Su Shaoqing groped and searched in the dark, and staggered forward. 【】There are no roads in the mountains and forests, littered branches and leaves are everywhere, and grass and shrubs are overgrown.She had to pick up a branch and wave it in front of her to avoid being swept across her face.

Occasionally, when she walked to a clearing, she would look to the sky and the stars to make sure she was heading in the right direction.

Her first step: head south, across Tiao Shan.

She finally climbed a small hill.Under the dark sky, a line of bluish white appeared in the east.She knew it was dawn.She only stood for a while, then folded her arms and slid down the hillside.When it was about to dawn, the wind in the mountains became stronger.

Although it is late March, winter is not over yet.After the initial nervousness passed, she felt the biting cold wind at this moment.She huddled in a leeward grass nest and slept until dawn.

After dawn, she picked up speed and walked south, sometimes running.Twelve hours have passed since last night, and the news must have already spread.She has to be quick.

When it was almost noon, she stopped suddenly, dodged behind the tree, and looked forward carefully.

There is a private house in front of it, among the dense trees.She approached again, it was a small independent courtyard.Outside the three thatched cottages are shoulder-high adobe walls.

Su Shaoqing observed carefully.People in the courtyard, a few clothes are hanging on the rope.That was what attracted her.Green smoke rose from the roof of the thatched house, and the people in the house seemed to be cooking.Thinking of this made her feel hungry.The door is pasted with paper, and the people in the house can't see outside.But she can't know what's going on in the house.

She carefully observed her surroundings and walked slowly towards the courtyard.She quickened her pace, and ran a few steps, holding the wall with one hand, leaped over, and landed on the ground with a sound.She squatted there and listened, and there was the sound of "huda" from the bellows in the room.She quickly rushed to the clothesline, tore off a few clothes and held them in her arms.When she turned around, she saw the old corn on the stage, she picked up two and hugged them in her arms.She crossed the wall again, and as soon as her feet landed, she was already running forward.

In her vague sense of hearing, the "huda" sound of the bellows was still ringing.

She ran far away and found a stone wall that was leeward and shady.Dry grass and dead branches are everywhere under the stone wall.She crouched on the ground and carefully selected the hay.She picked out some tendon and tough grass leaves and stems, put them in the palm of her hand, and rubbed them very gently.

In the advanced training class, there was a field survival training, and there were more than 200 people in the class, and she was the only one who passed.

The instructor of the training class, Colonel Shi He, looked at this beautiful and spoiled daughter from a rich family with a puzzled face, and was very puzzled.

The hay in the shade will not be too dry, and it will break when rubbed.As she kneaded, she blew gently, blowing away the debris that came down from the kneading.In the end, in her palm, there was only a small ball of fluff like fluff, only the size of a finger.She put this small ball of grass on the slightly raised stone platform on the stone wall.

She picked a piece of sharp green granite under the stone wall, held it in her hand, and slashed violently on the stone wall above the small clump of grass.In the rubbing of stones and stones, occasionally small sparks burst into the grass velvet.After dozens of hacks and smashes, smoke finally came out of the velvet.She hurriedly picked up the grass fluff, blew it gently, and carefully placed it on a pile of dry grass.The smoke got thicker and she blew harder.Finally, a small fire burst out of the dry grass.

She finally lit a small fire.She buried the two old corns in the fire, and then let out a long breath.

She looked back at the stolen clothes.There are four pieces in total, one jacket and two unlined garments, both of which are women's big-breasted ones with buttons under the armpits.There is also a pair of trousers with a folded crotch.She wore jacket and trousers over the uniform.There were two unlined garments left, and she rolled them together and tied them diagonally across her chest with the two remaining sleeves.It would be cold at night, and she couldn't throw any clothes away.

She dug out two old scorched corn from the embers and knocked off the ashes.She fixed her eyes on them as if they were enemies, stones, and opened her iron teeth and bit down on the old corn.

After half an hour, all she felt was toothache, cheek pain, and temple pain, but she finally ate both old corn.She doesn't know where her next meal is, so she has to eat them.

She found a thin stream in a ravine.When she was squatting beside the stream, she realized that her face was completely black.Below it was a darker mouth, with a mouth full of black teeth.Her throat was already burning dry.She couldn't care less about anything, she picked up the water and took a big gulp.

The water slid down her throat like a piece of ice, freezing her internal organs instantly.All her teeth ached sharply.She covered her mouth with her hand and endured it, fearing that if she let go, those teeth would fall out.She finally drank enough water.

As night fell, she decided to camp.

Tonight is different from last night.

Last night she had to leave the crash site as soon as possible, away from danger.I had more energy last night.

She is very tired tonight.She knows that there is still a long way to go tomorrow, and she must conserve her strength and better distribute her strength to prepare for tomorrow's trek.

She chose a leeward spot before dark, a hollow at the foot of the hill, covered by many shrubs.She took off the two single clothes on her back and wrapped them around her head and neck.Then he wrapped his clothes tightly, crouched among the grass and fallen leaves, covered his body with as many fallen leaves as possible, then folded his arms tightly, curled up into a ball, and fell into a deep sleep.

She is so tired.

When she woke up at dawn the next day, her whole body was as stiff as cement, and her back and knees could not be stretched.She knew that if she slept a little longer, she would freeze to death.

Barely holding herself up, she let herself fall to the other side, and then she rolled down the hill like a rock.

The continuous collision with the ground finally allowed the joints of her whole body to unfold.She got up with difficulty, identified the direction, and continued to walk forward.

Around noon, she stopped.Listen attentively.She heard a slow clatter of hooves.Only then did she notice that there was a forest mountain road not far ahead.

She needed to save some energy and ventured onto the forest and mountain road.

The old man driving the car was surprised to see her.Jumping out of the carriage, holding her arm, let her get on the carriage.Only then did she realize that she went up like a dying person.

As soon as she got into the carriage, she could no longer move, and fatigue and cold swept over her whole body.The old man looked at her and handed her a pancake.She took a bite out of her hand and dropped her head to her chest.She fell into a coma again.Her whole body organs have failed, only in the very depths of her brain, there is an extremely weak voice saying: Wake up, wake up, wake up!And it goes on and on.

She didn't know how long it had passed, and the voice in her brain finally gradually increased, as if warning her.She finally raised her head slowly, opened her eyes with difficulty, and turned her face forward.

About 100 meters ahead, there is a checkpoint.A few soldiers stood beside the checkpoint, silently waiting for the approaching carriage.

She stared at it for a full three seconds.Then, like a civet cat, she jumped out of the carriage and ran deep into the dense forest.

She vaguely heard shouts behind her, which seemed to order her to stop.Then, she heard two gunshots, which was indisputable.She didn't look back, but ran faster into the dense forest.

She ran until the last bit of strength was exhausted, and she fell down on the hillside like a sack.

She was panting, her eyes darkened.When she regained her breath, she took her hand. She was very, very lucky that she kept holding the pancake in her hand.

She lifted her head, sniffing the air like a dog.She detected a slight damp smell.In extreme hunger and thirst, the smell of damp means life.She crawled forward with difficulty.Finally, in a narrow ditch, I found a small stream of spring water.

The spring water is extremely shallow.She dipped the pancake in water and ate it bit by bit.She thought of the sumptuous New Year's Eve dinner at home, and the clinking wine glasses when she was having dinner with her colleagues.The pancake in her hand far exceeds all that.

She finished eating pancakes and stood up slowly.She feels good about herself and no one can stop her.She began to climb up the hill.When she finally reached the top of the mountain, a smile finally appeared on her dirty and charred face.

She finally went south across Tiao Shan.

On the south side of Tiaoshan, there is a wide and gentle slope that stretches along the edge.The slope has been extending forward obliquely, and has been extending forward.Extending, extending, extending to the extreme distance, is a shiny belt, that is the Yellow River.

Her escape plan is to go south, go south through Tiaoshan, and reach the Yellow River.But she will not go to Pinglu County.She will find a place twenty or thirty kilometers east of Pinglu County to cross the Yellow River.

She started down the hill.She still has dozens of kilometers to go.She saw that far down the slope, there were one or two small villages, or small market towns, hidden among the trees.

At this time, a matter that she had considered repeatedly but hadn't made up her mind resurfaced in her mind.She has no money, but she must have money to cross the Yellow River.She has a very simple method, which is to rob.Find a quiet spot, intercept a well-groomed guy, knock him down with a single punch, and take all the money he has.Do this, no problem at all.

But a wounded, mugged man, instantly spreads the word like the wind.If she can cross the river tonight, of course there is no problem.But what if she can't cross the river?Those who are looking for her will soon hear the news and gather here.As long as someone is willing to pay a bounty, many people will look for her on this section of the river the next day.After much deliberation, she decided to put safety first.

In the evening, she finally reached the bank of the Yellow River.She walked slowly east along the river bank.Soon, she found what she was looking for.She knew that on the banks of the Yellow River, it was very likely that she would find such a person.

An old man in a sheepskin jacket sat alone on a rock by the bank, silently smoking dry tobacco.On the ridge behind him stood a sheepskin raft.

She walked slowly towards the old man.The old man also saw her and watched her silently.

She knelt down in front of the old man and asked softly, "Uncle, can you take me across the river?"

The old man had already understood her thoroughly, and asked back, "Are you rich?"

She said softly, "No."

The old man looked at her without nodding or shaking his head.

There are only two kinds of people in the old man's business.One is smuggling, the other is fleeing.There are not many customers of these two kinds, but the income is quite good.This is why he waits here day after day.The woman in front of me is obviously the latter.But she said she had no money.This made him puzzled.

Su Shaoqing knew that she couldn't make up a story at this time, and no one would believe it.Extraneous words are useless, at least silence will not make the old man refuse.She just watched the old man silently, looking at the clay sculpture-like wrinkles on his face, and his eyes full of vicissitudes and poverty.She turned her head to the river, and the Yellow River was flowing.The sun is going to set.She hoped to cross the river tonight.

She turned back and continued with the old man.After that, she silently unbuttoned the neckline, revealing the collar of the military uniform inside.She saw the old man's eyebrows twitch slightly.She knew she had succeeded.

The old man walked to the river with the sheepskin raft.It was a frame tied up with arm-thick hard wood, and eight inflated sheepskin tubes were tied to the frame.

The old man made her lie on the shelf of the sheepskin raft.She can only lie on her stomach, and any other posture may cause her to fall into the river.If she really fell, the old man, even her own father, would not be able to save her.

The raft was like an arrow leaving the string, leaving the shore in an instant and going down the current.In Su Shaoqing's ears was the whistling wind.The old man straddled the raft, staring ahead, holding an oar with both hands, and slowly paddled towards the middle of the big river.

It was dark and there were no lights on the river.There are only faint mountain shadows on both sides of the strait, as if the sea is on the side.

Su Shaoqing looked down at the river water, the river water was as thick as a slurry, rolling forward in piles and blocks, making chattering sounds, like countless water monsters, heaving, jumping and making noise on the river surface.

For a moment, she seemed to lose consciousness.It was the sharp pain in her shoulder that woke her up again.

The old man hit her on the shoulder heavily with his oar, and shouted at her, "Don't sleep! Don't sleep! What are you doing to die!"

She raised her head, endured the severe pain in her shoulders, and clung to the rough wood under her body, looking towards the dark river.She knew in her heart that she was finally safe.

Six days later, Su Shaoqing used all her skills and finally arrived in Nanjing.

What she thought in her heart was that no matter what secrets were hidden in her body, she would find out.

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