Those who participated in Wei Ming's water secret business meeting were several main members of the group. ( )

Ji Baoxing, the captain, wears glasses, has a clean white skin, and his hair is always neatly combed.If he wears a military uniform, he should be in good spirits.But now he is wearing a cotton robe and a black woolen scarf around his neck.He worked as a dispatcher on the dock and also as a statistician.He said: "Blow up cargo ships. Some ships are loaded with munitions."

Li Changgui has a short and stocky body, a square face, and a pair of eyes that always look at people with sparkle.He was from the Operation Team of the Hubei Station of the Secrecy Bureau. He had done assassination operations in Wuhan and was an iron-blooded killer.He said, "Old Wei, we can't get into the Wuhan Military Control Commission, but it's easy to get into the district governments of the districts. If you put a box of explosives on him, he will definitely be excited!"

Gu Zhanbiao, Wei Mingshui's former driver, sergeant, is said to have practiced boxing for a few days.Relying on being Wei Mingshui's confidant, he never looked down on other people in the group, and would fight with others if he didn't agree with him.At this time, he got up and shouted: "Damn! Do it all! If you have any ideas, tell me!"

Liu Xi, a radio operator, is proficient in wires.He was originally a radio operator of the Yunnan Security Command, and he also followed Wei Mingshui to lurk in Wuhan, and was also regarded by Wei Mingshui as a confidant.This is a thin boy like a young student.He blinked and looked at Wei Mingshui, and said softly, "Old Wei, can't you just do it? This is a big deal. You have to plan it first and check it out. Don't make any mistakes." [

Wei Mingshui agreed with this statement.Several people discussed until midnight, and decided to step on the spot separately, check the terrain, check the retreat route, and make sure to succeed in one blow.

A few days later, Wei Mingshui sent a report to Taiwan through Liu Xi, reporting their thoughts and plans.One is to select military ships at the dock and explode them.The second is to place explosives in convenient places for district governments, banks, and shopping malls.Aims to create chaos and have a major impact in society.

A few days later, the telegram from the Bureau of Secrets came back, agreeing to their plan.At this time, the remittance transferred by the Bureau of Secrecy via Hong Kong also arrived, which was a large sum of money.Wei Mingshui and his team members all had bright eyes, and there was some excitement like fear in their expressions.It seems that once their explosion is successful, the world will change drastically.

A few days later, in the middle of the night, all members of Wei Mingshui's team met in his "Rongli Restaurant" and conspired to carry out the plan of explosion and sabotage.

That night, Wei Mingshui and his team members finally saw You Shaoqing's true face.

The place where Wei Mingshui's group meets is the warehouse of "Rongli Restaurant".Packets of rice and flour are piled up by the wall, the oil barrel in the corner exudes a strong aroma of rapeseed oil, the shelves are filled with various cooking ingredients and seasonings, and the ground is full of wooden boxes and Carton, with almost no place to foot.

Wei Mingshui sat on the only broken chair, while the others sat on wooden boxes, burlap bags, or bricks.A dim electric lamp illuminated their half-dark faces.Everyone had a cigarette in their mouth and half-closed their eyes, letting the smoke drift over their faces.

This meeting is actually very simple.The target of the explosion has been determined and the explosives have been prepared.What needs to be clarified now is only the executor, the responder, the waiter, and the last point is the time for action.

When Wei Mingshui said these things, he was slightly surprised.He gradually noticed You Shaoqing's eyes.For nearly a year, those eyes, which had hardly been lifted up, were sharp, sharp, fierce, and even contained undisguised anger, staring motionlessly at his face.Her appearance was like a leopard hiding, watching for the chance to make a fatal pounce.

At this time, the warehouse gradually became quiet, and the other team members also noticed her expression.They looked at her bluish-white face and those murderous eyes in astonishment, suspicion, or fear.This woman who hardly ever speaks finally revealed her true face at this time today.

At that time, Wei Mingshui still had the belief of sacrificing for the party and the country, and he was still looking forward to the military commander, damn it, now it was the Bureau of Secrecy, to come back and let people like him own the world again.On that dark and strange night, he wanted to maintain his authority among his brethren.He is an old military commander, and he also has a pair of gloomy and cunning eyes.He also stared at You Shaoqing fiercely.

"Young Master." He said calmly.

"Call me Young Master You!" You Shaoqing opened his mouth and screamed sharply.

"You Shaoqing!" Wei Mingshui emphasized his tone, and his voice was even more menacing, "If you have any opinions on today's plan, you can say it! I listen to you!"

"In a word, I disagree!" You Shaoqing said firmly.

"Why!" Wei Mingshui narrowed his eyes.

"Because you are courting death!" You Shaoqing gritted his teeth and said.

"How dare you disobey the military order!" Wei Mingshui's words made everyone in the group tense up.

"The military order doesn't tell everyone in the group to die! You fucking, just die!" You Shaoqing's voice became sharper, "Don't you know that!" [

There was silence in the warehouse.On every semi-dark face, there was a pair of blinking eyes, looking at Wei Mingshui and You Shaoqing.You Shaoqing's last words hit their hearts like steel nails.

Fear of death can be hidden, especially when it has to be.When the possible death has been clearly and erroneously stated, it is impossible to hide it.At this time, everyone's eyes flashed with the starlight of seeing death.Even Wei Mingshui had to ponder over this.

"Smelly woman!" Gu Zhanbiao, Wei Mingshui's former driver, had to jump out to protect his master.He rushed in front of You Shaoqing and shouted, "You're so fucking afraid of death! You're just afraid of death! You're a coward! There's no place for a coward to speak to Old Wei!"

You Shaoqing also stood up and shouted loudly, "Shut your stinking mouth! What are you!"

Gu Zhanbiao was furious, he swung his palm towards You Shaoqing.But he really underestimated You Shaoqing.He should also understand that once the opponent stands up, he is already ready.

You Shaoqing instantly raised his left wrist and seized Gu Zhanbiao's right wrist.At the same time, her right hand went straight to his throat like a snake.Gu Zhanbiao guarded his throat, hurriedly lowered his head and knelt to avoid it.This is exactly what You Shaoqing expected.She kicked on the crook of his knee.Gu Zhanbiao's knees fell to the ground, and You Shaoqing stepped on the back of his knees.At the same time, she grasped Gu Zhanbiao's right wrist with her left hand and twisted it to the back of her shoulder. At the same time, she pressed her right elbow on the back of his neck, and her right hand stretched forward to grab his chin.When she exerted force with both hands, Gu Zhanbiao's right hand was twisted off from his shoulder, and his chin was almost twisted onto his left shoulder.He immediately let out a scream.

You Shaoqing completed these actions in an instant, firmly fixing Gu Zhanbiao on the ground.The solid technique in this grappling technique has only two results, either the right arm is broken, or the cervical spine is dislocated.

You Shaoqing yelled loudly: "Bastard, you fight with me! You want to die!"

At this time, Li Changgui jumped up recklessly, reached out and picked up a kitchen knife from the case next to him, pointed at You Shaoqing and shouted: "What do you want to do! You fucking let go!"

With a murderous look on his face, You Shaoqing gritted his teeth and said, "Your surname is Li, you dare to move! I even clean you up!"

As she spoke, Gu Zhanbiao, who was kneeling on the ground, screamed like a slaughtered pig as soon as she exerted force in her hand, her empty left hand twitched and danced in the air.

At this time, Wei Mingshui opened his clothes, took out a small pistol from his pants pocket, pointed at You Shaoqing, and shouted angrily, "You Shaoqing, what do you want! Let go!"

According to regulations, lurking personnel are not allowed to carry weapons at ordinary times, not even daggers.But Wei Mingshui always carried a small pistol for self-defense.The fierceness of this woman also made him feel scared.

You Shaoqing stared at him ferociously, gritted his teeth and said, "Old Wei, you don't need to scare me with this thing. I won't accept your tricks!" When he called, he let go of his hand instantly.

This Gu Zhanbiao had already collapsed on the ground, unable to move, only humming silently.

Ji Baoxing and two other brothers ran over in a hurry, helped Gu Zhanbiao up and let him sit down with his sack.The others looked at You Shaoqing in fear.For the first time, they saw clearly that this woman who never spoke had a ferocious character like a hungry wolf.

You Shaoqing shook his arms vigorously, as if trying to shake off the bad luck on his body.She stared at Wei Mingshui and said, "Old Wei, I have a few words that I want to talk to you alone!"

Wei Mingshui slapped the pistol on the table vigorously, "No need, just say what you have to say here!"

You Shaoqing stared at him, and looked at the male and female team members around him one by one.She took a deep breath and said, "Old Wei, how many latent teams have the Secrecy Bureau planted in Wuhan! Others don't know, but you should know, right?"

Wei Mingshui stared at her without speaking.This is top secret.After he arrived in Wuhan, he only participated in two secret meetings of the team leaders.

You Shaoqing sneered, and then said: "There are at least a dozen latent groups, right! Let me ask you, how many groups are left now? Others don't know, so you should know, right!"

Wei Mingshui didn't move, just stared at her fiercely.The words hit his throat like a knife.The people around them opened their mouths wide unexpectedly, looking at them in fear. [

You Shaoqing looked around at the team members, and said equally viciously: "Don't you all have eyes! In the past few months, I have read that at least six groups have been captured by the Communist Party! Zhang Fude's group, in Taihe Township killed several township cadres, what happened! The whole group of eight people were arrested by the Communist Party and shot to death! Liu Yakun’s group wanted to set fire to the government’s warehouse. The fire failed, but the two brothers who set the fire were arrested. The police caught them. These two confessed to the whole group within one day, and what happened? There were quite a few of them, and they were all shot!"

The air in the warehouse seemed to freeze, and the team members sitting around looked at her dumbfounded. .

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