Double Agent Saga

534、Ah Yu’s Catastrophe

Ayu understood what he meant.After wriggling for a while, he finally lay face down on the ground.Sun Ba moved himself to Ayu's side, and carefully inspected the rope binding her hands with the light from the window that was gradually darkening.Only a person like Sun Ba could do this, he would only speak when he saw the knot of the rope.If Ayu were to explain it, he would just bite indiscriminately.

Sun Ba saw the knot clearly, bit it with his teeth, and shook it again and again.Finally, the knot came loose.Sun Ba bit again for a while, and the rope in Ayu's hand was finally untied.

As soon as the rope on Ayu's body was loosened, she immediately collapsed on the ground.Her hands and feet were so numb that she couldn't move.

Sun Ba roared in a low voice: "You fucking hurry up! Are you still waiting for someone to kill you with a knife!"

Upon hearing this, Ayu sat up desperately, first untied the rope on his feet, then turned around and untied all the ropes on Sun Ba's body.

When people are in a desperate situation and their lives are about to die, they don't think about money.But once you can escape, your life can be saved, and the first thing that comes to mind is money.

Sun Ba and Miss Ayu are exactly such two people.However, sometimes people who could have escaped end up dying, and it is for this reason.

As soon as they let go, they immediately searched the room for the bag containing the money.Sun Ba began to search on and under the bed, while Miss Ayu turned her legs and moved towards the closet by the wall.She grabbed the closet doorknob and pulled the closet door open at once.

However, before she could see the contents of the closet clearly, something taller fell towards her and pressed her under it very heavily.When she opened her eyes, she immediately screamed.It was a dead man with blood all over his face, pressing heavily on her body, and facing her face to face.

Sun Ba by the bed immediately rushed towards her, covered her mouth, and shouted at her: "Don't make a sound! Don't make a sound! You're going to call someone else!"

Ayu said in horror: "It's a dead man! I was scared to death! Move him away!"

After a little effort, Sun Ba finally pushed the dead man aside.Looking at the dead man, they felt a sense of terror in their hearts.They immediately understood that those two people were still murderers!If those two people come back, they will definitely kill them!

They all got up, looked at the door, and looked at the dead man on the ground.They are all hesitating whether to run for their lives now.At this time, Miss Ayu noticed a suitcase in the closet, and her eyes immediately shone.There is no way, this is her nature!

She scrambled over and took the suitcase out of the closet at once.She fumbled frantically for the buckle of the case, and opened it with two "pops".Once the box was opened, they froze again.Inside the box was a grass-green iron box, with earphones next to it, as well as electric keys and other things.No matter how amateur they are, they can tell that this is a radio station.They've all been seen in movies.

At this time, Ayu, whose face was even paler, saw a bag next to the grass-green iron box, and grabbed it with his hand.She didn't even need to open it to look, just by the feel of her hand, she knew that this was exactly what she was looking for.

Sun Ba also came to his senses, and kept saying, "Go! Go! Go!"

As he spoke, he got up and walked towards the door.Holding the bag in her arms, Ayu followed him to the door.

However, as soon as Sun Ba opened the door, he froze.Cui Shisan and Tu Hexiang, who had gloomy faces, were standing outside the door, watching them intently.

When Cui Shisan entered the door, he had already pulled out the dagger from his waist and stared at Sun Ba coldly.Then, he rushed towards Sun Ba.Sun Ba retreated again and again, picked up a square stool and threw it at him.But Cui Shisan didn't care about this blow at all, he had already grabbed Sun Ba, and immediately stabbed the dagger in his hand into Sun Ba's body.

Tu Hexiang, who came in after Cui Shisan, was a little dazed.Because he saw the open suitcase on the ground and the radio in the suitcase.It was the second he was in a daze that saved Miss Ayu.

At this moment, Miss Ayu, who was already extremely terrified, seemed to go crazy, holding her bag tightly in her arms, screaming, lowering her head and bumping towards Tu Hexiang.She bumped her head on Tu Hexiang's stomach, causing him to stagger back and fall to the ground.Ayu didn't care about anything at this time, screaming and running into the corridor.

At this time, Cui Shisan had already knocked Sun Ba to the ground.He turned his head and was about to chase outside the door.

Tu Hexiang shouted to him: "Come back! Stop chasing her! Let her go! We have to hurry!"

Immediately they began nervously packing their things.This kind of person is extremely calm at this time.They were fast, but methodical, packing their belongings into suitcases and tucking them into bags.It only took a total of ten seconds before they packed up their things.They followed each other, slammed the door and sprinted down the corridor.

Until this time, the tenants who heard the screams just opened the door and looked into the corridor.They only saw two people, and they ran quickly to the stairs.They didn't see their faces clearly at all, let alone what happened.He stood at the door and looked at each other. He didn't see any other abnormalities, so he retreated into the room.

At this point, it was dusk.The sun has set and the street lights have not yet been turned on.The streets were half-lit and half-dark, which was also when people got off work, and people were hurrying on their way.

Girl Ayu was holding a bag in her arms, her hair was disheveled, and she ran with her head down like a madman.

She kept running back home.The father who was sitting in front of the house looked up at her for the first time.Her appearance also startled the busy mother in the room, who looked at her in extra horror.

Ayu walked around the house a few times like a lunatic, then pointed at the ground in front of the stove, and yelled at her mother in a low voice: "Here, dig! Dig! Dig quickly!"

Mother trembled and asked: "Sister, what's the matter?"

Ayu stared at her eyes that wanted to eat people, and shouted at her: "Don't ask! Dig quickly! Dig quickly!"

The mother looked at her horrified look, although she didn't know what happened, but she knew it must be a big deal.Besides, Ayu's status in this family is supreme.She also stopped talking, and immediately picked up the coal shovel beside the stove, and started digging on the dirt at the stove mouth.

At this time, the frightened father, bent over, slowly walked into the door and looked at them.

Ah Yu immediately pointed at him and shouted: "Get out! Get out! Look outside!"

Father immediately exited the door.He was still sitting on the small bamboo chair, looking at both ends of the alley.

Mother finally dug the hole.Ayu rolled up the bag in his hand and was about to put it in the pit.

Mother said: "Sister, it's getting wet."

Ah Yu shouted: "Don't be so wordy! Find something to pack!"

Mother hurriedly found an oilcloth from the corner of the house, wrapped the bag, and put it in the pit.Ayu also squatted down, and hurriedly filled the hole with soil.

After filling in the soil, Ayu stepped on the ground vigorously until it was firm.But this is new dirt, and it's very visible.She used a shovel to dig out the ashes from the stove, spread them on the ground, and stomped on them again.Now, all traces of digging have disappeared.

Ayu called his father in, pointed at the stove where the things had just been buried, and shouted to them in a low voice: "You don't know anything! You don't know anything! Remember!"

The father and mother looked at their daughter with their old eyes, as if they didn't understand.But they all nodded vigorously.Even if he had doubts, he only dared to hide them in his heart.

From this day on, Miss Ayu did not go out again.She has been lying at home waiting.She knew that the police would definitely come to her door.Five days later, the police finally came and pushed her into a police car.

During the investigation that lasted for half a month, Miss Ayu told everything she knew, but she never mentioned the missing bag.She told the police: "I was frightened to death by that dead man and ran as fast as I could. I don't know about the others."

Later, Miss Ayu was finally released.She didn't go out anymore when she got home, she just lay at home every day without washing her face or combing her hair, as if she was stupid.

In this way, life at home is very difficult.Miss Ayu is the only source of income for the family.

Finally one day, my mother quietly came to her bedside and whispered, "Eldest sister, there is... no rice at home."

Miss Ayu stared blankly at her mother.After a while, she got out of bed and opened her little box.She took out her last savings, as well as the clothes she often wore and the jewelry she often used, and gave them to her mother.She said weakly: "Take it all and sell it. If it's not enough, sell what's in the store. Sell whatever you can."

Mother looked at her, speechless for a while.

Later, Ayu's family only ate pickles and porridge.They held on like this for a year.

One night a year later, Ayu came out of her hut and looked at her father and mother sitting by the stove to keep warm.She pointed to the ground under their feet and said, "Dig!"

Mother understood immediately.She picked up the coal shovel and dug the ground of the stove.Finally, she dug out the oilcloth bag, took out the bag inside, and handed it carefully to her daughter.

Ayu opened the bag in the dim light.The father and mother who were squatting next to each other were stunned.There's a lot of money in there!A lot of money!They finally understood why Ayu never went out again.

Miss Ayu stared at them sternly, and said in a low voice, "Don't tell anyone! Never tell!"

Later, Miss Ayu opened a small department store with only one shelf through a window in the main room, selling some small commodities such as needles, thread, oil, salt, sauce and vinegar, tobacco, wine, sugar and tea, and made a living from it.

Another year later, Shen Pingjin was released from prison after serving his sentence.It seems that by chance, he also walked past Miss Ayu's house.He looked at the small storefront, and at the girl Ayu who sat motionless at the counter and stared at him.One of them was outside the counter, the other was inside the counter, all staring at each other.

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