Double Agent Saga

601.599. Suspicion

The horse boys under Li Jiye who were injured had flustered eyes and babbled. The last statement was that dozens of people came last night and bloodbathed their hall.

There is a reason why they refuse to tell the truth.First, according to the rules of the triad society, those interrogated by the police are not allowed to tell the truth, otherwise they will never end well.Second, being killed by two women into a bunch of dead people, it's too embarrassing to say it!Therefore, they can only say that dozens of people came, all with knives and sticks.They were totally off guard.

In this way, the police began to suspect Brother Yan.It seems like only he can do it.Moreover, he also has reason to do so.After all, it was Li Jiye's people who wanted to kidnap his brother.

But Brother Yan who was invited to the police station for questioning did not admit this at all.He said that his men were busy taking over Li Jiye's territory last night.This is what Li Jiye promised him, and he doesn't need to kill Li Jiye again.

Further investigation by the police partially confirmed Brother Yan's words.Some of Li Jiye's subordinates did receive a notification from Li Jiye that their errands had been handed over to Brother Yan and told them to leave.

The policeman said to Brother Yan: "However, some people have not received the notice from Li Jiye? Why did you also accept it? You even fought with those people."

Brother Yan said quietly: "Yes, I am also very strange. Li Jiye promised to give it all to me. Could it be that he didn't have time to inform. Because the time is very short."

Hearing this, the police were helpless.The whole case seems to be in an endless loop.Sister Zuo Shaoqing, who had been rumored to attack Li Jiye for a long time, stayed in the ward and did not leave.The doctor also confirmed that You Shaoqing was seriously injured and could only rest in bed.Brother Yan, who might attack Li Jiye, has already reached a deal with Li Jiye, and there seems to be no reason to kill him.The police searched and searched, but they couldn't find out who had such great power, not only to kill Li Jiye, but also to kill so many brothers under him.

More than two months later, the case was settled.This is already a later thing.

But Zuo Shaoqing couldn't relax in his heart.Metz said that Li Kengyi will leave the US Consulate General on one of these three days, today, tomorrow or the day after tomorrow.When will he leave?She has no idea.What she was most worried about was that Mace would arrange for Li Kengyi to leave today.Because Metz knew that their sisters wanted to take revenge on Li Jiye.Therefore, today is the most worrying day for Zuo Shaoqing.

As soon as the police's questioning in the ward was over, Sister Zuo Shaoqing left St. Mary's Hospital and went to the monitoring point arranged by Fonton to monitor the US Consulate General.

Zuo Shaoqing saw it as soon as he entered the door.Those who monitored the U.S. Consulate General for several days were exhausted and tired.Everyone's hair is disheveled and hasn't been combed for many days.

"You guys take a break, we're in charge of monitoring," she said.

Those young people immediately lay down on the floor as soon as they heard the amnesty, and fell into a dream after a few minutes.

So, my younger sister, You Shaoqing, sat by the window and looked at the gate of the US Consulate General through the curtains. Occasionally, when someone came in and out, she watched carefully through the long telescope.

Zuo Shaoqing bought a lot of newspapers on the way here.At this time, she was sitting at the table, reading these newspapers quietly.

Only then did she know that yesterday's heavy rain made the refugees in the mountains suffer even more.Some people were washed into the river by the mudslides washed down from the mountain, and some people were seriously ill after being poured by the rain all night.More people huddled under the trees and suffered.If the situation is a little better, it is already very good to be able to pull up a bed sheet under the tree.

Newspaper editorials appealed to the Hong Kong government to take in the refugees.Some people even called on the residents to go to the Governor's Mansion today to petition.

The Hong Kong government is also extremely embarrassed.They explained to the media that Hong Kong really cannot accommodate so many refugees.After days of debate and negotiation, the Hong Kong government finally made up its mind to repatriate these refugees.Now, the Hong Kong government is calling for vehicles to start tomorrow to send refugees on the mountain back to the mainland.

When Zuo Shaoqing saw the news, he felt extremely distressed.Du Ziyuan has already explained to her that the country is currently in a very critical and dangerous situation.The central government had no choice but to take grain out of the mouths of farmers, export it in exchange for foreign exchange, build an industrial base, build a defense industry, and repay foreign debts owed to the Soviet Union.And the external international environment is so harsh.She vaguely understood that those farmers were using their lives to lay the foundation for the country's future.

After much deliberation, she could only do what Du Ziyuan said to her, "Let's all do our jobs well!" She understood that this was the only place where she could contribute a little bit to the country.

At this time, You Shaoqing said from the window: "Sister, that pickup truck appeared again, very punctual."

Zuo Shaoqing got up and walked to the window.She saw that the pickup truck stopped in front of the US Consulate General.The driver with a beard and a pair of sunglasses got out of the car and walked straight into the consulate.He entered the guard room casually.About two or three minutes later, he came out of the guard room again and stood by the truck waiting.

Three or four minutes later, three young men came out of the consulate's office building pushing a cart full of cardboard boxes.They pushed the cart all the way to the van.Together with the driver, the three young men moved the cardboard boxes into the truck.After that, the three young men walked away pushing the cart.The driver closed the compartment panel, took off his sunglasses, wiped his sweat, got into the cab, and started the car.

You Shaoqing turned around and said, "Sister, do you want to wake them up and send a car to follow them?"

Zuo Shaoqing turned his head and glanced at the young man who fell on the ground and was soundly asleep.They are really tired.She said: "Forget it, let them sleep for a while, don't follow today."

At this moment, there was a very subtle feeling hovering in her heart, which made her extremely suspicious.In intelligence work, one of the most terrifying things is the law.If something forms a pattern, then behind this pattern is very likely to hide a more insidious conspiracy.

This pickup truck, the driver of this pickup truck, has been around for several days in a row, this is the rule.

There is an obvious flaw in this rule. The driver with the beard and sunglasses hasn't even changed his clothes in the past few days.The current season in Hong Kong is midsummer. No matter what you do, you must sweat profusely every day.Taking a bath and changing clothes every evening is something every Hong Kong person must do.But the driver didn't change his clothes for several days.Unless all his clothes are the same.

Zuo Shaoqing believed that all the driver's clothes must be the same, and they were intentionally the same.Furthermore, this flaw was sold to her by Metz, so it's up to her to decide whether she will take the bait or not!

However, Zuo Shaoqing didn't wake up those young people today, and didn't let them follow the pickup truck, but it was an accident within an accident.Even Zuo Shaoqing himself didn't realize this.She just saw that those young people were really tired and wanted them to rest more.Another point is that Li Kengyi is definitely not in the pickup truck, so why bother to track it down?

Only Zuo Shaoqing dared to make this decision.Those young people dare not.Fonton's order to them was that if a vehicle came in or out, they must follow it to the end, see who was in the car, and report it by phone immediately.

So, no one is following that pickup truck today.

This unexpected accident, this barely noticeable little detail, was immediately noticed by Metz in the US Consulate General.This is what he was waiting for.

He turned his head and said to Li Kengyi who was behind him, "I feel that you can go out tomorrow."

Li Keng nodded, agreeing with Metz."They finally let their guard down," he said.

The last plot of this story was quietly started by Zuo Shaoqing's unintentional move.

Zuo Shaoqing harbored deep doubts in his heart, but he didn't dare to leave this monitoring point again.She sat quietly by the window, observing the U.S. Consulate General diagonally opposite, and guessed in her heart why the pickup truck and the driver appeared here one after another.She couldn't believe it if they said they cared about the refugees hiding in the mountains.

In the afternoon, she sent someone to the street to buy the latest newspapers.The newspaper said that the Hong Kong government is indeed preparing to repatriate all refugees and is currently collecting vehicles.Repatriation action has been set for tomorrow morning.

Zuo Shaoqing was worried about those refugees.But she also knew that there was nothing she could do.

This night was quietly spent in uneasiness and worry.The surveillance point was quiet and tense.It seems that those young people are also aware that the situation may be the immediate thing.

At ten o'clock in the morning of the next day, the pickup truck still showed up on time.The driver got out of the car, looked around, and walked towards the guard room of the consulate.A few minutes after he went in, he came out again from the guard room.He walked over to the truck and looked into the consulate.

Zuo Shaoqing felt faintly nervous.She didn't even know what was wrong.This extremely regular event made her nervous.She stared closely at the driver.She vaguely felt that there was something unusual about that driver.She didn't see any difference in the driver, but she just saw it!look unfamiliar!

Zuo Shaoqing has super sensitivity and super intuition.Sensitivity and intuition told her that the driver was abnormal, but she couldn't tell where the abnormality was.She kept her eyes on the driver, watching his every move.

Apparently, the consulate had already received a notice from the guard room.Several young people came out pushing a small cart and walked up to the van.They methodically moved the cartons into the truck.

The driver is also helping to move the cartons.Zuo Shaoqing stared at him closely.She still doesn't see anything unusual.

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