But Du Ziyuan always had a strange feeling in his heart, an inexplicable feeling.He really wanted to meet this woman.

Feng Dun seemed to see what he was thinking, so he said, "How about I arrange a chance for you to meet her and see what kind of person she is."

Du Ziyuan thought for a while, then shook his head. The "Star" project clearly requires him not to show up in the near future.

He said, "Old Feng, let's look for opportunities in the future, not yet."

Du Ziyuan didn't know until a few years later that he just missed the opportunity to meet Zuo Shaoqing.

At this time, Chu Bolin came in and told them a situation, which surprised the three people in the room.

Chu Bolin said: "Old Du, we recently discovered a situation that seems a bit abnormal. When Gu Shangbin from Kowloon recently went out, he kept wearing a tail behind him. He seemed to be doing this out of special caution, worried He's being followed. I feel like they've stepped up their security."

Du Ziyuan couldn't help becoming alert.This Gu Shangbin must have his purpose in taking such security measures.However, this is also second.What Du Ziyuan was most worried about at this time was whether Taiwan's secret agents would be aware of the "Star" project, and even take some countermeasures.

He said: "You observe again. If there is any situation, let me know as soon as possible."

But what Du Ziyuan didn't expect was that the tail that Gu Shangbin put behind him turned out to be You Shaoqing.

During this period of time, You Shaoqing, who had been waiting in Hong Kong for Taiwan's censorship, encountered a very embarrassing situation. She had no money.Not only is there a problem with accommodation, but there is also a problem with eating.

One of the most important reasons Wei Mingshui sent her to Hong Kong to restore contact with Taiwan as soon as possible was funding.Otherwise, if they lost contact with Taiwan, they would be happy and at ease, and there would be less danger.But Wei Mingshui also understands that besides being cautious, the most important reason why his latent group can survive is because he has money in his hand.It is extremely important that he must rely on the activity funds provided by Taiwan to win over his team members.

Therefore, You Shaoqing did not intend to delay too long when she came to Hong Kong, so she did not bring much money.Who knows, as soon as she arrived in Hong Kong, she caught up with the "Zheng Yuanshan case" and the "Kashmir Princess" case one after another.At this time, Guan Jinzhou was focusing all his energy on these two earth-shattering events, so he couldn't care less about a hidden person who ran out from the mainland.She was therefore delayed.

In the past few days, You Shaoqing counted and counted the little money she had left on her body, and realized that she had to leave Hong Kong immediately and return to Wuhan, or she had to find a job in Hong Kong that would be enough for her to eat.She knew that Gu Shangbin would never provide her with activity funds.

So, the next day, You Shaoqing went to the street, and after some searching, he soon found a job as a trainer in a martial arts school called "Desheng".

The fat owner of the "Desheng" martial arts gym didn't pay much attention to this woman who came to him at first, and felt that it would be great if she could teach a few children to learn Chinese martial arts.She casually asked the two strong men beside her to try her skills.

Of course the judges could guess the result.In just three or two strokes, the two strong men fell to the ground.

The fat boss looked up again at this time, and saw that the woman was not only out of breath, but also had a relaxed smile on her face, as if this was a game.The two strong men were lying on the ground, but they were acting according to the script.

The fat boss immediately signed an agreement with You Shaoqing, but the wages were extremely low.

You Shaoqing went to work for the first time that afternoon, but saw a sign next to the door saying: "Advanced Martial Arts Class".

Most of the students in this "advanced martial arts class" are young people in their 20s. They have all trained in elementary and intermediate classes for several years, and they all have some basic skills.You Shaoqing feels much better after training these more basic people, so he doesn't care much about the extremely low wages.

To her surprise, there was a child who was only seven years old in this advanced class.

You Shaoqing weighed it out as soon as he got started. This kid is a natural martial arts master, and his boy skills are very solid.When You Shaoqing occasionally gave pointers, he could immediately understand them.He was also extremely assiduous and conscientious when he practiced, and he was very neat and tidy in every move.

You Shaoqing liked it very much.I also like to chat with him during the break.Only then did she know that this child was born in Shanghai and followed his parents to Hong Kong in [-].His surname is Huang, and You Shaoqing sometimes calls him "Little Brother Huang".

When chatting with Brother Huang, You Shaoqing said, "Brother, you should have a master."

Brother Huang opened his big eyes, looked at her very calmly and said, "You are my master."

You Shaoqing laughed.But she felt a little regretful in her heart, because with this coach, she definitely wouldn't be able to do it for long.

She said: "Brother, your skills are very good. You should formally worship a master and study hard. As for me, I can't teach you for a long time. Moreover, I can't teach you a lot. You are already very good."

Brother Huang looked into the distance quietly, as if thinking about her suggestion.

Things are unpredictable!Later, this little brother Huang didn't officially become a teacher until he was 12 years old, and he also practiced hard kung fu.When he became an adult, it was the time when Hong Kong film and television developed greatly.In [-], this little brother Huang, who had a good kung fu, participated in the filming of a TV series called "Heroes Huo Yuanjia".Later, when it was broadcast in the Mainland, it caused a sensation.When it comes to playing time, it is really empty.

But back then, when the seven-year-old brother Huang sat beside You Shaoqing and looked at her with unusually calm eyes, he just said: "You asked me to apprentice, where is the master?" There must be some fate."

You Shaoqing looked at his calm and composed face, and felt a vague indescribable feeling in his heart, very Zen.

In [-], the "Little Brother Huang" really left his family, his wife and children, and went to Buddhism by himself, taking the moniker "Yan Shen".I don't know if any of today's judges still remember him.

In this way, You Shaoqing worked as a coach in this "advanced martial arts class" from [-]:[-] to [-]:[-] every afternoon.After training every day, she and her students are sweating profusely.After training, she would go to the bathroom and scrub the sweat off her body with running water.Then she left the martial arts hall alone, and ate a bowl of fish fillet egg noodles at a food stall called "Lao Fu Ji".Then sat quietly at the table and waited.

Around 06:30 in the evening, she will see Gu Shangbin appearing at the small street ahead.Gu Shangbin would turn his head to look at her, and then continue walking.You Shaoqing left the table and followed him far away.

The task that Gu Shangbin gave her was actually very simple, it was to let her follow behind, keep a certain distance, and observe whether there was anyone following him.Gu Shangbin's most frequent visit is Sai Ying Pun on the west side of Hong Kong Island.

"Sai Ying Pun" is a very old place.It is said that in [-], the British army landed in Hong Kong from here and established the earliest barracks here, hence the name.Later, it became the place where the Hong Kong government resettled refugees.Walking down from Main Street in Sai Ying Pun is the famous Queen's Road.Going uphill along Main Street, you will find First Street, Second Street, Third Street and High Street in turn.

Gu Shangbin often goes to No. 178, Third Street, Xiyingpan, which is an old building.

When You Shaoqing saw Gu Shangbin enter the old building, he stood in a dark corner and observed the surrounding situation quietly.Gu Shangbin often didn't come out until after twelve o'clock in the middle of the night.Therefore, she often stops at midnight.

That night, Gu Shangbin didn't come out of the old building until two o'clock in the morning.You Shaoqing stood in the corner with sore feet and numb legs.But she didn't complain, because she sensed that Gu Shangbin must be performing a very serious task.You Shaoqing is a natural agent, and this kind of awareness will stimulate her agent nature even more.

At this time, she silently followed behind Gu Shangbin, walked along the main street to the high street in Xiyingpan, and then continued westward to Shitangzui.The area around Shek Tong Tsui is more remote.She saw Gu Shangbin sitting down in the corner of a night food stall, and waved to her.

You Shaoqing walked over, sat down across the table, and stared at him coldly.

Gu Shangbin ordered two servings of fish balls and two bowls of wonton noodles, and whispered to her, "You have worked hard. Eat, you must be hungry?" As he said this, he first put a fish ball into his mouth.

You Shaoqing was indeed hungry. She picked up a spoon and ate a mouthful of wontons, then said quietly, "Mr. Gu, the building you entered has been monitored."

The fish ball in Gu Shangbin's mouth seemed to suddenly turn into a stone, which bit his teeth and made him unable to close his mouth.He could only look at her with terrified eyes, unable to speak for a while.

You Shaoqing continued: "I was not sure before, so I didn't tell you. But this time I did see clearly. From the window across the street, someone has been staring at the door you entered through."

The fish ball in Gu Shangbin's mouth could not be swallowed no matter what.He spit out the fish balls in one gulp, and asked in a low voice, "Did you really see clearly? Did you see clearly?"

You Shaoqing stared at him coldly, and said: "Mr. Gu, although I am your assistant now, I am not a novice. I can't see clearly once or twice, and I will definitely see clearly the third time." ! There must be someone watching in the opposite window! There is no doubt about it!"

Gu Shangbin looked at the dark street outside the stall, speechless.The task he was performing now was too important, and any abnormality would frighten him.

You Shaoqing said quietly: "Mr. Gu, I can also see that you have an important task now. You asked me to be your assistant, but refused to tell me what the task is. You underestimate me! "

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