Double Agent Saga


( ) Zuo Shaoqing recalled today that when she was alone in Taipei, she would miss the Wuhan group in her heart.Not only because they provided her with a lot of information with a sense of hometown, but also because of her respect for those intelligence personnel with deep eyes and outstanding wisdom.

She speculated that there are two possibilities for the Wuhan group to lose news. One is that it was cracked by the mainland public security department. This possibility is quite high.The second is that they stopped their activities for reasons known to someone.

But now Liu Qiuyue actually received a radio signal from the direction of Wuhan, what does this mean?

Zuo Shaoqing lit a cigarette, sat in front of the room and thought quietly.Liu Qiuyue and Fu Huaizhen didn't dare to make a sound, they all looked at her quietly, waiting for her to make a choice.

Zuo Shaoqing judged in her heart, first, if the Wuhan group was indeed cracked down by the local public security department, she might be able to learn about the crackdown of the spy organization from the Wuhan public security department through Zhang Yalan's relationship.Going a step further, perhaps, she could also use those arrested spies to lure the 'Water Hyacinth' to show up.Second, if the Wuhan group just temporarily stopped working for some reason, and now it starts working again, then of course she should go to Wuhan.Whether it is first or second, her first choice should be Wuhan. [

Thinking of this, Zuo Shaoqing nodded seriously to Liu Qiuyue and Fu Huaizhen and said, "My choice is Wuhan."

Both Liu Qiuyue and Fu Huaizhen nodded to her seriously, expressing their approval.

Zuo Shaoqing patted the table, "Alright, Qiuyue, let's get ready and go to Wuhan."

Liu Qiuyue's face was red and full of smiles.She's clearly thrilled with the results of her efforts.She turned around and twisted Fu Huaizhen's arm again.

The sour scholar yelled again, "Oh mom, you abused me again."

That night, it was Zuo Shaoqing who was laying the floor in the outhouse.She vaguely heard Fu Huaizhen's voice in the back room.He gasped and said, "Mom Yue'er, you're twisting like a fish, I can't help it." After that, there was Liu Qiuyue's low laughter and humming.

Zuo Shaoqing couldn't help but think of what his sister had said to her before.The younger sister smiled and said: "Sister, if I want to grow such a thing, I must do you thoroughly." Oh, many past events always come to my mind inadvertently.Her rogue sister, I don't know what's going on now.

The next day, Liu Qiuyue went to school and resigned.The reason is that a relative introduced her to an errand in Hangzhou and said it was very good.So, she wanted to go and have a look.Then, she began nervously preparing to go to Wuhan.These preparations included her and Zuo Shaoqing's change of clothes and toilet utensils.Then pack the Red Star radio into the bag.This radio is smaller and easier to carry.In addition, there are items such as direction-finding antennas and earphones.Undoubtedly, when she arrived in Wuhan, she still needed these things to find radio signals.

In the evening of that day, Hu Guanglin and Chen Sanhu also received the notice and came.

Hu Guanglin entered the door first.He looked at Zuo Shaoqing seriously.It was obvious that he hadn't recovered from the shock yet.Facing Zuo Shaoqing in front of him, he had a complex respect and uneasiness that he couldn't explain clearly.

Zuo Shaoqing nodded to him, and said: "Sit down first, when everyone is here, let's talk together." She pointed to the busy Liu Qiuyue and said: "Her name is Liu Qiuyue, a primary school teacher. However, today she Resigned."

Hu Guanglin looked at her in disbelief, "Teacher?" His eyes were puzzled.

Zuo Shaoqing smiled and said, "She used to be a major officer of the Secrecy Bureau and my assistant."

Hu Guanglin looked at the young and beautiful Liu Qiuyue who was busy, and the expression on his face was even more surprised.

A few minutes later, Chen Sanhu, who looked like a local ruffian, also entered the door.As soon as he saw Liu Qiuyue who opened the door, he said with a smile on his face, "Oh, sister Liu, we meet again. Really, my sister is getting more and more beautiful."

Liu Qiuyue curled her lips at him, "Go away!"

Chen Sanhu slapped a thousand with a smile, "Cha, sister, I'm going to roll right now."

He swung his arms into the back room, and as soon as he saw Zuo Shaoqing, he immediately put on a nodding and bowing hooligan look, and said with a smile: "Master, I'm here. Master, if you have something to tell, I promise I won't say it." Li said so, but glanced at Hu Guanglin, his face darkened, and said, "Hey, brother, are you the police?"

Zuo Shaoqing said: "Sanhu, sit down. Let me introduce you. Guanglin, his name is Chen Sanhu, and he is now a dock porter. In the past, he was a sergeant operator of the Security Bureau. Like Qiuyue, he is also my subordinates."[

Chen Sanhu shook his head, looked at Hu Guanglin's dark eyes, bared his teeth and said, "Brother, I am a soldier under the master, and I only obey the master's orders. From now on, I will punish whoever is dishonest!"

Zuo Shaoqing stared, "Sanhu, sit down! You're right, Guanglin is a policeman. You have to respect him from now on, otherwise, he won't be polite to you."

Chen Sanhu squinted his eyes and said: "Master, Cheng, Cheng, no problem, can't I respect him from now on?"

At this time, Liu Qiuyue also came in and sat down quietly beside Zuo Shaoqing.

Zuo Shaoqing looked at the four people of different shapes and colors around him one by one, feeling very satisfied.They each have their own strengths and characteristics.I hope they can help her and find out that 'water hyacinth' as ​​soon as possible.

She said quietly: "Qiuyue, Guanglin, and the Three Tigers. From today onwards, we will be a group. Tomorrow, we will go to Wuhan together. Qiuyue will arrange how to get there. The specific task is that we will be in Wuhan. Find someone. I don’t know what kind of person this is. I only know that he is a latent agent placed in the mainland by Taiwan’s Kuomintang Intelligence Agency. Our first step is to find this person as soon as possible. .” She said so, calmly looking at everyone around her.

Hu Guanglin moved a bit and said, "Comrade Zuo, may I ask a question?"

Zuo Shaoqing smiled, "Guanglin, please call me Shaoqing, or call me Zuo Shao."

Hu Guanglin weighed the two titles and said, "Then, I'll call you Young Master Zuo. What I want to ask is, do we have any clues when we go to Wuhan to find someone?"

Zuo Shaoqing pondered for a while, and said softly: "There are almost no clues, and I don't know his specific situation. All I know now is that this person was still using the radio to communicate with Taiwan last night. That's all."

Hu Guanglin's face was full of confusion, and he looked at Zuo Shaoqing hesitantly.

Chen Sanhu pursed his lips and stared at Hu Guanglin sideways, "Brother, I respect you. So let me tell you, the rule in this industry is not to ask nonsense! Don't ask what you shouldn't, just follow the master's order." Just tell me to do it. Do you understand!"

Hu Guanglin stared at him, gritted his teeth, and said nothing.

The next day, Zuo Shaoqing and his party of four were divided into two groups and went to Wuhan by train.

About four days later, Ye Gongjin, who was far away in Taipei, heard some good news that surprised him.

At this time, it was already late at night.Recently, when Ye Gongjin and Pan Qiwu discussed the "Zuo Case", they were always in the middle of the night.He felt that it was more conducive for him to make the right decision in the dead of night.

These pieces of good news were all brought to him by Pan Qiwu.

The first thing is that Zhao Minggui's team in Jinan, eight people, have all been transferred to Wuhan.He has now settled down in Wuhan with a suitable status.The main task of Zhao Minggui's team is to find You Shaoqing.

Just as Ye Gongjin judged, finding You Shaoqing is indeed a very difficult task.Later, with the help of Pan Qiwu, Zhao Minggui finally found You Shaoqing, but he made a detour and used some crooked tricks.

The second thing is that four days ago, Wei Mingshui's team, which You Shaoqing was in, even took the initiative to contact the bureau headquarters.Last night, the Telecommunications Office had already made a second wire contact with Wei Mingshui's team.

The Department of Telecommunications conducted a technical analysis of the two wire recordings.There are two conclusions: [-]. The radio operator is indeed Liu Xi from Wei Mingshui's team, and the fingering matches the stored samples.Second, the radio station is different.It seems that it is not a military radio equipped by the latent group, but a civilian radio.Therefore, it is not ruled out that Liu Xi, and even Wei Mingshui's entire group, have been cracked by the Communist Party and have been "reversely used" by the Communist Party.

Pan Qiwu said: "Director, if this is true, we should be more cautious." [

After listening to Pan Qiwu's introduction, Ye Gongjin couldn't help laughing, "Brother Qiwu, the telecommunications office is a bit dogmatic. Just imagine, if the Communist Party wanted to 'reversely use' the Wei Mingshui group, why did they let them use the civilian radio station? The Communist Party is not that stupid. I judge that Wei Mingshui's team is safe."

Pan Qiwu thought for a while, and said, "The director is right, it is indeed the truth. It is possible that Wei Mingshui used some method to set up another radio station, and I don't know."

Ye Gongjin nodded, "It's possible. So, do you know their exact location?"

Pan Qiwu shook his head, "We asked twice. But Wei Zu never mentioned it."

Ye Gongjin said: "In my judgment, this is You Shaoqing's caution. Well, they don't want to say it, so they have to ask Zhao Minggui's team to work harder and look for her. We must find her. Remember, we found her in secret."

Pan Qiwu nodded immediately, "I understand."

The third thing, because of this third thing, Ye Gongjin was very angry at first, but then laughed out loud.

The third thing is that Pan Qiwu received a telegram from the Nanjing latent team, which read: According to investigations, the funds in the account of "Yi Gongzi" have been used and the head of the account has been changed.

After reading the telegram, Ye Gongjin felt as if she had been stabbed with a knife in her heart.

The money in this "Yi Gongzi" account is his private property!He has fought for the party and the country for so many years, and he has only accumulated such a small amount of property.But when they were evacuated from Nanjing that year, they didn't have time to bring them out.Thinking about it now still made him unbearably painful.Now, he has no property in his hands except a little salary saved.He wanted to raise a woman at home, but he couldn't do it, which made him really uncomfortable.

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