The man also felt that the woman's body was already attached to him, warm and soft.

He thought, maybe... maybe there is still salvation.He whispered: "Sister, sister, I know... I know you like it. I... I can do it. If my sister likes it, I... I will definitely serve and serve her. Let... make my sister happy, let... Let me and my sister... do it again, I... must make my sister happy."

At this time, he hated the thing below him.Why doesn't it harden, stand up quickly!Women in the world, what they look at, touch, and use are all hardened things!Get hard quickly, now is the time to die!

Yu Duona was obsessed, still stroking the man's thing, soft and warm.It's something she likes.But now, it was something she hated even more!Gradually she gripped the thing tighter, and Qi Gen gripped it tighter.

While the man was still thinking that he might be saved, he felt something cold sticking to his thigh.

cold!God!What's this!At the moment when he was still suspicious, the sharp blade cut into his flesh like cutting into tofu, and cut off his lifeblood in an instant!

The man opened his mouth wide in fear.The blade cut into the flesh, it was strangely sharp and cold.This kind of coldness radiated to his heart like lightning.He lost all strength in an instant and knelt down involuntarily.He froze and reached out to touch it.There is nothing below.His place, like a woman, has nothing left, it is empty.Only hot blood gushed out like a spring.

At this moment, the severe pain was like a fire, rushing from under his lower abdomen to his brain.The man finally opened his mouth wide and let out a long, extremely tragic scream.He is desperate!

At this moment, something soft and warm was stuffed into his mouth.

The sharp pain between his legs made him close his teeth in an instant, and clenched the soft warm thing tightly.His screams also stopped abruptly.He could only make a "huh" sound, and finally fell to the ground, struggling silently and in vain.Blood was spreading under his body.There was a bloody smell all around.

On the other hand, in the man's last memory, he might be vaguely aware that the soft and warm thing in his mouth seemed to have a foul smell.Maybe so.

The next morning, when the police finally pried open the man's teeth and took out the bloody thing from his mouth, people could see that it was the lifeblood of the man who was almost bitten in two.

This case was clearly listed as a criminal case by the Wuhan Public Security Bureau.However, Director Ge of the Domestic Security Department of Wuhan Public Security Bureau does not think so.These are all later things.

Now, let's talk about the third reason why Zhao Minggui and Xu Wenmei were able to escape.Also, no one would have thought that it was Du Ziyuan who saved them.

It was past twelve o'clock that night.Du Ziyuan was restless in the car.

The dark alley was very quiet, without a single pedestrian.All the windows are dark, and everyone in the windows has fallen asleep.But the atmosphere in the side street was eerily disturbing.Du Ziyuan felt exactly this way at this time.

He had a premonition that what happened tonight might have exceeded his expectations, and it was even uncontrollable.

Just a few minutes ago, a scout ran over to report to him that some suspicious people had appeared near the back door of Wuchang Donghu Hotel, arriving in several batches and coming from different directions.Most of these people are now hiding in the corner, seeming to be preparing for some action.

Du Ziyuan had a premonition just from the number of people that the situation was very serious and a major assassination was likely to happen.The target of the assassination is most likely Zhao Minggui, and perhaps his subordinates!But Zhao Minggui must not die, this is the only clue in his hand!

At this time, Wu Jian ran over in a hurry, opened the car door and got in.He reported to him nervously, "Old Du, the situation is very bad. I received a report that a person was killed on the west side of the back door of Donghu Hotel. I am currently monitoring to see if anyone approaches the dead person. Just now I received another report. According to the report, another murder occurred on the east side of the back door of the hotel, a young man was stabbed to death. Old Du, I feel that a big case will happen here tonight. What should I do?"

At this moment, they all heard an extremely tragic roar coming from the alley in the distance, but it stopped abruptly.After that, the surroundings fell into silence.

Both Du Ziyuan and Wu Jian's hair stood on end, looking nervously into the distance.

Du Ziyuan felt that he couldn't wait any longer, he had to rush over to check.If Zhao Minggui was also killed, his trip to Wuhan would be completely hopeless.

Du Ziyuan hurriedly said to Wu Jian: "Go back quickly and notify your people. If you find someone making a move again, stop it immediately. Whoever makes a move, arrest him! Go!"

Wu Jian hurried to the dark alley to deliver Du Ziyuan's order.

Du Ziyuan also started the car and drove towards the area where the screams came from.He was driving in the dark alley, carefully watching the movement around him.

At this time, Zhao Minggui and Xu Wenmei were supporting each other and running desperately along the dark alley.They didn't know if anyone was going to attack them in front of them.They just run as hard as they can, as fast as they can.

At the same time, You Shaoqing made a detour in the winding and narrow alley, and rushed out of the alley.She immediately realized that she was not in front of Zhao Minggui and Xu Wenmei, but still behind them.She cursed under her breath, clutching the dagger tightly in her hand, and ran after them.

Zuo Shaoqing stuck to the wall of the alley and saw exactly this scene.She walked out of the alley cautiously.She saw a man ahead and was struggling to catch up.She also ran forward, wanting to see what happened.But she immediately noticed that the person in front stopped and stood in the middle of the alley.

It was too dark in the alley.Zuo Shaoqing couldn't see who it was.She vaguely noticed that it seemed to be a woman.She thought, this man is so courageous!

Zuo Shaoqing never thought that the person who was chasing in front was actually her younger sister, You Shaoqing!

There are always some coincidences in the world.Allow me to describe it slowly.

At this time, Zhao Minggui and Xu Wenmei, who were running for their lives in a panic, also heard the sound of running behind them.They looked back, although they couldn't see who it was, but the dagger in that person's hand was shining coldly in the dark, but it was clearly visible, making it even more frightening.They ran forward even more desperately, hoping to escape with a life.

At this moment, in the alley ahead, a car drove out suddenly, but stopped abruptly in front of them.

Zhao Minggui stopped abruptly, feeling even more fear and despair in his heart.He believed that the people in the car were also killers, who had come to intercept them.

Du Ziyuan in the car recognized Zhao Minggui who was running over at a glance, even though he hadn't seen him for many years.At the same time, he also vaguely saw a man with a dagger running towards him in the distance.There is no doubt that this man's purpose is to hunt down and kill Zhao Minggui and the woman beside him.

Du Ziyuan didn't have time to think carefully, he made a decision in an instant.He pushed open the door from the car and shouted in a low voice, "Get in the car! Quick!"

This cry made Zhao Minggui instantly understand that the person in the car was not a killer.He wanted to kill him without asking him to get in the car.He didn't have time to think too much, he dragged Xu Wenmei towards the car.They rushed to the car, opened the door and got in.The car immediately blasted the accelerator, drove forward, turned sharply, and turned on its headlights, speeding forward along the winding alley.

At this moment, Zhao Minggui had only one thought in his mind, that he might finally be safe.Both he and Xu Wenmei looked back at the pursuer behind the car.

You Shaoqing, who was behind, panted heavily, chased for a while, and had to stop.There was no point in chasing any further, she couldn't keep up with the car.She was very angry in her heart.She didn't expect this bastard to arrange a car to pick him up.With a dagger in her hand, she stood in the middle of the alley, looking angrily at the cars that were getting further and further away.But at this time, she had nothing to do.

The elder sister Zuo Shaoqing behind her saw exactly this scene.

At this time, both Zhao Minggui and Xu Wenmei looked at the killer standing in the middle of the alley in fear through the rear window.Without this car, if they were a few minutes slower, they would definitely die in the hands of this killer.

Zhao Minggui breathed a long sigh of relief until this time.At this time, the cold sweat all over his body had already soaked his shirt.He turned to the driver.He thought that at this dangerous moment, the driver saved him, and he should express his gratitude.But only for a moment, the smile on his face froze.

He let out an "ah", as if he had been stabbed suddenly, leaned against the car door, and stared at the driver in front of him dumbfounded.At this moment, he only had one feeling: he just came out of the tiger's lair and entered the wolf's den again!

"Du... Du..." He stammered, but couldn't speak.

Du Ziyuan glanced back at him, and said softly, "It's me."

However, Zhao Minggui just couldn't speak, and just stared at Du Ziyuan in fear.It was as if there was another hungry tiger in front of him, ready to pounce on him and eat him at any moment.Xu Wenmei who was sitting in the back seat was also very surprised by his expression.She looked at Zhao Minggui who was leaning on the car door, and then at Du Ziyuan who was driving, feeling terrified and confused.

To be honest, Zhao Minggui didn't know Du Ziyuan's real identity at this time.But for a shrewd intelligence officer like him, it only takes a moment to determine Du Ziyuan's identity.

In the past in Nanjing, Du Ziyuan was the leader of the underground party, at least one of them.

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