Double Agent Saga

56. Wrong Love

In the past few days, You Shaoqing finally had some free time. 【】

The "investigation of the left case personnel" has actually reached a dead end.She took the remaining [-] or [-] photos and thought about the investigation reports of these people, but none of them could be called suspicious.Cheng Yunfa and Zhao Minggui kept shaking their heads at these people.You Shaoqing also lost interest in this matter.At least, she doesn't work as hard as she used to.

The "Arms Case" and the "Nanjing University Student Union Case" did not make any progress either.She felt that she was really biting her claws.

So, she thought of Du Ziyuan very happily.She thought, does this person want to see me?

Right now, You Shaoqing thought of Du Ziyuan, just like a child, with a mischievous smile on his face, he reached for the phone and dialed Du Ziyuan's number.As God intended, it was Du Ziyuan who answered the phone.

"Hi," she said, "do you hear who I am?"

Du Ziyuan said on the phone: "Let me guess. I guess, you must want to open an account with me?"

You Shaoqing giggled, "Mr. Du, you really have a good ear."

Du Ziyuan said: "Miss Su, if you want to open an account, you can come here now."

In You Shaoqing's heart, let alone how happy he was.Du Ziyuan's initiative couldn't be more appropriate.She thought for a while and then asked, "Then, am I not bothering you? You must be very busy."

"My staff is busy, how can a manager be busy. Please come here, I will wait for you."

"Okay, I'll go right away." You Shaoqing put down the phone with a smile.Du Ziyuan spoke crisply and to the point, which made her like it very much.

She got up and walked to the wall to open the closet, trying to pick out a good dress to wear.She often needs to go out on missions in plain clothes, so she prepared a wardrobe in the office with several sets of clothes.She turned around in her heart, and it was better to be simple when meeting alone for the first time.She picked out a black suit and white shirt.

After changing her clothes, she stood in front of the mirror and took a picture. It was just like the ancients said, if you want to be pretty, you should be all dressed in soap.

The officials may think of the "bandit sentence" section.When Wu Fengying saw Du Ziyuan for the first time, she was also dressed in soap.

You Shaoqing arrived at the gate of Jingye Bank and asked the waiter at the gate, "Where is Manager Du?"

The waiter leaned forward and asked, "May I ask what your name is?"

You Shaoqing said, "My surname is Su."

The waiter immediately reached out and asked her to go inside.The waiter led You Shaoqing through the long corridor, opened a heavy double door, and invited her in.

Du Ziyuan's office is spacious, not luxurious or ostentatious, but bright and stable.On one side is a bookshelf, full of thick books.In the office room, there is a large sofa and a beautiful coffee table.There are two large doors on the other side of the room, flooding the office with sunlight.In the innermost part of the office, there is a huge desk.

Du Ziyuan had already stood up from the table, looked up and saw You Shaoqing outside the door, already like a spring breeze, with a smile all over his face, walking towards her.He walked halfway, stopped again, and looked at her intently.Suddenly, what he saw was Wu Fengying wrapped in a black satin cloak.He shook his head involuntarily, his eyes full of affection.

You Shaoqing had already seen the trance in his eyes, and also the strange affection in his eyes, thinking that it was all because of his appearance, he was very happy and full of deep affection in his heart.She spread her arms, twisted her waist in a very curvaceous pose, and then giggled.

The beauty of the world lies in the joy of love that emerges from her heart.That is what people can resist.

Du Ziyuan also smiled, walked all the way to the door, gently took her hand, and let her in.He looked around, but let her all the way to the innermost part.He pointed to his desk and said, "Miss Su, please sit there, that's the top seat here."

You Shaoqing was full of smiles, full of joy.She walked straight over and sat down behind the huge desk in no time.She's like a happy girl-next-door suddenly sitting on the emperor's throne.She patted the armrest, tapped her feet, swayed from side to side, her eyes wandering around like water.

Du Ziyuan also smiled, sat down opposite her, smiled slightly and said, "Dear Mr. Manager, I want to open a large account in your small bank, okay?" shot.

You Shaoqing giggled and yelled, "I don't, I don't. I really have no money. I just got a month's salary and I already bought clothes." She pulled her clothes, "You, How are you? I am like this, okay?"

Du Ziyuan nodded, "Okay, okay, very good." He nodded to her, "I see, I see, you want to know about bank transfers, right?"

You Shaoqing clapped his hands and said happily: "Is it okay, is it okay?"

Du Ziyuan got up and went to the cabinet, took out a few forms, then dragged a chair to You Shaoqing, sat next to her, and began to explain to her.

You Shaoqing leaned sideways, holding the form in his hand for a while, and looking at him for a while.She knew she had been wandering.Looking at the form, the words on the form are colorful and dancing.If Du Ziyuan was any longer, he would not remember anything on the form.This made it a little difficult for her to understand Du Ziyuan's explanation.She was so clever, though, that at last she got a general idea of ​​how and how bank transfers were done.

She smiled and said, "Mr. Du, it's really difficult, isn't it?"

Du Ziyuan nodded, "These financial things are really boring sometimes."

She hurriedly said: "No, no, I understand everything, I really understand it."

"Do you really understand?" He asked.

"I really understand, I won't lie to you."

Du Ziyuan stood up, "Okay, come and visit my small bank, it may increase your perceptual knowledge a little bit. Come to visit?"

You Shaoqing jumped up all of a sudden, "Of course I visited."

Du Ziyuan led You Shaoqing out of the office, and they walked through the corridor to a door.He said: "This is the research department, but it's not interesting." He opened the door.

You Shaoqing looked in, it was a big office filled with desks.There were about 20 people sitting inside.They all lowered their heads, concentrating on the information, reports, or other things in front of them.Others were flipping through a lot of newspapers, English newspapers.

Du Ziyuan said: "It's very quiet. They study the financial situation around the world every day, analyze various reports or data, and then make analysis. This is the most boring department. Let's go, let's go there."

Du Ziyuan closed the door and led You Shaoqing forward.He stopped in front of a door and said, "That room was very quiet just now, but this one is a bit noisy."

As soon as he opened the door, a lot of crackling sounds rushed into You Shaoqing's ears.There are also more than 20 people in this room.But everyone has an abacus or two in front of them.They flipped through the bills with one hand, and cracked their calculations with the other, taking pens from their ears from time to time, and jotting down notes quickly.

You Shaoqing took a few steps inside, and she was stunned.Everyone's abacus is not the kind she usually sees, it is the kind of long abacus.She saw an abacus, about two meters long, and two people were looking at each other while making the abacus.You Shaoqing glanced back at Du Ziyuan and pointed to the abacus.

Du Ziyuan said with a smile: "The numbers in the bank are almost astronomical numbers. It's really not good if the abacus is small."

You Shaoqing leaned into his ear and said, "Does it have something to do with prices?"

Du Ziyuan nodded to her earnestly, "You are so smart. The devaluation of the French currency is too fast. To buy a piece of soap, you need a large bundle of banknotes. There is no way."

Du Ziyuan led You Shaoqing and continued to walk into the corridor.He turned back and said, "This room is even more noisy."

You Shaoqing had already heard a lot of noisy voices coming from this room.As soon as the door opened, there was a lot of noise, as if they had entered a vegetable market, or it was some kind of debate.Almost everyone held their phones up, yelling.Some people are reporting a string of numbers.Some people are threatening each other, as if they want to dig his ancestral grave.Some were shouting, others were laughing.Others held their phones and shouted at each other and gestured.This room can be described in one word: chaos.

Du Ziyuan said with a smile: "This is a business field, the most typical bargaining business field."

You Shaoqing shook his head, "I didn't expect this to happen in the bank, it's too surprising."

Du Ziyuan closed the door, and the corridor immediately became much quieter.They continued to walk in.Turning around the corridor, there is a sign hanging on the front door, which reads: "The most important place for newspapers, no one is allowed to enter."

You Shaoqing was stunned for a moment, "Reporting the room, is it a newspaper?"

Du Ziyuan smiled and said, "It's a telegram, where the telegram was sent."

"Radio station? Do you still have a radio station?" You Shaoqing was very surprised.

"Of course. We're a bank. But we don't usually call it a radio, we call it a transmitter."

Du Ziyuan opened the door.You Shaoqing saw seven or eight young women busy inside.There were five or six people sitting at the table. They didn't wear earphones on their heads, and they didn't have the usual electric keys in front of them. Instead, they had a small machine like an English typewriter.While reading the telegram, they tapped the keyboard with both hands quickly, making a "cluck, cluck, cluck" sound.

You Shaoqing asked softly, "Are they sending out a report?"

Du Ziyuan smiled and said: "Strictly speaking, it's not sending telegrams now. We call them telegrams. They are inputting codes, and a paper tape will come out from here, with some small holes punched on it. These small holes are telegraph codes. The dispatch is over there." He pointed to the front.

You Shaoqing saw that there was a person over there, checking the paper tape in his hand, and then inserting the paper tape into a machine.The tape quickly went in one way and out the other.

Du Ziyuan said: "We use paper tape to send the report."

You Shaoqing used his hand to draw the appearance of pressing the button with one hand, "Do you have such a report?"

"The kind you mentioned is called manual transmission, and we also have this. But it is not allowed to be used unless it is a last resort. The military has strict management on manual transmission, and it is not allowed to use without approval."

You Shaoqing nodded, she had already figured out the reason.She said: "You have your own transmitter, isn't it very special, do banks have it?"

Du Ziyuan looked at her and laughed, "Not only our bank, but also the shipping, airport, post office, railway, government departments, and even large companies all have their own telegraph systems. However, they all have their own telegraph systems. However, they all have to accept the management of the military's communications department. In fact, all countries are like this."

Regarding the small detail of the transmitter, officials must remember that there is a story after a long time.

On this day, You Shaoqing had a great time.After the work meeting at the second place, the feeling of depression left in her heart was gone.When she left Jingye Bank, she held Du Ziyuan's hand and lowered her eyes, feeling a little bit reluctant in her heart.

Two days later, You Shaoqing found that he was still thinking about Du Ziyuan, his heart was always beating strangely, and he did not calm down.She thought, I just like him, I just want to see him again, what the hell.

You Shaoqing was born in a wealthy family, and Miss' temper is an unchangeable part of her character.This is also the main difference between her and Zuo Shaoqing.This time, she picked up the phone again.She said, "Mr. Du, I'm so grateful for the time you spent teaching me. Tell me, may I treat you to dinner?"

Du Ziyuan said on the phone: "Miss Su, you're welcome, let me treat you. Don't say too much, it's tonight. My Qinhuai Restaurant is good. How about seven o'clock? I'll wait for you."

Du Ziyuan was really happy, it fit You Shaoqing's temper very well.That is to say, he also wants to see me.Thinking of this, she felt even happier.

At seven o'clock in the evening, they met again at Qinhuai Restaurant.Du Ziyuan picked a relatively secluded corner, ordered some very elegant Huaiyang dishes, and ordered red wine.

The ambience is great, cozy and charming.Lighting, covering the surrounding scenery with warm affection.However, they didn't talk much, only occasionally making eye contact.It seems to have a little tacit meaning.

You Shaoqing said even less.She was pink and had a good smile on her lips.In fact, she really wanted to say something, there were very romantic thoughts flowing in her heart, and the words were on her lips, but she just couldn't say them.She noticed that Du Ziyuan was watching her silently.

You Shaoqing dipped his fingers in a little water on the table, and scribbled on the table.She herself didn't know what she was scribbling.Next, her index finger landed on the table, and then her finger also landed on the table.After that, her two fingers, like two feet of a person, "walked" towards Du Ziyuan's hand alternately.

Du Ziyuan also took her hand.He turned his hand over, palm up, on the table.

You Shaoqing noticed it, his face became even more pink, and he tried his best to hold back a smile.Her fingers "walked" all the way to Du Ziyuan's hand, but stopped again.She raised her index finger, lowered it, raised it again, and lowered it again.

Du Ziyuan said softly, "Come on."

You Shaoqing laughed, and put both fingers on Du Ziyuan's palm.Du Ziyuan closed his palms and held her hand, not letting her leave.

You Shaoqing giggled, wanted to pull out his hand, but refused to use force, and said with a smile: "Mr. Du, you have caught me, please let me go."

Du Ziyuan said softly: "It's a once in a thousand years, how can I be willing to let it go."

Du Ziyuan's heart was always fluctuating.She and Wu Fengying are so similar, they really look like one person.He felt that in his heart, he had always regarded her as Wu Fengying.He was always thinking, Wu Fengying, where are you?

Du Ziyuan was still very excited as he held the hand of such a beautiful woman.But in the deepest part of his heart, he still maintained a trace of calmness.He knows it's a game.If such a beautiful woman wanted to play this game with him, he had to accompany her.However, he noticed that You Shaoqing showed a lot of his true feelings, which made him feel a little bit embarrassed.What he cared more about was Wu Fengying.

In the evening, Du Ziyuan sent You Shaoqing back to her dormitory.They bid farewell at the door reluctantly.

You Shaoqing held Du Ziyuan's hand and asked softly, "Mr. Du, do you still want to see me in the future?"

Du Ziyuan also said softly, "I hope to see you every day."

You Shaoqing's crystal clear eyes fell on Du Ziyuan's face.She clearly knew that she really fell in love with this man.She also hopes to see him every day.

When Du Ziyuan was walking quietly on the way back alone, he was thinking in his heart that he should report this matter to his superiors, so he shouldn't be too careless.

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