Double Agent Saga

293. Lurking Wuchang

This little conspiracy is You Shaoqing's shrewdness, but it is also a mistake.After her radio station was damaged, Pan Qiwu once sent two groups of people to sneak into the mainland to restore contact with her.One of the teams had arrived in Wuhan, but did not find her, which is why.

After You Shaoqing lost contact with Taiwan, he actually realized this.This trouble is a problem that she has to find a way to solve by herself.How to solve it will be described slowly below.

April in Wuhan (for You Shaoqing, Echeng) is the season of warm spring and beautiful weather.The rainy season has not yet arrived, nor has the scorching heat, but the cold winter has gone.People are already wearing spring or even summer clothes.The pedestrians on the street have changed from bloated and gray to colorful.Especially the young girls and young wives dressed up in different ways, and naturally they also dressed up the street scene of this city.

You Shaoqing also changed into spring clothes, but it was not bright.She was wearing a white cotton shirt with half-rolled sleeves, a pair of beige wide-legged Crodin trousers underneath, and a pair of very ordinary flat-heeled leather shoes on her feet. .Her hair is still short, only a little longer than when she was in Nanjing, and it hangs down to her shoulders. A black hairpin is pinned to the right side of her hair, which accentuates her good looks.

She was sitting at a narrow and dim desk, sorting out a pile of manifests.The main job of the small trading company she works in is to order and ship goods, and sorting out the invoices is a job she can't finish every day. [

She sorted out the invoices today relatively quickly, and she had already sorted out all the invoices before get off work time was an hour away.She wants to leave work early today.She has important things to do.

At this time, You Shaoqing knocked on the door and entered the manager's office with a stack of invoices in his hand.She put the invoice in front of the manager Shen Pingfu, showed a faint smile, and said softly, "Manager Shen, this is today's order, take a look at it. I have something to do at home, so I have to leave early, okay?"

Manager Shen would naturally agree to this request.You Shaoqing is a very capable employee.In fact, she is doing the work of two people, sorting out the inventory at ordinary times, and sorting out the financial statements at the end of the month. Both tasks are concise and precise.But she only takes one person's salary, which is what Manager Shen is most satisfied with.Besides, which male manager would refuse such a small request from such a quiet and beautiful female employee?

Manager Shen is a loyal middle-aged man, but he still has a little lust in his narrow eyes.He didn't dare to tease this capable female employee, but in his heart, he always hoped that she would have a little hint of that meaning, so that he could fight back, after all, she was working under his own hands.However, he didn't dare to hold out much hope.He vaguely noticed that under the beautiful and gentle appearance of this female staff member, occasionally there was a hint of sternness.He felt that this trace of sternness came from the killing and decisive nature of this capable woman.

You Shaoqing carried his cloth bag in his hand, left the company, and walked on the increasingly bustling streets.While thinking about her own concerns, she looked around inadvertently.

Constant vigilance has become a part of her life.Occasionally, she would think of her elder sister, and she also experienced that when her elder sister was in Nanjing, she might have looked around carefully and kept vigilant all the time.

She experienced that open and hidden are two completely different lives.

You Shaoqing has two things to do when he goes out tonight.The first thing she needs to do is find a suitable job and a reliable place of residence for the entire group of seven members.This is something she does every two or three years.

For any latent person, if he lives in one place or works for a long time, the neighbors or colleagues around him will have a deeper and more detailed understanding of this person.From the way he speaks, you can judge his education level.From his eating and drinking habits, we can see how rich and poor he was in the past.Even from his knowledge, you can judge what kind of work he has done before and what kind of experience he has had.

It's dangerous.Sooner or later someone would wonder about something about him, and even see who they were.At that time, the common people maintained extremely high vigilance.Because of this, You Shaoqing kept vigilant all the time.

Therefore, every two or three years, You Shaoqing asked her team members to change jobs and places of residence, cutting off their connection with the past.In this way, even knowing their neighbors or colleagues, they will not know very deeply.

The second thing You Shaoqing has to do is to solve the radio problem as soon as possible.This thing is nonsense.Cutting off ties with Taiwan could have made things easier for them.The fewer tasks they take on, the safer they are.After all, for the latent personnel, it is good to live one more day!

However, the connection was cut off, and so was the funding.Staff lurking costs a lot of money.

Each team member has their own job, but they dare not do high-paying jobs.The higher the income, the more attention-grabbing it is, and the more dangerous it is.Lurkers require a lot of money.All kinds of clothes for going out, the necessary dinners for guests, the traveling expenses for going out, as well as the rent of water and electricity, all need money.It can't be said that the brothers have worked hard for the party and the country, and they have to support themselves out of their own pockets, right?There is no such reason.

Therefore, the most urgent thing for You Shaoqing right now is to solve the radio station problem as soon as possible.

You Shaoqing walked unhurriedly, and took a few bus stops.After getting off the bus, turn into Taihe Street. Not far ahead is the "Ronghe Snack Bar" of Wei Mingshui, the leader of the Fifth Latent Team in Wuhan.

This Wei Mingshui also has some origins.After lurking for several years, You Shaoqing gradually learned about Wei Mingshui through contacts and chats with him.

Wei Mingshui was born in [-] in Huangpi, Hubei.In [-], he served as a member of the Judicial Section of the Wuchang Camp Investigation Section of the Nationalist Government.In [-], he served as Section Chief of the Fourth Section of the Chongqing Municipal Police Bureau.In [-], he served as Section Chief of the Second Section of the Inspection Division of the Chongqing Police Command.In [-], he served as the deputy director of Xifeng Prison.In [-], he served as the director of the intelligence department of the Guizhou Security Command.At the end of [-], he was secretly dispatched by the Bureau of Secrets to Wuhan, Hubei to lurk, and served as the team leader with the rank of major general.Wuhan is his hometown, and he is more familiar with it.

This Wei Mingshui has a natural hobby, which is cooking, especially the food and snacks in his hometown.The Bureau of Secrecy arranged for him to lurk in Wuhan, and he agreed immediately. What he was nostalgic for was the food and snacks in his hometown. [

Wei Mingshui's "Ronghe Snack Bar" is a small restaurant, and the signboard in front of the door is already very old.Among the dazzling array of shops on both sides of the street, it is inconspicuous.This is exactly what You Shaoqing asked for.

When You Shaoqing walked into the "Ronghe Snack Bar", it was just in time for dinner, and the dozen or so tables in the snack bar were already full of customers.

The judges must still remember that this You Shaoqing is a foodie.When she was in Nanjing, she and her sister Zuo Shaoqing ate street snacks at Xinjiekou. They were able to fill up a small belly, and even snatched away her sister's old duck meat.

Although the storefront of "Ronghe Snack Bar" is not big, it gathers all the famous snacks in Wuhan.To put it simply, there are bean curds from "Laotongcheng", soup dumplings from "Sijimei", dumplings from "Tanyanji", siu mai from "Shunxiangju", and beef rice noodles from "Fuqinghe". , "Old Qianji" beef bean shreds, "Tian Qiheng" paste soup noodles.Others include noodle nests, rice cakes, fish sauce aleurone, oil pies, duck necks, etc., which are all available.As for the most famous old dry noodles in Wuhan, although it is early, in this snack bar, it is served from morning to night.

Wei Mingshui is very concerned about management, and has learned all the good things from others.Therefore, his "Ronghe Snack Bar" is full for three meals a day.At this time, three or four guys were bringing out all kinds of food non-stop, shouting and delivering them to the guests.Therefore, when You Shaoqing walked into this store, he felt that the store was full of attractive fragrances, and his saliva almost flowed out.

She lifted the curtain and went directly into Wei Mingshui's small account room behind the shop, and said with a smile, "Old Wei, I haven't eaten yet. If there is anything ready-made, give me a little."

Wei Mingshui squinted his eyes, twitched the corners of his mouth, and shouted out the door with a smirk, "Ah San, a steamed bun, a bowl of bean shreds, and a bowl of soup, hurry up."

The guy outside the door yelled: "Yes, buns, silk, soup, here we come."

A few minutes later, Ah San came in with a tray.In front of You Shaoqing, he put down a cage of steaming hot steamed buns, a plate of oily yellow and white stuffed with shredded red chili, shredded beef and beans, and a big bowl of fragrant fish paste.Afterwards, a dish of rice vinegar, a dish of plum blossom sauce, a dish of crispy bean sprouts, chopsticks and a spoon were placed in front of her.He smiled and said, "Mrs. Su, take it easy."

Seeing Ah San going out, You Shaoqing immediately rolled up her sleeves and said, "Old Wei, thank you." She grabbed the spoon first, scooped a large spoonful of fish paste powder and slid it into her mouth, "Wow", then Call a smooth.He hung another soup dumpling into the vinegar dish, bared out two rows of fine teeth, took a small bite, and sucked again, and immediately his mouth was full of fragrant gravy.She raised her head and said with a long "hmm": "Old Wei, it's delicious, it's delicious."

Wei Mingshui laughed, "Damn it, Young Master You, is it delicious for me, or for soup dumplings?"

You Shaoqing's mouth was full of food, he shook his hands repeatedly and said, "Yes, the soup dumplings are delicious, the soup dumplings are delicious."

As soon as the wind swept through the remaining clouds, You Shaoqing's mouth was full of fragrance, and his little stomach swelled up again after eating.She wiped her mouth contentedly, and looked at Wei Mingshui with a smile.

Wei Mingshui still squinted at her.He lit a cigarette, spit out the shredded tobacco sticking to his lips, and said softly: "Okay, Young Master You, tell me, what's the matter?"

You Shaoqing was still smiling, staring at his somewhat gloomy eyes, and said softly: "Old Wei, the brothers have been here for almost three years, I think, move a place for them recently. It's safe Some."

No matter what, as long as safety is involved, in Wei Mingshui's mind, it is a big deal.

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