send the telegram, and Confirm that the other party has received it, and then turn around and prepare to leave.Now, the doubts in his heart were as heavy as a mountain, and he didn't even dare to tell Director Gao that he was going to fly from Hong Kong to Phnom Penh.

Danger is imminent!It's about national security!This is what he thinks at this moment.

At this time, Qin Donghai, who was waiting anxiously in a small attic in Saigon, finally received the telegram.After he understood Du Ziyuan's instructions, he stood up immediately.He turned back to the middle-aged man with a puzzled face and said: "Notify your team leader, all members will transfer immediately, change their identities, change their residences and occupations. This is an urgent order!"

Qin Donghai left the small attic and ran in the dark alley.Although it was before dawn, the coolest time of the day, he was still sweating profusely.

Although Lao Du's telegram was very brief, he knew that Lao Du must agree with him that Zuo Shaoqing of the "left of the base" had most likely fled to Cambodia and would leave from the Phnom Penh train station.Most importantly, Zuo Shaoqing's escape was most likely related to Ruan Qibo's assassination.If this is the case, Zuo Shaoqing will be the key to finding out the cause of Ruan Qibo's death.

The reason why Qin Donghai ran at this time was because he knew that Zuo Shaoqing had escaped from Jinlan Bay for four or five days.He was worried about whether he could catch up with her in Phnom Penh.

Qin Donghai returned to the truck without explaining anything, and drove the truck away from Saigon and headed west.

They were lucky that during that period, both North Vietnam and South Vietnam regarded Laos and Cambodia as their territories.Therefore, there are no checkpoints on the border between Vietnam, Laos and Vietnam, and people on both sides of the border can move freely.

At noon on this day, Qin Donghai drove across the border and entered Cambodia.At night, they finally arrived in Phnom Penh, the capital of Cambodia, and stopped at the corner in front of the Phnom Penh Railway Station.

All they can do now is wait.

Phnom Penh Railway Station is a very small railway station, a two-story building is the station.Several lights were lit in front of the building, illuminating the small station square.The square is surrounded by low and dilapidated houses, interspersed with several winding and narrow streets.Some pedestrians and residents sat on the square in front of the station to enjoy the shade, shaking cattail fans and laughing loudly.A few peddlers selling cigarettes and melon seeds walked around among the crowd enjoying the shade.

Qin Donghai's truck was parked in the shadow beside this small square.They dare not sit in the cab for fear of attracting attention.They all got into the truck bed and sat on tall cotton bales in the dark.Qin Donghai and Long Jinyun sat side by side, looking out through the small opening in the tarpaulin.Ah Zhu was lying in the corner, already asleep.

"Lao Du is coming tonight?" Long Jinyun asked in a low voice.

"Yes." Qin Donghai gritted his teeth, enduring the extreme sleepiness.

"How did he come? He also drove here?"

"I don't know. It wasn't in the telegram."

"Why do we come to Phnom Penh?"

But she didn't hear Qin Donghai's answer.She looked back, and found that Qin Donghai had lowered his head, and his body was gradually tilted to one side, and he was about to fall down.She held his shoulders and knew he was asleep.

At this time, Long Jinyun felt an indescribable subtle feeling in his heart, which made people feel distressed and worried.In the past few days, he has hardly slept, and has been driving a truck for long distances.She had offered to take turns driving with him.But he didn't agree, saying that if he drove, the speed would be faster.Now, he finally couldn't resist the fatigue of continuous days.

Holding him by the shoulders, she let him fall slowly, resting his head on her lap.She experienced for the first time what it felt like to have a man's head on her lap.This is a man she once hated very much. [

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