Double Agent Saga


Director Ge asked, "What measures are we taking?"

Deputy Director Zhang said: "At least, we should control these suspicious people and wait until the mission of the Institute of Physics is completed. Do you think what I said makes sense?"

Director Ge lowered his head to think about it, and said: "Director Zhang, I really want to control these people. But I can't arrest people casually! If something goes wrong, it will be very serious."

Director Zhang looked at him seriously, "In special times, we must use special methods to deal with it. Don't hesitate!"

Director Ge could only nod his head and said, "I understand what you mean. But let me think about it again."

So, after Director Zhang left, Director Ge was seriously considering what method, or excuse, to use to control the few people in the back street of Simenkou.Wait until the security mission of the Institute of Physics is completed, and then deal with it.What he thought over and over in his mind was what kind of excuse he was going to find.

In this way, Zuo Shaoqing will soon be in trouble.

At this time, Zuo Shaoqing was sitting in her room in the back street of Simenkou.

Ever since I mastered Wei Mingshui's radio station, I knew that "Water Hyacinth" was about to contact Wei Mingshui.She rearranged the few people in her hand.She asked Xiao Fanbing to continue to guard Liu Xi, the radio operator in Santiao Lane of Zhaojiadun.Ask Chen Sanhu to watch in front of the "Rongsheng" snack bar during the day, and return to Yu Duona's small house at night to guard the warehouse.After Chen Sanhu left, Hu Guanglin took over and continued to monitor the snack bar.She and Zhang Yalan also walked slowly on the street outside the snack bar every day, watching for any suspicious people.

Liu Qiuyue kept in contact with these places, reporting the situation and conveying Zuo Shaoqing's request.

Sitting in her room, Zuo Shaoqing was thinking, hoping that this guy code-named "Water Hyacinth" would appear as soon as possible.This "water hyacinth" has troubled her for many years, and it has always weighed on her heart like a mountain.

Zuo Shaoqing and others watched Wei Mingshui's "Rongsheng" snack bar for two days, and finally found the target.

That night, the "Rongsheng" snack bar was still full of people eating as usual.Although the snack bar has only been open for less than a month, it has already established a very good reputation here.

When there are many people eating, the shop assistants are very busy.They kept yelling, carrying all kinds of fragrant food, and rushing back and forth between the dining tables.

After Li Changgui and Gu Zhanbiao resigned from the work unit, they also came to the store as entertainers.Wei Mingshui felt that he really needed to put two brothers by his side to protect his safety.

At this time, Wei Mingshui was sitting in his small account room, watching the situation in the shop through a small window, and observing the people who were eating.He believed that if there were any suspicious people, they would definitely be among the people who were eating.He has to be careful now.

At about eight o'clock in the evening, Tu Hexiang, who had been sitting in the corner eating, wiped his mouth contentedly, and while paying, he said to Li Changgui, who was collecting the money: "Oh, it's really delicious, it's really delicious! I I really can't eat anymore. Brother, where is your boss? I must say thank you to him."

Li Changgui, who was collecting money for change, stared at him calmly.The fat man ate this meal for almost an hour, and he didn't eat much, but he said he couldn't eat anymore.But he didn't want to cause trouble, so he just said casually: "Sir, as long as you are satisfied with your meal, you don't need to thank you. This is your money, please go slowly."

But Tu Hexiang still said: "No, no, I must say thank you to your boss."

With that said, he walked towards the back kitchen.While eating, he had already noticed that the small window, which was only one foot square, should be the shop owner's office.

Tu Hexiang entered the back kitchen, opened the curtain of Wei Mingshui's small account room, and walked in with a smile.

With an exaggerated smile on his face, he said, "Your husband is the boss here, right? Oh, the snacks in your shop are really good, indeed. I must tell your boss."

When he said this, he had already sat down on the chair by the table, still looking at Wei Mingshui with a smile.

Wei Mingshui was already alert.He has opened a snack bar for several years, and he has never seen anyone give a thumbs up.Although the snacks are authentic, they are just home-cooked snacks eaten by ordinary people, so there is nothing unusual about them.

But he didn't want to speak, just stared silently at the uninvited man.If this person has any real thoughts, he will definitely say it himself.

Tu Hexiang still had a smile on his face, but there was cunning and shrewdness in his eyes.What he said made Wei Mingshui even more nervous.He finally restrained himself and didn't call Li Changgui and Gu Zhanbiao in.

Tu Hexiang smiled, and said softly, "Mr. is surnamed Wei, right? Wei Mingshui, it must be you, sir? Please don't deny it, sir. My surname is Tu, and Tu Hexiang is me."

Wei Mingshui reluctantly said, "What advice does Mr. Tu have?"

Tu Hexiang lowered his voice, and said bluntly: "Mr. should have received a telegram last night, right? The contents of the telegram are to ask Mr. Wei and others to act according to the instructions of 'Water Hyacinth'. There is nothing wrong, right? "

Wei Mingshui looked at him suspiciously, and said, "Are you 'Water Hyacinth'?"

Tu Hexiang shook his head, "I'm not. I'm just the representative of 'Water Hyacinth', conveying his instructions to you on behalf of Mr. Shui. Now 'Mr. Shui' is in charge of all actions in Wuhan!"

Although Wei Mingshui was full of doubts, he was finally convinced that what this person said was true.He can't deny it.

He slowly stood up and whispered, "Mr. Tu, please follow me."

He took Tu Hexiang to the warehouse.It's quieter and safer there.He carefully closed the door, let Tu Hexiang sit down on the sack, and said in a low voice, "If Mr. Tu has anything to say, please explain."

Tu Hexiang stared at Wei Mingshui and whispered, "Mr. Wei, the headquarters has decided to take an action in Wuhan."

Wei Mingshui suddenly became nervous.Take action?This is the last thing he wants to do!

"What action?" he asked.

Tu Hexiang smiled faintly and said, "To be honest, I don't know what the action is. I'm just here to deliver Mr. Shui's instructions."

Wei Mingshui shook his head silently, "Mr. Tu, under the current circumstances, any action may bring danger to us! It can be said that it is a one-shot deal!"

Tu Hexiang said calmly: "Both the headquarters and Mr. 'Shui' have considered these situations. Although I don't know the content of the action, I can feel that the action is of great significance. Mr. Wei, you must execute it!"

"Tell me, what do you want us to do?" Wei Mingshui stared at him carefully.

"It's actually very simple. The headquarters knows that only your fifth group still has some equipment. For this operation, your group needs to provide these equipment." Tu Hexiang whispered.

"What equipment?" Wei Mingshui became more nervous.

"Three pieces of special equipment. The requirements are that they should be kept in good condition, with reliable functions and accurate timing. During use, there must be no mistakes." Tu Hexiang stared at him seriously, and stated his requirements very clearly.

"And then?" Wei Mingshui asked, feeling even more nervous.He wants special equipment, and there are three pieces!

Tu Hexiang took out a small note from his pocket and put it in Wei Mingshui's hands, "I request that you deliver it to this place before noon tomorrow and hand it over to the waiting person. The three pieces of special equipment must be assembled and packaged separately. And it must be easy to hand over. How to pack and how to hand over are clearly written on this small note. You just do it.”

Wei Mingshui stared at him and did not speak for a long time.There were actually only two things on his mind.

First, never do anything that might endanger the safety of their fifth group, especially things like bombings, assassinations, or poisoning.If you do this kind of thing, you will definitely be discovered by the CCP public security!None of them can escape!This point has become the consensus of their entire group!You Shaoqing also made it very clear that if she asked them to do this kind of thing, she would rather sell these bastards to the Public Security Bureau!

Although Wei Mingshui now has some doubts about You Shaoqing, he agrees with her opinion.

However, Wei Mingshui also had to consider the second matter.Based on what Mr. Tu said, these three pieces of special equipment were to be handed over to others.In other words, it is someone else who performs the deadly task.This is another situation.Perhaps, this operation will not bring too much danger to his fifth group?

Thinking of this, he asked softly, "Is that all?"

Tu Hexiang nodded to him, "That's all. It's so simple, you shouldn't have any problems, right?"

Wei Mingshui thought over and over again, and finally nodded, "Okay, I will execute it on time. However, there is one thing I want to say first. If there is an accident during the transfer process, I will immediately stop the transfer! This is not a refusal to execute the order, but Be cautious. We have survived until now, and there have been no major accidents, because of being cautious!"

Tu Hexiang nodded, "I understand. I will tell the recipients to be very careful and there must be no problems."

Wei Mingshui said: "Okay, then it's settled. Before noon tomorrow, I will arrange reliable people to deliver the three pieces of special equipment to these two people." As he spoke, he shook his hand The little note in it.

A few minutes later, Tu Hexiang quietly left the "Rongsheng" snack bar.

However, it was already 10:30 at night.The snack bar had already quieted down, and the lights were half dimmed.In this way, when Tu Hexiang went out, he attracted Hu Guanglin's attention.

Hu Guanglin has been standing outside the snack bar for two days.It is very difficult to spot suspicious persons among the guests coming and going.Therefore, he adopted a stupid method, using peanuts as a mark of abnormal guests.

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