Now, they sat facing each other on two small benches beside the bed.There are two cups of tea on the square stool between them.The tea leaves in the teacups slowly rose and fell in the water, just like their mood at this time.The bright sunlight shone warmly on the bed and reflected on their faces, revealing the vigilance hidden under the calmness on their faces.

The passionate and intermittent chatter in the room of the Spring Garden Hotel in the morning had given You Shaoqing a general understanding of her sister's situation.Most importantly, she also understood her situation.

First, my sister later went to Taiwan and came into contact with the information sent back by her Wuhan Fifth Group.My sister once went to Hong Kong and passed me by.She later went to South Vietnam to train intelligence agents there.It was in South Vietnam that she was hunted down by a man code-named "Water Hyacinth".This "water hyacinth" is actually lurking inside the CCP's intelligence agency, which she never thought of.

Second, because of this "water hyacinth", after my sister fled back to China, she dared not contact her superiors for fear of being assassinated again.

Therefore, thirdly, my sister came to Wuhan to find her Wuhan fifth group, and finally through her fifth group, to find that "water hyacinth".

When You Shaoqing wanted to understand these points, he felt extremely conflicted.Of course she wants to help her sister, they are sisters.She had told her sister a long time ago that she would recognize this sister at any time.There is no doubt about that.

But the problem is that if she helps in the end, not only will she expose her entire group members, but she will also expose herself!At that time, what will happen to her and her team members?She really wasn't sure.

She asked, "Sister, how did you find us?"

My sister smiled, "Do you still remember Liu Qiuyue? She used to be a very good radio operator. She used a radio and heard your radio signal, and found that it was in the direction of Wuhan. I do know that Wuhan has a fifth Latent team. Moreover, I also know the content of your telegram, part of which is an announcement from the Wuhan city or district government. Therefore, Sanhu found a person surnamed Ji in front of the bulletin board of the Wuchang district government." She He smiled and said, "Sister, I just found you."

You Shaoqing pouted at her sister, "Sister, you are so cunning. Even the police didn't find us, but you did."

Zuo Shaoqing smiled and said, "It's just because I know something that they don't. In addition, I think the fate of our sisters also plays a role, we must let us meet."

"But, have you ever thought about it, if I help you to the end, it will be over for me and our group." When the younger sister said this, she looked at her elder sister very worried and entangled.

"Sister, from the first time I saw you, I wanted to tell you that this can't go on." Zuo Shaoqing took his sister's hand and continued, "Sister, you should know that even without my level The reason, you will be exposed sooner or later. This is only a matter of time. By then, it will be even worse. I am in Taiwan, and this is what I am most worried about. The reason why I went to Taiwan with Ye Gongjin is because he said that he knew You also know the location of your lurking and the contact information. If I don’t follow him, he will tell the communist army. During that time, you don’t know how worried I was!”

At this time, You Shaoqing fell silent.She lowered her head and did not speak for a long time.

Zuo Shaoqing grabbed her hand, "Sister, this road will lead to a dead end! You must think about it."

You Shaoqing raised his head, with tears in his eyes, looking at the blurred treetops outside the window.Many past events gradually emerged before her eyes.How could she not know how her sister cares for her?

She said softly: "Sister, how could I not understand! At the beginning, when you persuaded me to choose again, I thought about it. It's just that I was stubborn and ignorant at that time. I was ridiculous at the time, just thinking that I couldn't lose to You, I just want to win you. In fact, after I arrived in Wuhan, I already figured it out. We will end sooner or later. Sister, I have no other thoughts now, just thinking about Yuanyuan. What will happen to me in the future, It doesn't matter anymore. But what about Yuanyuan! I'm actually just messing around day by day. Maybe, when I finally get to the end, Yuanyuan has grown up and can stand on her own. Then I also Take it easy."

Zuo Shaoqing said: "Sister, now that my sister is back, I can't watch you go on like this. Yuanyuan will have many years to stand on her own. During this time, what should you do if something happens to you? Sister, you You should think about it for yourself. Although I am in Taiwan, I also know some policies of the government here. If you can make meritorious service, maybe the consequences will not be so bad. Maybe, it will be better. You must think about it.”

You Shaoqing sat quietly for a long time, and said softly: "Sister, I can do whatever I want. But the people in the group, Wei Mingshui and others, what will happen in the future?"

Zuo Shaoqing said softly: "The best result is that everyone will do something for the government and make contributions. In this way, will you feel better when you see them again in the future?"

"Sister, it's okay for others to talk about. I'm just worried about Wei Mingshui. He is the team leader, so he may be more stubborn."

"Sister, I want to see him and have a talk with him."

"I'm really worried about what's going to happen to him. The biggest worry is that he's going to get behind us."

"I don't think so. I know what you did at the back door of Donghu Hotel a few days ago. In fact, he is more worried about Taiwan's tricks on him. Now, he has doubts about Taiwan. He should be able to see the situation clearly. What do you think?"

You Shaoqing thought about it for a long time, and finally said: "Sister, let me think about it again, and find out their tone, and then discuss it with you. Sister, what I am most worried about right now is Yuanyuan."

Zuo Shaoqing said: "I understand. I will protect her from now on. You should think about it as soon as possible, and there is no longer any delay."

At this time, it was already past four o'clock in the afternoon.Zuo Shaoqing wanted to go back early.You Shaoqing got up and sent her sister out.

The two sisters went out and walked slowly along the narrow alley.In their hearts, they were all worried about the situation in front of them.However, when they went out this time, they left hidden dangers that no one could have imagined.

Not far ahead is Shen Pingjin's home.According to Mr. Shen's instructions, Sun Ba, who had been sitting in front of the house and observing Wang's family, saw the two sisters by accident.

Sun Ba has nothing to do these days, just sitting outside the door, like a lazy man basking in the sun.He looked around from time to time, and also glanced at Wang's home from time to time.When he saw the two sisters walking out of Wang's house, he was stunned.He didn't expect that the beautiful women he had been observing were actually two sisters, and they looked exactly the same.He lowered his head to catch lice on his body, but watched them quietly from the corner of his eyes.

After watching them gradually walk away, he quietly got up and followed them from a distance.

It was this Sun Ba who shocked Zuo Shaoqing.

That night, Tu Hexiang, who lived in the small hotel, was always a little uneasy.His first step in coming to Wuhan was to get in touch with Zeng Shaowu.In fact, he and Cui Shisan had to follow Zeng Shaowu's instructions on what to do next.

However, he didn't see it.Not only did he not see him, judging from the current situation, there seemed to be something wrong with Zeng Shaowu, which even threatened his and Cui Shisan's safety.The tone of the waiter who answered the phone made him very suspicious.So, that night, after discussing with Cui Shisan, he decided to report the matter to Taiwan.

At twelve o'clock at night, he sat in his room and took out the radio hidden in the box.He used to be the director of the telecommunications department, and he was extremely proficient in sending telegrams. In addition, the telegrams were extremely short. He didn't worry at all that his signals would be monitored by the mainland's public security department.It actually took him only 30 seconds to send it off.

The telegram was: "I haven't seen Zeng, it seems that something happened."

A few minutes later, Ye Gongjin, who was sitting in the office of the Tamsui Estuary Intelligence Bureau Building in Taipei, saw the telegram personally sent by Pan Qiwu.The telegram immediately made him anxious.

First, he transferred Zhao Minggui's team from Jinan to Wuhan, with the purpose of finding You Shaoqing and further finding Zuo Shaoqing.Now Zhao Minggui's first step has been completed, and he is currently monitoring You Shaoqing, trying to find Zuo Shaoqing.

Second, after finding Zuo Shaoqing, Zhao Minggui's group may not be her opponent.Ye Gongjin knew this very well.Therefore, he arranged a second group of people through Pan Qiwu, namely Tu Hexiang and Cui Shisan.He believes that the best combination of these two people is to use one's brain and the other to do it.Should be able to eliminate Zuo Shaoqing.

Thirdly, the purpose of Zeng Shaowu's trip to Wuhan was to direct the two teams nearby to ensure that Zuo Shaoqing could be eliminated.He believed that Zeng Shaowu's shrewdness and prudence would definitely be able to complete this task.

In Ye Gongjin's heart, after this task was completed, he was going to let Zeng Shaowu come back as his deputy.Zeng Shaowu used to be his old subordinate.Over the years, despite his ups and downs, Zeng Shaowu never had any second thoughts about him.There is no doubt that Zeng Shaowu is the best deputy candidate in his heart.But for Zhao Minggui, this position must be used to mobilize him.To be honest, he hasn't seriously considered how to use Zhao Minggui in the future.

However, Zeng Shaowu, who is now the key to assume important responsibilities, has disappeared and has not connected with Tu Hexiang. He has no idea what the result is now.This made Ye Gongjin very worried.

Because another major event happened recently, that is, the key "fourth" that made him even more worried.

Just last night, Zheng Jiemin, director of the National Security Bureau, secretly met with Ye Gongjin and mentioned this matter.

Before and after Mao Renfeng's death, Mr. Jing Guo had asked Zheng Jiemin for his opinion before suggesting to President Jiang the next director of the Ministry of National Defense Intelligence Agency.After all, Zheng Jiemin is the director of the National Security Bureau and has the responsibility of coordinating all intelligence agencies.Zheng Jiemin was in favor of Ye Gongjin as a candidate.

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