Double Agent Saga


At this time, the waiter on the other side of the phone replied: "I'm sorry, sir, Mr. Zeng went out in the afternoon. He may be back soon. Do you want to leave a message for him?"

Tu Hexiang replied quietly: "No, thank you." The waiter's answer was too clear and complete!Frighteningly clear and complete!

When he put down the phone, he felt a thin layer of sweat dripping down his back.He realized that something might have happened to Zeng Shaowu, or even something had happened.He couldn't help but look back at Cui Shisan behind him.

Cui Shisan immediately understood his eyes.He turned slowly and leaned against the wall, looking at the front and rear ends of the side street, with his right hand carelessly placed on his chest, ready to draw his gun at any time.

Tu Hexiang was shrewd and cautious, without any further hesitation.He immediately went back to the small hotel and checked out the room.

He smiled and said to the waiter at the counter: "My friend must let me live in his house, so I have no choice but to return the room."

After coming out of the small hotel, he and Cui Shisan got on the tricycle one after another.Half an hour later, they found another small hotel on Chushan Street to live in.He didn't dare to use the name Tu Hexiang anymore, but used another name.

When Tu Hexiang called the main service desk of the No. [-] Guest House of the Commercial Bureau, Director Ge was standing at the main service desk, looking through the passenger register.As soon as he heard the name Zeng Shaowu, he also saw the surprised look in the waiter's eyes.He nodded immediately to the waiter.But he also noticed that the waiter's pause and answer were a little unnatural.

Director Ge didn't delay, and immediately called the bureau and ordered to track down the call.

Within an hour, Chief Ge received a report that the call was made from a public phone in Qianjia Street.The middle-aged woman guarding the public phone couldn't remember who made the call, because there were a lot of people calling at that time.

Director Ge thought about it for a while, and immediately ordered to investigate the large and small hotels near Qianjia Street.

At ten o'clock at night, the investigation came to a conclusion.A middle-aged man named Tu Hexiang checked into that small hotel two days ago.In addition, calculated from the time, someone called Zeng Shaowu at the main service desk of the No. [-] Guest House of the Commercial Bureau, and this Tu Hexiang checked out of the room an hour later.

The waiter standing at the counter of this small hotel still had a little impression of this man, and said to the police who came to investigate: "He is fat, bald, and his eyes are a little swollen. That's all, and I can't say anything else. .He... seems... seems to be alone."

That night, Director Ge sat in his office, smoking slowly, with a gloomy and stern face.

The situation couldn't be more clear.This man named Tu Hexiang lives in a small hotel in Qianjia Street.In addition, the public phone that calls the third guest house of the Commercial Bureau is not too far from the small hotel.Therefore, Director Ge guessed that the person who called Zeng Shaowu at the third guest house must be this person named Tu Hexiang.

The other side of this incident is that Zhang Yalan repeatedly asked him to treat the death of Zeng Shaowu and others as a criminal case.However, this is a fucking political case, and more specifically, it is very likely to be a spy case.This Tu Hexiang who just appeared may also be a spy!

After Director Ge thought about these points clearly, he understood that he must not treat this matter as a criminal case, and he must continue to investigate this matter.It is his duty to investigate this matter clearly.

Director Ge's method is simple and effective, he just needs to send someone to pay attention to Zhang Yalan.Soon after, he found Zuo Shaoqing, a seemingly mysterious woman.He soon discovered that this Zuo Shaoqing might have connections with a spy organization lurking in Wuhan. "Fuck! Who is she!" He cursed in his heart.

Director Ge sent someone to pay attention to Zhang Yalan, but Zuo Shaoqing couldn't be noticed for a while.But when the other person started to move, they were intertwined, wave after wave, and Director Ge noticed Zuo Shaoqing.This person is Chen Sanhu.

Two days ago, according to Zuo Shaoqing's orders, this pig-headed Chen Sanhu went to look for and monitor a woman from Wuhan's fifth team.For Chen Sanhu, looking for a woman is simply a good job.Spying on women is what he likes to do most.So, that night, he cautiously crouched down in the corner outside Wei Mingshui's "Rongsheng Snack Bar" and watched quietly.

In the middle of the night the next day, he found a woman sneaking out of the "Rongsheng Snack Bar" and walking along the secluded side street.Chen Sanhu immediately cheered up and quietly followed behind the woman.

That night, Chen Sanhu followed the woman to a small house.The next day, after watching for another day, he saw that it was an ugly dark girl who lived alone in this small house.

Chen Sanhu, a former secret agent, is a graduate of the Security Bureau, and he still has some vision.He quickly saw that this woman was not an important role, and he didn't want to keep watching.However, thinking of his master's clear instructions, he must figure out who this woman is.Just cheer up and continue to monitor.

That is, on this night, Chen Sanhu, a scoundrel and pervert, unexpectedly got lucky.

After dark, he saw that there was still a light on in a window of this house, so he walked over quietly, wanting to observe through the cracks in the curtains.He looked up, down, left, and right, and he really found a very thin gap.

After observing the front and back, he squinted one eye and looked through the gap in the curtain.After a few minutes, he finally saw the woman walking past the curtain.The woman just flashed by very briefly, but Chen Sanhu outside the window hardened all over in an instant, and immediately had evil thoughts.

God!The woman in the room had no clothes on!He walked through the curtains with his whole body naked.

Chen Sanhu, a rascal, couldn't bear this kind of temptation, and suddenly became lustful.The filthy thing under the belly couldn't be harder.He took a long breath, trying to calm himself down.But it didn't work at all.

At this time, he suddenly felt guilty, and took out a master key made of thin steel wire from his pocket, and went to poke the door lock.

However, Yu Duona in the room was on the verge of collapse at this time, and she was so emotional that she couldn't control it.In fact, she has been in a state of madness since she killed that "prostitute" the night before yesterday.

She couldn't believe it herself, she actually killed a person!Although she has received training in this area in the "Hanzhong Special Personnel Training Class" of the Shaanxi Military Command, she has never done it.Now, a living person was killed by her!In the past two days, she has been thinking wildly in her heart, I am a murderer now!

Secondly, she really killed that "prostitution thief"!When she thought of that "prostitute" who lured her into that bed, not only did he do that with her, but he even controlled her hands, teased her, and even let her be naked to be photographed!Afterwards, the "prostitute" slapped her down on the bed and made her sit naked on that bed for two hours!Son of a bitch!He deserves to be killed!He deserves to be killed!Yu Duona shouted in her heart over and over again: "I just want to kill you! Kill you bastard!"

Thinking of this, Yu Duona became emotional and could hardly control it.She felt like she was going crazy!

However, the last point is the most important.This night, she just took a cold shower, hoping to calm herself down.However, when she stood in front of the full-length mirror and looked at her body in the mirror, she vaguely felt that she regretted it a little now!She desperately still wants to have a man, and do that with her!At least, before the person with the camera came in, that "sex thief" was quite satisfactory to her.That bastard really has a skill!

At this time, before her restless eyes, the scene of the night before kept appearing.She cut the man's belt and ripped off his pants.She fondled the man's ass obsessively.It was the ass of a man with smooth skin and tight muscles.That feeling has been rolling in her memory at this time, and it also makes her very excited.Later, her hot body was pressed against the man's back, and her hands touched the front.She touched something soft and warm.She had never enjoyed that feeling.

Speaking of it, it is also pitiful.Although Yu Duona had several sex encounters in her life, each time was so hasty and short.She didn't want to be in such a hurry, she wanted to hang out with the man on her body for a while longer.But the man who seduced her was in great haste.The man took off her clothes in a hurry, and started to exert force as soon as he entered. He only finished that thing in 3 minutes.In these limited sexual encounters, she has never touched the man's thing!Never looked at that thing carefully either!All she knew was that it was a hard, hard thing.Poor Yu Donna!

The night before, she finally touched it and held it tightly in her hand.So soft, so warm, not at all what she remembered.Now, she stood naked in front of the full-length mirror, looking at her body in the mirror.But in my heart, I kept thinking about the body of the "prostitute" and his soft and warm thing.Yu Duona hopelessly thought, maybe the night before yesterday, she should touch her for a while longer, or go to the front to have a look.What's more, do that thing again on the spot, with that damned "prostitute"!

At this time, Yu Duona was already upset and restless.She looked at herself in the mirror, her face was flushed, and her eyes shone with an almost crazy light.She could hardly hold back.

At this moment, she vaguely heard a soft sound from the outer room, as if the door had opened.She froze for a moment, and immediately rushed to the door, stretched her head to look outside, and was immediately taken aback.God!There was a big man standing at the door of the outer room.Big head, broad face, strong body!God!He is undressing!

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