Double Agent Saga

432、Star Project

At this time, Du Ziyuan had a huge task on his shoulders, and so did the doubts in his heart.The common occupational disease of intelligence personnel is the constant suspicion.Although they have been trained to hide their suspicions deep, even unfathomable.But suspicion is always like air, suspended around them.

Du Ziyuan never dared to rely on the local public security department in Wuhan, he even dared not rely on the strength of the Hubei Investigation Bureau.The reason is extremely simple.These units have one thing in common, they have to report their recent work to their superiors at any time.Where the content of these reports will eventually flow is something Du Ziyuan dare not imagine.He worried that these contents might fall on the ears of "water hyacinth".

Chu Bolin also understood Du Ziyuan's doubts.He finally made a suggestion, "Old Du, can you learn about the situation of the local army. If possible, we may use the power of the army to participate in our secret investigation."

Du Ziyuan agreed with this suggestion very much.Undoubtedly, the military and intelligence system, and the local public security system are completely different systems. "Water hyacinth" may not have the ability to reach into the army.He can take advantage of it.

After thinking for a while, Du Ziyuan immediately called the current Chief of Staff Wei of the Wuhan Military Region, the Deputy Chief of Staff Wei of the Sixth Column who announced the reorganization order to Wu Fengying in Luofengling.The result of the inquiry surprised him. The commander of the Hubei Provincial Military Region turned out to be Li Yunlin, the former deputy commander of the guerrilla column on the border between Fujian, Zhejiang and Jiangxi.

When Du Ziyuan put down the phone, he knew that he had finally found someone he could trust.

The next day, after Lao Luo's careful arrangements, Du Ziyuan and Qin Donghai boarded the train to Harbin in the evening.The public mission of their trip was to investigate the foreign espionage case that just happened in Harbin.

When the train passes Tianjin, stop for 6 minutes.Du Ziyuan and Qin Donghai took this opportunity to turn around on the platform and exercise their bodies.They also bought a bag of "Eighteenth Street" marijuana from the vending cart on the platform and took it back to the car.At night, after eleven o'clock, they quietly got off the train in Tangshan.

A jeep from the Tianjin Garrison District took them to Tangshan Airport.A military transport plane was waiting for them.

When Du Ziyuan boarded the plane, it was dark around him.Only a few small lights on the wings outline the monster-like fuselage.Du Ziyuan looked at the plane, and couldn't help but felt an uncontrollable trance in his heart.

This is a DC-3 passenger plane designed and produced by Douglas Company of the United States in 1200.It has two 1830 horsepower "Pratt & Whitney R-368" engines, a maximum speed of 28 kilometers per hour, and the hatch is located on the left side of the tail.From today's perspective, it can only be regarded as a small airliner at best.Because its passenger capacity is only [-] people.However, it has a rather exaggerated name: "Sky Train".

During World War II, the U.S. military requisitioned a large number of this aircraft and converted it into a military transport aircraft.Its military model is c-47.It is this aircraft that flies on the famous "Hump" route.It transported a large amount of military supplies for China's war of resistance.It is also recognized as one of the most successful military transport aircraft.

Du Ziyuan looked at this plane and couldn't help but think of another plane.This is also the dc-3 model, also with twin engines, and it was temporarily converted from a transport plane to a passenger plane.It is an aircraft belonging to the Indian Air Force.In April [-], it conducted a secret flight in China.

Du Ziyuan thought shudderingly of the top-secret "Star" project.That secret flight was an important part of the "Star" project.The "star" project is also a pain in his heart!

At noon on April 749, [-], Du Ziyuan sent Huang Zuozhu, the director of the Hong Kong branch of Xinhua News Agency, to board. It was not this kind of plane, but another more luxurious and stylish one, produced by Lockheed Martin. The l-[-]a airliner.He watched Huang Zuozhu board the plane calmly.Du Ziyuan could tell from his face that he knew that this trip would be bad or bad.However, with a smile on his face, he waved to Du Ziyuan who was standing under the plane.

At that time, Huang Zuozhu's wife was six months pregnant.The last words he said to his wife before leaving were: "If there is a revolution, there will be sacrifices. You have to take care of yourself." Huang Zuozhu died because of the explosion of the "Kashmir Princess".There were ten other comrades on the plane with him.

At this time, when the military transport plane that Du Ziyuan and Qin Donghai were on board roared into the sky from Tangshan Airport, the long past engulfed Du Ziyuan like a cloud of mist, making his heart tremble and it was difficult to suppress it.

It was the end of February [-], and the "Zheng Yuanshan case" unexpectedly ended in "failure".Du Ziyuan was so depressed and distressed that he could hardly extricate himself.At this time, he received a telegram from "Xiangbu", which only had four words: "Stand by!"

For more than ten days in a row, he never received further instructions from "Xiangbu".He can only wait in Hong Kong.

During this time, he and Chu Bolin, together with Feng Dun, started to sort out the details of Taiwan's various intelligence systems in Hong Kong.Fonton already had some accumulation of these facts. Coupled with this detailed investigation this time, he has almost mastered all the information about Taiwan's secret agents, including detailed addresses and lists, as well as the intelligence agencies they belong to.

Looking at these addresses and lists, Du Ziyuan was indeed a little surprised.He did not expect that Taiwan's secret agents had penetrated into every level of Hong Kong.There are Taiwan spies in the Hong Kong government, in the police, in prisons, in the judicial system, all the way to schools and churches, and in many companies or social organizations.It can almost be said that on the surface it is the Hong Kong British Governor's Office that rules Hong Kong, but it is Taiwan's secret service that actually controls Hong Kong.

Soon, Du Ziyuan sent this detailed list and address back to Beijing through a secret messenger.

Only three days later, Du Ziyuan received a secret telegram from "Xiangbu", ordering him to return to Beijing immediately.The telegram was: "You go back to Beijing quickly." Du Ziyuan understood that this was asking him to go back to Beijing alone.Chu Bolin and others will continue to wait in Hong Kong.

On the day Du Ziyuan arrived in Beijing, he participated in the only top-secret meeting involving the "Star" project.

The meeting place is in the office of "Xiangbu".Only three people attended the meeting: Du Ziyuan, "Xiang Bu", and Director Chen whose office is located in Zhongnanhai.

The meeting is not long.Director Chen stared at Du Ziyuan with stern eyes as always.

Du Ziyuan was terrified, worried that because of the failure of the "Zheng Yuanshan case", he would be held accountable at this meeting.However, "Xiang Bu" and Director Chen did not mention the "Zheng Yuanshan case" at all.

Director Chen took out a document from his purse, threw it in front of Du Ziyuan, and said, "This is from you!"

Du Ziyuan saw that it was the secret documents he sent back to Beijing three days ago, all of which were the lists of institutions, strongholds and personnel of Taiwan's secret service agencies in Hong Kong.

He whispered: "Yes." But he was very puzzled in his heart.

Director Chen still stared at him, and said sternly: "The Kuomintang agents have so much power in Hong Kong, how will we carry out our work in the future! Have you thought about this problem! What do you want to do! How to solve it!"

Du Ziyuan was dumbfounded.The Taiwanese secret agents lurking in Hong Kong are not within the scope of his work at all.Director Chen blamed him for this, as if he had caused such serious consequences.

But he didn't dare to answer, let alone refute, and could only sit silently, looking at him with a stiff expression.

It was quiet in the office.The sun was shining brightly outside the window, but Du Ziyuan's heart was gloomy.

Director Chen continued to reprimand: "One day, we will take back Hong Kong! However, there are so many Kuomintang agents in Hong Kong who are always making trouble for us. Can we take it back smoothly? Can we be safe after taking it back! Do you think so? Think about these things!"

Du Ziyuan felt even more distressed.He still dare not speak.

"Xiangbu" finally moved.He patted Director Chen's arm first, as if to signal him not to be impatient.

Afterwards, he slowly turned to Du Ziyuan, and said softly: "Comrade Ziyuan, Hong Kong is almost completely controlled by Taiwanese secret agents. This problem is very serious. As Director Chen said, sooner or later, we will take back Hong Kong. But that It will be a matter in the future. But now, it is almost our only export and import. The current situation is very unfavorable to us. Therefore, this problem must be solved! It may not be easy to solve, but we must take measures step by step, Gradually strengthen our power in Hong Kong and reduce the space for Taiwan's secret agents to operate."

Du Ziyuan later found out that the last two words of "Xiangbu" were actually the core of the "Star" project.

In front of such two high-level officials, there was actually no room for Du Ziyuan to speak.He can only listen.

"Xiangbu" continued: "Now we have an opportunity. So, Director Chen made a plan called the 'Star' plan. This plan is only known to the three of us, and it will be implemented by you."

After he finished speaking, he stared at Du Ziyuan with sharp eyes.He obviously wanted to confirm whether Du Ziyuan understood what he meant.After that, he nodded to Director Chen.

Director Chen took out a file from his purse, pushed it across the "Xiangbu", and said, "Look at it!"

Du Ziyuan carefully picked up the file.On the cover of the dossier, there are only two cursive characters written in pencil: "Stars".

There is no set time, no approval number, no classification level, and no explanation on the dossier.Only those two shocking pencil cursive characters: "stars".

Du Ziyuan vaguely felt that such a dossier might have more weight.

He slowly opened the file, feeling even more surprised.The document in this dossier is so short, it's really only two pages, and it's handwritten.It was obviously written by Director Chen.

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