However, Liu Qiuyue and Zhang Yalan had already arrived in Nanjing, waiting for them.

This morning, that is, the morning of May 25th, Tu Hexiang quietly left the "Rongsheng Snack Bar" after conveying Mr. "Shui"'s instructions to Wei Mingshui asking them to retreat.

He walked without haste.He now understands even more that he is now a "bait", and the target of his seduction is Zuo Shaoqing!Therefore, no matter where Zuo Shaoqing is now, she will definitely appear in Nuomi Lane in the end.He believes that Cui Shisan will not miss this time!So, let's say another "so", he absolutely believes that someone must be following him at this time.

Thinking of this, although Tu Hexiang also felt chills on the back of his neck, he still walked very calmly and never looked back.He must bring this tail to Nuomi Lane.

At this time, Tu Hexiang's heart suddenly changed, and he suddenly understood why Mr. "Shui" asked him to notify Wei Mingshui to retreat.It turned out that Wei Mingshui was also a part of this plan, playing an auxiliary role. Mr. "Shui" must believe that Wei Mingshui and others have long been under surveillance.His "bait" lures the people who monitor Wei Mingshui.In the same way, Wei Mingshui's retreat before seven o'clock will definitely attract more people.To be precise, it is bound to attract more plainclothes police.

Everything arranged by Mr. "Shui" is for the operation of Nuomi Lane, to ensure the success of the blow.

Thinking of this, Tu Hexiang couldn't help shaking his head.Not out of dissatisfaction, but out of admiration. Mr. "Water" was the shrewdest schemer he had ever seen.Thinking of this, he felt relieved in his heart.He believes that under Mr. "Shui"'s plan, the Nuomi Lane operation will be a success!He will also leave safely!

At this time, Chen Sanhu and Hu Guanglin followed Tu Hexiang far away, and soon arrived at Nuomi Lane, watching him enter a small courtyard.They also saw clearly the house number of the small courtyard, which was No. 24 Nuomi Lane.

Hu Guanglin said: "Sanhu, you stay here, I'll call and call Zuo Shao."

Chen Sanhu said: "Okay, you go and come back quickly, don't let him run away!"

Hu Guanglin didn't dare to delay, so he ran away.He quickly found a phone in a hotel and notified Zuo Shaoqing.He said: "Young Master Zuo, Tu Hexiang is at No. 24 Nuomi Lane! Come here quickly! Quickly! Quickly!"

As soon as Zuo Shaoqing received the call, he immediately made a decision.She said, "Sister, you and I are going to Nuomi Lane. Yalan, you find a way to inform Director Ge and tell him to send someone to Nuomi Lane. Qiuyue and Xiao Fanbing stay here and are going to hand over Liu Xi to the Public Security Bureau." As soon as she finished speaking, she had already left the room with her sister and left in a hurry.

Once out of the small hotel, You Shaoqing pointed to the west and said, "Go over there, there is a taxi stand over there."

At that time, taxi companies had been transformed into state-owned units.At that time, taxis were not like today, they were "running" on the street, but waiting for customers in taxi stands.If someone wants to use a taxi, they either call to order a taxi, or they go to the taxi stand to ask for a car.

You Shaoqing is more familiar with Wuhan, she knows where there are taxi stands.

In front of a small window at the taxi stand, the Zuo Shaoqing and sisters first explained the purpose of the car: to go to Nuomi Lane.Said their names again.The clerk at the window carefully filled out the form.A full 5 minutes later, a taxi came out of the yard.

As soon as Zuo Shaoqing got into the car, he took money out of his pocket and said, "Master, please hurry up." But You Shaoqing silently grabbed her sister's hand and shook her head at her.Zuo Shaoqing immediately understood that giving extra money might cause trouble.She said, "I'm sorry, master, we are in a hurry."

At that time, taxi drivers were a very proud profession and would not listen to passengers' requests.The same goes for this driver.He prepared without haste, and drove forward at his normal speed.

There are already a lot of pedestrians on the street, people who go to work are in a hurry, and the bus is honking its horn and driving slowly.No matter how anxious Sister Zuo Shaoqing was, she had no choice but to look ahead anxiously.They felt that the taxi was crawling like a snail on the crowded street.

In Nuomi Lane, Chen Sanhu, who was hiding in the corner, saw Hu Guanglin running to make a phone call, and he started to mutter in his heart.Don't look at his stupid look, he just knows that he is full and sleeps.However, when it comes to the critical moment, he will not be stupid.It makes sense for Zuo Shaoqing to choose him as a team member.

Chen Sanhu murmured in his heart, because he always felt that something was wrong.He blinked and looked around, trying to find something wrong in his mind.

A few minutes later, Hu Guanglin came back from the phone call and saw his puzzled eyes, so he asked him, "Sanhu, what's wrong with you, like this?"

Chen Sanhu said: "Old Hu, I have something to tell the master. I didn't have time to tell you this morning."

Hu Guanglin said, "What's the matter?"

Chen Sanhu became more and more uneasy, and whispered: "Old Hu, that guy named Zhao Minggui took a short gun and a sniper rifle from Yu Duona last night! What does he want to do?"

Hu Guanglin stared at him, also aware of the strangeness.

Chen Sanhu continued: "Master knows it, and I fucking know it, this Zhao Minggui is an extremely cunning guy. He will never do useless things, not to mention it is a long, big and difficult to hide sniper rifle. Think about it, what does he want to do? He won't come for the master, will he?"

Hu Guanglin stared at him, "Young Master Zuo said on the phone that she will come right away, come here!"

Chen Sanhu still blinked, "Old Hu, tell me, would Zhao Minggui know that the master is here? Can he guess?"

Hu Guanglin looked at him in surprise, "Sanhu, you reminded me. This place may be a trap! That fat man hijacked two children and led us here again! Damn! Zuo Shao will definitely come here! That The person surnamed Zhao may really know about this!" As he spoke, he began to look around and observe the surrounding environment.

Chen Sanhu also looked around and said: "When we were in the Bureau of Secrecy, the master took us to arrest. The first thing to do was to establish an observation point at a high place. Observe whether the target is returning and where it is coming from. You Said, he took a sniper rifle, could it be nearby..."

At this time, Hu Guanglin had already noticed a three-story building next to him, "He will definitely find a commanding height! This is the building, let's go up and have a look first."

The two of them turned around the three-story building.They first found a building door and walked in.

It was dark in the corridor, and the stairs and the corners were full of messy things.They groped their way to the third floor.There was more junk piled up here, almost to the roof.The small window leading to the roof has been blocked.It is impossible to reach the roof from here.

They went downstairs and through another door.When they climbed to the third floor again, they immediately saw that the small window was open.Obviously, someone went up to the roof from here!

Chen Sanhu immediately grabbed the iron ladder and quickly climbed up.When he poked his head out of the small window and looked around, he immediately saw a black figure lying on the roof, aiming a sniper rifle towards the downstairs.damn it!He recognized it, that black figure was Zhao Minggui!Chen Sanhu jumped out of the small window and rushed towards Zhao Minggui.

Hu Guanglin, who was behind, immediately saw the situation from his movements, and immediately followed him out of the small window.He immediately heard the thrilling gunshots!

The person lying on the roof was none other than Zhao Minggui.When he came to the roof of this building, it was still dark.

According to the instructions given to him by Mr. "Shui", he should receive the retreat route from Taiwan through the radio.However, Xu Wenmei refused to give it to him.He really wanted to kill this woman!However, they have been lurking together for almost eight years!It was Xu Wenmei who pulled him out of the initial abyss!Besides, even if he killed her, he still couldn't get the telegram from the headquarters!The pain and despair in his heart were entangled like a mess.

After he left Xu Wenmei at night, he walked alone on the dark street.He had nowhere else to go, nowhere was safe, so he just came here.

When he stood on the roof of the three-story building, looking at the dark and quiet Nuomi Lane, he was a little dazed.He never figured out why Mr. "Shui" believed that Zuo Shaoqing would appear here?This is a very narrow and ordinary alley. Standing on the top of the building, you can see the whole of the alley, but you can't see anything unusual.However, Mr. "Shui" was so sure, and the time and location were so precise, it is obvious that he is fully sure of this.

Thinking of this, Zhao Minggui no longer hesitated.He unwrapped the sheet from the sniper rifle and spread it on the ground.He lay down on the sheets and looked into the dark alley.He confirmed that this is the best position.After that, he began to check the sniper rifle in his hand and loaded the bullet.Finally, he drew the Luger, also loaded, and placed it beside the rifle.So far, he has made all the preparations.

He decided to take a nap.After dawn, especially after completing the task, he still needs a good physical strength to escape!

When Zhao Minggui was still half asleep on the roof, Hu Guanglin ran to make a phone call, and Chen Sanhu was standing at the entrance of the alley muttering, Tu Hexiang returned to the small courtyard at No. 24 Nuomi Lane.

When he entered the house, Cui Shisan was sitting at the table wiping his carbine.

Cui Shisan looked up at him, and said with a sneer, "Old Tu, did you lure that Zuo Shaoqing here?"

Tu Hexiang said angrily: "How the hell would I know! Pack up your things quickly."

They all packed their things quickly.There are not many things, he has a small suitcase, and the most important thing in it is a radio station.Cui Shisan has a big bag, and he has to carry the rest on his back.

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