Double Agent Saga

371、bad luck

A few days later, Du Ziyuan returned to Beijing with Long Jinyun and Qin Donghai.Long Jinyun was ordered to stay in a small room in the guest house of the Central Investigation Department and not to communicate with the outside world.

At this time, Long Jinyun already had a premonition that disaster was imminent.

On the second day of Long Jinyun's stay in the small room of the guest house, it was Lao Luo, the director of the Second Bureau, who was talking to her.Lao Luo's questioning was very simple, just asking her to describe in detail the whole process from the laundry club to the prison, and finally being taken to the Phnom Penh Hotel.Lao Luo left after listening to her narration without saying anything.

On the third day, it was Chu Bolin, director of the Asian Division of the Second Bureau, who talked to her.Director Chu asked this conversation, and Long Jinyun answered.But Director Chu didn't ask questions in the order of the development of things, but asked one sentence before and one after the other, one moment was the end, and the other was the middle, which was jumpy.Some words, even asked again and again.

Long Jinyun put all his energy into answering his question seriously.

Long Jinyun is an outstanding student of Tsinghua University, the "chairman" of the student union and secretary of the party branch.After entering the Central Investigation Department, he was the squad leader of the cadre training class.These are not easy to come by, she has an extremely fine memory and clear and complete narrative ability.

Du Ziyuan, Lao Luo and Chu Bolin did not find any inconsistencies in Long Jinyun's narrative.The most fortunate thing for Long Jinyun was that she was not beaten by Jiang Shanyan.If she had been beaten, the censors would have suspected her of treason even more.This is also a coincidence.

Such a result seems to only show that there is really nothing particularly important in Zuo Shaoqing's backpack.

The honest Long Jinyun never imagined that her superiors had doubts about her.This is very difficult to eliminate. [

Two days later, Long Jinyun received a transfer order when she left the small room, and she was transferred to work in the reference room.

But she only worked in the reference room for a week, and she received a new transfer order to work in the Hubei Bureau of Investigation and set off immediately.

That night, Long Jinyun hid in the quilt and cried bitterly.She has fully understood her situation, she is suspected of treason!She even suspected that she had handed over that crucial thing to Pan Qiwu from Taiwan.

Although these are just a suspicion.But this shape of shackles was tightly around her neck, making it difficult for her to breathe.Her young life had just begun and she had been sent to death row.She was sinking to the bottom with no rescue and no hope.All that remained in her was despair.

Her future is clear.On the best side, she will spend a two-year declassification period at the Hubei Bureau of Investigation.Then spend the rest of her life in a primary school, or maybe a small shop.It seemed that was all she could do.

The next day, she went to the train station alone with simple luggage.No one saw her off.

Beijing in early May, in her eyes and feelings, is still cold and windy, making her young heart curl up in the cold.At this time, she couldn't tell what was still worrying about her, she just looked around anxiously.She was both afraid and hoped to see a familiar figure.But she didn't see it.

The figure she feared and hoped for had been standing behind the corner at this time, looking at her thin and lonely appearance, watching her look around with hopeful eyes.

Qin Donghai stood in the corner, looking at the lonely Long Jinyun, but he didn't dare to walk over, let alone talk to her.The systems and regulations of the Central Investigation Department are all made of steel, and no one dares to violate them.

He happened to know that she was leaving Beijing today, and he only dared to look at her from a distance, but he couldn't get rid of the concern in his heart.He watched Long Jinyun slowly walk into the station, and then turned and left sadly.He vaguely felt that he might never see her again.

The story behind Long Jinyun will be narrated slowly below.

Long Jinyun was not the only one who was unlucky in this operation in Phnom Penh.There is another one, Jiang Shanyan.

At about ten o'clock in the morning that day, when Pan Qiwu learned that Zuo Shaoqing had escaped from prison, he immediately asked Jiang Shanyan to send someone to chase him.Jiang Shanyan wanted to chase him himself, but Pan Qiwu forbade him.

Jiang Shanyan sent two cars and four brothers.A car chased the train, and a car drove directly to Bangkok, Thailand.The previous car caught up with the train in Thailand, and the latter car blocked it on the Bangkok platform.They finally met at the Bangkok station, but they couldn't find Zuo Shaoqing.

Faced with such a result, Pan Qiwu, who was angry and irritable, had experienced tempering in the officialdom after all.He knew very well that Ye Gongjin must have an explanation for this matter, and the first thing to do was to protect himself. [

He looked at Jiang Shanyan calmly, and said softly, "Brother Shanyan, come back to Taipei with me and see if Director Ye has any instructions for you."

As soon as Jiang Shanyan got off the plane at Taipei Airport, he was taken away by several gendarmes and put in the detention center of the Intelligence Bureau.

In the next few days, people came to him for questioning every day.The main questions are only a few things. The first thing is to set up an ambush at the Phnom Penh Railway Station. Why did you choose to be outside the police station?The second thing is that the person in ** arrived later, why did he get the backpack first?The third item, Zuo Shaoqing's backpack, have you checked thoroughly?Fourth, how did Du Ziyuan leave the ** office?How did you not find out?

Jiang Shanyan was dumbfounded, desperately explaining to himself.However, these few things are so weird and mysterious.The more he explained, the more "confusing" he was, and in the end even he himself collapsed, not knowing what to say.

The tradition of military control and secrecy bureau has continued to today's intelligence bureau.It is very difficult for the officers locked in the detention center to be released regardless of their rank.Jiang Shanyan soon saw his future clearly, he could only spend his whole life in this detention center.He sat in the cell and cried loudly, until he became insane.

In the middle of the night, Ye Gongjin was sitting in her office, looking at the sluggish Pan Qiwu, neither angry nor annoyed.

The result of Pan Qiwu's trip to Phnom Penh was indeed within his expectation.He said to himself: "Zuo Shaoqing, this is you, I did not misread you." He believed that Chinese spies were the best when it comes to the Kuomintang and the Communist Party.

The result of this matter was within his expectation, but it made him feel as if he had a clear feeling in his heart, very refreshing and sharp, like a sharp knife slashing.He understood that he would be the one who would fight Zuo Shaoqing next.

Thinking of this, Ye Gongjin couldn't help but said to herself again: "Shaoqing, you didn't disappoint me. Only I know you! Therefore, only I can find you. Shaoqing, I was lucky enough to fight against you in Nanjing. I admit that it was you who won. But now, you and I will still fight. Shaoqing, please be careful, I am not what I used to be!"

Another point that made Ye Gongjin feel refreshed was that this Pan Qiwu could only work for him obediently from now on.He feels that this is good, very good.

Ye Gongjin said softly: "Brother Qiwu, you are tired, go back and rest early."

Pan Qiwu stood up slowly, "Yes, director. What instructions does the director have for Zuo Shaoqing?"

Ye Gongjin smiled at him, "Brother Qiwu, since you asked, I will tell you so that you can make preparations. First, contact You Shaoqing at all costs. Second, order Zhao Minggui's team to secretly transfer to Wuhan to hide , Waiting for my order. Brother Qiwu, this is your task now, don’t let me down again.”

After Pan Qiwu left, Ye Gongjin sat quietly in the office with a smile on her face.He whispered to himself: "Shaoqing, I am looking forward to meeting you again."

Speaking of which, this Ye Gongjin has gone through vicissitudes of life, and this thousand-year-old demon is almost mature.

He had an extremely sober judgment that Zuo Shaoqing would not easily contact Du Ziyuan even after returning to China.Because the "Water Hyacinth" was already standing between them like a door god, blocking them.

This is indeed the case with subsequent facts and developments.

Then, Ye Gongjin further judged that Zuo Shaoqing's greatest possibility is to find her younger sister You Shaoqing.If she wants to break through this dilemma, maybe only You Shaoqing can help her.These two sisters are sisters who are heart to heart.However, it may also be an irreconcilable opponent!Who can tell.

Thinking of this, Ye Gongjin couldn't help smiling. He hoped that Pan Qiwu could find You Shaoqing as soon as possible.He's ready to make a move.

In this way, the next story to be told is about You Shaoqing.

Speaking of You Shaoqing, this point in time must be moved forward a little bit, which is the beginning of April in [-].

At this time, her sister Zuo Shaoqing was still training local intelligence officers at the US military base in Jin Ran Bay in South Vietnam, and she hadn't seen Lao Huang for the last time in the "Green Bamboo" coffee shop.Du Ziyuan, who was far away in Beijing, had just received a call from Yang Keqin, secretary of the Zhejiang Provincial Party Committee, and was driving on the dusty Zhongzhi Road at a moment of panic.The three killers sent by Ye Gongjin had just arrived in Jinlan Bay and were about to kill them.

In March [-], You Shaoqing finally agreed to be ordered to lurk because of the entanglement in his heart.Her latent location is in Wuhan City, Hubei Province.To be more specific, it is Wuchang.At least, that's how it was recorded in the top-secret brief information provided by Pan Qiwu to Ye Gongjin.

The judges must be a little puzzled when they see this "at least".But to clarify this "at least", I have to drop my book bag, and I will start from more than 1000 years ago.

In [-] A.D., Sun Quan, the king of Jiangdong Wu during the Three Kingdoms period, took a fancy to a hill beside the Yangtze River and named it "Huanghu Mountain".Thinking that it was a strategic location for "controlling Shuchuan from above and viewing Wu Qi from below", he ordered people to build a military fortress on the mountain.In the later history, this fortress did not play any particularly important military role, but the Yellow Crane Tower built in the fortress later became famous all over the world.

After several expansions, this fortress became a city, and it was first called Xiakou, also known as Echeng.In [-] A.D., Sun Quan ascended the throne in Echeng and proclaimed himself emperor, taking the meaning of "prosperity because of Wu" and renamed Echeng Wuchang.


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