Wait a minute, wait a minute.At this time, Zhao Minggui, no matter how happy he was, couldn't help thinking: "After completing the mission here?" What does this mean?

Zhao Minggui is still reasonable and has some brains.At this moment, after he thought about it for a while, his feverish head gradually calmed down.He squinted his eyes and stared at Zeng Shaowu calmly.The only thing he can be clear about at this time is after completing the task here?It shows that this mission is extraordinary!Perhaps, after he completes the mission here, he may really be able to return to Taiwan!

Speaking of which, the only person who knows Zhao Minggui best is Ye Gongjin.Ye Gongjin's promise, if true, directly hit Zhao Minggui's vitals.Back then in Nanjing, a small chief secretary had already made Zhao Minggui run wild like a whipped horse.Not to mention today's Deputy Director of the Intelligence Bureau.

Zhao Minggui actually knows his own weakness: he is a little greedy for profit.But he couldn't help it.When he was in Nanjing, he warned himself many times not to step forward in case of trouble.But it didn't work.Before benefiting, he couldn't restrain himself.

Ye Gongjin, who lives far away in Taipei, really knows him very well. [

Zhao Minggui was dumbfounded, and when his body and mind were in the clouds and fog, Xu Wenmei, who was sitting next to him, stared at him coldly, without making a sound.

If Zhao Minggui can become the deputy director of the Intelligence Bureau, of course he has a great future, and of course it will be good.But for her, it is of no benefit at all!She knew that Zhao Minggui's wife and son were in Taiwan.This is what Zhao Minggui told her before.Once he goes back, it can be said that the whole family will be reunited and happy.

So what should she do?This idea was the first thing that popped up in Xu Wenmei's mind.Will she be left alone?Or go to Taiwan with him?Even if she went to Taiwan, who would she reunite with?Her husband was captured by the communist army, and his life and death are still unknown.Her children don't even know where they are, and they don't know how tall, short, fat, or thin.Does Zhao Minggui still care about her?Xu Wenmei couldn't help but think in her cold heart that she was more likely to be thrown in the mainland!

She vaguely felt that this man was a little unreliable.This was a small calculation she had to make in her heart.

As soon as Xu Wenmei's little calculation in her heart was played, there would be problems.Judges take it easy.

After all, Zhao Minggui has experienced vicissitudes and has honed himself in danger for many years, so he is more mature and calm in dealing with things.Such a huge benefit will soon fall on his head, so he can't believe it today.

He said quietly: "Brother Shaowu, the telegram from the headquarters said that I was going to accept an important task. You also mentioned just now, what will happen to me after I complete the task here. Brother Shaowu, far away, Let's not talk about it, let's talk about the task in front of us. I'm "confused", what is the important task?"

Zeng Shaowu squinted his little eyes and stared straight at Zhao Minggui, almost able to see through his heart.In the face of utilitarianism, words are in the heart, or words are in the mouth, these are two completely different situations.He could see clearly that Zhao Minggui would definitely miss this matter, so he had to worry.

But when Zeng Shaowu spoke, he still showed his gentle smile.He said: "Brother Minggui is really sophisticated and has a clear understanding of the world. I admire you very much. As for the task ahead, when the headquarters transferred your Jinan team to Wuhan, you have already made it very clear that it is a secret search. You Shaoqing, and under surveillance secretly. Is that so?"

Zhao Minggui said: "Yes. We have completed this mission. We have found You Shaoqing and have been secretly monitoring him. Brother Shaowu, to be honest, I don't quite understand this mission."

Zeng Shaowu nodded, "Brother Minggui, I will explain it clearly to you. That's right, what you just said is the first step of the mission, and you have already completed it. The second step of this mission is that both the headquarters and Director Ye are convinced. This You Shaoqing's sister, Zuo Shaoqing, will appear in Wuhan and meet her sister. The important mission given to you by the headquarters is to wipe out this Zuo Shaoqing cleanly and thoroughly! Brother Minggui, cleanly and thoroughly wipe out! "

Zhao Minggui was really taken aback when he heard this.Zuo Shaoqing!The woman in his nightmare had appeared again after so many years!And will appear in Wuhan!But why?

He said: "Brother Shaowu, please be sure to speak more clearly, so as to solve the doubts in my heart."

"Okay, Brother Minggui, please listen carefully. This Zuo Shaoqing is a Communist intelligence officer, do you admit it?"

"Yes, I admit it. That's what I thought when I was in Nanking."

"Yes, Director Ye thought so when he was in Nanjing. However, Director Ye left her in order to catch the big fish behind her. Afterwards, Director Ye took her to Taiwan and let her live in the present She was employed in the Intelligence Bureau. She was kept for another seven or eight years, and the purpose was to catch the big fish behind her. However, the strange thing about Zuo Shaoqing is that she stayed in Taipei for seven years, but she has not been with him for a long time. The communists in Taiwan contacted. Director Ye was far-sighted, and in order to expose her completely, he sent her to South Vietnam to train middle and lower-level intelligence officers for the Ng Tinh Diem government. However, this Zuo Shaoqing did not speak for seven years , Yiming is really amazing. She never took any action in South Vietnam, but at the last moment, she got an extremely important piece of information in South Vietnam!"

"Brother Shaowu, what information is it?" Zhao Minggui asked in astonishment.

"Brother Minggui, let me say something first. I absolutely mean you to keep it secret, but I really don't know what kind of information it is. Director Ye just told me that it was a microfilm. Director Ye didn't tell me what was in the film. But he told me that this film will undoubtedly have a powerful impact on the negotiation between China and the Soviet Union on the manufacture of atomic weapons! Brother Minggui, do you understand? This film can effectively move the Sino-Soviet relationship This negotiation!"

"Atomic weapons?" Zhao Minggui turned pale with shock. [

"Yes, atomic weapons! The powerful atomic weapons used by the Americans in Japan!"

"With this film, the regime can create this weapon?"

"There is no doubt about this! For us, this is a disaster that cannot be bigger!"

"Brother Shaowu, I now understand what you mean, if this Zuo Shaoqing is eliminated, this film will no longer work?"

"Brother Minggui, what you said is absolutely correct! When Zuo Shaoqing dies, this film will disappear with it. Brother Minggui, this is the purpose of my coming here today. This is also the task you must complete! After finishing, Director Ye will definitely transfer you back to Taiwan to serve as his deputy. Brother Minggui, this is your current task! Are you clear?"

"You mean, this Zuo Shaoqing has returned to the mainland?"

"Yes, and it's absolutely true! The Ministry has already obtained the evidence!"

"I don't understand. Now that she has returned to the mainland, wouldn't she get in touch with the ** intelligence agency and hand over her information? This is a matter of course!"

"Brother Minggui, what you said is indeed reasonable. Once Zuo Shaoqing returns to the mainland, he should get in touch with the government's intelligence agency. This is a matter of course. However, Director Ye is very sure and believes in this Zuo Shaoqing , will never contact the ** intelligence agency at present, but will come to find her younger sister, You Shaoqing."

"Why?" Zhao Minggui asked in surprise.

"Brother Minggui, to be honest, I don't know the reason. But that's how Director Ye made his judgment, and he's fully sure of it."

At this point in the story, I would like to discuss it with the judges.

On the other hand, after Zuo Shaoqing returned to China, she was unable to contact domestic intelligence agencies. A very important reason was that "Water Hyacinth" was like a door god, blocking the way between her and the intelligence agencies.She was worried that the film in her hand would fall into the hands of "Water Hyacinth".

But if Zeng Shaowu told Zhao Minggui about the reason for the "water hyacinth" at this time, then Zhao Minggui would immediately think of Lin Wenxiu in the small department store, and think that the domestic intelligence agency had discovered him, but did not do anything to him.The reason is because of this "water hyacinth".If Zhao Minggui knew the reason, he might do two things: first, slip away and hide.Second, he might find an easier way to eliminate Zuo Shaoqing.The judges will know after seeing it.

However, this "water hyacinth" is Ye Gongjin, and it is the top secret of the Taiwan Intelligence Agency. How could Ye Gongjin tell Zeng Shaowu and Zhao Minggui?No way!This was a small mistake that Ye Gongjin could not have made, and it was also a small key to Zhao Minggui's impossibility to complete this task.

The discussion is over, and the judges are invited to return to the story.

Zhao Minggui was full of doubts, staring at Zeng Shaowu and continued to ask: "How can the headquarters believe that Zuo Shaoqing will come to find her sister?"

Zeng Shaowu pointed to him and explained, "First, when Zuo Shaoqing returns to the country and is isolated, she will definitely find a helper. Then, who will be her helper? Who will be her most capable helper? Of course her You Shaoqing’s younger sister, You Shaoqing. I heard that this You Shaoqing is also a first-class expert in the field of intelligence. You know her best, don’t you?”

Zhao Minggui nodded, "Yes. What's the second thing you said?"

"Secondly, I heard that as early as in Nanjing, the two sisters were already close and even cooperated with each other. Getting rid of Cheng Yunfa is the result of the cooperation between the two sisters, isn't that true?"

Although Zhao Minggui was dumbfounded, he had to admit it, "Yes. What is the third?"

"Thirdly, You Shaoqing once deceived people in this team in Wuhan and refused to carry out the orders of the headquarters. Her team leader Wei Mingshui once specifically reported to the headquarters. But this You Shaoqing, over the years, However, they only provided some information on oil, salt, soy sauce and vinegar to the headquarters. Her sister Zuo Shaoqing stayed in Taipei for several years, but she only collected information from the Wuhan team. Why? How could they know that they were not premeditated or colluded with each other? OK?"[

This Zeng Shaowu stared at Zhao Minggui with extremely stern eyes.

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