Double Agent Saga

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After thinking about it in this way, Du Ziyuan gradually understood that the important task that Zhao Minggui was about to accept was very likely to be the second type of task.

Du Ziyuan considered all these issues clearly, so he called Wu Jian and Qin Donghai to discuss with them the work of monitoring Zhao Minggui's team.

He said: "In the past few days, we must closely monitor, especially Zhao Minggui's meeting tomorrow. If there is any situation, report to me immediately. In addition, no one is allowed to act without authorization, and must follow my orders. My position is only From this guest house room, call me anytime."

At this time, generally speaking, all the forces hidden in Wuhan have made preparations in secret.

However, even though all parties were well prepared, the final outcome exceeded everyone's expectations and disrupted the chess game of all parties.

The afternoon of this day was the afternoon when Wei Mingshui was going to meet the secret trafficker from Taiwan.

Wei Mingshui was wearing a half-worn gray trousers and jacket, and an old straw hat on his head, sitting under the wall on the side of the street.There is a chess set in front of him. There are only a few pieces on the board. This is an endgame.A piece of brown paper laid out next to the chessboard reads: "One dollar in the end game, two dollars for the winner."

This means that if anyone plays this mess with him, he has to pay one yuan first.If you win him, you can get back two dollars.Winning or losing two yuan was a big bet at the time.

Apart from loving his hometown snacks, this Wei Mingshui also has another hobby, which is playing chess.

This afternoon, three people challenged him successively.Wei Mingshui didn't need to raise his head to know that these three people were masters.After they came, they didn't sit down and play chess right away, but stood by and watched the endgame.Wei Mingshui guessed that they must have sat down and handed him a dollar because they felt sure of winning.

But Wei Mingshui knew all the moves in this endgame, and every move of the opponent was within his expectations.It is absolutely impossible to win him.In this way, three yuan of money entered his pocket one after another.

Wei Mingshui was very happy, thinking it was a good sign.

When Wei Mingshui was playing chess, or when no one was playing chess with him, he would pick up a newspaper to read, and occasionally raised his head to look across the street.

On the opposite side of the street is the third guest house of Wuhan Commercial Bureau.Although it is only a guest house, it is very grand.This is a five-storey building facing south.The exterior of the building is a Western-style building, with huge windows, and curly patterns and sculptures on the window and door frames.In front of the door of the building, there is also a small fountain, but there is no water spray.There are some tables and chairs beside the fountain.Several guests were sitting at a table drinking tea.

About five o'clock in the afternoon, a guest came and sat down at the table.He asked the waiter for a cup of tea and drank it slowly while reading the newspaper.He read the "Guangzhou Daily".In Wuhan, it is very interesting to read a copy of "Guangzhou Daily".

Although Wei Mingshui was far away, his eyesight was very good, and he also saw the "Guangzhou Daily".This is his prescribed contact method.The time of five o'clock is the meeting time set by him.But he doesn't want to go there just yet.He was still quietly looking at this "traffic" and paying attention to the surrounding situation.

This is a man in his early 40s who looks very stable.His thinning hair was combed back, and his eyeballs were slightly swollen.Clothing is clean and tidy.Wei Mingshui feels that he doesn't seem like a person who eats and sleeps in the open and runs traffic.

At this time, Zeng Shaowu was sitting in the teahouse in front of the third guest house, waiting for Wei Mingshui to meet him.

However, he never thought that this trip to Wuhan would bring him death.

At this time, Wei Mingshui was sitting on the street playing chess.He just wanted to see if there would be any special people nearby.Both he and You Shaoqing believed that the transportation of the radio station and funds to him would most likely be detrimental to them.This traffic may have brought a killer.

However, Wei Mingshui has not seen any suspicious person appear at least until now.

At ten past five, You Shaoqing appeared on the street on time.Like an ordinary employee, she walked over unhurriedly, carrying a small cloth bag.Wei Mingshui just glanced at her, and threw the cigarette butt in the grass by the wall.This means telling her that everything is fine for now.

You Shaoqing walked towards the door of the guest house.She found a place where she could see Wei Mingshui and sat down, then took out a small mirror from her cloth bag and checked her eyebrows.Through the small mirror in her hand, she also saw the middle-aged man who was reading "Guangzhou Daily".

However, the timing of You Shaoqing's appearance was a little bit unlucky.Because Zhang Yalan and Xiao Fanbing, who were sitting on the other side of the street, were taking turns monitoring Wei Mingshui.When You Shaoqing walked over, it was Xiao Fanbing who was watching.Therefore, Zhang Yalan did not see You Shaoqing.In this way, the time when Zuo Shaoqing and You Shaoqing met will be pushed back for a short period of time.

At this time, Zeng Shaowu, who was sitting at the small table in front of the third guest house of the Commercial Bureau, seemed a little impatient.

He occasionally glanced at his watch, then glanced around, and continued to read the newspaper with his head down.With his other hand, he was turning his room key on the table.There is a small bamboo plaque hanging on the room key, on which his room number is written in red paint: No. [-].Putting the room key on the table is also Wei Mingshui's prescribed contact method.

At [-]:[-], You Shaoqing stood up gracefully and walked towards the gate of the guest house.But she walked past the middle-aged man.She glanced at the small table and saw the key plate and the room number on it.

She walked all the way into the lobby of the guest house, sat down on the sofa by the window, picked up a magazine and read it.She occasionally glanced out the window.Not only looking at the surrounding situation, but also paying attention to the middle-aged man.

At [-]:[-], it's past the meeting time.Zeng Shaowu put away the newspaper, paid for the tea, and left the small table.He entered the gate of the guest house, and then walked straight upstairs.

You Shaoqing watched his back as he walked up the stairs until he turned the corner.She turned her head and looked out the window. Wei Mingshui on the opposite side of the street had already stood up, took his chessboard, Maza and other things, and walked to the other side in a leisurely manner.

Xiao Fanbing on the other side looked at Wei Mingshui who was getting further and further away, feeling a little puzzled in his heart.Could it be that he sat here all afternoon just to play chess?He looked around and followed Wei Mingshui far away.In a blink of an eye, I saw him enter the public toilet.When Xiao Fanbing saw the public toilet, he didn't dare to go any further.

Public toilets at that time were relatively simple and had no windows.But the surrounding walls are built with cross flower walls, which are beautiful and also serve as windows for light and ventilation, all relying on it.This empty flower wall is about one person high. If someone stands inside and looks out through the flower wall, it can't be more concealed.

Xiao Fanbing watched from a distance.A few minutes later, I saw a person coming out of the toilet.He almost didn't recognize it.This Wei Mingshui had already changed into clean clothes, no straw hat, and a pair of sunglasses on his face.With an empty hand, holding only a newspaper, he staggered away.Soon into an alley next to the toilet.

Xiao Fanbing hurried over and entered the public toilet, only to see that all of Wei Mingshui's belongings were placed in the corner.He turned around and chased after him, and when he chased into the alley again, Wei Mingshui had disappeared.Xiao Fanbing understood that he was played by this old and cunning Wei Mingshui.Now, he had no choice but to go back to Zhang Yalan and discuss with her what to do.

At this time, You Shaoqing was sitting in the lobby of the third guest house.She saw Wei Mingshui coming in from the back door of the guest house, stared at her, then looked up at the wall clock on the wall and the watch on her wrist.She stood up immediately and walked up the stairs.Wei Mingshui followed her calmly and kept a short distance.

In front of door No. [-] on the third floor, You Shaoqing knocked lightly on the door.The door opened immediately, and the middle-aged man stood in the door, looking at her calmly.

In fact, he recognized right away that this woman must be You Shaoqing.He met her sister Zuo Shaoqing in Hong Kong and had a deal with her.He was a little surprised to see that the woman in front of him looked exactly like Zuo Shaoqing.

At this time, You Shaoqing asked softly: "Excuse me, is a guest from Guangzhou staying here?"

Zeng Shaowu said softly: "I am, I am a guest from Guangzhou."

You Shaoqing opened the door, and Wei Mingshui, who came up from behind her, walked in silently.You Shaoqing then closed the door.

Wei Mingshui and Zeng Shaowu stood facing each other, looking at each other.

Zeng Shaowu smiled slightly, "Excuse me, what is your name, sir."

"Miangui, his surname is Wei." Wei Mingshui said calmly.

"Ah, Wei Mingshui, Team Leader Wei. I've been looking forward to it for a long time." Zeng Shaowu smiled and shook hands with Wei Mingshui.

"Then, what's your address, sir?" Wei Mingshui asked immediately, holding his hand cautiously.

Zeng Shaowu nodded to him, and said softly: "It's not expensive, my surname is Zeng, Zeng Shaowu, that's me." He smiled and turned to You Shaoqing, "Mr. Wei, this lady is..."

Wei Mingshui pointed and said, "You Shaoqing, we came together."

Zeng Shaowu smiled and said, "Mr. Wei, Ms. You, please sit down."

Wei Mingshui said: "Mr. Zeng, you should have something to give me, right? Give me the thing first, and then talk about it."

Zeng Shaowu nodded, "Alright."

He turned and opened the closet and took out an old suitcase and a canvas bag and put them on the table.He opened the box, and inside was a brand new US military radio and accessories.He opened the canvas bag again, and inside was a pack full of banknotes, all in big bills of ten yuan.

He smiled and said, "Mr. Wei, take a look. The radio station is new, with a full set, and it's all inside. The cost is 1 yuan. Would you like to take a closer look, Mr. Wei?"

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