Double Agent Saga

594.592、 Secret pipeline

You Shaoqing said: "Okay, I already know what you mean. You don't need to say any more. I will deal with my own affairs. No matter what the result is, I will bear it myself. Let me put a sentence here first, I hope you don't get involved in this matter, I don't want to hurt my relationship with you."

Gu Shangbin thought about this matter again, and felt that this was already the best result.Being able to maintain a special relationship with You Shaoqing will be beneficial to his future work, and it may even be a bargaining chip in his hand.Therefore, although he didn't say anything at this time, he had already made up his mind to keep a distance from this dangerous matter.

So, he said calmly: "Young Master, I already know what you think. As for me, I have already said what I should say. Maybe you are tired too, so take a good rest. When this matter is over, I will I will contact you again."

You Shaoqing smiled and said, "Mr. Gu, when I have time, I will eat fish balls with you again."

Gu Shangbin smiled wryly, waved to her, got up and left the ward.

Almost at the same time, You Shaoqing's sister, Zuo Shaoqing, also met an unexpected person in the hall downstairs of Chaohai Building, Mei Si.

She broke up with Feng Dun from the monitoring point and went straight back to her room in Chaohai Building.She had a simple lunch, brought a few changes of clothes for herself and her sister, and was about to go to St. Mary's Hospital.

When she took the elevator downstairs, she saw Mace standing up from the sofa by the window and looking at her with a smile.She understood that everyone was acting secretly for the sake of their sisters.

They went to the tea room off the hall and sat at a small round table drinking tea.Zuo Shaoqing guessed that Metz must have known what happened yesterday afternoon.

Sure enough, Mace drank tea and said bluntly: "Master Zuo, I have heard about the terrible thing that happened yesterday afternoon. First of all, I feel sorry for your sister's injury, and I sincerely hope that she will recover as soon as possible. Secondly, I don't want any accidents to happen to affect the larger matter that you and I have discussed. Do you understand what I mean?"

Zuo Shaoqing looked at him calmly and said, "Mr. Metz, your news is very fast."

Metz said quietly: "We must understand as soon as possible any matter that involves our interests. If possible, we should take appropriate measures as soon as possible. This is what I am most concerned about now. Secondly, I would like to ask a question, Is there any news about the matter we discussed?"

Zuo Shaoqing shook his head, "I don't want to hide it from you, and I probably can't. I don't have any news, you have to wait."

Mace nodded, drinking tea quietly, he just said casually: "I hope to have news as soon as possible."

Zuo Shaoqing lowered his head and picked up his teacup to hide his gaze.

A man's gaze always reveals his thoughts.She looked down at the teacup, just not wanting Mace to see her eyes.She vaguely realized that there must be something very important about Mays asking the Chinese government to release the captured American pilot.But she also couldn't figure out how important a captured American pilot would be that required Mace's attention.She just wanted to hide the doubt in her eyes.

At this time, Metz laughed and said, "Young Master Zuo, I found out that I am indeed a bit pedantic, ridiculously pedantic, isn't it? Back then in Nanjing, I always wanted to establish a relationship with your party through Mr. 'Huaishu'." A channel that can keep in touch. But it has not been established. I am very pedantic, and I have been looking for horses on horseback. In fact, you are my best channel! Isn't it?" He smiled brightly.

Zuo Shaoqing looked at him calmly, and said softly: "Is our channel useful? I heard that there are ambassadorial talks between China and the United States in Poland, and the talks are still very frequent."

But Mace waved at her, "Those bureaucrats are useless." He saw Zuo Shaoqing's face, and quickly changed his words: "I mean the US government, not your country's Ministry of Foreign Affairs."

To put it calmly, the pipeline of Metz and Zuo Shaoqing has indeed played an extraordinary role.

To put it calmly, the ambassadorial talks between China and the US in Poland were hosted by the foreign ministries of the two countries.From August 130 to February [-], there were a total of [-] talks, but as Metz said, no reasonable results were achieved. stopped.

In January [-], Nixon was elected President of the United States.At that time, the relationship between China, the United States, and the Soviet Union had reached a point of tension.During this period, both China and the United States had the intention of getting closer to each other, and even sent many signals of reconciliation to each other.From China's point of view, the launch of ping-pong diplomacy, Chairman Mao Yi's meeting with Snow, and the voluntary release of the arrested Americans all showed this intention.The U.S. has also expressed that they have successively relaxed the economic blockade against China, withdrew U.S. warships cruising in the Taiwan Strait, removed nuclear weapons in Japan, and so on.However, during this period, although China and the United States have wishes, they do not have a platform to talk to each other.

Nixon did not want to reopen the Sino-US ambassadorial talks in Poland.This talk was hosted by the foreign department of the US government, and it has not produced any positive effects for more than ten years.He does not believe that those bureaucrats in the foreign service can handle the affairs between China and the United States well.He urgently needs a more efficient and more secret channel.At that time, Dr. Kissinger, assistant to the US National Security Advisor, discovered it by accident after searching all over the place.In Hong Kong, the CIA also maintains a low-level communication "channel" with the CCP.

In April [-], Metz, who was about to retire, went to Hong Kong on a top-secret mission to meet with Zuo Shaoqing.

On that day, Metz and Zuo Shaoqing met in secret, and without much reminiscence, he said directly: "I was instructed by the high-level U.S. government, and I want to know through you whether a Sino-U.S. relationship can be established at a certain high-level level." Secret and effective communication channel. Let me emphasize, it is not the kind of ambassadorial meeting between China and the United States in Poland."

Zuo Shaoqing knew very well that this matter was of great importance, so that night, he reported the situation back to China through Long Jinyun.

Afterwards, according to Du Ziyuan's investigation, the report was transferred from the Central Media Department to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, but it has since disappeared.

In the following months, Metz met with Zuo Shaoqing several times, but did not get any news.They stared at each other in silence.They both understood that there was nothing they could do about the situation.

In September [-], Nixon could not wait for a long time for the good news that Metz brought him, so he had to instruct the US ambassador to Poland, Stosseler, to try to resume the ambassadorial-level talks between China and the United States in Poland.However, Nixon soon discovered that this ambassadorial meeting was meaningless.He still needs a more efficient pipeline.

In China, Chairman Mao Yi and Premier Zhou are also anxious about the current international situation.

Chairman Mao Yi and Premier Zhou Enlai were well aware of the weakness and incompetence of the Chinese Foreign Ministry, which cannot be relied upon.From February [-], they abandoned the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and appointed four Marshals Chen Yi, Xu Xiangqian, Nie Rongzhen, and Ye Jianying to form a new team to conduct in-depth research on international issues and plan a strategic shift to take advantage of the conflict between the United States and the Soviet Union to change China's policy toward the United States .

In September [-], the four marshals stated in their report "Views on the Present Situation": "In the struggle between the three major powers of China, the United States and the Soviet Union, the United States is against China and the Soviet Union, and the Soviet Union is against China and the United States. It should be used to seek their greatest strategic interests.” Chen Yi put forward the idea of ​​using the conflict between the United States and the Soviet Union strategically to open up Sino-US relations.

However, there is still the problem that there is not a reliable and effective "channel" between China and the United States.And neither side wants to take advantage of the long-established China-U.S. ambassadorial talks in Poland.

During this period, the Sino-Soviet relationship was on the brink of war.In March [-], China and the Soviet Union had three large-scale armed conflicts on Zhenbao Island.Hardliners within the Soviet Union advocated war against China.Western media contributed to this. The "Washington Star" published a message: "The Soviet Union intends to conduct a surgical nuclear strike on China."The article said: "According to reliable sources, the Soviet Union intends to use medium-range ballistic missiles to carry out surgical operations on China's important military bases - Jiuquan, Xichang missile launch base, Lop Nur nuclear test base, and important industrial cities such as Beijing, Changchun, and Anshan. type of nuclear strike."

On September [-], [-], Kosygin, Chairman of the Council of Ministers of the Soviet Union, held an extremely "frank" meeting with Chinese Premier Zhou Enlai at Beijing Airport.This "frankness" means that the two sides have reached the brink of war.

Premier Zhou firmly said to Kosygin: "You have transferred so many troops to the Far East. Who wants to fight? You say you want to destroy our nuclear base by pre-emptive means. If you do this, we will declare that this is war. , this is aggression! We will resolutely resist and resist to the end!"

On September 8226, the London "Saturday Post" published an article by Victor Lewis, a Soviet journalist who was actually a KGB agent, stating that "the Soviet Union may launch an air attack on the Lop Nur base in Xinjiang, China."

On September 23, China successfully exploded an underground atomic weapon with a yield of 29 tons.On September 300, China used a bomber to airdrop a hydrogen weapon with an equivalent of [-] million tons, which also exploded successfully.This is China's sternest warning to the Soviet Union!

However, this series of diplomatic incidents on the verge of war scared the softies of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs to the ground.

They finally understood with horror that they must now borrow the strength of the Americans.They recalled that in April of that year, a report on the US proposal to establish a new communication channel was transferred by the Central Bureau of Investigation.They had to find out the report and hand it over to Premier Zhou Enlai.

In December [-], Zuo Shaoqing, who was far away in Hong Kong, finally received instructions from China, ordering her to contact Metz.

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