Double Agent Saga

464、Double Boarding

This kind of thing, how can he need to be warned.You Shaoqing said, "I know."

Gu Shangbin said again: "If you go well, come here to find me, and I'll give you a ride. If it doesn't go well, I have to leave first. I only have one sentence, please don't tell me."

You Shaoqing stared at him and said, "Don't worry, I will never say anything."

However, You Shaoqing only knew that the "Shuchuan" would dock in this area of ​​the pier, but did not know the specific location.Therefore, she stood farther away to have a wider view.

That night, there were no loading and unloading tasks on the pier, so it was very quiet.Not all the lighting lights were turned on, and the surroundings were in half-light and half-darkness.The two Zuo Shaoqing sisters, one far away and the other close, stood in the shadows, looking towards the dark sea.

About half an hour later, they all saw a cargo ship on the sea, honking its siren, slowly approaching the pier.The navigation lights on the freighter outline the outline of the freighter, which is like a giant beast, driving towards the pier unstoppably.

Zuo Shaoqing was closer to the cargo ship that was about to dock, only a dozen meters away.

At this time, You Shaoqing, who was hiding in the distance, also saw this freighter, and she confirmed that this was the "Shuchuan" she was looking for.She left the hiding place and slowly approached the freighter.

Zuo Shaoqing knew that it would take a few minutes for the freighter to stop.She heard the rattle of the anchor chain, and saw the huge bow and stern anchors sinking into the water.

At this time, she vaguely noticed that there were two people standing on the side of the ship.It was very dark there, she couldn't tell if it was Yu Zhidao and Yang Zhi.She continued to wait.

The freighter finally stabilized.The crew lowered the gangway with a loud bang.

At this time, the two people who had been standing on the side of the ship in the darkness immediately walked down the gangway.One of them was carrying a large suitcase in his hand.

Zuo Shaoqing left the dark place and walked towards the freighter.When she passed by those two people, she immediately recognized them. On April [-]th, these two people brought a suitcase from Keelung to Hong Kong.In that suitcase was the bomb that exploded the Kashmir Princess.

But right now, she couldn't care less about it.She must find Yu Zhidao first.She didn't want Yu Zhidao's smuggling business to stop because of his arrest.

Those two people also recognized Zuo Shaoqing.Still nodding to her, they walked past.The person walking in front, with his hands in his arms, watched the movement around him vigilantly.

You Shaoqing in the distance had already noticed these two people and the suitcases they were carrying.This suitcase contained 50 Hong Kong dollars, which Gu Shangbin told her.She hopes to bring the 50 Hong Kong dollars back to Wuhan.

She stared at the two men, trying to figure out where they were going.One of her hands was already holding the dagger in her waist.

At this time, Zuo Shaoqing had already stepped onto the gangway and walked towards the freighter step by step.

At this moment, the people on the pier heard the whistle of a police car outside the port.

Zuo Shaoqing standing on the gangway was the tallest, so he was the first to see the police car.Four or five police cars with flashing lights were driving in from outside the port, and split into two lanes, one left and one right to outflank the cargo ship "Shuchuan".

Zuo Shaoqing immediately understood that the police did not find Yu Zhidao on Huayuan Road, but they found out that Yu Zhidao's freighter "Shuchuan" returned today.They came to arrest Yu Zhidao.

She glanced down and immediately saw that the two people who had just disembarked had stopped and were nervously watching the oncoming police car.In fact, they had nowhere to go, and police cars were coming from both sides.

The headlights of the police car had already illuminated the two men.Several policemen jumped out of the car and shouted at them: "Stop, we are the Hong Kong police! Stop still and accept our inspection!"

Those two young men did the most stupid thing.They drew their guns from their pockets and immediately fired at the police.

A policeman next to the police car was shot and fell to the ground.The other cops hid behind the police car.

The police cars on both sides stopped at the sound of gunshots, and the officers jumped out of the car, aimed their pistols at the two young men, and shouted to them to put down their weapons.

The two young men looked around, seeing no way out, they could only turn around and run towards the freighter.Running to the side of the ship, they immediately climbed up the gangway.

At this time, Zuo Shaoqing, who had already boarded the ship, saw the situation clearly and immediately ran forward along the deck.She turned into the narrow corridor, rushed to Yu Zhidao's door, and slammed on the door.

At this time, the two young men also ran in with their suitcases.As soon as they saw Zuo Shaoqing, they raised their guns and watched her nervously.

Zuo Shaoqing leaned against the door and waved for them to pass.Seeing that she was not a threat, the two young men immediately ran past her with their guns raised.Zuo Shaoqing looked at their backs and couldn't think of where else they could run.

Damn, this is her problem too!She couldn't help but think about where she and Yu Zhidao could go!

At this moment, the door behind her opened.Yang Zhi who was standing inside the door looked at her in great surprise.

Zuo Shaoqing pushed him back, stepped into the door, and closed the door casually.At this time, she saw Yu Zhidao holding a pistol in his hand and staring at her nervously.

She didn't know that at this time, her younger sister You Shaoqing was running past her door silently.On the pier she saw those two guys shoot at the police and then she saw them run to the boat.I couldn't help cursing in my heart, these two idiots!Now, she followed the two men through the narrow corridors.

In Yu Zhidao's room, he finally put down the gun in his hand.He asked, "Why are you here?"

Zuo Shaoqing said nervously: "Boss Yu, you have to leave quickly, the police are here to arrest you!"

Yu Zhidao looked at her in disbelief, "Why? Why did the police arrest me!"

Zuo Shaoqing said: "The first time you went to Keelung, two people took your boat with a suitcase. There was a bomb in that suitcase! It was they who hid in the suitcase that exploded the 'Kashmir Princess' plane." The bomb! The police already know about this situation, they are coming to arrest you! Did you hear the gunshots outside?"

"I heard it! What's going on?" Yu Zhidao stared at her in astonishment.

"The same two people. They met the police as soon as they got off the boat, and they opened fire! The police have blocked the pier now! You have to figure out how to get out of this boat!"

Yu Zhidao widened his eyes, "The police blocked the pier, where else can I go!"

"Can this boat hide? Is there a place to hide?" Zuo Shaoqing asked immediately.

"Impossible! No matter where it is hidden, it will be found! This boat is so big! Damn it!" Yu Zhidao kept cursing at this moment.He understood that he was implicated by Chen Yintang.

Yang Zhi, who had been standing by the side, looked at them back and forth in panic, and stammered, "Boss, can... can you, let... let go of the lifeboat, sit... take the lifeboat..."

Just then, a shot rang out not far away in the corridor.The three of them were startled, and looked back at the door, not knowing what happened outside.Yu Zhidao also grabbed his pistol tightly.

How did they know that this shot was exactly the trouble caused by You Shaoqing.

In fact, You Shaoqing had already seen the situation around the pier clearly.Logically speaking, if she saw the police coming, she should leave immediately.But she also saw the suitcases that the two men were carrying.She wanted the money so badly.She can't go back empty-handed, she must go back with the money.She also needs money to raise her daughter!

So, she almost rushed into the boat after those two people.

When Zuo Shaoqing entered Yu Zhidao's room, she had just turned into the corridor.She saw that the two people also entered this corridor.Now, shots were fired outside, and the police would not rush onto the boat for a while.She hoped to take this opportunity to find those two people and get the suitcase.

At this time, she had already grasped the dagger in her hand.She walked along the corridor, searching and moving forward.

The problem is, those two young people are really a little stupid.Their escape back to the ship was a foolish thing in itself.They have guns in their hands. If they are more decisive, they may break out of the police surrounding them.At that time, the Hong Kong police would not rush at gunpoint.

Now, they have fled back to the ship.They scurry about along the narrow corridors of the cabin, hoping to find a place to hide.However, although this cargo ship has many dark corners, there is no place where they can safely hide.When they were running around, they ran into You Shaoqing head-on.

Who is You Shaoqing?You Shaoqing is not only bold, but also a hundred times more intelligent and experienced than them.She searched for the sound with a dagger in hand.She had heard the panicked footsteps of the two men and the sound of the suitcase bumping against the wall, and they were approaching her.

She ducked into a door and looked out through the crack.She saw the man with the pistol pass first, followed by the man with the suitcase.She flashed out of the door and rushed behind the man silently.With all her might, she stabbed straight into the man's back.

With a scream, the guy stumbled and fell to the ground.When the people in front heard the cry, they turned around and immediately saw You Shaoqing behind.He raised the gun and pulled the trigger.The sound of gunfire was deafening in the narrow corridor.

You Shaoqing dodged the shot, retreated hastily, hid in that room again, and closed the door.

To be honest, she was in a somewhat passive position at this time.If that person rushed through the door, she couldn't dodge the bullets fired at close range.She is now dodging by the door, thinking about what to do next.

It didn't occur to her that her sister, who was in the next room, helped her inadvertently.

Zuo Shaoqing heard the gunshots outside, and immediately opened the door to look outside.She saw a young man lying on the ground at a glance, and another was lifting a heavy suitcase.

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