At this time, Boss Tu thought of the girl who bought the "Yamei" brand radio in his hardware store this afternoon.The girl was very beautiful, which made him feel a little eager to try.

To be honest, this boss Tu is also a pervert, and a pervert who will bring disaster to others.At least, Zuo Shaoqing's disaster had something to do with this old pervert.Take your time.

Another point that Boss Tu thought of was that that girl must be an expert.Among the products she selected were headphones, loop antennas, various wiring accessories and components, and various repair tools.He believed that the girl would never buy such a lot of things just to go home and assemble a mineral radio.She bought these things, almost enough to assemble a radio station.

Boss Tu judged that she was not a radio enthusiast, nor would she be an interceptor of the Public Security Bureau.It seems that she might be a lurker, right?He guessed so.

He found it very interesting.However, he can be reported.He can only exist in the heart.But he didn't expect that after about half a month, he would meet this girl again.

At this time, Liu Qiuyue, the "girl" in Boss Tu's mind, was sitting at the table.She took a deep breath, and looked at the two radios in front of her like a Buddha.She picked up a screwdriver, carefully disassembled the Asian American radio, and the Red Star radio at home, and started her technical transformation work.

Liu Qiuyue's technical transformation work is cumbersome and boring, so I can only briefly talk about it.

Simply put, a radio station is actually composed of two parts: a receiver and a transmitter.The function of the radio is roughly equivalent to the receiver of a radio station.But the receiving function of the radio is much worse than that of the radio station.There are two main differences. One is that the short-wave frequency of the radio is narrower, and the other is that the distortion of the received signal is relatively large.All Liu Qiuyue could do was to improve on these two aspects.

To continue briefly, Liu Qiuyue's two radios, their tuning and local oscillator circuits, use double-connected variable capacitors.A better radio, usually.In parallel with the dual variable capacitors, there is also a fixed capacitor whose value is about picofarads (pf).Liu Qiuyue's first step was to remove the fixed capacitor.The purpose of doing this is to increase the receiving frequency of short-wave and receive more short-wave signals.Liu Qiuyue's second step is to modify the frequency range of the filter, and then readjust all the trimming capacitors.The purpose of this is to improve the clarity of the signal as much as possible. [

These are simple, specific modifications, and many others such as feedback loops, basket coils, transformers, signal gain, and more.

When Liu Qiuyue finally completed the transformation, it was almost 11:30 at night.

Finally, under the silent gaze of Zuo Shaoqing and Fu Huaizhen, Liu Qiuyue carefully calibrated the direction of the direction-finding antenna with a compass so that it was facing true north, and reset the scale on the base to zero.Then she plugged in the power, turned on the radio, and put headphones on her head.

Zuo Shaoqing and Fu Huaizhen, who were sitting next to her, could vaguely hear the beeping sound and the whistling sound of the current coming from her earphones.I also watched her keep adjusting the knob and at the same time, constantly adjusting the direction-finding antenna.Sometimes, she would use a tiny screwdriver to adjust one of the trimmer capacitors on the circuit board.

The room was very quiet.Closed doors and thick curtains cut out the sounds of the street.There was a pungent smell of welding oil in the room.

Zuo Shaoqing sat at the table, and Fu Huaizhen sat on the stool by the door. They watched intently as Liu Qiuyue adjusted the band with her slender fingers.Zuo Shaoqing glanced at the alarm clock on the table, it was already twelve ten.

At this moment, Liu Qiuyue, who was wearing headphones, seemed to be frozen, her eyes were blinded, she was motionless, and all her energy was concentrated in her headphones.She moved the DF antenna very slightly.

Her eyes slowly turned to Zuo Shaoqing, and said softly: "Sister, I heard the signal." However, one of her fingers slowly stood up, signaling Zuo Shaoqing not to speak.

Zuo Shaoqing and Fu Huaizhen didn't even dare to breathe at this moment, they looked at her nervously.

Liu Qiuyue stared at Zuo Shaoqing, "Sister, this is a set of codes, repeated over and over again, it may be a call signal. I judge that this is a call, someone is using the radio to call."

She carefully looked at the dial under the direction-finding antenna, and said to Fu Huaizhen, "Degree, you write down this number, it is the scale on the disk."

Fu Huaizhen nodded his head with his hands, "Yue'er, I remember, Du."

Liu Qiuyue said to Zuo Shaoqing: "Sister, I believe that when someone calls, someone should call back."

She jumped up, rushed to the red star radio on the other table, and hooked up the direction-finder antenna and earphones.She hooked up the Asian-American radio with a fixed antenna pulled from the roof.In this way, the Didi signal sound continued to be heard on the Asian American radio.She adjusted the volume to try to keep the sound out of the house.After that, she began to slowly turn the knob of the Red Star radio, slowly adjusting the direction-finding antenna.

At this time, the signal sound on the Yamei radio suddenly disappeared, leaving only a slight current sound.Both Zuo Shaoqing and Fu Huaizhen were surprised and looked at Liu Qiuyue.She continued to adjust the knob on the Red Star radio, and from time to time adjusted the angle of the DF antenna. [

The room was extremely quiet at this time, with only a slight electrical sound from the Yamei radio.What's more, there are slight beeps and whistles in Liu Qiuyue's earphones.

After about a few minutes, Liu Qiuyue suddenly turned to Zuo Shaoqing, and said pleasantly, "Sister, someone responded, listen, listen." She lifted the headphones on her head to let them listen.

Even a layman like Zuo Shaoqing could hear the signal sound that followed.When the signal tone of the Asian-American radio sounded, the signal tone of the Red Star radio stopped.Similarly, when the signal of the Red Star radio is sounded, the signal of the Asian American radio will also be suspended.They seem to be two people who are asking and answering through the wire.

This wire communication lasted about 10 minutes.

Liu Qiuyue said: "Sister, their communication is about to end. What they are sending now is the end code."

Sure enough, after a while, the beeps on both radios stopped and disappeared.The only thing that came out of the radio was hissing electricity.

At this moment, Liu Qiuyue took off her earphones and looked at Zuo Shaoqing excitedly.She said: "Sister, my mission has been completed. On the first day, I found the signal, which is great. Sister, it's up to you now."

Zuo Shaoqing looked at Liu Qiuyue at a loss, not knowing what she meant.The radio signal may indeed have been received, but what next?She has no idea.

Liu Qiuyue looked at her, her eyes were shining brightly, her face was flushed with excitement.She jumped up and said, "Sister, just wait." When she passed by Fu Huaizhen, she pinched Fu Huaizhen's arm vigorously.

The sour scholar Fu Huaizhen cried out happily, "Mom, you abused me."

Liu Qiuyue ran to the bookcase, took out a national map that had been prepared a long time ago, unfolded it, and spread it in front of Zuo Shaoqing.He took out the angle divider, long ruler and pencil, and put them on the map.She carefully looked at the scale below the direction-finding antenna connected to the Red Star radio, then pointed at the map with a pencil, and began to explain to Zuo Shaoqing.

"Sister, our current location is Nanjing, which is here, right?" She tapped Nanjing with a pencil, "Just now, the signal received by this Red Star radio is a response signal, which comes from the south, a little east. According to the test The angle measured to the antenna is 4 degrees, which is in this direction." Using a pencil, a protractor, and a long ruler, she drew a straight line from Nanjing to the south-east direction. "Sister, did you see that there are only two big cities in this direction. I can only choose big cities. One is Hangzhou, and the other is Taipei."

Zuo Shaoqing looked at the map, then looked up at Liu Qiuyue.She immediately understood the meaning, "I believe that the direction of the response signal should be Taipei, and the response signal must come from Taipei!"

Liu Qiuyue smiled, "Sister, I think so too. Let's look at another signal now." She stared at Fu Huaizhen and said, "What is the angle of Yamei?"

Fu Huaizhen stretched out a finger and said, "Yes, there is nothing wrong."

Liu Qiuyue measured the angle on the map with a protractor, raised her head and said, "Sister, this signal, that is, the signal that just started calling, comes from the west of Nanjing, and a little south, which is the degree." A straight line is drawn on the map in a west-south direction. "Sister, do you see that there are three big cities in this direction, namely Hefei, Wuhan and Chongqing. This call signal may come from one of these three cities. It is up to you to choose which city it is. Sister, You choose one now."

In fact, when Zuo Shaoqing heard her mentioning these three cities, his heart skipped a beat. The name "Wuhan" and the name "Wuhan Fifth Latent Group" jumped into her memory in an instant.

Seeing this, the officials must have guessed that the radio signal Liu Qiuyue received from Wuhan, Hubei must have been sent by the radio station that You Shaoqing stole from the Hankou Post Office.The judges will definitely feel that this incident is too coincidental.

In fact, although it is a coincidence, it is not too coincidental.There is a reason for this.

Liu Qiuyue was able to capture You Shaoqing's radio signal mainly due to the following reasons:

First, in fact, You Shaoqing used the stolen radio station to call Taiwan's intelligence agency, not just for one day, but for many days.Because after the wire contact of the group in Wuhan was interrupted, the radio station of the Taiwan Intelligence Agency stopped calling for a month without receiving a feedback signal, so it stopped monitoring the wires of this group.Therefore, You Shaoqing's radio station cannot be reached immediately.


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