Li Keng looked at him calmly and shook his head, "No need. You just leave according to the retreat route arranged by the headquarters. We should all be cautious. First of all, you must ensure that you complete the task tomorrow!"

The story has come to this point, and I will discuss the plot of this story with the judges again.

In fact, at this time, Tu Hexiang had already obtained the crucial microfilm, which is very important.However, Tu Hexiang had no chance to tell "Water Hyacinth" about this situation.

Therefore, if "Water Hyacinth" knew about this situation, he would no longer arrange for Zhao Minggui to assassinate Zuo Shaoqing, and they would just run away immediately.Because of assassinating Zuo Shaoqing or getting the film, he only needs to complete one of them.This meaning was exactly what Ye Gongjin had already considered in his office.

If "Water Hyacinth" got the film, although Zuo Shaoqing witnessed the American assassination of Ruan Qibo in South Vietnam, it would not work because there is no evidence.In the same way, if Zuo Shaoqing is killed, the film will disappear automatically.Or, even if the CCP’s intelligence agencies got the film, they don’t understand what’s going on in that film and what the people in the photo are doing.After all, a photo is a photo, not a video that only exists today.

What's more, Tu Hexiang has already obtained this film.

Tu Hexiang got the film last night, but last night was not the time to send a telegram to the Taiwan headquarters.He plans to report this situation to Taiwan tonight. "Water hyacinth" doesn't know about it, at least until now.Therefore, he must take action now to get rid of Zuo Shaoqing.

In intelligence work, it is very dangerous for lower-level personnel to fail to report the situation to their superiors in a timely manner, and it may produce completely opposite results. This is the case with the "Water Hyacinth" in front of it.

In the evening of that day, Tu Hexiang got instructions from "Water Hyacinth" from behind the bulletin board of Dongcai Market, and left quietly.He found a secluded place, opened the note and read it again.

Mr. "Water" gave him detailed and thorough instructions, but he didn't fully understand them yet.But there was one thing that he was required to do immediately, which was to go to the counter of the Advance Hotel on Chunan Street and get a small box kept there.In this note, there is the key that Mr. "Water" left for him.

Tu Hexiang didn't hesitate any longer, and immediately changed direction and went to Chunan Street.

While walking on the road, he bought a pack of meatloaf in a small restaurant and prepared it for today's dinner.

At 09:30 at night, he arrived at Chu Nan Street, and successfully took out a small canvas case from the counter of the Forward Hotel.On the way back to Nuomi Lane, he was still thinking about the instructions "Shui" gave him.At this time, he gradually had some doubts in his heart.

In the note that Mr. "Shui" left for him, he also assigned another task, requiring him to notify Wei Mingshui before seven o'clock tomorrow morning, and make preparations for retreat as soon as possible.

Tu Hexiang was thinking about this question while walking.A retreat is a retreat, what preparations do I need to make?Why do you have to notify before seven o'clock tomorrow morning?He couldn't figure it out.

However, he is very aware of Mr. "Water"'s shrewdness and meticulousness.He guessed that getting the Wei group ready may not be for the purpose of retreating, there may be other tasks.Just wait and see, he thought.

He returned to the small courtyard in Nuomi Lane.Cui Shisan sat at the door of the room, paying attention to the room where the two children were closed, and at the same time listening to the movement outside.It can be seen that Cui Shisan is cautious enough.

Tu Hexiang asked Cui Shisan for the key, and opened the door of the two children's room.He saw two children sitting side by side on the bed, with their arms around their knees, looking at him.

He put the meatloaf on the table and said: "This is dinner, you guys have dinner." After finishing speaking, he went out.

Stone sat quietly for a while, then slowly moved out of bed and walked to the table.He opened the paper bag and looked at it. There were two meatloaf.He turned back and said, "Yuanyuan, come and eat."

Xiao Yuanyuan was still sitting on the bed with her arms around her knees, just staring blankly at the door.

Shi Shi said again: "Come and eat. If you don't eat, you will be hungry at night. It's meatloaf, and it's still warm."

Xiao Yuanyuan slowly moved out of bed, walked to the table silently, and sat on the chair.The table was so high that it almost reached her chin.She reached out for a meatloaf, stood it on the table, and took a small bite.However, this piece of meat pie turned around in her mouth, but she just couldn't swallow it.

Shi Shi looked at her, knowing that she was still sad about what she just said.He said, "Yuanyuan, eat quickly."

But Xiao Yuanyuan turned around silently, not looking at him, only at the half-open door.That mouthful of meatloaf was still turning in her mouth, and she couldn't swallow it no matter what.Shi Shi looked at her silently, and saw that her eyes were already full of tears, shining crystal light under the electric light.The corners of her two small mouths gradually drooped down.

Shi Shi whispered, "Yuanyuan, don't cry!"

Unexpectedly, Yuanyuan opened her mouth, and burst into tears "Wow", tears also flowed down.She put down the patty, climbed off the chair, and walked to the door.She walked and shouted: "Mom, mother, come quickly! Come and save me! Come and save me! Mom, where are you!"

Stone's heart was sour, and he also felt tears in his eyes.He hurried over, hugged her, wiped her tears with his sleeve, and whispered, "Yuanyuan, Yuanyuan, don't cry, okay!"

Yuanyuan was still crying, struggling to go out, "Mom, I want to find my mother! Mom, come quickly!"

Stone's own tears flowed down.He hugged her distressedly and said: "Yuanyuan, don't cry. I said something wrong just now, and I remembered everything wrong. I shouldn't have said that, but I remembered wrongly. Your aunt is a good person, she must be a good person. Don't Crying, okay. Brother is wrong, brother is wrong. Yuanyuan, if you cry again, I will cry too."

His voice had changed, as if he was about to cry.

Xiao Yuanyuan looked at him sadly with teary eyes, still crying.

At this time, Tu Hexiang walked in quickly and asked viciously: "What's wrong! Why are you crying!"

Shitou turned to stare at him, and said in a low voice, "She misses her mother, no way! Why are you arresting us! When will you let us go home! How long will we stay here with you!"

Tu Hexiang roared, "Stay obediently, don't cry! Go to bed and sleep after eating!" He stared at them fiercely.Seeing that there would be no accidents, he closed the door hard and left.

With Tu Hexiang's roar, Xiao Yuanyuan also stopped crying.She stared blankly at the stone.

Stone wiped her tears, pulled her back to the table, carried her to the chair, and handed the meat pie to her hand.He said: "Yuanyuan, my brother made a mistake just now. Don't cry anymore. If you cry again, I will cry too. Eat quickly, the cake will be cold soon."

Xiao Yuanyuan wiped her face with her big sleeve, pouted and said, "When will we go home, I miss my mother, I want to go home!"

Stone looked at her sadly, but didn't know how to answer her.He whispered: "It's useless for them to catch us. Sooner or later they will let us go. When they let us go, we will go home. You should eat quickly, you must have enough food first."

Xiao Yuanyuan sobbed and ate the meatloaf silently.

At this time, Tu Hexiang was sitting in the next room, carefully looking at the note in his hand. Mr. "Shui"'s instructions were still his previous style, detailed and meticulous, covering everything they had to do tomorrow and every step they had to take.Tu Hexiang thought carefully about what he was going to do tomorrow.He suddenly understood that he was going to see Wei Mingshui tomorrow morning to make bait!He, Tu Hexiang, will be making bait tomorrow!However, when he went to see Wei Mingshui, why did he lure Zuo Shaoqing here?He thought about it and couldn't figure it out.

At this moment, Cui Shisan glanced at him and asked, "What's wrong with you?"

Tu Hexiang handed him the note, "You should take a look too, this is our task for tomorrow."

Cui Shisan also read the note several times, and then he laughed and said, "Old Tu, it's fine, you can do this tomorrow. I'll wait for you to come back. As long as you can come back, the rest will be fine." done."

Tu Hexiang was still a little puzzled, and said, "Why is it so easy?"

Cui Shisan smiled coldly, and brought the small canvas case brought back by Tu Hexiang to his eyes, and said with a strange smile: "Look at the contents, and you will understand everything."

Tu Hexiang opened the box, and there were some messy clothes inside.But under the clothes, there is a special equipment that has been assembled.He immediately understood that Mr. "Water" had asked him to prepare three pieces of special equipment.This is exactly the third piece of equipment mentioned by Mr. "Water" in the instructions.Tomorrow's action turned out to be like this!

He pursed his lips, and couldn't help but shook his head, "Mr. Shui is really meticulous! He reminded him of everything! That Zuo Shaoqing will definitely not survive tomorrow!"

Cui Shisan also smiled faintly and said, "We can retreat after completing the task tomorrow."

Tu Hexiang finally understood what he had to do tomorrow, so he nodded and said, "Okay, that's it. If you're tired, go to bed early. I have to send a report at night."

Cui Shisan glanced at his watch and said, "It was 08:30 just now. That's fine, I'll go to bed first. Call me after you send out the newspaper. I'll keep watch at midnight." He lay down on the bed as he spoke. After 10 minutes, he fell asleep.

At this time, at 24:[-] p.m. on May [-]th, the ugly girl Yu Duona was sitting in her room, waiting for her own brother.She thought, at this time, her brother should come.

This evening, she put in a little effort and specially made noodles for her brother.The noodles are kneaded firmly and vigorously, thinly kneaded, and finely cut.At this time, the thin thread-like surface has been placed on the curtain.

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