Double Agent Saga

392、Secret businessman

Speaking of it, Fu Huaizhen was actually two years older than Zuo Shaoqing, and he also said at this time: "Sister, let's touch."

Zuo Shaoqing looked at Liu Qiuyue and Fu Huaizhen with a smile on his face.She recognized a younger sister Zhang Yalan yesterday, but she did not expect to recognize another younger sister today.She felt that their willingness to recognize her as a sister was really honed out from the difficult years, and their affection was comparable to family affection, the most precious family affection in life.

She raised her glass, clinked glasses with them, and drank them all in one gulp.Liu Qiuyue hurriedly fetched vegetables for Zuo Shaoqing, repeatedly persuading her to eat vegetables.

After several glasses of wine like this, Zuo Shaoqing gently put down his chopsticks, looked at them with a smile, and asked with a little doubt in his gentleness: "Qiuyue, and Huaizhen, what's the matter, you guys, what's the matter?" ?"

Fu Huaizhen smiled and said: "Yue'er, we are so happy, right? So many years have passed in a flash, and Yue'er and I miss you very much. We are so surprised and happy to see you, really."

But Liu Qiuyue hit him once, and didn't let him speak any more.She turned to Zuo Shaoqing, with deep worry on her face.She said, "Sister, can you help me?"

Zuo Shaoqing put away his smile and looked at her seriously, "Qiuyue, tell me."

So, Liu Qiuyue told the whole story about her resume.

She said anxiously: "Sister, I worry about this matter all the time, and I can't sleep at night. I don't know what to do. Tell me, if someone in the unit asks about my past, what do you think I should do?" ? Shall I say or not?" [

Zuo Shaoqing soon understood this matter.She must help Qiuyue.But she also has her own difficulties.Her current identity has not been made public, and she has lost contact with her superiors.What's more, she is still in danger now, and "Water Hyacinth" may attack her secretly at any time.

She wanted to help Qiuyue at this time, and now she also started to help.After thinking about it, she already understood that it was best for Du Ziyuan to help Qiuyue in this matter, because he was also the person involved.Saying a word in his capacity will definitely play a role in the higher-level organization.

Thinking of this, Zuo Shaoqing said softly, "Qiuyue, let me think about this matter, let's talk about it tonight."

Liu Qiuyue was extremely smart and understood immediately.She picked up the wine bottle, poured wine for Zuo Shaoqing, and said, "Sister, don't worry about it, let's have a drink. You have a huge capacity, let's drink another full glass."

At night, Liu Qiuyue asked Fu Huaizhen to make a bed in the outhouse.She waited for Zuo Shaoqing to wash his face and feet, and then went to bed with her.She sat cross-legged on the bed, looking at Zuo Shaoqing cautiously and uneasily.

Zuo Shaoqing also sat cross-legged on the bed, looked at her attentively, and whispered, "Qiuyue, you have to remember what I said. When I was still in the second group, I will treat you as my younger sister. I will definitely take care of you. will help you. But, not yet."

Liu Qiuyue looked at her attentively, and said in a low voice, "Sister, is there any special situation?"

Zuo Shaoqing nodded, "Yes. 'Water hyacinth', do you still remember?"

Liu Qiuyue nodded, "Yes, I remember. Why, haven't you found him yet?"

Zuo Shaoqing looked at the night sky outside and said in a low voice: "Yes, I haven't found it yet. Before returning to Nanjing this time, I have been working abroad. However, recently, I have been plotted against several times, and I almost lost it." Life. I judged that this was all done by 'Water Hyacinth'. I believe that he already knew who I was, so he tried everything possible to get rid of me. I came back to Nanjing this time in secret, and my identity is also unknown. It's not public. So, at least so far, I can't help you. You have to wait until I find 'Water Hyacinth', preferably after I find Du Ziyuan. Qiuyue, he is your client, do you understand?"

It's not that Zuo Shaoqing doesn't trust Liu Qiuyue, but he has to be cautious.She dared not tell Zhang Yalan about the film, let alone Liu Qiuyue.Fortunately, the matter of film and the matter of 'water hyacinth' are actually the same thing.After finding the 'water hyacinth', the matter of the film was naturally resolved.

However, there is no way for her to find the "water hyacinth" right now.

Liu Qiuyue is clever, and immediately understands that the "water hyacinth" matter and her own affairs are in fact a sequential relationship, which must start from one to the other.She was Zuo Shaoqing's loyal subordinate in the past, and she only followed her lead.Now, Zuo Shaoqing wants to find "Water Hyacinth" and it is related to her vital interests, so how can she not do her best.

So, she said seriously: "Sister, how do you want to find 'water hyacinth'?"

Zuo Shaoqing looked at her worriedly, "I just don't know how to find him right now."

Looking at Zuo Shaoqing's worried eyes, Liu Qiuyue also hugged her legs with her arms, put her chin on her knees, stared at the corner of the wall with her big eyes, and fell into deep thought.

Zuo Shaoqing was also thinking.She said softly: "Qiuyue, tell me, if I can find my sister, will it help me find 'water hyacinth'?"

"Sister, You Shao and 'Water Hyacinth' are actually the same, they are both lurking..." Liu Qiuyue couldn't help shrinking her mouth when she said this, and looked at Zuo Shaoqing with some anxiety.

But Zuo Shaoqing nodded to her, "You are right, they are all hidden personnel left by the Bureau of Secrecy, and they are equally difficult to find. I don't know where my sister is lurking." When she said this, she fell into silence again .

In fact, Zuo Shaoqing had already considered the issue of finding his younger sister before he set off to return home.However, China is simply too big.She could be anywhere except she was sure that her sister was not in Nanjing.Back then, if she had been lurking in Nanjing, she would have returned to her in a few days.She was very sure of it.

But where could she find her sister in the crowd?This is the first question.Second, even if she does find her sister, can she help me find "Water Hyacinth"?This is the second question.

To be honest, Zuo Shaoqing is currently in a predicament and dare not reveal his whereabouts or contact Du Ziyuan.Behind her, Ye Gongjin from the outside, and 'Water Hyacinth' from the inside, are tracking her. If they want to put her to death, it's hard to say when they will find her.To break out of this dilemma, she must first find the 'water hyacinth'.But how does she find it?At least for now, she has nothing to do.

The judges must be wise, so you might as well use your brains to think of a way for Zuo Shaoqing, and tell me in the message to see if you and I see the same thing.

At this time, Liu Qiuyue turned her head slowly, looked at Zuo Shaoqing, and said, "Sister, do you still remember Qian Yuhong?"

"Of course I remember." Zuo Shaoqing said with a smile.In fact, she was also thinking about this person, this Qian Yuhong, seemed to be her only clue.

"Sister, I doubt her very much. I always feel that she has something to do with that 'water hyacinth'." Liu Qiuyue said softly.

"Qian Yuhong is still in Nanjing?" Zuo Shaoqing asked in surprise.

"Yes." Liu Qiuyue raised her head and regained her energy. "She almost returned to Nanjing with me. When I was 'controlled' by the Military Control Commission, I saw her. She was far away. As soon as she saw me, she turned around and left, as if she didn't know me at all. I was restricted in my movements and locked up in a detention center. But she was free, and she could go home after talking with the military control committee. Sister, I Guess, she must have made up a false identity."

Zuo Shaoqing nodded, feeling that this might indeed be the case.Qian Yuhong's military rank is higher than Qiuyue's, she has served for a long time, and has a special relationship with Ye Gongjin.It might be difficult for her to have a good life without making up a false identity.

"Sister, do you know? Qian Yuhong is married again, and the husband is a dock worker."

Zuo Shaoqing was taken aback.This situation surprised her.She had analyzed it with Liu Qiuyue before, and Qian Yuhong had always been tight-lipped about her man, which showed that she cared a lot about that man.But now why marry someone else?

Liu Qiuyue seemed to have guessed what she was thinking, and she said mysteriously, but also jokingly: "Sister, we guessed right before, she can't live without a man. She must have a man, and she can only live if she does that thing every day." Gotta go down."

"Qiuyue, how do you know these things?" Zuo Shaoqing asked.

"It was Sanhu who told me. Chen Sanhu, the big guy."

"Chen Sanhu is also in Nanjing?" Zuo Shaoqing was surprised again.

"Yes. He works as a coolie on the pier, carrying big bags, loading and unloading and so on. He knows Qian Yuhong's current man, and they all work on the pier."

"You still have contact with Sanhu?"

"Only met a few times. At first, he found me and asked me about surrendering myself to the military control committee. He said he didn't know what to say. I said, just tell the truth. You haven't killed anyone, and there is no blood debt, but He is a soldier, what are you afraid of. Later, he told me that Qian Yuhong was married."

The things Liu Qiuyue said were spinning rapidly in Zuo Shaoqing's mind, judging whether they were helpful to his current goal.One of the main points here is, is the man Qian Yuhong used to be a 'water hyacinth'?Is this judgment valid?

"Qiuyue, do you think Qian Yuhong's former man might be a 'water hyacinth', is there any reason?"

In fact, Zuo Shaoqing also had a judgment on this situation.But she very much hoped to verify her judgment through Liu Qiuyue's explanation.Perhaps, it can also give her a new idea.

Zuo Shaoqing's superhuman wisdom is also reflected in this point.

Liu Qiuyue immediately said: "Sister, when we were in the Secrecy Bureau, we felt that she was a married person. But she never said whether she was married, right? So, I judge that the man she married , must be a very special person. Do you still remember that when we found Qian Yuhong's marriage registration in Tongliang County, Sichuan, they were deliberately covered up, doesn't that explain it?"


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