Double Agent Saga

578、Resolve doubts

Tu Hexiang reached out to grab the handle of the box.Right here, he heard the sound of running fast outside, and he was running towards the hotel.The sound of running soon appeared in the corridor.

Tu Hexiang's face began to turn pale.He realized that the danger was beyond the door.Reflexively, he reached into his bosom and drew his pistol.

The sound of running stopped outside the door.About two seconds later, someone knocked on the door outside.A stern voice said outside the door: "Open the door, we are the police! Open the door!"

Tu Hexiang knew instinctively that everything was over.He couldn't run, and he didn't dare to shoot.Now, he could only stare blankly at the door that terrified him.

That room gave him no more time to hesitate.He only heard a loud bang, and the door was kicked open.Several pistols came in from the door at the same time.Someone shouted: "Don't move! Put down your weapon!"

Tu Hexiang stared blankly at the uniformed police outside the door.He had a gun in his hand, but he dared not lift it at all.

Suddenly two policemen rushed in.They punched him in the face and the gun was instantly taken from his hand.Then, he was thrown heavily to the ground.He just remembered that many people fell on him and grabbed his arms and legs tightly.He didn't want to fight at all.But many hands nearly lifted him up, the volley turned him face down, and then his arms were twisted behind him.

Someone shouted: "Handcuffs! Handcuffs! Get the handcuffs!"

At this time, Liu Qiuyue followed behind Zhang Yalan and also entered the room.Impatiently, she rushed to Tu Hexiang's side, looked at his face, and immediately turned around and shouted: "Section Chief Zhang, it's him! It's him! Tu Hexiang!"

Tu Hexiang, who was in panic and chaos, also glanced at her.He recognized it immediately, she was the girl who bought the original radio.He was puzzled, how did she know that his name was Tu Hexiang?From whom?

Several policemen dragged him up, pressed him on a chair, and moved him aside.

A young female policeman slowly walked in front of him with her hands behind her back.He saw that she was the leader.

Zhang Yalan bent down, stared into Tu Hexiang's eyes, and asked, "Tu Hexiang, where did you put that microfilm? Tell me!"

Tu Hexiang stared at her dumbfounded.It never occurred to him that the police not only knew his name, but even knew that the microfilm was in his hands.This is something that no one knows except Cui Shisan and Mr. "Shui"!Could it be that Mr. "Water" was also arrested?He didn't dare to think about it, but just looked at his box with demented eyes.

At this time, Liu Qiuyue was opening the box and taking out the contents one by one.Everything is laid out on the table.After some inspection, Liu Qiuyue's eyes finally noticed the half-used toothpaste.The way it is rolled up looks a little unusual, it seems to be rolled up quite a bit.

She turned her head and stared at Tu Hexiang, picked up the toothpaste, and unfolded the rolled part bit by bit. Finally, she saw a small thing wrapped in milky yellow rubber.She unwrapped the tie and immediately took out a black microfilm from inside.Her eyes suddenly lit up.

Tu Hexiang looked at the black film in the girl's hand, feeling that everything was over for him, without any hope.A stream of saliva flowed down the corner of his mouth, all the way to his chest.

He lowered his head and murmured, "It's over, it's over..."

At this time, in the basement of the warehouse of the Changjiang Shipping Company, You Shaoqing, who was tied to a chair, stared at Wei Mingshui who was sitting at the table, and said sternly: "Old Wei, you are finished! You are finished! You don't want any fantasy!"

Wei Mingshui also stared at her sternly, but there was unconcealable panic and uneasiness in his eyes.

He took a deep puff on his cigarette and said darkly, "Young Master You, now that you are in my hands, how can you say that I am finished? How do you know that I am finished!"

You Shaoqing pouted and said, "You untie the rope for me first, and then I'll tell you!"

Wei Mingshui looked at her very hesitantly, but did not speak.

You Shaoqing saw his doubts and said, "Don't worry, I won't fight with you. I don't want to fight with you at all. I just want to smoke a cigarette now. Damn, what are you afraid of! There are four of you ! There is still a guy in my hand, are you still afraid that I will fight with you!"

Wei Mingshui made a gesture to the three team members standing around.

Gu Zhanbiao and Li Changgui took sticks and daggers and stood behind her.Ji Baoxing walked over slowly and untied the rope on her body.He raised his head and said, "Young Master, I'm sorry, I can't untie the rope on my feet."

You Shaoqing didn't look at him, and first reached out to Wei Mingshui, "Give me a cigarette."

Wei Mingshui took out a cigarette and handed it to her, then lit her with a lighter, and said, "Young Master, it's not because of your hard work in the past few years, you won't live to this day. Well, don't waste too much time." Say, if you have anything to say, say it now. We are all listening."

You Shaoqing smoked hard.The cigarettes were a little damp, which is odd in a damp room like this for cigarettes not to be damp.She looked at the people around her one by one, and finally set her eyes on Wei Mingshui's face.

She knew that her life was on the line.If Wei Mingshui went crazy, he would definitely attack her.So, what she's going to say now is risky.But in this case, she can only take risks.

She said: "I will talk about a few situations now, and then you should think about it seriously. Old Wei, even if it is for your lives, you have to think about it seriously. Then make your decision."

Wei Mingshui nodded, "Okay, tell me, I'll listen."

You Shaoqing twisted out his cigarette, put his hands on the table, and said softly, "First, if I judged correctly, this is the warehouse of Changjiang Shipping Company! This room is the basement of the warehouse, right!"

Just this sentence made the eyes of the four men in the basement widen, and their eyes became even more frightened.

She continued: "Second, not only I know, but the Nanjing Public Security Bureau also knows that you have a contact person, his name is Lu Zetai, and he is the custodian of this warehouse! Isn't that right!"

Seeing Wei Mingshui's shocked eyes, she judged that she was right.

She watched them silently, watching the fear flow on their faces like water.

She said softly: "Old Wei, you once told me that Mr. Shui's representative met with you and asked you to prepare three pieces of special equipment. This Mr. Shui's representative is called Tu Hexiang, right? Finally, the so-called Mr. 'Shui', his code name is 'Water Hyacinth', isn't he? These two people are now in Nanjing. Not only I know it, but the Nanjing Public Security Bureau also knows it! Old Wei, isn't what I said enough? ? Think about it!"

The basement was as quiet as a tomb.Wei Mingshui and his three team members looked at You Shaoqing with surprise and fear.There were expressions of horror and uneasiness on their faces.

After all, Wei Mingshui still has some brains and can hold on.He thought for a while, then said softly, "Young Master You, according to what you said, the Nanjing Public Security Bureau has already got a handle on our situation, why didn't they attack us?"

You Shaoqing looked at him quietly, with a trace of coldness in his calm eyes.She took out a cigarette from Lao Wei's cigarette case again, lit it, and took a deep puff.

She said: "Old Wei, to tell you the truth, there are two reasons. The first reason is because of me. They kept asking me if I could persuade you to change your position. You should remember that I told you twice Said, I should find another way out. But, you are very stubborn. So, I didn't tell you deeply at that time. "

Wei Mingshui's face became even more gloomy, "What's your second reason? I'll listen to it too."

You Shaoqing sneered, "Old Wei, I hope you don't get angry. They kept you because they want to find 'Water Hyacinth' and that Tu Hexiang. Those two people are their focus!"

This statement not only made Wei Mingshui angry, even his three team members raised their eyebrows and glared at You Shaoqing angrily.As a special agent, but being looked down upon by the other party, this is simply a shame and a great shame!

You Shaoqing looked at them coldly and said, "You don't need to be angry. Well, I've told you what I know and what I can say. This is your current situation. You can discuss what to do."

She said and stood up.The three people standing beside her with wooden sticks and daggers tensed up, as if they were about to pounce.She stared at them, gritted her teeth and said, "Nobody move! I'm tired and I need to rest."

She hopped her feet all the way to the edge of the shelf and sat down on one of the bunks.She stared at Old Wei and the three men again, then bent down and untied the rope on her feet.She threw the rope on the ground and lay down on her side on a makeshift bed.

She said: "You guys discuss it, I'm going to sleep for a while. It's almost dawn. You'd better make a decision before dawn. To be honest, now is the critical moment that determines your life and death!"

She pulled away the quilt piled next to her, covered her stomach, and closed her eyes.

After a few minutes, all four men in the room could see that she had fallen asleep.

The captured You Shaoqing was able to sleep so comfortably.But those who captured her looked at each other in fear, anxious about their way out.

Gu Zhanbiao spoke first.His voice was so low that it was almost inaudible, "I said, Old Wei, let's go. Don't worry about anything else, just sneak away, or it will be too late."

Wei Mingshui stared at him without speaking.

Intuitively speaking, Gu Zhanbiao's suggestion is precisely the best way for them at present.

If they leave quietly, spread out, take a longer detour, and then meet up in Kunming or Fuzhou.Or, it might be the safest way to find a small city that is less noticeable, to lurk quietly, and then decide what to do in the future.There is still some funds sent by Zeng Shaowu, which is enough to support them to survive for a while.

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