Double Agent Saga

324、Secret investigation

Wang Shitou, who was lying in the hut, remembered most clearly that his father died in the torture room of the Kuomintang secret agents.This is what his mother, his aunt, told him when he was very young.

His father's death was something he would never forget.

In the evening of this day, when Wang Ma's mother and son and You Shaoqing's mother and daughter were sitting together for dinner, You Shaoqing vaguely noticed a change in Wang Shitou.He ate with his head down, without saying a word.When he happened to look up, she saw serious thought in his eyes.What surprised her a little was that there was even some kind of hatred in that pensive look.

You Shaoqing was very strange in his heart, and his heart was spinning leisurely, but he didn't understand why.

Although You Shaoqing had doubts in her heart, she didn't take this 15-year-old boy too seriously.Wang Shitou speaks Gaba Gaba in Wuhan dialect, and he looks like a native-born local child.When she first came to Wuhan to lurk, he was only about seven or eight years old.Before and after that, it was impossible for her to have any intersection with him.So, after thinking about the doubts in her heart, she let go.What worried her was the fact that she was being followed, even though the stalker was an inexperienced girl. [

This kind of life is still going on.You Shaoqing still goes to and from get off work on time every day as usual.However, she is more cautious than before.Every day when you go out, pay more attention to what is in front of you and behind you.

About three or four days later, when it was almost time to leave work, You Shaoqing sat at her small desk to count the income, organize the receipts, and prepare to leave work.At this time, she glanced at him through the small opening beside her.Just this one glance, she realized the danger, she might really be being followed.The stalker looked anything but a rookie.

When You Shaoqing looked outside, it was the time when most people got off work.There are many people on the street, but people are walking in a hurry, and few people stop.

This appears abnormal.Under the tree on the opposite side of the street stood a young man, chatting and reading a newspaper.It was this young man's chat that caught You Shaoqing's attention.The man flipped through the newspaper in his hand back and forth.She felt that this young man had read the newspaper in his hand many times.Another point, when he flipped through the newspaper, he would look up at the repair cooperative here.

You Shaoqing realized that this was a real stalker whose target was her.

You Shaoqing understood at this moment that she must tell Lao Wei about this matter as soon as possible, and discuss a solution with him.In addition, she must notify her team members in time, asking them to remain vigilant and move immediately if necessary.Tonight, she must do these two things well.

At the same time when You Shaoqing found out that she was being followed, her sister Zuo Shaoqing had just arrived in Wuhan with her three different team members.

Liu Qiuyue is still the chief manager of the whole group just like she was in Honggong Temple back then.The first thing she has to do is to settle everyone down.Therefore, within a day or two, Zuo Shaoqing's team hadn't started their reconnaissance activities.

Liu Qiuyue quickly rented two houses in a place called Simenkou Back Street not too far from the river, where she and Zuo Shaoqing lived.For Chen Sanhu and Hu Guanglin, let them book a room in a small inn as buyers.

Everyone, including Hu Guanglin, can be regarded as an expert.Without any delay, they settled down quickly, had dinner casually, and gathered together in Zuo Shaoqing's room.

When it was almost twelve o'clock at night, Liu Qiuyue set up her Red Star radio in her small room and connected it to the direction-finding antenna.Then, wearing headphones, began to search for the radio signal of the fifth latent group in Wuhan.

Both Chen Sanhu and Hu Guanglin saw Liu Qiuyue's posture for the first time.They sat on stools by the wall, watching Liu Qiuyue adjust the radio and direction-finding antenna in amazement.There was a faint beeping sound coming from her earphones.

Zuo Shaoqing was smoking a cigarette, sitting quietly in front, looking at the night sky outside.She is contemplating her next move.

Now, a group of four of them have come to Wuhan.Because Liu Qiuyue found a radio signal in the direction of Wuhan.It was also because Zuo Shaoqing remembered that there is indeed a "fifth latent group" in Wuhan.Therefore, Zuo Shaoqing had to consider, if all these judgments were correct, how would she find this "fifth latent group" in Wuhan?

She understood that the domestic public security department, and perhaps other intelligence agencies, already knew that there was a latent spy team in Wuhan, and had been monitoring and searching for many years.If they haven't found it, how can I find it?

Zuo Shaoqing had been thinking about this question during the day and night train from Nanjing to Wuhan.She must have a better way.

At this time, Liu Qiuyue raised her head, looked at Zuo Shaoqing, and said softly, "Sister, I found the signal of that radio station." She turned on the earphone, so that everyone in the room could hear the beeping sound from the earphone."They're sending, I feel like they've been sending for at least 10 minutes," she whispered.

Chen Sanhu looked at her with a smile, and said, "Sister Liu, you are so powerful. Master, these gangsters who don't know how to live or die are still active now? Are they stupid!"

Hu Guanglin was full of doubts, he said: "This, how do you know that it is a spy lurking in Wuhan?" [

Liu Qiuyue said: "Old Hu, we have monitored this signal, and its wavelength has not changed, and the sending method is also correct."

Chen Sanhu became excited, "Master, aren't you just looking for this radio station? Tell me, how do we find it?"

This is exactly what Zuo Shaoqing was thinking about. She said, "Don't worry, just listen to what Qiuyue has to say."

At this time, Liu Qiuyue had already spread out the map of Wuhan on the table.This is what she just bought from the bookstore this afternoon.She marked their current location on the map with a pencil, and looked at the people around her, "Sister, our current location is the back street of Simenkou, Wuchang." Draw a straight line to the northeast, "Sister, the location of this station is in this direction. Now, that's all we know. However, I don't know how to find this station."

The four people in the room gathered around the table, looking at the map on the table, and also at the straight line extending from the back street of Simenkou to the northeast on the map.They can all see that it is a large range.There are many streets and alleys in this range, and even more houses.It is harder than heaven to find hidden radio stations in this range.

Liu Qiuyue, Hu Guanglin and Chen Sanhu all raised their heads and looked at Zuo Shaoqing who had been staring at the map.

Zuo Shaoqing also stared at the map intently.She finally raised her head, looked at the three people in front of her one by one, and said softly: "Anyway, this is the station we are looking for. How to find it, I want to hear everyone's opinions first."

Liu Qiuyue did not speak.Based on her understanding of Zuo Shaoqing, she must have had an idea when she asked this question.

Hu Guanglin couldn't bear it anymore. He said: "I don't know much about wires and electricity. But I can still see that this straight line is drawn across a large area. This is simply looking for a needle in a haystack."

Chen Sanhu squinted at him, "Brother, are you cowardly? You are a communist army! Have you admitted cowardly so quickly?"

Hu Guanglin glared at him, "What about the communist army and not the communist army, stop talking nonsense!"

Chen Sanhu didn't show weakness, "Why, I just said that, cut off my head!"

Hu Guanglin's anger had already risen, but he didn't want to be as knowledgeable as this guy like Lai, so he tried his best to endure.He always had a doubt in his heart, looking for the enemy's radio station, why did he bring such a guy.

Zuo Shaoqing spoke first, "Sanhu, don't talk nonsense!"

Her voice was not high, but Chen Sanhu softened immediately, "Master, yes, I respect him. You said, as long as you open your mouth, I will search for him one by one. I'm afraid I won't be able to find him!"

Zuo Shaoqing looked at Hu Guanglin, and said softly: "No matter what, it's definitely not possible to go one by one. We don't have that much time. We have to find another way."

The small room fell silent, and the three people at the table looked at her attentively.

Zuo Shaoqing twisted out the cigarette butt in the ashtray, turned his head to look outside, and thought again.She turned back and said: "The situation that can be confirmed now is this. First, Qiuyue's monitoring found that there is a radio station with hidden secret agents in Wuhan. This is no longer doubtful. Second, I do know that there is a spy team in Wuhan. It's called the 'Fifth Latent Group'. Thirdly, since September [-], this latent group began to send intelligence to Taiwan, which is a wide range of economic intelligence. I have read all of these intelligences."

The three people sitting at the table stared at her dumbfounded, and couldn't help but guess the reason.

On the other hand, Zuo Shaoqing was able to find the "fifth latent group" in Wuhan, which the public security department had never been able to find, because she did have some information that the public security department did not.

Hu Guanglin asked: "Young Master Zuo, how do you know... these things?"

Chen Sanhu, who was sitting next to him, naturally didn't miss the opportunity to find fault with him, so he yelled at him and said, "Shut up! I warned you, don't ask what you shouldn't ask! Listen to the master!" [

Zuo Shaoqing looked at Hu Guanglin and other people, and said softly, "Don't ask me how I know, and don't guess at will. In some cases, you don't need to know, just listen to what I say later."

She paused for a moment, as if in recollection.She continued: "The fourth point I want to make is that there is such a part of the intelligence that the 'Fifth Latent Team' sent to Taiwan." She looked up at everyone to get their attention, "these The content is mainly the announcements, requirements or instructions of the Wuhan municipal government and the district government on various current work and various political movements, as well as various resolutions made by the urban government, mainly in this regard. I guess, Wuhan There may be only one place for people in the fifth team to obtain information in this regard, and that is the bulletin board in front of the city hall."

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