Double Agent Saga

597.595. Concealment

Around eight o'clock, there was a light knock on the door outside.Zuo Shaoqing walked over to open the door.She was surprised to see Long Jinyun standing outside the door with wet hair, his eyes still scanning the horses and policemen in the corridor.

"Xiaolong, are you back?" Zuo Shaoqing asked in surprise.

Long Jinyun nodded, and whispered, "Miss Zuo, Lao Du is here too. I want you to go see him now."

Zuo Shaoqing immediately said: "Okay, I'll go." She turned around and said, "Sister, I'm going, wait for me to come back."

There was a strange light in You Shaoqing's dark eyes, and he said, "Sister, go back early."

Zuo Shaoqing couldn't help laughing.She understood what her sister meant, and naturally understood her little jealousy.Like her, the younger sister misses her elder brother."I'll be back soon," she said.

When Zuo Shaoqing and Long Jinyun were walking down the street under umbrellas, the rain was already getting heavier.The wind passed between the crowded buildings, carrying the rain with it and hitting their faces.The clothes on them got wet quickly.

Du Ziyuan did not live in Chaohai Building, but in a hotel not far from Xinhua News Agency Hong Kong Branch.There are few pedestrians here and it is very quiet.

Long Jinyun said softly: "Sister Zuo, the third floor, room [-]. You can go up directly, I'll check below to see if anyone is following us."

Zuo Shaoqing went up the stairs to the third floor.She looked at the house number and knew that room [-] was at the far end of the corridor.Then, she saw Qin Donghai standing by the window at the end of the corridor, looking into the corridor.

He nodded to Zuo Shaoqing, then stretched out his hand and pushed open the door, beckoning her to go in.

As soon as Zuo Shaoqing entered, he saw Du Ziyuan standing in the room, looking at her.She walked up to him silently and stared at him.She saw concern and affection in his eyes.She slowly reached out and wrapped her arms around his waist.

Du Ziyuan also put his arms around her and hugged her hard.Their faces were stuck together and hadn't let go for a long time.

There is warmth and comfort in her heart.It was a kind of leaning, a kind of relaxation, a kind of cuddling without thinking about anything.However, there was still a sigh in her heart.She could see too clearly the look in her sister's eyes when she broke up with her.In the past, she always thought, wait for the future, everything will be fine in the future, and there will definitely be a particularly happy ending between her and Du Ziyuan.But she now understands that this kind of ending will never happen.If you do, you may hurt your sister.

She slowly struggled out of Du Ziyuan's arms, still holding his hand reluctantly, and said, "Okay, that's it. You came to Hong Kong specially, if you have anything to say, just say it."

Du Ziyuan took her hand, sat side by side on the sofa with her, and said, "You and your sister, are you really going to take revenge on the [-]th? Tomorrow night?"

Zuo Shaoqing nodded, "Yes. This news has been spread a long time ago. Even the police know about it, and there are policemen guarding the door of the ward every day. Let me tell you, we can't stop!"

"So, have you all figured it out?"

"Yes, I've thought it through. They hurt my sister, and I can't let them go!"

"Have you figured out a way to escape?"

"Yes. Don't worry, we won't suffer."

"Have you ever thought about it, Brother Yan may also be in collusion with Fourteen K, making deals behind the scenes."

"That's for sure." She nodded and said softly: "I can guess it. Not to mention Brother Yan, many people are making deals behind the scenes. I can feel it. Jiye makes a deal, but it will never be done. He will only use me to achieve his goal. For the same reason, I will use him. This is a deal between me and him without opening a mouth, don't worry. "

Du Ziyuan looked at her silently.It was obvious that he was still worried.

Zuo Shaoqing smiled and said, "Don't worry. Let's get down to business. The first thing, did your superior explain what Metz said? What should we do?"

Du Ziyuan nodded and said: "Mace is very smart, but too smart. An American reconnaissance plane went to Shanghai for reconnaissance, and we shot it down. The pilot died and the other was injured. We didn't discover the secret. But he always As soon as we said we were willing to exchange Li Keng, we realized there was something wrong. The Central Dispatch Department ordered me to take charge of the investigation. I checked all the items of the captured pilot in Shanghai, and as a result, I found something wrong in his navigation chart. "

Zuo Shaoqing looked at him in surprise, "What's the problem?"

Du Ziyuan said with a smile: "I found that in the pilot's navigation chart, there are a few small dots along the coastline, very small dots. I used to think that they were randomly drawn, and no one paid attention to them. I took this navigation chart After consulting the Air Force Command, I realized that these small dots are the radar stations on our coastline. The most terrible thing is that this pilot actually discovered a loophole in the setup of our radar station, and he flew in through this loophole Yes. We guessed that the pilot must have notified his base before being shot down by us, implying that the navigation map is very important. Therefore, Mace was willing to exchange Li Kengyi, wanting to return the pilot and all his belongings. "

Zuo Shaoqing nodded, "No wonder, it turned out to be like this. Then, give them the navigation chart?"

Du Ziyuan said: "I still have to pay back. But our radar station will be rearranged in the future."

"Then, can I inform Mace that we have agreed to release him?"

"Yes. We have notified the British Embassy in China and asked them to convey the news to the US side. I estimate that the US side will get the news today or tomorrow. But we should release people and let Li Keng come out at the same time. , which is reasonable."

"I understand, I will explain it clearly to Mace." Zuo Shaoqing said cautiously.

At this time, she thought of a question.This is a question in her mind.Mace also mentioned this incident, which made her even more confused.She raised her head and looked at Du Ziyuan seriously, hoping to see something.

She said: "Ziyuan, Metz once said this to me. He said that when Li Kengyi ran to Guangzhou, you had already caught his whereabouts. He said that it was very easy for you to arrest Li Kengyi at that time. But you let him go to Hong Kong at the last minute. Is that true? Why?"

Du Ziyuan looked at her quietly, with no expression on his face or eyes.He just looked at Zuo Shaoqing calmly.What Zuo Shaoqing could vaguely feel was the heaviness in his heart.

She asked in a low voice, "what's the matter? Why can't you say it?"

However, Du Ziyuan said softly, "Do you have any other questions?"

Zuo Shaoqing understood, but he was unwilling to answer.For the first time in so many years, Du Ziyuan hid something from her.She couldn't figure out why he wanted to hide it, and there was any special reason for it.

She thought about it, and then asked in a different way.She said, "If Li Keng came out, I would either take him back or kill him on the spot, right?"

Du Ziyuan said firmly, "Yes, that's it."

Zuo Shaoqing was even more confused.That being the case, why did he let Li Keng come to Hong Kong in the first place?Obviously, Du Ziyuan was unwilling to tell her the truth, not because of Li Kengyi, but for other reasons.

Du Ziyuan said softly: "If you have other questions, just talk about other questions. Our time is limited."

Zuo Shaoqing watched him silently, observing him.But she couldn't see any difference.At this time, she thought of the refugees stranded in Hong Kong.In her report, this is also one of the problems.

She said, "I don't understand what happened, why so many people from China came to Hong Kong."

Unexpectedly, Du Ziyuan sighed heavily, his expression full of uneasiness and worry.

He said: "I saw that you mentioned this in your report. But I did not report it to my superiors. I will try now and explain it to you. I believe you can understand."

Zuo Shaoqing saw the worry in his eyes, and said softly, "Say it."

Du Ziyuan stretched out a finger, "First, we liberated the whole of China, but what we took over was a devastated and impoverished country. The Kuomintang destroyed all the factories and mines that could be destroyed. Our industrial base is extremely backward! We are now We are concentrating all our financial resources to build a relatively complete industrial base. These require a lot of money!"

Zuo Shaoqing looked at him. She had already seen this situation clearly two years ago.

Du Ziyuan stretched out his second finger, "Secondly, in the Korean War, we will not talk about how many people we sacrificed. But every gun and every bullet we use is provided by the Soviet Union. Zuo Shao, the Soviet Union did not provide it for free, it was not a free support, but we paid for it. This requires more money!"

This was the first time Zuo Shaoqing had heard of this situation.She always thought that the Korean War was supported by the big brother of the Soviet Union behind China, including all arms and materials.

Du Ziyuan's eyes were heavy, and he stretched out his third finger, "Third, we have such a big country, we have almost no power to protect her! Do you know that! We haven't been able to make a gun yet, let alone make an airplane, Cannons and tanks. We must have our own defense industry, not only guns and bullets, but also atomic weapons. During the Korean War, the United States used atomic weapons to scare us and threaten us. Hiroshima and Nagasaki You know the result of the explosion. If the Americans want to use atomic weapons against us, what kind of result will it be! Building our own defense industry will also cost a lot of money!"

Zuo Shaoqing said softly: "A large amount of foreign exchange is needed."

Du Ziyuan said: "Yes, we need a lot of foreign exchange! But we have no money! No foreign exchange! Did you know that the only thing we can export for foreign exchange is grain!"

Zuo Shaoqing couldn't help opening his mouth wide.She suddenly understood, Fonton said, those refugees fled to Hong Kong because they had no food and were hungry, so they had to run to Hong Kong.However, from what she has learned about domestic agriculture before, it should be okay!

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