Double Agent Saga

29. Ask about injury

When Zuo Shaoqing and Cheng Yunfa showed up in Bo'ai Hospital with their people, all the staff in the hospital understood that the spies were here. 【】Medical staff and office workers are feeling nervous.

Zuo Shaoqing and Cheng Yunfa went to the hospital office first and informed the director that they were performing tasks in the hospital, and hoped that the hospital would cooperate and not make inappropriate actions.

The dean is an old gray-haired doctor. He doesn't know what happened in the hospital. He just hopes that the hospital will be safe and well, and that it will be fine to serve the patients well.He specifically asked Zuo Shaoqing not to hurt his patients.He thinks women have more empathy.

Zuo Shaoqing changed into a white coat, followed several doctors, and inspected each ward.She wants to understand the situation of each ward, and also understands all the conditions of this hospital.

When she entered Ward No. [-] and [-], she observed more carefully.There are three beds in the ward, two of which have patients.On the hospital bed in the room was a very old man, skinny and skinny, staring at everything in the room with half-closed eyes.Beside the old man is a young woman who is constantly busy wiping his face and feeding him water.

The hospital bed near the mouth was the patient she was looking for.More precisely, a wounded person.It was immediately known that his injuries were serious, and his head was wrapped in thick gauze, only his eyes and mouth were exposed.He lay motionless, barely breathing.A saline bottle was hanging over his bed, giving him fluids.

The doctor stood by his side the longest.They carefully checked his pulse and temperature, and checked the indicators in the paper clip.

Zuo Shaoqing could hear from the doctor's whispered conversation that the wounded man's condition was very critical, and surgery must be performed as soon as possible, otherwise, it might be very dangerous.

A doctor walked up to Zuo Shaoqing, stared at her, and said after a while: "Madam, I know he is the person you are looking for. I don't know what you want, and I don't care. I just want to do my best." A doctor's duty, if he doesn't perform an operation immediately and moves casually, he will die soon. I hope you can understand what I mean." After the doctor finished speaking, he looked at Zuo Shaoqing with a heavy expression.

"What will happen when he has surgery?" Zuo Shaoqing asked a key question.

The doctor looked back at the patient, as if estimating something.He turned back and said: "To be honest, I don't know what will happen on the operating table, but I will definitely do my duty as a doctor and I will try my best."

Zuo Shaoqing nodded, "I will wait until your surgery is over." This was the second signal she sent.

From this morning until now, she has been doing her best.She arranged special agents at the gate of the hospital.She told Ye Gongjin that the wounded needed immediate surgery.She is now telling this doctor, I will wait until your surgery is over.They are all quietly exerting influence, hoping that there will be better results.

She didn't know who this doctor was, but there must be someone of her own in the hospital, otherwise the wounded would not have been placed in this hospital.Her words will definitely reach the ears of her own people.She hopes they will take the necessary action in this limited time.

When Zuo Shaoqing was talking to the doctor, she kept paying attention to the young woman who was guarding the patient from the corner of her eyes.This young woman surprised her.Ordinary people, in such a situation, would pay attention to the strangers in the room, and would eavesdrop on the conversations of the doctors.Everyone has curiosity, but this woman didn't.She has been attentively caring for the dying old man.

As she focused on the young woman, a question popped into her mind.She turned to the doctor beside her, "Let me ask, who will take care of the wounded?"

The doctor looked back at her, as if he hadn't expected such a problem.He thought for a while and said, "Our nurse will take care of him." He pointed to the female nurse in the next bed, "If there is any problem, she will also inform us."

The nurse looked up and nodded.What Zuo Shaoqing saw in her eyes was vigilance.From the eyes of the young woman, she could already determine who she was.

Zuo Shaoqing followed the doctors out of the ward.She was a little uneasy.Uncertainty always made her uneasy.

She turned around and went back to door No. [-] and [-], and glanced in through the glass on the door, just in time to see the female nurse taking the pulse of the wounded beside her, and then rolled the wounded's eyelids.Her movements are skilled and swift.

Zuo Shaoqing left the door, followed the doctor, and continued walking.At the corner of the corridor, she waved to Lu Cheng, called him to her, and said in a low voice, "There is a female nurse in Ward No. [-] and [-]. Be quiet and don't let her notice. Follow her. Who met. Find out and let me know."

Lu Cheng nodded, "Yes, I will." He quietly left.

Zuo Shaoqing continued to check the ward with the doctor.She found that in Ward No. [-], there was also a person with a head injury, who was also wrapped in thick gauze, talking with his family members sitting by the bed.There seemed to be a gust of wind blowing through Zuo Shaoqing's mind, and she had already vaguely had a preliminary idea in her heart.

The officials all guessed that she wanted to replace the wounded in ward [-] with the wounded in ward [-].However, things in the world are not so simple and easy.

Zuo Shaoqing went downstairs to join Cheng Yunfa.Cheng Yunfa told her that he had checked the front and rear doors of the hospital, checked the left and right adjacent units, and had deployed people in all key positions.He believes that no one can escape from here.

They are actually waiting now, waiting for the operation to be completed in the afternoon, and then make a decision.

In the corridor on the third floor, Lu Cheng leaned against the door at the end of the corridor, folded his hands on his chest, silently watching the people passing by in the corridor.Everyone knew that a spy had come to the hospital, and everyone knew that he was a spy.So he doesn't care about the expressions of others when they walk past him.He only paid attention to the door of Ward No. [-] and [-].

He had seen the young woman in and out several times, and had recognized her face and dress.He just wanted to know where she was going.

Before long, he told that the woman was leaving.

When she walked out of the ward again, she had already changed into another piece of clothing, and she was still holding a cloth bag with a wooden handle in her hand.She closed the door of the ward and walked away quietly.

Lu Cheng watched her disappear at the top of the stairs, then left and walked to the top of the stairs.He went down the stairs and saw the woman walking down the stairs without haste.He raised his head, looked out through the opening of the stairwell, saw Chen Sanhu standing at the gate of the hospital, and waved to him.Chen Sanhu also saw him, and pulled down the brim of his hat to show that he had arrived.Lu Cheng pointed down.Chen Sanhu looked this way for a while, then pulled down the brim of his hat again, turned and walked out of the gate.

Lu Cheng looked down from the door, just in time to see the woman walking out of the building and walking towards the gate.

Lu Cheng also went downstairs. After walking out of the building, he didn't immediately chase out of the hospital.He first went to the car parked in the corner, where he changed into a set of old clothes, looking like a street clerk.He took another piece of clothing and put it on his shoulders before leaving the car and walking towards the gate of the hospital.

When he walked out of the gate, he immediately saw Chen Sanhu walking slowly in front of him.He was a little strange, but soon understood.After the woman walked out of the gate, she must have stood outside the gate and waited for someone to come out of the gate.If so, she would have miscalculated, because at this time, Chen Sanhu was already waiting for her outside the door.

The first time the young master took him and the other two brothers out to follow him, he gave up within 10 minutes.She took them to a secluded alley, and slapped him with a wave of her hand, saying that's how you followed him!Even a blind man will spot you!Are your clothes right?Just thinking about getting dressed?Why do you stare at that person when he looks back?Are you warning him?Have you not thought about what you will do when he turns back?Go back, start tomorrow, everyone relearns how to track!

Learning to track starts with clothing.The inner and outer clothes should be completely different so that they can be changed at any time to adapt to the environment on the street.Wear a soft hat so that it can be carried in your arms at any time.The young master repeatedly explained the method of single-person tracking, the method of double-person tracking, and the method of three-person tracking, and the benefits of each.Keep reminding everyone that during the tracking process, we must constantly consider the following issues according to the surrounding environment: what to do if the target turns around, what to do when the target stops, and what to do when the target suddenly accelerates.You have to think about these questions all the time so that you know what to do when a situation arises.

Lu Cheng knew that the training during this period was extremely effective.The second group's subsequent follow-up has been rarely discovered or even thrown away.

Lu Cheng continued to walk forward.When he passed by Chen Sanhu, he handed him the coat in his hand, then crossed the street and walked to the opposite side.He quickened his pace, watching the young woman across the street out of the corner of his eye.He immediately recognized that the young woman had extensive anti-stalking experience.She stops occasionally, at the cabinets or advertisements on the side of the street.He knew it was looking behind him.

Lu Cheng went to the young woman to cross the intersection and continue walking forward.There is a long way ahead without a fork in the road.So Lu Cheng speeded up and walked straight forward, like a person in a hurry.After walking a long way, he walked into a store and looked outside while looking at the merchandise on the shelves.But he never saw the young woman come up.He's a little weird.He walked out of the shop, and as soon as he stretched out his head, he saw that the young woman had crossed the street and came to him at some point.Fortunately, he was prepared, so he simply went out and walked towards the young woman, looking in a hurry.

Seeing that Chen Sanhu was still across the street, Lu Cheng had already put on that coat at some point and was speeding up to catch up.It has reached a position parallel to that of young women.Lu Cheng knew that he could no longer go forward, and the young woman might have remembered his appearance.He hid behind a tree and watched the young woman still walking ahead.Chen Sanhu has already overtaken and walked to the front.Lu Cheng took off his coat, took out a soft felt hat and put it on his head, and followed behind the young woman.

Half an hour later, they found that they had reached an alley of old bungalows.There are very few pedestrians here.This is more troublesome.When there are many pedestrians, it doesn't matter if you follow the target closely.But it will not work in places with few pedestrians. Although the distance is very far, the target may still find you.Another problem is that Chen Sanhu is no longer fit to go forward, his clothes are not suitable, too clean.Lu Cheng could only walk ahead by himself.

Seeing a scooter parked by the side of the road, he turned his head and gestured to Chen Sanhu, picked up the scooter and left.If someone came out to shout, Chen Sanhu would help him deal with it.

The young woman slowed down and began to look back and forth.There was no one in the alley, only a man pulling a cart.No one will follow people with a cart.She stopped and looked at the man pulling the scooter, who just walked with his head down.She knocked on the door, it opened and she walked in.But still looking back at the one pulling the cart.The man pulling the cart continued on and passed.The young woman then locked the door with confidence and went upstairs.

Lu Cheng had already memorized that door, and judged that it must be a contact point of the underground party.His heart was full of respect, no one was wiser than the young master.

The young women went upstairs.She was tired, and her nerves were tense all the way.She suspected that she was being followed, but she never found out.She scooped up a bowl of water in the water tank and drank it in one gulp, which made her feel better.

Du Ziyuan came over and looked at her attentively.

"The hospital is full of spies," she said.

"How about the wounded?" Du Ziyuan asked.

"The operation must be done as soon as possible, otherwise it will be too dangerous. His condition is very bad, his heartbeat is slow, and his response to light is slow. I heard from the doctor that his blood pressure is very low." The young woman also mentioned several indicators. Obviously she is a expert.

"Are the secret agents taking him away?" Du Ziyuan asked with concern.

"I heard from the female agent that she seemed to be the leader. She said she would wait until after the operation."

"I want to take him away tonight," Du Ziyuan gritted his teeth, "after the operation, of course."

"He just had an operation, it's dangerous." The young woman stared at him with surprise in her eyes.

"There is no other way but this is the only way." He thought for a while, "I hope the secret agents can keep him overnight."

"The hospital is full of spies, how do you take him away?"

"We're figuring it out. You go back after you take a break and bring our thoughts back."

The young woman did not speak again, but the expression on her face was very disturbed.

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