Double Agent Saga

522、Shadow Clues

Liu Qiuyue reached out to pick up the key in front of Liu Xi and put it in her pocket.She whispered, "Sit still."

She stretched out her hand to grab Xiao Fanbing, and went to the outhouse with him.

She and Xiao Fanbing walked to the door where Liu Xi could not see, and showed him the telegram.Xiao Fanbing glanced over and his eyes widened.The telegram was extremely short: "Group Wei, I order your group to act according to the instructions of the water hyacinth. Don't make mistakes."

Xiao Fanbing stared at Liu Qiuyue with wide eyes.Liu Qiuyue stretched out a finger to keep him from making a sound, but her eyes also shone with shock and excitement.

She whispered, "Comrade Xiao, you guard him. I'll report."

Xiao Fanbing nodded immediately, "I understand, you go!"

Liu Qiuyue went out, and immediately rushed to the back street of Simenkou.Zhaojiadun Santiao Alley is some distance away from Simenkou Back Street.She doesn't have any transportation, no taxis or anything at night.She was almost walking and running, and half an hour later, she finally ran to the back street of Simenkou, sweating profusely.

At this time, in Zuo Shaoqing's room, Zhang Yalan and You Shaoqing were sitting beside Zuo Shaoqing's bed, talking to her in low voices.What they are discussing is how to attract "water hyacinth" through Wei Mingshui's group.

At this time, Liu Qiuyue's face was pale, and she rushed in panting.She stuffed a note into Zuo Shaoqing's hand and said, "I just received the telegram." Then she couldn't speak anymore, and could only squat on the ground and gasp for breath.

Zhang Yalan helped her to the chair, "Did you run back?"

Liu Qiuyue was speechless and just pointed to the note in Zuo Shaoqing's hand.

At this moment, Zuo Shaoqing looked at the note in his hand, already dumbfounded.Her two eyes looked back and forth on the note with only one sentence, looking in disbelief.

She quickly handed the note to her sister, "Sister, look! Yalan, look too! Water hyacinth! It's water hyacinth!"

Both You Shaoqing and Zhang Yalan read the note quickly and repeatedly, for fear of making a mistake.They raised their heads and saw that Zuo Shaoqing's face was flushed with excitement, and his eyes were even more radiant.

Zhang Yalan immediately said: "Sister, you finally found the clue to this 'water hyacinth'!"

Zuo Shaoqing laughed, "I finally found him! I finally found him! For so many years, I have always thought about him. He almost killed me too! Now I finally found him!"

You Shaoqing calmly grabbed her sister's hand, "Sister, that means, 'Water Hyacinth' is also in Wuhan!"

Zuo Shaoqing shook her hand, "He must be in Wuhan! He must be!"

You Shaoqing continued to hold her hand calmly, "Sister, that means, something serious must have happened here in Wuhan!"

This sentence immediately calmed Zuo Shaoqing down.Many of the situations she had just learned recently began to churn in her mind, piecing together and confirming each other.The veil-like mist fluttered in front of her eyes and was lifted layer by layer.But in the end, she still has a huge mystery ahead of her.

She said softly: "Sister, you are right, you are right. I feel that there may be two things. The first thing is for me. I do have a very important secret. It is the piece of soap, There is a microfilm in it. Taiwan, as well as the United States, have been tracking me for this film. But now, this film is lost, and I don’t know if it can be retrieved.”

Upon hearing this, Liu Qiuyue felt uncomfortable in her heart.She felt that this was her mistake.

Zuo Shaoqing took her hand, "Qiuyue, don't blame yourself too much, this is mainly due to my carelessness. Judging from the current situation, it seems that someone was motivated by the money, maybe we can get it back. Let's talk about this The second thing. My sister said that a group of "outsiders" came to Wuhan. I feel that this group of "outsiders" came for me. Because my sister is in Wuhan. They may judge that I will come to Wuhan to find my sister. But , and there are things that don’t make sense.”

Zhang Yalan asked urgently: "What doesn't make sense?"

Zuo Shaoqing said: "Wei Mingshui was worried that this group of 'outsiders' would harm him, so he killed Zeng Shaowu. The problem is that I knew this Zeng Shaowu. He was by no means an ordinary trafficker. He came to Wuhan not just to give Wei Mingshui Sending radio stations and funds. He is an important member of the Hong Kong intelligence station, and he should have an important mission. He met with the group of 'outsiders' in Wuhan, and it seemed that he was not just trying to deal with me. So, the second thing, It may be exactly what my sister said, something big is about to happen in Wuhan. 'Water Hyacinth' appeared in Wuhan, and Taiwan ordered Wei Mingshui to obey the order of 'Water Hyacinth', very likely, it was also for that big event!"

Zhang Yalan whispered, "But, what's the big deal?"

Zuo Shaoqing shook his head, "We don't know. But we must be prepared in our hearts. Now, we have to deal with the matter in front of us. Sister, this telegram can only be sent to Wei Mingshui by you. Has this happened before?"

You Shaoqing nodded and said, "Yes. I brought Wei Mingshui along the way."

Zuo Shaoqing immediately said: "Well, you can send it to Wei Mingshui now. You have several purposes. First, to find out whether Wei Mingshui knows about the major events that will happen in Wuhan. Second, take a look at his attitude. How does he view this matter. Thirdly, is there any possibility for him to change his position. If he can make meritorious service, he will be treated with leniency in the future. But, sister, you have to be very cautious about this. After all, he is an old military commander. Don't let him suspicious of you."

The younger sister said: "Sister, I understand."

Zuo Shaoqing said: "Okay then, go quickly. I'll wait for your news."

By the time You Shaoqing arrived at Wei Mingshui's "Rongsheng" snack bar, it was already three o'clock in the morning.At this time, everything is quiet, the night is cold, and the dew has focused on the leaves or grass tips, shining crystal light under the moonlight.

You Shaoqing walked silently on the night road, carefully listening to the movements in front, back, left, and right.

She walked to the door of the snack bar and knocked gently on the door.A few minutes later, Wei Mingshui opened a crack in the door and stared at her cautiously.His eyes flashed to both sides, and then he gently opened the door.

You Shaoqing followed Wei Mingshui and walked into his small account room.She took out the telegram and handed it to Wei Mingshui.She said: "Liu Xi just received this. I'll bring it to you by the way. Take a look."

Wei Mingshui sat down at the table and carefully read the telegram.You Shaoqing could clearly see the doubt in his eyes.

She said, "Old Wei, do you see what it means?"

Wei Mingshui shook his head, "'Water hyacinth'? This should be a code name, right?"

You Shaoqing nodded, "It must be. But why did you ask us to obey his orders?"

Wei Mingshui said: "How the hell do I understand! You analyze it for me."

You Shaoqing thought for a while, then said softly: "Old Wei, I think so. Maybe, because Zeng Shaowu died, we were made to obey the order of this 'water hyacinth'. This is the first. Second, the headquarters Instead of giving us instructions through the radio, let us obey the orders of this 'water hyacinth'. I guess, they may have some relatively big actions here in Wuhan. Think about it, old Wei, the headquarters has been specially transferred from outside Some 'outsiders' may also be for this reason. What do you think?"

Wei Mingshui nodded, "I feel that you may have guessed it."

You Shaoqing added: "And thirdly, we killed Zeng Shaowu. If word of this incident gets out, they will definitely not let us go!"

Wei Mingshui gritted his teeth and bowed his head in thought, "Who dares to leak the news, I will never spare him!"

You Shaoqing said quietly: "Old Wei, I don't have a heart. However, I think that no matter what the headquarters wants to do, or what this 'water hyacinth' wants us to do, we should put safety first. If you want to If it threatens our safety, we must not do it!"

Wei Mingshui stared at You Shaoqing with his scheming eyes, and then said softly, "Young Master You, what do I feel? You have changed a little recently. Why?"

You Shaoqing nodded, "Old Wei, you are right! I have changed! You have seen my daughter before, how is it, she looks like a flower, and is growing up day by day. If something happens to me , My daughter is doomed too! I must raise my daughter! This is my idea. I believe that you don’t want your brothers to give away your own life for nothing! Old Wei, this is my idea!"

Wei Mingshui stared at her gloomyly, "Young Master, I'm afraid you have more serious thoughts?"

Right now, You Shaoqing's face has become vicious.She stared at Wei Mingshui and said, "Old Wei, you are right! In order to raise my daughter, I would rather sell those bastards to the Communist Party! Whoever threatens my daughter, I will fight to the death! I will do what I say. !"

Wei Mingshui stared at her silently, and said, "Young Master, what are you thinking?"

You Shaoqing said quietly: "I hope so. If it's a harmless thing, let him do it. But if it's a fatal thing, it will bring us danger! Bastard, let him do it!" Sell ​​it to the Communist Party! Doing so may save our lives in the end!"

Wei Mingshui nodded to her, "Young Master You, you are right in one point, safety first. I will consider what you say, please rest assured, I will handle it carefully."

You Shaoqing looked at his watch and said, "It's almost time. Your buddy may have to go to work too. I have to go."

You Shaoqing quietly left the snack bar, leaving Wei Mingshui alone in his small account room.

He sat at the table, unable to make up his mind for a long time.But there is one thing that he has vaguely sensed, this You Shaoqing seems to be persuading him to betray him intentionally or unintentionally.Oh shit!This problem is very serious!

The morning of this day was spent in peace in Wuhan.Disturbing calm.

Du Ziyuan, who was sitting in the room of the guest house of the provincial military region, was feeling faintly uneasy.

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