Double Agent Saga

599.597、 Chuangshan

No chopsticks, no wine glasses.They don't need any of these.They took turns drinking white wine from the bottle, and stuffed the beef into their mouths with their hands.They have to work hard tonight and must eat enough.

After dinner, they sat at the table, each lit a cigarette, smoked slowly, and looked at each other.

"How are you?" My sister asked softly.

"Okay." My sister replied softly.

"Sister, I feel that brother is so sad."

"Yes, I feel it too. Actually, I'm also very sad."

"Sister, you didn't manage the affairs of the countryside well, something went wrong, didn't you?"

"Stop talking! What about you, which side are you on!"

The younger sister giggled, "If it's not done well, it's not done well. Otherwise, why are there so many refugees?"

My sister was also worried.It was raining so heavily outside, and those refugees hiding on the mountain didn't know how to get through the night.On the road just now, there were almost no fundraisers on the street.So, who will bring them food tomorrow?

At this point, the mood of the two sisters is different.After all, my sister climbed out from the bottom of society and knows the sufferings of ordinary people.My younger sister was born in a wealthy family, so she had to think less about this.

When it was almost ten o'clock at night, they began to change clothes.

Zuo Shaoqing was originally a bandit.She is too clear that the first thing to do in the matter of killing people is to suppress people.If they can calm their opponents down, they will win half the battle.

Therefore, the clothes she prepared were all black and tight-fitting.They wear a rope with a tiger-claw hook around their waists for use when needed.They still wear cloth shoes on their feet, but they are fastened with cloth belts.

The younger sister was very surprised. The older sister actually tied a black cloth band on her forehead to cover the bandage.Finally, a red flower was inserted at the edge of her mane.She looked at herself in the mirror and said, "It's almost ready to act on stage."

My sister said: "This is a play!"

My sister asked, "Who is singing for?"

My sister said: "Sing it for those who don't know who our sisters are!"

Both sisters stand in front of the mirror.In the mirror, there are almost two female Wu Songs, valiant and heroic, tall and straight, with only the sound of gongs and drums in their ears.

At this time, my sister took out another lipstick, and drew a slanted, thick red mark from the corner of her left forehead to her right chin, as if cut by a knife, which immediately changed her face , became a little hideous.

The younger sister also followed the elder sister's example and drew a thick red line for herself, from the left forehead to the right jaw.

At this time, looking at the two women in the mirror, their faces were already full of murderous looks.

To be honest, the special forces from all over the world painted their faces later.

Finally, they inserted the Mongolian knife into the back waist.Then insert the "Murasaka Sword" into the sleeve of the left hand, and only hold the handle with the tiger's mouth.At this point, they are ready to stop.

They went out, opened their umbrellas, walked northwest along Des Voeux Road, and walked side by side on the night road.

The rain was still heavy, pouring down on the road, converging into torrents in low-lying areas, and pouring into the sewers.The lights in the distance flickered dimly in the rain like dancing stars.

Not too far away, they accidentally saw a car parked in the shadows by the side of the road.There was a big umbrella beside the car, and two figures, one big and one small, stood under the umbrella.There were still seven or eight people standing by the far wall.

When they got closer, they realized that the ones standing under the umbrella were Yan Ge and Qiang Zai.They were silently watching them come.

Zuo Shaoqing said softly: "Brother Yan, why are you here?"

Brother Yan looked at them sternly, and said, "I'm waiting for you here, and I want to ask you, if I make an offer of 500 million Hong Kong dollars from [-]k Li Jiye, will you accept it?"

Zuo Shaoqing looked back at his younger sister and said, "Thank you, brother Yan, for thinking about us. But we have made up our minds and we can't change it. Four-eyed Li Jiye must pay the price tonight!"

Brother Yan nodded, "You guys are really good. I admire and respect you very much. Good luck to you!"

Zuo Shaoqing said: "Then, meet Brother Yan tomorrow morning."

After finishing speaking, she and her sister turned around and were about to walk up the mountain.

At this time, Qiang Zai stepped out of the umbrella.He called: "Old lady!"

Both Zuo Shaoqing and sisters looked back at him.

With the help of the light in the distance, Qiang Zai looked at their tight black clothes, the fierce oil paint on their faces, and the handle of the knife exposed from their sleeves, especially the red flower on the sideburns, which was breathtaking and full of respect. , has flowed from his black eyes.He suddenly knelt down on one knee, clasped his fists at Sister Zuo Shaoqing, and said loudly, "Sister, I want to go with you too!"

You Shaoqing looked at this ten-year-old child in surprise.She also cupped her fists and said, "Qiangzi, go back with Brother Yan. When you grow up in the future, there will be plenty of opportunities! Qiangzi, see you tomorrow!"

After she finished speaking, she and her sister each held an umbrella and walked up the mountain side by side.

Brother Yan took a step forward, pulled Qiang Zai up, and together with him watched the two women in black gradually disappear into the rainy night.

Zuo Shaoqing and his sister walked up this step, but he had to talk to the judges alone.

In today's Hong Kong, there is a relatively famous tourist attraction called "Hong Kong Mid-Levels Escalator".It is the longest enclosed elevator in the world today, consisting of a walkway, an overpass, twenty one-way escalators and three moving pedestrian walkways.This "mid-level escalator" has a total length of more than 800 meters and a vertical drop of 130 meters.Pedestrians can enjoy sightseeing in this escalator regardless of weather or weather.

This escalator was built in October [-]. Its starting point is next to the head office of Hang Seng Bank today. It goes west along Central Market and Colin Street, passing through Hollywood Road, Shelly Street, and Moro. Temple Cross Street, Robinson Road, until the end of Conduit Road, and then up, is the Mid-Levels Park.This escalator, like a long snake made of steel and glass, winds its way from the buildings in the residential area, next to the shops, and the side of the street, all the way to the middle of the mountain.When many people arrive in Hong Kong, they have to take this escalator to experience its length.

But when the Zuo Shaoqing sisters went up the mountain on a rainy night, there was no such escalator.To go up the mountain from here, you need to step on countless steps and pass through narrow and winding alleys.Many people have to rest halfway before they can finally reach the half-mountain.

Climbing up the steep steps, when approaching Hollywood Road, you have to pass through an alley.Entering from this alley, there is only one door, and the inside of the door is the hall entrance of the pile of [-]K characters.

Sister Zuo Shaoqing's goal tonight is here.Undoubtedly, Li Jiye, the person behind Dezidui's speech, had brought quite a few people along to wait here that night.

Holding an umbrella in their right hand and a knife handle in their left, they climbed up the steps side by side.Their eyes gleamed sharply in the dark.

The rain was noisy, sweeping the houses and trees on both sides in bursts.The street lamps under the eaves cast a layer of undulating light on the surroundings, as if there were many ghosts jumping in the dark.

Suddenly, someone shouted in front, and three drenched figures jumped out of the darkness.One of them shouted: "Who! What are you doing!"

Sister Zuo Shaoqing stopped, threw the umbrella behind her, stretched out her hand and pulled out the "Muramasa Sword" from her sleeve, and pointed it forward.

Zuo Shaoqing shouted in a low voice: "Go away! Get out of the way!"

Only then did the three people blocking the way see clearly that it was two women who came up the mountain.See clearly their blue and white faces, and the terrifying "slash makeup" on their faces.

The leader shouted: "Go call someone!" Then shouted: "Don't go up!"

A figure ran up the mountain like crazy, and shouted: "Come on! The ghost is coming up the mountain!"

Sister Zuo Shaoqing didn't want to talk to them.Holding the knife, she stepped forward slowly, and suddenly jumped forward, two white lights flashed.The two people screamed and fell down the steps.They continued walking up the hill.

The front was a little wider, and the paved pavement led out into the darkness.The rain caused fog-like sprays on the ground.

There was a messy running sound in the distance, and more than a dozen black figures suddenly rushed out and blocked the front.They all carried long knives and sticks in their hands.The rain ran down their faces.They watched in horror as two ghostly figures approached.They looked at the cold knives in their hands, and the daggers they had just pulled out from the back of their waists.

Those who fled back to the mountain to report the news shouted: "It's them! It's them! Here they come!"

A rough voice shouted: "Kill! Kill them! Let's go together!"

A group of people shouted, swung their long knives and wooden sticks and rushed up together.

It's a dogfight in the dark.More than a dozen people surrounded Sister Zuo Shaoqing, long knives and sticks were flying in the air, and their shouts were earth-shattering.

But, in the final analysis, although the dozen or so people rushed forward by relying on the number of people, they were just a group of lambs waiting to be slaughtered.They might be okay for fighting, but when it comes to killing, they have no chance at all.

In this upward scuffle, the left daggers of Zuo Shaoqing and the sisters blocked the swords and sticks, but the sharp blades in their right hands rose and fell like lightning.The "Murasaka Knife" in their hands was really a sharp blade, and what it passed was either flesh turned or arms broken, black blood splashed in the air, and screams were endless.

But in just two or three minutes, seven or eight people fell to the ground, screaming in agony.When the rest of the people saw the light of the saber passing before their eyes, they were already frightened out of their wits, and turned around and ran away.

Sister Zuo Shaoqing did not follow closely.Holding the knife, they climbed the steps step by step and continued to walk up.

Suddenly, several people jumped down from the wall and swung at them with their knives.They backed up, jumped out of space, kicked their feet again and again, and swung the knives in their hands like ice wheels, cutting necks and abdomens like cutting tofu, killing people.But for a moment, most of these people lost their lives.The few remaining people shouted and fled into an alley.

Sister Zuo Shaoqing's body and face were already spattered with blood, and her eyes gleamed fiercely, more like impermanence seeking life.

They walked slowly into the alley until the bottom of the alley.A wooden door was tightly closed in front of their eyes.

Zuo Shaoqing kicked, and the door opened with a "bang".

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