At one o'clock in the afternoon, the morning rain had stopped, the sun came out, and the air was fresh and humid. [] At this time, Du Ziyuan had already chosen a very good observation position for himself to observe the situation inside and outside Bo'ai Hospital.

This is a two-story building on the east side of Bo'ai Hospital, with a small room in the northwest corner of the second floor.Here is the warehouse.Due to the bad location, strong sunlight from the west, and very cold winter, it was used as a warehouse.But it's really quiet.

The west-facing door of the warehouse is covered with newspapers, which have been browned by the sun.Du Ziyuan tore a piece of newspaper as his observation.He used binoculars to observe the Pok Oi Hospital, and he has been observing for a long time.Beside him, someone secretly pulled up a telephone from downstairs and used it when giving him orders.

At two o'clock in the afternoon, several cars stopped at the entrance of Pok Oi Hospital, and two of them drove into the yard.The people in the car got out of the car and entered the building.Du Ziyuan knew that the spies were here.

At 02:30 in the afternoon, an ambulance drove into the hospital.So far everything works fine.

But ten minutes later, when another ambulance drove into the hospital, Du Ziyuan's heart immediately rose to his throat.He saw the ambulance turn around in the yard and park alongside another ambulance in front of the hospital building.Du Ziyuan felt that the situation was not good. He didn't expect the secret agents to prepare two ambulances.So, there is no doubt that the secret agents are going to transport the wounded in two ways.

However, he only has one group of people, which is all his strength.Even if he wanted to organize people again, it was too late.Du Ziyuan thought desperately about what he should do.He felt a hot wet sensation already on his back.

At this moment in Bo'ai Hospital, Lu Cheng and a few people under his command kept guard inside and outside wards [-] and [-].The two of them were sitting in the ward, guarding the wounded.The little opening in the ceiling had been nailed shut.

Lu Cheng felt very strange that Cheng Yunfa's people had arrived at the hospital a long time ago, but they hadn't come up for a long time.Therefore, Lu Cheng observed the situation in the corridor somewhat uneasily, and sometimes stood at the stairs, looking down.He also entered Ward No. [-] and [-] from time to time to check the condition of the wounded.He was very worried about what accidents would happen to the wounded during this final period.

At [-]:[-] in the afternoon, he was surprised to find two ambulances parked side by side in the yard.At this time, Cheng Yunfa, You Shaoqing and others finally came upstairs.

This time, Cheng Yunfa was very cautious. They carefully confirmed the identity of the wounded to ensure that they were not mistaken.The doctors who came with the ambulance also handed over with the doctors of Boai Hospital. The two sides jointly checked the wounds and various physiological indicators of the wounded and signed the agreement.

everything is normal.Cheng Yunfa waved outwards and ordered the wounded to be carried onto a stretcher and ready to be sent downstairs.

Lu Cheng said cautiously: "Group Leader Cheng, the wounded will be handed over to you, and our task has been completed."

Cheng Yunfa nodded, "Okay, you are all fine, you can go now. Thank you for your hard work."

Lu Cheng did not leave immediately.The young master confessed to him on the phone that he had to get the wounded into the car before it was over.He took the brothers and went downstairs on the stretcher.

When he arrived in the hall downstairs, Lu Cheng was taken aback.The entire hall was controlled by Cheng Yunfa's people, and all nearby doors were guarded by Cheng Yunfa's people.What made him even more surprised was that there was actually a stretcher at the door of the hall, and there was also a wounded man whose head was tightly wrapped on the stretcher.

The atmosphere in the hall was tense, and everyone looked at Cheng Yunfa and You Shaoqing seriously.You Shaoqing nodded to Cheng Yunfa.

Cheng Yunfa pointed to the stretcher at the door and said, "Pick it up and get in the car."

The stretcher at the door was also lifted up, and two stretchers left the door at the same time.

Just as Du Ziyuan was worried, he saw through the binoculars that two stretchers appeared from the door of the hospital building at the same time, and they were carried into two ambulances respectively.He looked at the two stretchers, trying to guess which one contained the real wounded.He knew that half of his guesses would be wrong.This is not allowed.

Du Ziyuan gritted his teeth, time is running out, he must find a solution immediately.

Lu Cheng stood at the gate of the building, and got into the car with the real wounded.He memorized the car number and started to walk out.He waved to his brother, "Let's go."

They found their car in the corner of the hospital, got into the car, and drove out of the gate.

Lu Cheng's car left the hospital gate.Soon, the car pulled into an alley and stopped, then waited quietly.

The young master's call came at [-]:[-] in the afternoon.When the call was made to the doctor's office, the young master asked, "Is it convenient for you to speak?" Lu Cheng immediately kicked out everyone in the office, and he could tell that the young master must have deep doubts.

"Young master, there is no one in the room now." Lu Cheng said softly.

"Okay, listen," the young master said calmly, "Now is the last moment, you must not have any accidents, and you must hand over the wounded to Lao Cheng safely."

"Yes, I know." Lu Cheng also felt nervous.

"They'll be here soon. If something happens before you hand it over to Lao Cheng, you won't be able to keep your head, understand?" The young master was obviously worried, and added another sentence.

"Yes, I understand."

Next, the young master was silent for a while, and then said: "I'm very worried, worried that something will happen to Lao Cheng on the way to deliver the wounded. People from the Communist Party will not stop there."

"Then, what should I do?" Lu Cheng asked.

Zuo Shaoqing thought for a while, "How about this, don't leave immediately after you have handed over to him. Follow quietly for a while. The area around Bo'ai Hospital is relatively remote and may not be safe. Follow quietly for a while."

Lu Cheng immediately said: "Yes, I understand."

"You follow for a while, and when you reach the main street, there should be no problem. You will come back, understand?"

"Understood, I will follow a certain distance, if there is no problem, I will withdraw."

"Yes, that's it." The young master put down the phone over there.

The young master's exhortation made Lu Cheng even more nervous.He returned to the ward and ordered his men to pull out their guns, load them, and shoot immediately if there was any accident.Two people were guarding the ward, he was guarding the door of the ward, and two people were guarding the stairs.He was not relieved until seeing Cheng Yunfa's person entered the hospital.

Now, he parks the car in the alley.He got out of the car, stood at the corner of the alley, far away from the hospital gate, and waited.

Ten minutes later, he saw two ambulances leaving the gate of the hospital, one heading east and one heading west, and drove away separately.Then came out two cars, one east and one west, respectively following the two ambulances.In the end, a group of spies rushed out of the gate, got into the cars outside the gate separately, and also divided into two parts, and drove away separately.

Lu Cheng carefully looked at the ambulance driving past him, and confirmed that it was the car of the real wounded.He got back in the car and waited a while longer for all the cars to pass in front of him.Only then did his car slowly drive out from the alley, following the convoy from a distance.

This time was when Du Ziyuan was most nervous and anxious.The agents had set off, but he didn't know which car to attack.His hand holding the phone was already sweating.He has no more time, he must give the order immediately.

At this time, he was a little surprised to notice the car coming out of the alley.He was stunned for two seconds before realizing that the heavens opened his eyes and gave him a chance.

He has been observing the situation in the hospital with binoculars.As the two wounded were loaded into the ambulance, he noticed several people leaving the gate of the hospital building and walking towards a car in the corner of the yard.He recognized them. They were the people who were in charge of guarding the wounded.They got in their car, and their car drove out of the gate, but it didn't go far, but it stopped in an alley.He didn't pay much attention to the situation at the time.

Du Ziyuan wiped the sweat off his brow.Now he understood that these people had to follow the wounded to ensure the safety of the wounded.That is to say, the real wounded are in the ambulance heading east.

Du Ziyuan immediately grabbed the phone and dialed a number. He said, "Xiang Dong." Then he dropped the phone and ran out.

Central Hospital is located at No. 205, Shandong Road, with Huangpu Road to the east.The Central Hospital was originally named the Central Model Military Hospital, and later changed its name to the Central Hospital. It mainly serves the military and takes care of civilians.It was the largest hospital with the most advanced equipment in Nanjing at that time.

From Pok Oi Hospital, there are indeed two roads to the Central Hospital.Going west from Bo'ai Hospital is a short distance away, and heading east from Bo'ai Hospital is a little farther.

On the issue of choosing a direction, Cheng Yunfa and You Shaoqing once had a lot of haggling.In the end, it was secretly decided that Cheng Yunfa would lead the real wounded people out of Bo'ai Hospital and go eastward, taking a slightly longer road.You Shaoqing, on the other hand, took the fake wounded to the west and took a shorter path.This arrangement is also the reason for the suspicion.Of course, the shorter the journey time for transporting such an important wounded person, the better.He hoped that if the Communist Party wanted to hijack the wounded, it might choose that shortcut.

Cheng Yunfa didn't say to the driver who brought the wounded to the car until the wounded was carried into the car: "Go east after you go out."

The driver understood immediately and started the car.But You Shaoqing stood in front of the car, and didn't wave him to follow until another ambulance drove towards the hospital gate.

Cheng Yun felt very proud of You Shaoqing's actions.He felt that he had made a mistake this time.But how did he know that Zuo Shaoqing's wisdom was much higher than his, a prudent arrangement to ensure the safety of the wounded, so he told Du Ziyuan his driving direction.

Cheng Yunfa has been very steady along the way.Although there are many pedestrians and vehicles on the road, it is not congested and the driving is smooth.Cheng Yunfa's car has been following the ambulance, and he has been staring at the ambulance, maintaining vigilance.As long as they cross another intersection, they will arrive at Huangpu Road, and after crossing Huangpu Road, they will be the Central Hospital.

Just as they were about to cross that intersection, a small incident happened.

The ambulance had already passed the intersection, but a truck rushed out from the side and braked suddenly to stop at the intersection.Cheng Yunfa's driver honked his horn desperately to tell the truck to leave quickly.The truck driver opened the door and yelled at a beggar in front of him.

The beggar was already very old, with long hair draped over his shoulders, a gray beard all over his face, and a stooped waist. He walked forward staggeringly in a small cart full of broken pieces.

The driver jumped out of the car, rushed to the beggar, and scolded him to leave quickly.But the beggar stopped, staring at the driver with glaring eyes.

One of Cheng Yun's secret agents jumped out of the car and ran over to tell them to leave quickly.The driver waved to him, indicating that he would leave immediately.He pushed and shoved, and finally pushed the beggar aside.Then I got into the car and drove away.

After the truck left, Cheng Yunfa immediately saw the ambulance ahead.His car quickly caught up and followed closely behind the ambulance.In front is Huangpu Road, after crossing Huangpu Road is Central Hospital.He has already seen the building of Central Hospital.It was precisely because of this that Cheng Yunfa didn't have time to think about the little thing that happened just now.

The ambulance crossed Huangpu Road and drove directly into the gate of the Central Hospital.

The hospital had already received a call from the Security Bureau, and some doctors and nurses were already waiting in front of the building carrying stretchers.As soon as the ambulance stopped, the doctors and nurses immediately opened the door and lifted the wounded inside.

When Cheng Yunfa's car drove into the gate, he saw the stretcher in the ambulance being lifted off.He jumped out of the car immediately, followed the stretcher into the building, and followed into the emergency room.

The doctors and nurses were very efficient, and immediately carried the wounded to the rash treatment bed. Some people started to untie the bandages, and some began to take the wounded body temperature and check the pulse.

Cheng Yunfa stood behind the doctors and nurses, walking carefully.

The doctor who examined the wound turned to him and looked at him very puzzled.Cheng Yunfa suddenly became nervous, he already realized that there was a problem.

The doctor said: "You said on the phone that he had a gunshot wound. But why is this man a knife wound?"

Cheng Yunfa only felt a bang in his brain, and he was a little confused.He rushed over and drove the person in front of him.As soon as he got to the wounded man, he knew that he was not the wounded man.This is a man in his 50s, and he knew from the first moment that he was a coolie.

Cheng Yunfa stared and was about to go crazy.He repeatedly looked at the doctors and nurses around him, and at the wounded in front of him.He is not blind, this person is definitely not his wounded.He growled, turned around and ran outside.

He ran out the door, where the ambulance was still parked.When he rushed over, there was no one in the car, not only were there no wounded, even the driver and doctor were gone, and the special agent in charge of following the car was gone.His men gathered around and asked him what was going on.

Cheng Yunfa shouted: "The wounded are gone! The wounded are gone!"

At this time, a second ambulance drove into the yard.You Shaoqing jumped out of the car and ran towards this side.When she saw Cheng Yunfa's expression from a distance, she knew something had happened.

"Old Cheng, what's going on?" She called from a distance.

"The wounded is lost! The wounded is lost!" Cheng Yunfa was really going crazy, his face was distorted in panic.

You Shaoqing was also a little panicked.She rushed over, grabbed Cheng Yunfa's arm, and shook him vigorously, "Old Cheng, do you know how you lost it? Where is it? Tell me quickly!"

Cheng Yunfa's flustered eyes finally stopped, he stared blankly at You Shaoqing in front of him, and said coherently: "Probably... probably at the east side of Huangpu the intersection on the east side, a car...blocked us..." He stuttered, at a loss, and didn't know what to do.

You Shaoqing was calmer, she already understood what was going on.She turned around and yelled, "Everyone, come here, come here! Come on!"

The two groups of secret agents escorting the car gathered together.

You Shaoqing immediately began to issue orders, "The wounded have been robbed! The location may be at the intersection east of Huangpu Road. Everyone, get in the car, go to the intersection east of Huangpu Road first, and then go to the intersection separately. Go south. You , to the north. You, continue to the east. You, go to Huangpu Road, you go to Shandong Road. Go now, find that ambulance, go find it! Go!" She shouted loudly to the secret agents.

The agents dispersed and ran to their cars.They got into the car and drove out the gate quickly.Search according to You Shaoqing's order.

You Shaoqing turned around and saw Cheng Yunfa who was at a loss, still looking around, as if trying to find an ambulance in the hospital, with a stupid look on his face.According to her temper, she wished she could slap him in the face.But he is her boss, and she can't vent her anger on him.She gritted her teeth with hatred.

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