Double Agent Saga


Ye Gongjin couldn't help thinking that when he left Nanjing, he already knew that Zuo Shaoqing was an intelligence officer of the CCP and had been lurking by his side all the time.He put up with her afterward, that was another matter.But it was this Zuo Shaoqing, how much trouble he caused!He was almost killed by Director Mao, wasn't it because Zuo Shaoqing gave the terrible recording to Director Mao!

So, for Ye Gongjin now, he must kill this Zuo Shaoqing no matter what to relieve his hatred!

It was precisely because of the above two reasons that Ye Gongjin raised her head, stared at Pan Qiwu with heavy eyes and said, "You send them a report, asking them to get rid of Zuo Shaoqing! She must not be allowed to live!"

Pan Qiwu saw his expression clearly, so he stopped talking, and immediately went to the confidential room to send a telegram to Tu Hexiang.

Therefore, after waiting for more than ten minutes, Tu Hexiang received a call back from the Taiwan headquarters: "Keep the film in a safe place until it is handed over to the water hyacinth. The stabbing must be successful, and then evacuate quickly."

Looking at the reply, Tu Hexiang saw two meanings: the film and stab left, both within his expectations.Especially the last sentence, quickly evacuate, made him even more satisfied.He struck a match and burned the telegram.

When he went to bed and went to bed, he thought about tomorrow's actions carefully again, until he confirmed that there was no problem, and then fell into a deep sleep.

Also at exactly twelve o'clock at night, Xu Wenmei, who lives in a private house on the east bank of Shahu Lake, also received a telegram from the Taiwan headquarters.

Setting up the radio at twelve o'clock at night to keep in touch with the headquarters is a regular action for her these days.No matter what happened, she had to contact the radio station in the headquarters, at least to show that nothing happened to them.

But tonight, she was very troubled in her heart.Zhao Minggui has already left.She believed that he must have left and left her alone in this place.Thinking of this, she hated it.This bastard who didn't know how to live or die actually cooperated with that guy named Tu to assassinate Du Ziyuan!He is simply courting death!What happened? Du Ziyuan didn't kill him, so he had no choice but to escape!

However, although Du Ziyuan came, he did not arrest her and brought her photos of her husband and children.When Xu Wenmei thought that she still had a husband and an eight-year-old son, she became even more troubled.But no matter how tangled she was, she knew in her heart that the only way she could go now was to surrender to the Communist Party.

That night, sitting in the empty room, thinking over and over about the way out, she had more or less made up her mind to surrender.She was troubled by this in her heart, and even more sad.

So, in this case, is it still necessary for her to contact Taiwan?This is another entanglement in her heart.

After much consideration, Xu Wenmei finally took out the radio from the cabinet.She thought that contacting again would give her two options.She may have the opportunity to escape from Wuhan, or she may provide more information to Du Ziyuan as a bargaining chip for surrender.It depends on what telegram Taiwan sent her tonight.

She set up the radio, plugged it in, turned it on, warmed it up, and put on her headphones.She immediately heard the signal from Taiwan's main station.She tapped the key and received the reply.The other party asked her to record.She took out a pen and paper, and her reply was ready.Then, she heard a rapid chime.She quickly copied the telegram.Finally, she replied that the copy was completed.The opponent's signal disappeared.She collected the radio in an orderly manner.

Now, sitting under the lamp, she translated the message with the cipher pad and wrote the translation under the code.

The message read: "After the task is completed, go to No. 12, Xiaofenqiao Second Lane, Nanjing, and contact Lu Zetai, who will arrange for you to evacuate. Burn after reading."

Xu Wenmei understood that it was the Taiwan Headquarters who arranged for them to retreat.At this time, her heart became entangled again, hesitating about whether her next step would be to advance or retreat.Now that Zhao Minggui has left, can she evacuate according to this address?can she go

At this time, Xu Wenmei thought of fleeing Wuhan.Maybe, she can escape!

She sat quietly at the table, musing over the possibility.The only thing she hesitated was, could she escape?

I don't know how long it has passed, but she still hasn't made up her mind.At this time, she heard a very light knock on the back door.She was startled.At this time, who else will come?

She looked at the telegram in her hand and quickly folded it.She pushed the little square of paper into the crack in the wall as she walked toward the back door.No matter who came, she must at least hide the telegram first.

She gently opened the back door.She was taken aback, only to see a black figure squatting by the door.In the darkness, all she could see were those shining eyes, staring straight at her.She was so surprised that it was Zhao Minggui who was squatting at the door!

At this time, Zhao Minggui squatted on the ground and flashed in the door, quickly closed the back door, and then stood up gently.

That night, Zhao Minggui got the weapon from Yu Duona's warehouse.Now, the most important thing is to go back to Xu Wenmei and see if the headquarters has sent him a telegram.However, after the attempted assassination incident in the morning, is Xu Wenmei still safe?Du Ziyuan would immediately understand that it was his trap.Du Ziyuan will immediately bring the police to arrest Xu Wenmei.If so, it would be impossible for him to get the telegram from the headquarters.

Thinking of this, he had some regrets.Why did he agree to that Tu Hexiang, why did he want to seduce Du Ziyuan!He simply cut his own way!If there is no retreat route arranged for him by the headquarters, can he escape from the mainland!As soon as he thought of it, he cursed himself for being stupid.

Zhao Minggui hesitated again and again, and finally decided to go to Xu Wenmei to have a look.If Du Ziyuan couldn't get away for a while, if he ignored Xu Wenmei, if he waived the net, and even set a trap for Xu Wenmei to arrest him, maybe he would have a chance!

Zhao Minggui went outside the private house he and Xu Wenmei rented, and observed carefully.The light was still on in the room, so I don't know if Xu Wenmei was alone in it, or Du Ziyuan was guarding it.He dared not knock on the door rashly.

He made a circle, got into the water in a remote place, passed through the dense reeds silently, drenched waist-deep lake water, and walked around to the back door of the house.He hid the sniper rifle in the grass, pulled out the pistol in his waist, and quietly crawled out the back door.He squatted at the door, quietly listening to the movement in the room.He listened for a full 10 minutes, but there was no movement in the room.He was sure that Xu Wenmei was the only one in the room.Only then did he start knocking on the door.

But he always had a doubt in his heart, why did Du Ziyuan let Xu Wenmei go?

Now, he stood quietly at the back door with a gun in his hand behind his back, silently looking at Xu Wenmei.

It was only then that Xu Wenmei noticed that his clothes below his waist were all wet, as if they had been fished out of the water.She stepped back silently, staring at him with the same vigilance in her heart.

Zhao Minggui stared at her and said softly, "I said I would come back, so I will definitely come back!"

Xu Wenmei said coldly: "You have already left, why do you want to come back?"

Zhao Minggui said, "Amei, I want to go with you and leave Wuhan."

Xu Wenmei was moved in her heart.She really didn't expect Zhao Minggui to come back.At this time, she had a momentary urge to take out the telegram and tell him that the headquarters agreed to their evacuation.

She noticed Zhao Minggui's hands behind her back and asked, "What are you holding?"

Zhao Minggui smiled and had to show the gun in his hand.He then stuck the pistol in the back of his waist.Casually said: "I'm worried about the police here, just as a precaution."

However, Xu Wenmei cursed in her heart, bastard!You are guarding against me!

She asked again: "Why did you come back?"

Zhao Minggui stared at her, "As I said, I want to go with you and leave Wuhan together!"

"Who agreed for you to leave? How did you leave?" She asked softly.

"Mr. Water told me. I saw him today. He said that the headquarters will send us a telegram telling us the route to retreat. Amei, have you received the telegram?"

Xu Wenmei's eyes became even colder.Son of a bitch!Why do you want to leave with me!You came back just to get the telegram from the headquarters!That's why you're coming back!Son of a bitch!Shameless stuff!Don't think about it!

She was silent for a long time, but she was hesitating extremely tangled in her heart.Is she going to follow Zhao Minggui!Follow him, life or death!She knew in her heart that what she was hesitating about now was a matter of life and death!But she doesn't know, go or stay, which is life and which is death!She stared at Zhao Minggui, hesitating all the time.

Zhao Minggui came over, looked at her silently, and asked, "Amei, you have received the telegram, right?"

Xu Wenmei stared at him and thought about it for a while, finally shook her head, and said softly, "I didn't turn on the radio tonight. After the time passed, I didn't turn it on. I didn't receive any telegrams."

The lie she told couldn't fool Zhao Minggui.How could she have fooled Zhao Minggui after hesitating for so long!

Zhao Minggui almost gritted his teeth and said, "Amei, you received it. It's just that you don't want to give it to me. Why? Let's leave together, what's wrong? No matter where you go, just leave here! You shrink into that Du Ziyuan's hand Down there, haven't you had enough of worrying all day long? Hurry up and give me the telegram!"

Xu Wenmei stared at him coldly, "As I said, I didn't turn on the phone tonight, and I didn't receive any telegrams."

Zhao Minggui stared at her, and suddenly raised his voice and said, "No, you received it! Received it!"

Xu Wenmei said firmly: "No, I didn't receive it!"

Zhao Minggui stood up abruptly, staring at Xu Wenmei while walking back and forth in the room.He suddenly rushed to the cabinet, opened the cabinet, reached out and touched the radio.He turned around and said, "You got it! The radio is still hot! You turned on the radio tonight! You got the telegram from the headquarters!"

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