Double Agent Saga

52. Secret capture

People often do this. When they are not sure whether to do an unpredictable thing, they are full of reasons to urge him to do it. Do it quickly, as long as you do it, you will succeed immediately. 【】However, after he really did this, all the reasons for success suddenly became reasons for failure; all strong hopes turned into extreme regret.

Liang Fucheng is in such a state.

He originally hoped that Zuo Shaoqing could help him keep his brother, and of course, the more important thing was to keep the Liang family's only seedling Shitou.But when he just uttered that sentence in Zuo Shaoqing's ear, he immediately regretted it, really that kind of extreme regret.He was sitting at home right now, already in a state of fear.

"Confused, I'm so confused!" Liang Fucheng scolded himself in his heart, "How could I tell such a person?" His hands were trembling, and the cigarette between his fingers was trembling because of it.

He had heard some rumors about this young team leader.It is said that she has a violent temper and is an extremely vicious person, and no one dares to provoke her.It is said that members of several gangs made trouble outside the "revolving door", and the leader was beaten into a disability by her.It is said that one of her subordinates was beaten to death by her with a whip for being late.In a word, whoever falls into her hands will not end well.How could such a person spare his brother?His brother is a Communist Party, they are sworn enemies!Liang Fucheng wished he could slap himself.

Six-year-old Shishi is a lively and active age.At this time, he was holding a thin bamboo pole and dancing around the house.Sometimes he ran over, patted him on the knee, and then ran aside.Liang Fucheng's eyes followed him, and he kept saying in his heart: "The only seedling of the Liang family, the only seedling of the Liang family!"

My wife, who was doing housework at home, already had something on his mind and asked him what was wrong.How dare he say that.He was already thinking about whether to ask his wife to take the stone and go out to hide.But where are they hiding!

It was too late for Liang Fucheng to regret.He stayed at home for two days and didn't dare to go out.He was like a mouse huddling in the hole, peeping outside in panic all day long.

On the third night, he thought, the matter was already like this, maybe he could make up a lie and beg the woman again, maybe he could get the matter out of the way.

Liang Fucheng had dinner, changed into a clean long gown, and put some money in his purse.I thought in my heart, when it's time to bleed, I have to bleed, maybe it can save him from danger.He said hello to his wife and went out.I was deliberating in my heart, how to talk to the young team leader about this matter.

His home is not far from the "revolving door", and it takes only ten minutes by rickshaw.If you walk, it only takes half an hour.He wanted to walk and think about it on the way.

He didn't know that for the past two days, Zuo Shaoqing had been waiting for him in the "revolving door", trying to figure out what he wanted to say.One of Zuo Shaoqing's subordinates has been staying at the door of the "revolving door", and will report to Liang Fucheng whenever he sees her.But she didn't see Liang Fucheng until twelve o'clock at night.

Liang Fucheng's accident happened just after he turned a corner.He was completely unprepared.He vaguely heard hurried footsteps behind him.Before he had time to think about it, a person jumped onto his back from behind, and an arm instantly strangled his neck, making him breathless.Then, he was thrown heavily to the ground.There was a rumble in his head.He wanted to open his mouth to breathe, but a piece of cloth was stuffed into his mouth, which almost made him gasp.He vaguely saw the lights on the side of the road, and then there was something like a cloth bag, which was put on his head.

He couldn't tell the difference between up, down, left, and right. He only felt that his feet were off the ground, and then he was thrown somewhere, probably in a car.Because he seemed to hear the sound of a car starting when he was in a daze.He struggled to turn over, only to realize that his hands had been handcuffed behind his back, and there was a sharp pain like a knife passing from his wrist.

Someone kicked him, lowered his voice and shouted: "Don't move!"

By this time, Liang Fucheng gradually regained consciousness.He gritted his teeth tightly, clenched his fists, hating himself in his heart. "It's over, it's over. I sent myself to the chopping board, to someone else's knife and axe, and he will be slaughtered! That wicked woman has a really vicious heart. I gave her the money!"

I don't know how long it took, but the car stopped.Liang Fucheng was dragged from the car.His whole body was numb and stiff, and he couldn't walk.He was being dragged away.Being dragged up and down the stairs and down the long corridor.In the end, he was thrown on the hard concrete floor and lost consciousness.

At twelve o'clock at night, Zuo Shaoqing received a call from Liu Qiuyue in the "revolving door", saying that Liang Fucheng was missing.

Liu Qiuyue reported that the people monitoring Liang Fucheng saw him leave the house and judged him to go to the "revolving door".There is another group of people behind Liang Fucheng, so the second group of people is actually following the group of people.But when they turned the corner in Mifu Lane, they found that not only Liang Fucheng had disappeared, but even the people in the group had disappeared.They chased it in several alleys nearby, but found no trace, so they hurriedly called back to report.

Zuo Shaoqing told Liu Qiuyue on the phone to tell her to tell the surveillance team at the gate of Liang Fucheng's house, not only to strengthen the surveillance of Liang Fucheng's family, but also to quietly monitor a group of people for any movements.She doubted whether Liang Fucheng's disappearance was caused by a group of people.

Zuo Shaoqing finished the phone call, went back to the private room, and sat quietly.It was almost one o'clock in the morning, and most of the activities in the "Revolving Door" entertainment hall had ended.Some people were quiet outside the private room door, and there seemed to be ghost-like people standing quietly outside the door to peep.

Zuo Shaoqing carefully reviewed his actions on Liang Fucheng and confirmed that there were no omissions.But why did a group of people monitor Liang Fucheng?Is it their hands?

It seems that there are two explanations for this: either, Liang Fucheng also made his request to a group of people, asking how to deal with those who surrendered.Or, Liang Fucheng met with him too frequently these days, which aroused the suspicion of a group of Cheng Yunfa and You Shaoqing.So, did they regard Liang Fucheng as their contact person?

Thinking of this, Zuo Shaoqing was both sad for Liang Fucheng and worried for Uncle Zhang.She considered that meeting with Zhang Bowei in the future should be as little as possible.But did Liang Fucheng escape, or was he secretly arrested by a group of people?She was a little uncertain.She decided to wait a few days.

At this time, Liang Fucheng was lying in the dark cell of the Bureau of Secrecy, with his head covered, his mouth gagged, and his hands handcuffed behind his back.After Liang Fucheng woke up, he began to cry loudly.He regrets it!

Bureau of Military Statistics, Bureau of Secrecy.Tiger stool, chili water, hot soldering iron, leather whip, nail board.Liang Fucheng knew this more or less.He also knew that he was going to face it all.He knew he couldn't bear it.He doesn't have that bone.He'll get his brother out.In that case, the stone will be finished, the only root of the Liang family!He regrets it!

Liang Fucheng thought of this intermittently, and really wanted to bump his head to death.That evil woman, that evil woman... Liang Fucheng lost consciousness again.

I don't know how long it has been, Liang Fucheng has lost the concept of time.All he knew was that he was suddenly erected, and he was dragged and dragged for a long distance.Then, he was thrown heavily on a chair.

Before he could calm down, suddenly, there was a sharp pain on his face, probably from a heavy punch.His mouth was blocked and he couldn't make a sound, but his head was thrown to one side suddenly, and his body also fell to the other side, and fell heavily on the ground.His body was still writhing, and he received a heavier kick on his left flank.The severe pain made him stop breathing, and his whole body convulsed and twisted to one side.He was suffocating, his nostrils flaring violently, and he was panting violently.He was dragged up again.Before he could stand still, he received another heavy kick in the stomach.He flew backwards and fell heavily to the ground.He felt that the wrist under his body must be broken, the pain was unbearable, and his head hit the hard concrete floor heavily.He hoped that he would die quickly, so that there would be no more pain after death.

He was dragged up again and thrown onto the chair again.His body involuntarily wanted to slide down.He was trembling all over, and the intense fear made him unable to sit still, and he was even more afraid of being kicked again.

At this time, someone took off the cloth bag from his head and tore the cloth from his mouth.The light pierced his eyes like knives.His face was covered with snot and tears, and he struggled to open his mouth, breathing hard.

At this time, a ladle of cold water poured down from the top of his head.Cold water flowed down his neck and into his chest and back, and his whole body trembled violently.Someone grabbed him by the shoulders to keep him from sliding off the chair.Liang Fucheng felt that he had fallen into a hole in the ice and was about to drown.He couldn't help it, and howled miserably.

After a long time, the life in his body recovered bit by bit.He vaguely saw a table in front of him, and a person was sitting behind the table, watching him.

The man said, "Liang Fucheng, are you going to recruit?"

Liang Fucheng fell into extreme fear again, and the severe pain clamped his internal organs and his whole body like iron clamps.He murmured, "I recruit...I recruit..."

The man smiled and said, "That's right. Then tell me, when did you join the Communist Party?"

He choked in Liang Fucheng's throat.In his already confused consciousness, he felt that something must have gone wrong, that they must have caught the wrong person.How could I be a Communist, I never was.They must have caught the wrong guy, they caught the wrong guy.A little hope was born in Liang Fucheng's heart. He murmured: "I am not a Communist Party...I am not a Communist are mistaken..."

The man roared.Liang Fucheng couldn't hear what he was yelling, but he was mentioned again.A rope passed through his handcuffs and he was hung upside down.He was tortured more severely.I won't go into details about these tortures.

Cheng Yunfa made a small inevitable mistake. He was too impatient, and he really wanted to pry Liang Fucheng's mouth away quickly.During the interrogation, he held up Zuo Shaoqing's photo in front of Liang Fucheng, and grabbed his hair to make him look carefully, "Bastard, take a good look, is she your contact person? Is she!"

Liang Fucheng was completely taken aback, not knowing what was going on.What do they say this wicked woman is?what is itHis remaining consciousness was fuzzy, and he said yes for a while, and no for a while.He wasn't sure if they wanted him to say yes or no.He wanted to follow them, but he couldn't figure out what to say.

Standing in the observation room, Zhao Minggui and You Shaoqing frowned.They are separated by the situation in the glass interrogation room.The lights in the interrogation room were a bit chaotic, casting strange shadows on the four walls.They all sensed that something was wrong, but could not tell what it was.It seems that they caught wrong, or interrogated wrong.

The officials all knew that they missed the point.They don't know that point either.

This interrogation continued for another day, and at night, everything was over.With his last breath, Liang Fucheng murmured, "Please...don't hit me...I'm not...not..." After that, there was no more sound.

His voice is low.Cheng Yunfa had to move closer to his mouth to listen.He glanced at him attentively and knew that this person was dead.

Cheng Yunfa sat heavily on the chair, pulled out a cigarette with trembling hands, and put it in his mouth.But the match couldn't strike.When the match finally struck, the cigarette fell from his mouth again.Cheng Yunfa was so angry that he threw the match on the ground and crushed it with his feet.He turned his head and glared at Zhao Minggui and You Shaoqing in the observation room.

Late at night, the three of them were still sitting in the observation room.They all bowed their heads and smoked.Even You Shaoqing had a cigarette in his hand.Faint smoke hung over their heads like a cloud.The electric light on the roof shone sadly on them through the smoke.

They all knew that things had gone wrong again.When Liang Fucheng died, all hope was gone.

Zhao Minggui broke the silence first, and said softly, "Damn it, he's just a stubborn Communist."

Cheng Yunfa raised his head, glared at him, and immediately said, "That's right, a stubborn communist!"

But You Shaoqing knew in his heart that Liang Fucheng was not a member of the Communist Party, definitely not.But she never wanted to contradict them now.They are on the same boat.Like them, she was thinking about how to report to Ye Gongjin.

You Shaoqing thought a little more than Cheng Yunfa and Zhao Minggui.Since Liang Fucheng is not a Communist Party member, why did her sister, Young Master Zuo, monitor Liang Fucheng?Is there any reason?

At this time, Zuo Shaoqing also stayed up all night.She has been sitting in the private room of the "revolving door" entertainment hall, leaning against a large armchair, with her feet up on another chair.She was exhausted, especially on the inside.There are too many dangers around her, too many eyes, and she could be arrested at any moment.She felt that she could no longer take on that great task.

At dawn, Zuo Shaoqing left the "revolving door".She didn't go home, she went directly to the headquarters of the Honggongci Bureau.

Just as she guessed, Liu Qiuyue didn't go home all night, and sat in the office finishing the briefing.The first news she told Zuo Shaoqing was that Liang Fucheng was secretly arrested by the action group and was interrogated secretly.According to the preliminary news now, Liang Fucheng has been tortured to death.

Zuo Shaoqing's heart was extremely heavy.She already felt that Liang Fucheng's death was more likely because he met her a few more times.She understood that this was where she was, a difficult and dangerous situation.

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