Double Agent Saga

462、real name

You Shaoqing immediately jumped up and ran back quickly.A few minutes later, she was back in the courtyard of the police station.

She straightened her clothes, tried to calm her breathing, and walked slowly into the police station.

There are very few police officers in the police station.There was only one policeman writing something on the counter at the counter.There were still three policemen beside Gu Shangbin inside.There is also a policeman reading a book at a table inside.

You Shaoqing felt that there would be no better chance.She walked slowly to the counter and looked at the policeman.

The policeman looked up at her and said, "Ma'am, what's the matter?"

You Shaoqing smiled, "Officer, should I call you if I report the crime?"

The policeman nodded, "Okay, what happened to you?"

You Shaoqing looked towards Gu Shangbin, as if surprised, and pointed there.

The policeman was a little puzzled by her actions, so he looked back.But he didn't see anything unusual, so he turned around again.At this moment, he received a heavy punch in the face.

It was a surprise blow.

Generally speaking, if a person sees someone throwing a fist at him, the adrenaline in his body will spread throughout the whole body in an instant.The muscles in his whole body will contract rapidly, and the nerves will tense instantly.He would even hold his breath to resist the punch.This is everyone's instinctive reaction, and it is also a kind of self-protection.

But it's a completely different story if you get hit hard when you're not expecting it.His mind will be clouded, stars will burst out in front of his eyes, and his heartbeat and breathing will be disrupted.

That's exactly what this policeman is doing at this time.He fell to the ground, covered his face with one hand, and looked around blankly, but he couldn't see anything.Instinctively, he tried to crawl to the side.

Gu Shangbin inside was actually watching the door all the time.When he saw so many policemen rushing out of the police station and yelling outside, he already guessed that it was You Shaoqing who did it.Therefore, he kept guessing what You Shaoqing would do.

At this time, when he saw You Shaoqing re-entering the police station, he was already prepared in his heart, and he kept looking at her from the corner of his eyes.When You Shaoqing swung that heavy punch, he violently overturned the table and crushed the policeman opposite to the ground.He jumped up and threw the handcuffs on his wrists into the face of the policeman on his right.He used too much force, and he threw himself on the policeman at the same time.

The policeman to his left also jumped up and rushed towards him.However, You Shaoqing outside the counter had already crossed the counter and rushed over in a few steps.She flew up and kicked the policeman on the back.With a howl, the policeman knocked over several tables and fell to the ground.

At this moment, the policeman who was sitting by the wall and had been reading a book just raised his head, dazedly watching the chaos in front of him, still in a daze, not understanding what happened.

At this time, You Shaoqing had already dragged Gu Shangbin up from the ground, and dragged him to run outside the counter.

The policeman who read the book finally jumped up, drawing out his gun in a hurry, and shouting loudly.But You Shaoqing had already dragged Gu Shangbin over the counter and rushed out of the gate of the police station.

The policemen who fell on the ground were shouting at this moment, while pulling out their pistols, and chasing after the door.

By this time, You Shaoqing and Gu Shangbin were running like crazy in the dark alleys.

Gu Shangbin is over 40 years old, and he does not have the physical strength of You Shaoqing.However, when people really reach the critical moment of life and death, they will really burst out with huge energy.That's it for now.They darted quickly through the narrow and winding alleys, running as fast as they could.

Finally, Gu Shangbin exhausted all his energy.He tripped over a curb step and fell to the ground like a sack.He was lying on his back, panting violently with his mouth wide open, his chest heaving violently like a bellows.His face was as pale as paper, as if he was about to die.

You Shaoqing was also extremely tired.She put her hands on the wall, bent down, and lowered her head deeply, allowing the blood to return to her brain.After a few minutes, she had roughly recovered.

She walked to Gu Shangbin's side, pulled a hairpin from his head, and stabbed the handcuffs on his hands.She took a little trouble and finally opened one of the handcuffs.She grabbed his arm and said, "Old Gu, get up, we have to move forward."

Although Gu Shangbin was exhausted to the extreme, he knew that now was the moment of life and death.He stood up with all his strength, and with the support of You Shaoqing, he tried his best to walk forward.

While walking forward, You Shaoqing asked, "Old Gu, what's going on, why did the police arrest you?"

Gu Shangbin shook his head in pain, "Damn it, we were betrayed by the CCP! We were sold to the police!"

"Just to blow up the plane?" You Shaoqing asked immediately.

"What else can it do! It's just for this fucking thing!" Gu Shangbin gasped and shouted.

"Why are you blowing up other people's planes! What the hell is blowing up a plane!" You Shaoqing said coldly.

"This is an order from the headquarters, can we still not carry it out? This is the decision from above!"

"A group of idiots! Why don't they think about it, if you blow up their plane, can they not fight with you! You didn't expect this consequence? When you make plans, you should design according to the possible consequences! Otherwise You are a bunch of idiots!" You Shaoqing sarcastically sarcastically.

Gu Shangbin turned his head and looked at her with blinking eyes, "Young Master, maybe you are right, we didn't think of this consequence. Damn it, the CCP is too ruthless and cunning to let the Hong Kong police arrest us! "

"Of course the Hong Kong police want to arrest you! You blew up other people's planes and killed so many people. If the Hong Kong police don't arrest you, how can you explain to the CCP! If they want to keep Hong Kong, they have to arrest you! A bunch of idiots!"

At this time, Gu Shangbin finally came to his senses.As he walked, he looked around.He found a pay phone outside a hotel.Right now, whether the plane should be blown up or not is no longer his concern.He now urgently needs to plan for the next step.

He made several phone calls in a row and finally found the person he was looking for.He muttered on the phone for a while, then slowly put down the phone and looked back at You Shaoqing.He said, "Young Master, what will you do in the future?"

You Shaoqing stared at him suspiciously, "What do you mean?"

Gu Shangbin said: "I can't stay in Hong Kong anymore. The higher-ups told me to evacuate. There will be a boat at Dongtang Wharf at five o'clock tomorrow morning, going to Taiwan. There are still a few people who will also evacuate together. What are you going to do? "

You Shaoqing stared at him angrily.She suddenly grabbed his wrist, twisted it, strangled his neck, and pushed him against the wall.Gritting his teeth, he said, "Bastard! You're going to leave me here alone!"

Gu Shangbin gasped and said, "Young Master, Young Master You, don't do this. Otherwise, you can go with me."

"You fart!" She roared in a low voice, "In Wuhan, I still have a few brothers! I'm not as bastard as you, I won't leave them alone!"

The judges understood that she would never abandon her daughter no matter what!

Gu Shangbin struggled and said: "Then what do you say! Do you want me to stay with you!"

You Shaoqing yelled, "It's been more than two fucking months. I've been waiting here for more than two months, just waiting for you to contact the headquarters and explain our situation clearly. Ask the headquarters to send us radio stations and funds! What the hell have you been doing for so long!"

Gu Shangbin struggled and said: "I have reported it! I have reported your situation to the higher authorities! But you also know that we have encountered major incidents one after another recently, and we can't take care of your affairs at all! There is nothing I can do about it!"

"Have you checked or not? I belong to the Fifth Team in Wuhan."

"I've reported it all! But I don't know how to deal with it!"

"Did you fucking say that I am You Shaoqing from Wuhan Fifth Group! Such a simple matter..."

She stopped suddenly.She saw Gu Shangbin opened his mouth wide and looked at her from the corner of his eyes in great surprise.

She said, "What's wrong with you?"

Gu Shangbin said with difficulty: "Please let go first." As soon as You Shaoqing let go, he turned around and looked at her in surprise, "Tell me, what's your name?"

"I am You Shaoqing!" You Shaoqing suddenly realized that the name she just said was not the name she used in Wuhan, but the name she used in Nanjing.She said, "I am You Shaoqing. Why, have you heard of it?"

Gu Shangbin stared at her, and took a while to say anything, "You are You Shaoqing? Why didn't you say it earlier!"

You Shaoqing glared at him and shouted, "I am! What's wrong!"

Gu Shangbin stared at her in astonishment, "Then, you rescued Zheng Yuanshan?"

"It's me! What's the matter!" You Shaoqing stared at him unceremoniously.

"Why? How did you go to save him?" Gu Shangbin looked at her in surprise.

"I could tell at a glance that he had escaped from the mainland. I didn't want to rescue him that day. I just wanted to leave a letter in that building, asking the headquarters to send someone to contact us. That Zheng Yuanshan was lying on the window , wanted to climb down. I just helped him. I just want him to bring a message to the headquarters!"

"Why didn't you tell me the name from the beginning?" Gu Shangbin called out.

"Why should I tell you! I am afraid that you will leak my information! The headquarters doesn't know my current name, don't they know the Wuhan Fifth Group! How many fifth groups are there in Wuhan!"

Gu Shangbin sighed deeply, "Young Master, the reason is not there. It is indeed because we were all busy with the important matter of Zheng Yuanshan at that time, and later we were busy with the affairs of the CCP delegation. However, the headquarters did ask us to find a person named You Shaoqing's man. Damn it, I never thought it would be you!"

By this time, both of them calmed down.They found a food stall that was open at night, and each ordered a large bowl of noodles for today's dinner.

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