As soon as the cargo ship docked at the pier, the two young men stepped ashore and hurried forward.

Zuo Shaoqing silently walked to the side of the gangway, and walked down the gangway while watching the two shadows disappearing into the darkness.Then she heard light footsteps on the deck behind her.When she turned her head, she saw Yang Zhi also appearing at the gangway, looking down at her.

Yang Zhi said in a low voice: "Young team leader, Boss Yu asked me to drive you home. He said, at this time, there must be no taxi." He said, and quickly walked down the gangway.

Zuo Shaoqing stepped onto the pier and looked back at Yang Zhi behind him.She thought, this Yu Zhidao is really an old fox.He must have guessed that she was going to use the car."Where is the car?" she asked.

Yang Zhi whispered, "It's just inside the gate of the port."

It was dark all around.She and Yang Zhi walked quickly through the pile of goods, one in front and one behind.Passing through the pile of goods, she immediately saw the two young men walking quickly towards the port gate.

Near the port gate, a car flashed its headlights.The two young men walked quickly to the car, opened the door and got in.The car started and drove towards the port gate.

Zuo Shaoqing started to run.She turned around and asked, "Yang Zhi, where is the car?"

Yang Zhi pointed forward, "It's at the door."

He ran to a black car and opened the door to let Zuo Shaoqing in.He got into the car and immediately started the car and rushed out of the gate.As soon as their car got out of the gate, the car in front had already driven a long way.

Yang Zhi turned to look at her, "Young team leader, are you going to follow them?"

At this time, Zuo Shaoqing didn't care about anything, and immediately said: "Quick, follow!"

At this time, Hong Kong has finally calmed down.The neon lights in the distance are still shining, but there are almost no pedestrians or vehicles on the semi-dark street.A damp mist was slowly rising up, obscuring everything around.

The car in front has been heading south after leaving Wharf.Zuo Shaoqing immediately understood that the car in front was going to the Star Ferry Pier in Tsim Sha Tsui.She told Yang Zhi to turn onto Canton Road, increase the accelerator and head south quickly, then turn onto the Star Ferry Pier via Salisbury Road.When the car stopped at the ferry crossing, Zuo Shaoqing saw that the car also stopped behind her.

She thought, this is the best way, so as not to make the people in the car behind suspect.

A few minutes later, the gate of the ferry opened, and Yang Zhi drove onto the ferry.The car behind also boarded the ferry.At this time, there were only these two cars on the ferry.She sat quietly, watching the car behind her through the rearview mirror. Fifteen minutes later, the ferry docked at the Central Pier on Hong Kong Island.

Yang Zhi is also a very smart person.He drove off the ferry first.After driving out of the gate, we stopped in front of a small smoking hotel that is open day and night.He got out of the car and walked to the door of the small shop.At this time, he saw the car behind them passing their car and heading west.

He got into the car and said, "Young team leader, shall we follow?"

Zuo Shaoqing said, "Follow me, and keep a little distance."

The car in front went west along Connaught Road, turned several times, turned onto Queen's Road, and finally onto Main Street in Sai Ying Pun.Yang Zhi was driving, and when he reached the intersection of the main street, Zuo Shaoqing signaled him to stop.

They sat in the car, watching the car drive up the hill along the main street through the dim street lights.Soon, the car turned west again.

Yang Zhi said in a low voice: "Young team leader, I feel that they are on the third street in Xiyingpan. Shall we follow?"

Zuo Shaoqing said softly: "Yang Zhi, thank you. Just come here, you go back, there is no need to send it away."

Yang Zhi said: "Is this okay, you walk alone at night?"

Zuo Shaoqing said: "It's okay, it's almost dawn. I just go to the front and have a look."

Zuo Shaoqing watched Yang Zhi's car drive away, then turned his head and walked towards Xiyingpan Third Street.

She walked in the shadows by the side of the road, carefully listening to the movement around her.When she reached the corner of Third Street, she immediately saw the car parked in front of an old building.She slowed down and moved forward soundlessly.

At this moment, she vaguely heard a slight voice behind the corner.Then, she noticed that there was someone behind the corner.She guessed that this should be a secret whistle.She stopped and listened quietly to the movement behind the corner.

No matter what, Zuo Shaoqing would never have imagined that standing behind the corner was actually her younger sister You Shaoqing.

At eight o'clock that night, You Shaoqing followed Gu Shangbin and came here again.She stood behind this corner almost all night.This has never been the case.She looked at her watch, it was already past four o'clock in the morning.Her legs are numb standing here.

Soon, she saw a car quietly stop in front of the building in the dark.Three people got out of the car and quickly got into the door.She understood that Gu Shangbin must have been waiting for these people since he has not come out for a long time.

While she was thinking this way, she noticed slight footsteps behind the corner.But when she listened carefully, the slight sound disappeared again.She felt that there might be someone behind the corner.She was very surprised, did the person behind the corner follow that car?But she didn't hear the sound of a car?

She held her breath and listened quietly to the movement behind the corner.She also did not expect that standing on the other side of the corner was her sister Zuo Shaoqing.They were so close that she could almost see her sister as soon as she put her head out.However, they were all experienced agents, and none of them moved.

A few minutes later, although she didn't hear the sound, she noticed that the person behind the corner was leaving quietly.She stuck her head out slowly.All she saw was a figure turning into the shadows ahead.She felt that it should be a woman.What courage, she thought!But how could it be a woman?She couldn't figure it out.

As the sky gradually dawned, Zuo Shaoqing finally returned to her residence on Paozhang Street in Kowloon.

At this moment, she had already made a rough judgment that the old building on the third street in Xiyingpan was either an important stronghold or the place where Chen Yintang lived.It's not too far from Brother Yan's "Deli" fishing shop.Maybe, he really lived there.Another judgment she made was that there must be something very important in the suitcase that the two young men sent.

However, it was still the question that made her hesitate all the time, how could she inform her own people of these confusing situations?She still hasn't figured out a way.

It was getting light outside, but it was still dark inside the stairs.She groped her way up the stairs, through the silent hallway, to her own door.She took out her key and unlocked the door.However, when she opened the door, she felt a slight wind blowing in front of her.

It was a draft, though it was slight, with a hint of coolness.Her first feeling was that the window in the room was open and the wind was blowing in through the window.But she remembered very clearly that she closed the window before leaving.

She stood at the door without moving.Vigilance and composure have long been instincts in her life.

The room was extremely quiet.More precisely, it should be serenity.Therefore, she judged that no one was in the room.She slowly pushed the door open and reached out to turn on the light.She knew immediately that someone had searched her room.

The documents and materials that were originally stacked on the table were turned into a mess and even scattered on the ground.The folders in the cabinet were also thrown on the floor.One window was open, and the breeze blowing in made the white gauze curtains flutter gently.

Zuo Shaoqing was very surprised.What does she have worth being stolen?

She exited the room, quickly walked to the other end of the corridor, and knocked on the door of Zeng Shaowu's room.

The door opened, and Zeng Shaowu appeared at the door with disheveled hair, and hurriedly put on his glasses.He stared at Zuo Shaoqing in surprise and vigilance, and said, "Young Master Zuo, are you back?"

"Yes." She answered briefly, "Mr. Zeng, please come to my room and take a look."

Zeng Shaowu walked to the door of Zuo Shaoqing's room, looked into the room, and was immediately taken aback.Zuo Shaoqing, who was standing beside him, stared at him calmly.She judged that his expression at this time was real.

"What's going on? This...this is..." Zeng Shaowu asked in surprise.

"I don't know. I just came back. When I opened the door and turned on the light, the room looked like this. You didn't hear anything at night?" Zuo Shaoqing stared at him coldly.

"No, I didn't hear anything. I actually didn't go to sleep until after one o'clock in the morning. Zuo Shao, we won't do this kind of thing to you, you have to trust me."

Zuo Shaoqing nodded, "Mr. Zeng, I believe it's not you, or your people. I don't have anything you are interested in here. Please judge whether it is a thief or someone with ulterior motives."

Zeng Shaowu rolled his eyes quickly to judge the situation in front of him.He said: "Let's do this, Mr. Zuo, you should clean things up first and see what is missing. Maybe we can guess who did it." He sat down on a chair by the wall, "Mr. Zuo, you should clean up. Right. I'll watch from here."

Zuo Shaoqing thought about it, and there was only this way.She looked around carefully and began to tidy up the scattered documents and materials.She has a very good memory and knows the original location of every document or information.She tidied up carefully and put all the documents back in their original places.An hour later, she packed up all the documents.At this time, she turned her head and looked at Zeng Shaowu with a more suspicious look.

Zeng Shaowu saw the abnormality, and hurriedly asked: "Young Master Zuo, what did you lose?"

Zuo Shaoqing said softly: "There is only one research report missing, that is, the research report on the Asian-African Conference. I wrote the draft. Now it is gone!"

Zeng Shaowu blinked in surprise and stared at Zuo Shaoqing.After a while, he gradually smiled, "Young Master Zuo, you handed over the official draft of this research report to me. So, we didn't do it, right?"

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