Double Agent Saga


You Shaoqing stammered a little, " did he know...I'm also in Wuhan?"

Zuo Shaoqing whispered: "You may not have imagined that it was Zhao Minggui who told him. I judge that Zhao Minggui is the outsider you mentioned."

Now, You Shaoqing became worried.Thinking that her brother is also in Wuhan, this should be something she should be happy about.However, I must know that she is a potential spy now!It really is time has changed, a kind of annoyance that she has never felt is rising from her heart at this moment.Why did she leave Nanjing in the first place!Why didn't she listen to her sister's advice back then!If she had made a new choice back then, brother would be so happy if he saw her now!

Zuo Shaoqing had already guessed what she was thinking, and whispered: "Sister, you don't have to worry. You have actually made a new choice now. Brother will be happy to see you in the future."

Although You Shaoqing looked at her sister and nodded, there was always an indescribable sadness in her heart.She is so sorry!

Zuo Shaoqing recruited Liu Qiuyue, Hu Guanglin and Xiao Fanbing to his side.Now there are two important things to discuss.

The first thing is whether she can find her lost bag, especially the soap in the bag.The result of the discussion is that we must firmly grasp the clue of Shen Pingjin and try to track it down.

Zuo Shaoqing said softly: "My sister and Guanglin are in charge of this matter. Now that Yalan is away, Xiao Fanbing can't move. After all, Guanglin is still a policeman. It is more appropriate for him to assist my sister in this matter. "

The second thing they discussed was whether they could do the work of communicating with Wei Mingshui, and through him, find "Water Hyacinth".There is no doubt that "water hyacinth" is in Wuhan and has had contact with Wei Mingshui.In this way, whether Wei Mingshui is willing to change is very important.

Zuo Shaoqing said: "Tonight, I am going to meet Wei Mingshui with my sister and see his attitude."

As a result of such discussions, Liu Qiuyue and Xiao Fanbing guarded Liu Xi and the radio station.Chen Sanhu stared at the "Rongsheng Snack Bar" during the day and guarded Yu Duona's warehouse at night.Hu Guanglin and You Shaoqing traced the whereabouts of the bag.Now, everyone rests and splits up when the sun rises.

The next morning, when Du Ziyuan was sending the seriously injured Lin Wenxiu to the hospital, You Shaoqing and Hu Guanglin appeared in Shen Pingjin's living room.

As soon as You Shaoqing entered the door, he said with a serious face: "Mr. Shen, I'm here today to ask for my bag. You can't count your words!"

At this time, Shen Pingjin, a very shrewd person, also felt that he had fallen into a trap set by himself and could not move.Sun Ba and Miss Ayu not only didn't want to return the bag, but even now they have disappeared.This thing sticks to my hands like a handful of rotten snot, and I can't shake it off.Now, people came to the door, and one of them, he could tell at a glance, was a policeman.He felt that he was really in big trouble.

He said with a bitter face: "Mrs. Su, I never meant to lie to you. Yesterday afternoon, I did send two people to ask for your bag. However, these two people have not come back until now, and they have disappeared. I was about to go out to find them, but I was afraid that you would come, so I had to wait at home. I really did not lie to you!"

After all, Hu Guanglin had been a reconnaissance company commander for many years, so he was calmer.He said: "Mr. Shen, please tell me the story of this incident first. From the beginning to the end, there should be no omissions."

Shen Pingjin looked into his serious eyes and knew that he must not lie.Otherwise, the policeman would never let him go.So he described the course of the matter as fully as possible.

He said: "Yes, that's right. There is such a person who lives downstairs with me. This person used to be a pickpocket. This guy stole your bag just because he was thinking of money. He was on the way Turned the bag over and handed it to a girl I met on the road. This... I happen to know this girl. This girl got the bag and was about to leave, but she met two womanizers and made an excuse , tricked her into a hotel room. Just... just... that. When the girl left later, she left her bag in that room. Later, when I heard about it, I just... just . . . " He was really embarrassed to talk about his brother, "and let them ask for it. As a result, none of these two men came back and disappeared. This is what happened to this matter. I really ...I really... have absolutely no intention of lying to you!"

Hu Guanglin stared at him, feeling that the whole process was roughly like this, and it was reasonable.He asked, "The pickpocket you mentioned has never come back?"

Shen Pingjin immediately said: "Yes, yes. He lives downstairs. I have visited several times today, but there is no sign of him. It's really strange."

Hu Guanglin asked: "Where is that girl? You haven't seen her either?"

Shen Pingjin said: "No! It was agreed yesterday, and I will come back when I want something. But, I haven't come back yet."

Hu Guanglin asked, "Where does she live?"

Shen Pingjin said hastily: "She lives in Niaoyutao, the third door is the third door after entering the alley. Her name is Ayu, and the neighbors know it when you ask there."

Hu Guanglin looked at him quietly, and said, "Okay, let's do this for now. We are looking for that Ayu now. You stay here, don't hide. Maybe we will come back to find you!"

Shen Pingjin nodded and said: "I'm waiting, I'm waiting. Hey, my home is here. I can run away, but monks can't run away from the temple! Don't you think so?"

In this way, You Shaoqing and Hu Guanglin went to the catfish trap.After a little inquiring, they found Ayu's home.

When they entered the door and saw Ayu's eyes, they realized something was wrong.

Ayu was very nervous, her hands were twisted together convulsively, and her face was even more pale and blue.

Hu Guanglin stared at her and asked, "What did you do yesterday afternoon?"

Ayu's complexion completely changed, and tears flowed down her cheeks.She was speechless for a while.Finally, she began to talk intermittently about what happened yesterday afternoon.How she and Sun Ba were tied up and gagged by those two people.How did they escape.They wanted to find the bag in the room, but unexpectedly, there was a dead man with blood all over his face in the cabinet.

She cried and said: "That dead man fell on me, I was scared to death! Later, when we were about to go out, those two people came back. One guy took out a knife and went to kill Brother Sun. I At that time, I was going crazy, and I ran away from that fat man. I didn’t dare to go anywhere. I was afraid they would find me again.”

Although Hu Guanglin and You Shaoqing didn't speak, they looked at each other and guessed what the other was thinking.Now the situation is more complicated.A dead person actually appeared in that room!Moreover, what happened later was that the two men immediately took out their daggers and were about to kill.This is by no means what a greedy person should do!

At this time, Miss Ayu had a sentence in her mouth, which was twirling around on her tongue.She has been hesitating whether to speak out, whether it will bring her more trouble.

You Shaoqing saw it, and asked softly: "What else do you have to say, what else have you not told us?"

Miss Ayu stared at them in panic, took a deep breath, and finally said: "I... Brother Sun and I opened a box when we were looking for that bag in that room. There was an iron box inside. The green one. I saw it in a movie, it was... the telegraph thing. I guess that thing, I don't know."

Right now, You Shaoqing and Hu Guanglin became nervous.The whole situation seems to be going in the other direction.

You Shaoqing asked, "Did you find that bag?"

Miss Ayu shook her head in panic, "No, I didn't find it. Later, when we saw the dead person, we were frightened and wanted to leave, but those two people came back. Later, Brother Sun was stabbed to death by that skinny man. I guess it was Stabbed to death."

At this time, Hu Guanglin began to ask carefully about the appearance of the two people.Generally speaking, those two people are fat and thin.Fat people are bloated, bald, and have small eyes.The thin man was dark and thin, not tall, but his face was very gloomy, and he stared at people with a very fierce look.

At this time, Hu Guanglin said: "Don't leave. We may have to ask you for questioning in the future."

Hu Guanglin and You Shaoqing left Ayu's home.They all felt that this situation should be told to Zuo Shaoqing as soon as possible.They all know that there are still a group of people in Wuhan.You Shaoqing called them "outsiders", but Hu Guanglin knew that Wei Mingshui and You Shaoqing had killed some of these people.There is also a feeling that these two people will be "water hyacinths"?The fat man Ayu described was very similar to the fat man Liu Qiuyue had seen.They were not sure whether the two fat men were the same person.Things seem to be getting more complicated.

At one o'clock at noon, Hu Guanglin and You Shaoqing returned to their residence and told Zuo Shaoqing everything they had learned.Zuo Shaoqing's first thought was that among these two people, if there is no "water hyacinth", it is very likely that they have something to do with "water hyacinth".However, her soap, and the film in the soap, most likely fell into the hands of these two people.This situation is terrible!She wanted to tell Du Ziyuan about this as soon as possible.

An hour later, that is, at two o'clock in the noon on May 24, she and You Shaoqing hurried to the guest house of the provincial military region.However, they did not find Du Ziyuan here.Long Jinyun and Qin Donghai, whom Zuo Shaoqing had seen before, were nowhere to be seen either.They stood at the door of the guest house of the provincial military region, feeling anxious, not knowing what to do.

At this time, Du Ziyuan was in the Wuhan Institute of Physics and encountered a more serious crisis.This danger was created for him by Tu Hexiang and Cui Shisan following the instructions of "Water Hyacinth".

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