Double Agent Saga

291、Water escape

Zuo Shaoqing kicked open the small door that hides vitality.Inside are narrow stairs that can go up or down.She wants to go up.She rushed to the end of the stairs in a few steps.Above her head, there is a square cover, which is locked.

She was not polite, and kicked the cover away with a kick.Sunlight, wrapped in dust, slashed into this dark hole like a knife.Zuo Shaoqing jumped up, straight out of the hole, and stood on the roof of the building baked by the dazzling sun.

Her first thing was to rush to the edge of the building and look as far south as she could.She looked across a wasteland, and a jagged grove.Through the sparse branches, she vaguely saw a car passing by.She rejoiced in her heart that the road was still there, and the cars on the road were still driving.Then, her escape plan can be implemented smoothly.

At this time, the wind was blowing from the south, gently brushing past Zuo Shaoqing's body, making her feel comfortable.The warm sunshine is so comfortable on the body.She enjoyed the comfort happily.

She heard, from the entrance of the cell downstairs, the shouts and whistles of the male prisoners, and the sound of the aluminum lunch box hitting the iron railing.Only then did she realize that she was standing naked on the roof of the building at this time. [

She put on the clothes one by one and tied the belt tightly.She walked to the huge iron tank, patted its huge and heavy body, and looked again at the bracket welded with angle iron under the iron tank.

Only at this time did she clearly realize that everything was under her control.

Zuo Shaoqing bent down and lifted a heavy cement block from the ground.A few days ago, she and the female prisoners set up a cauldron on these concrete blocks to melt the asphalt.She asked Mosuo to boil the asphalt, and Mosuo gave her a grateful smile.Today, Mosuo screamed at her: "I'm full! I'm full!" Her fingers quietly pointed her in the direction of escape.

Zuo Shaoqing lifted the heavy cement block, raised it high, and smashed it hard against an angle iron on the support.

This blow caused the tin can and bracket to make a huge roar unexpectedly.The angle iron that was hit vibrated like a piano string, making a buzzing sound.Immediately afterwards, it bent like noodles in the blink of an eye, and the accompanying creaking and roaring sounds were so terrifying that even the daring Zuo Shaoqing backed away in fright.The huge iron tank hummed and began to tilt to one side, and the steel support also made a louder and more terrifying creaking sound.

Then, there was a loud bang, and the huge iron tank fell heavily and hit the roof of the building, shaking the whole building.A huge wave gushed out of the iron tank and rushed downstairs.

Zuo Shaoqing heard the huge sound of water crashing against the shore and the rumbling sound from downstairs, as if the land was falling apart.She stretched out her head to look downstairs in horror. The huge waves had disappeared, and the muddy water was flowing in all directions.A big hole has been punched into the seemingly solid wall.The hole was big enough to drive a car through.

Zuo Shaoqing threw his clogs downstairs.She turned over and climbed to the outside of the building, stood on the platform on the second floor, and then jumped down.

She picked up the clogs on the ground, waded through the muddy water, drilled out of the big hole, and ran out into the wasteland and woods.She ran all the way to the road.

More inmates in the prison shouted.The scene in front of them shocked them, but also made them extremely excited. The whole prison was filled with high-pitched shouts.The prisoners later told the police that the woman toppled the tin can like a mountain, and the torrent-like waves punched a big hole in the wall.The woman flew out of the fence and out onto the road, into a truck going west, and was never seen again.

That night, Zuo Shaoqing jumped off the truck along the railway line and jumped onto the westbound train.

Speaking of it, this is legendary, but it is nothing unusual.The only railway in Cambodia is a seriously aging railway that has never been properly maintained and repaired.As the train passed, its rails twisted like wicker, and the ties jumped up and down like piano keys.The average speed of the train is only more than [-] kilometers per hour, and at the slowest time, it can only travel [-] kilometers per hour.Therefore, Zuo Shaoqing jumping on the train is just like jumping on a moving bicycle.

However, because of this, Zuo Shaoqing did not go to Bangkok.She dare not go.She worried that her pursuers would drive after her like a bicycle.She complained, but the train was too slow.

In hindsight, Zuo Shaoqing was able to escape successfully, thanks to Du Ziyuan who detained Pan Qiwu, Mei Si and Jiang Shanyan in the Phnom Penh Hotel like prisoners.Otherwise, once Pan Qiwu got the news, the car he sent would soon catch up with the train.

From around six o'clock in the afternoon, Zuo Shaoqing jumped on the train, and at ten o'clock the next morning, when both Du Ziyuan and Pan Qiwu learned that Zuo Shaoqing had escaped from prison, Zuo Shaoqing had just arrived in Poipet, a border city in Cambodia. .Zuo Shaoqing started from here and walked north.

Later, Zuo Shaoqing told Du Ziyuan that she was begging all the way.Fortunately, people in countries such as Thailand, Myanmar, and Cambodia believe in Buddhism and are willing to give.As long as you stand at the door of any house and put your hands together, you can have a full meal.You can get other alms if you wish.

One day at the end of April, Zuo Shaoqing finally arrived in Nanjing after all the hardships.

However, her doom is clearly not over yet.In order to welcome May [-]st International Labor Day, the Nanjing Municipal Public Security Bureau pulled nets at railway stations and long-distance bus stations to collect homeless people, including those who behaved suspiciously.

For this reason, Zuo Shaoqing was also taken in by the Nanjing Municipal Public Security Bureau, and was temporarily detained in the detention center of the Xiaguan Sub-bureau.Zuo Shaoqing never thought that she would meet another disaster star here.In the first section of the first volume of this book, the dismissed PLA company commander is called Hu Guanglin. [

These are later stories.Let me describe it slowly.

Zuo Shaoqing got off the train in Poipet, a border city in Cambodia. While trekking in the mountains, another person who encountered disaster was Long Jinyun.

That night, in the small hotel room where Du Ziyuan lived, Long Jinyun finally had time to report to Du Ziyuan what had happened in the past few days.She noticed that Qin Donghai was also sitting at the table, taking notes quickly, as if he wanted to record every word she said.She really hoped to see a little concern in Qin Donghai's eyes, but no.He kept his head down to take notes.This made her feel a little disappointed and uneasy.

At this time, Long Jinyun sorted out her thoughts and began to report her whole process in the past few days.She set off from the laundry that morning and arrived at the Phnom Penh prison.In the prison, she accidentally saw Zuo Shaoqing.She also told Zuo Shaoqing to wait for rescue.She thought Du Ziyuan would ask more detailed questions in this paragraph.But Du Ziyuan didn't ask anything, just let her continue to talk in detail.Afterwards, she began to talk about the procedure and process of checking Zuo Shaoqing's backpack on the truck. She said, "Old Du, I searched seriously, but found nothing."

Only then did she realize that Du Ziyuan's face was stern, and he was staring at her with gloomy eyes, as if he wanted to see some flaws in her face.This feeling gradually made her panic.

After she finished explaining the process of being caught by Jiang Shanyan and being carefully searched, she whispered: "Old Du, this is the whole process, I'm done."

It was very quiet in the small room, and the dim light shone on them silently.Qin Donghai held a pen in his hand and looked at Du Ziyuan carefully.Du Ziyuan sat at the table silently.He didn't even look up at Long Jinyun again, just remained silent.

After a long time, Du Ziyuan still lowered his eyes and said softly: "Okay, let's start again, and you go through the whole process again."

Long Jinyun looked at him incomprehensibly.She didn't understand why she had to repeat the whole process again. Did she not explain something clearly?She looked at Du Ziyuan in surprise.

But Qin Donghai, who was sitting next to him, was already pale with fright.He understood that it was no longer an inquiry, but an interrogation, and he did not believe and doubted some of them.Lao Du asked Long Jinyun to say it again, just to find out the inconsistencies with the first time.

Qin Donghai's heart ached like a knife, which was hard to describe.He once slept on Long Jinyun's lap for four hours.He could still recall the softness and warmth of his sleep from time to time.But he didn't dare to say anything at this time, and he didn't even dare to look at Long Jinyun more.He vaguely sensed that at this time, Long Jinyun had lost the trust of her superiors and!Old Du doubted her!

As I said before, in intelligence agencies, the rarest and most precious thing is trust.Lost trust, also lost the basis of survival.

In any intelligence agency, security reviews and loyalty reviews are carried out all the time.When the superior entrusts you with an important task, it doesn't necessarily mean that he trusts you. He just hasn't found any suspicious things about you.

At this time, Du Ziyuan was also in great pain.What hurt him was not because he had doubts about people like Long Jinyun.What hurt him was that he didn't find that crucial thing in Zuo Shaoqing's backpack.He firmly believed that if Zuo Shaoqing had something important, he would put it or hide it in his backpack.But Long Jinyun said that there was nothing inside, and nothing was found!He doesn't believe it anyway!

This is a key point of Long Jinyun's explanation, but disasters often arise from this type of key point.This key point can only wait for Zuo Shaoqing to explain.And the three people sitting in the small room would never have imagined that a female guard who loves to take advantage of small things would actually steal Zuo Shaoqing's soap.

Such coincidences do happen in life.This kind of accident is fine, once something happens, it will be a heavy or even fatal blow to the person involved.

It was during such an inevitable process that Long Jinyun encountered such an accident.She can't escape.

A few days later, Du Ziyuan returned to Beijing with Long Jinyun and Qin Donghai.Long Jinyun was ordered to stay in a small room in the guest house of the investigation department and not to communicate with the outside world.At this time, Long Jinyun already had a premonition that disaster was imminent.

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