Double Agent Saga

7. Identification

On the day Mrs. Su arrived, it was raining lightly. 【】

The sky in the south, in this season, is always a bit cloudy, and there will be some light rain from time to time.

The trees beside the street are sprouting some tender green buds from their dark green branches and leaves after a winter.In front of the Nanjing Hotel, there are two small flower gardens, some flowers have already bloomed, bringing some vitality to this somewhat gloomy city.

Ye Gongjin's car stopped in front of the hotel.The concrete floor in front of the door is a little damaged and has not been repaired, and some rainwater has accumulated in some potholes.Ye Gongjin got out of the car, stepped over the stagnant water, and walked into the hotel lobby.Following him were Zhao Minggui and Qian Yuhong.

Mrs. Su was picked up by Qian Yuhong in Taiyuan.

Ye Gongjin asked her, "Why did it take so long to pick it up?"

Qian Yuhong replied: "The Su family has a large family. In addition to some servants, there are also some relatives living there. Mrs. Su has to settle down one by one. She also explained to the housekeeper and other stewards one by one. Items. Mrs. Su doesn’t go out often, but this time she’s coming to Nanjing, it took a few days just to pack her luggage. I hurriedly urged, and finally left the house. On the way, she was still talking to me about the things in the warehouse Did not explain well."

"Have you told Mrs. Su about Su Shaoqing?"

"No. I just said that the director has something urgent and needs to discuss it with Mrs. Su. But she kept asking, how is Shaoqing, and whether she has caused any trouble. I think Mrs. Su may have guessed that it was about her daughter. "

Under Qian Yuhong's guidance, Ye Gongjin went up the stairs and went straight to room [-] on the third floor.

It was a young girl who looked like a girl who came to open the door. When she saw Qian Yuhong standing beside her, she understood. She leaned over to open the door, and invited Ye Gongjin and others to enter.

Mrs. Su greeted her from the back room.She was wearing a dark floral satin cheongsam, a black embroidered waistcoat, and satin embroidered soft-soled cloth shoes on her feet, looking very graceful and luxurious.With a smile on her face, she looked at people.

Qian Yuhong hurriedly introduced, "Director, this is Mrs. Su. Mrs. Su, this is Director Ye whom I mentioned to you. Our Director is here to visit you specially today."

Mrs. Su stretched out her hand and asked Ye Gongjin to go in, "Director Ye, please hurry up, please hurry up."

Ye Gongjin walked in with a smile on her face.When Mrs. Su turned around to lead him in, he took a look at Mrs. Su's hairstyle, which was also long and tied behind her head. Even the way she twisted her hair was similar to that of No. [-] Su Shaoqing.His heart moved slightly.As an agent, he always pays attention to the details.

Ye Gongjin also stretched out his hand, asking Mrs. Su to walk in with him, and at the same time said: "Mrs. Su, I'm really sorry for not being able to meet you far away."

According to the information, Mrs. Su is 55 or 56 years old this year, but she really doesn't look like it.Ye Gongjin felt that Mrs. Su had a special charm.

Both Mrs. Su and Ye Gongjin sat down on the sofa, and immediately asked impatiently: "Director Ye, my Shaoqing, did you cause any trouble?"

Ye Gongjin laughed, "Trouble? No, no."

Mrs. Su pointed to Qian Yuhong and said: "This person, as soon as he saw me, urged me to come quickly. I wondered if something happened to my Shaoqing. Shaoqing is still young, so please invite Director Ye Forgive me a lot."

Ye Gongjin smiled and said: "Don't dare, dare not. Shaoqing, it's hard to say what trouble it is, but it will surprise you. Your Shaoqing has now changed from one to two."

Mrs. Su was really taken aback, "What, it became two? What's going on?"

Ye Gongjin: "Yes, yes, we are also a little strange. Therefore, we have invited you here from a long distance. Please identify which one is your Shaoqing."

Mrs. Su couldn't help opening her mouth, "God, there is such a thing." She couldn't help standing up, "Director Ye, then... can I go to her now?"

Ye Gongjin also stood up, "Of course. Then, please first." He stretched out his hand.

They drove to Xufu Lane.

When Xufu Lane is cloudy, it gives people a gloomy feeling.There was no one around, and everything was quiet, as if entering a ghost town.

Mrs. Su got out of the car and looked around uneasily, her face turned pale, "Director Ye, are you locking my family Qinger here?"

Ye Gongjin smiled and said, "No. It's just staying here temporarily, you'll know when you go up."

They went upstairs together.Seeing the sentries in the corridor, Mrs. Su couldn't help but slow down.Zhao Minggui took the first step and opened the door of Room [-] for her.

In Room [-], Su Shaoqing was sitting at the table with a newspaper.She raised her head and saw Mrs. Su standing outside the door. She was stunned for a moment, and immediately jumped up and ran over, "Mom, Mom, they invited you too." Su Shaoqing helped Mrs. Su sit on the sofa down.He looked up at the woman carefully.

She had many pictures of Mrs. Su.The glasses officer also gave her a very detailed introduction.In her impression, this is a kind and gentle young woman, and she should be a kind mother. These are the feelings she has towards her in her heart.It wasn't until sitting beside her, holding her hand, and feeling the warmth of her body, that I suddenly felt that there was a big wave surging up in my heart, rushing all the way to her throat.

The adoptive mother, Mrs. Wang, is at best a foster mother.As long as she can remember, under the urging of Wang Shi, she has been doing housework that can never be done every day.Wang Shi has never been a mother, and has never given her maternal love.It was supposed to be a kind of inseparable feeling with blood and flesh.When she was in Luofengling back then, Wang Shi also knelt down in front of her like everyone else, begging her pitifully for a way to survive.Wang gave up on her at that time.

But the one in front of her is clearly a mother, as can be seen from her concerned eyes.The feeling of having a mother and being loved by her was something she had never felt before.It was a melting, soft, very warm feeling from the inside out.She couldn't help it anymore, her lips were trembling, and her eyes were red.The word "Mom" on her lips at this moment is the real "Mom".

Mrs. Su also looked her up and down, and didn't speak for a while.But already felt the grievance in her daughter's heart.She didn't say anything, just hugged Su Shaoqing, held her in her arms, and let her chin rest on her shoulder.She felt her daughter's body tremble, and she shed tears herself.She said: "Qing'er, don't cry, don't cry, mom is here and here comes. Qing'er, have you suffered?"

Ye Gongjin and others did not enter Room [-].They walked into the monitoring room, stood in front of the one-way mirror, and watched attentively.He figured out that the hug was a natural expression of affection between mother and daughter.He was also moved for a moment, but also a little confused.He always believed that Su Shaoqing in room two was Mrs. Su's daughter.

Mrs. Su took out a handkerchief from her armpit and wiped away her daughter's tears.He stroked her face up and down, her shoulders and arms, as if to check if there was anything missing.After careful consideration, she took Su Shaoqing's hand again and rolled up her sleeve.As if worried, he touched the tooth marks on her arm again, and then he breathed a sigh of relief.

She said softly: "Qing'er, it's good that you are well. Mom is really afraid that something will happen to you. The current world is still quite sinister, isn't it?"

Su Shaoqing looked at her with moist eyes, "Mom, what you said is true."

Mrs. Su asked in surprise: "Qing'er, is there really a girl who looks exactly like you?"

Su Shaoqing snuggled up to Mrs. Su, "Mom, it's really the same, even I can't tell the difference. She also has the same tooth marks on her arm, and it's exactly the same."

Mrs. Su was a little surprised, "She also has such a scar?"

"Yeah, I don't even know what's going on."

"Is there such a thing in the world?"

"Yes." Su Shaoqing hesitated, "Mom, can you tell me where I come from?"

Mrs. Su stroked her face, "Qing'er, I have been hesitating whether to tell you about this matter. Now, I don't want to tell you. You are not born by mother."

"Mom, what's going on?"

Su Shaoqing looked at Mrs. Su's face.Her skin was so white and smooth that she really wanted to touch it.She felt a little nervous in her heart, worried that this was just a dream, and it would disappear soon.

Mrs. Su looked out, and her thoughts went back to a long time ago, "Oh, this is far away. That year, it was the ninth year of the Republic of China. There were wars everywhere, and there was a drought just in time, and there were victims everywhere. One Human trafficker, brought a little girl and asked us if we would adopt it. At that time, you looked less than one year old. Your father and I, you are very handsome, so we gave the human trafficker a piece of ocean and adopted you Come down. Qing'er, although you were not born to your mother, your mother and your father have always raised you as their own daughter."

"Mom, I know. Dad has spoiled me since I was a child. Mom, do I have an older sister or younger sister?"

Mrs. Su shook her head, "I don't know, I really don't know."

At this time, the door opened.Ye Gongjin stood outside the door, smiled at them, and stretched out her hand to the other side.

Mrs. Su immediately understood that she had another daughter who was going too.

Mrs. Su took Su Shaoqing's hand, turned her head and said, "Qing'er, you are well, Mom will come back to you later, just wait. Mom, go to that one."

Su Shaoqing stood up and sent Mrs. Su to the door.She wanted to follow out, but couldn't.The door closed in front of her.Standing quietly, she also felt the danger, and now was the critical moment.

Ye Gongjin was in the corridor, and said with a smile, "Mrs. Su, is this one your daughter?"

Mrs. Su also smiled, "Of course, can I still admit my mistake?"

Ye Gongjin nodded, "Then, please come here, there is Su Shaoqing here."

"Let me do the same, isn't it really the same?" She followed Ye Gongjin to the No. [-] room.

Ye Gongjin turned around and said, "You know, you know."

He led Mrs. Su to No. [-] Su Shaoqing's door, and opened the door for her.

When Su Shaoqing, the number two in the room, saw Mrs. Su, she immediately jumped up and shouted, "Mom, why are you here?"

Mrs. Su was taken aback, she hurriedly reached out her hand to stop her, and said, "Qing'er, Qing'er, just wait a moment, just a moment." She turned her head and ran to No. [-] Su Shaoqing's door.When he got to the door, he pulled the door hard, but it didn't open."Open this door, open this door, quick!" she cried.

Zhao Minggui hurried over and opened the door for her.

Su Shaoqing in the room had already stood up, and was looking at Mrs. Su outside the door in surprise.

Mrs. Su, she glanced at Su Shaoqing who was standing at the No. [-] gate, and looked back and forth between the two sides, as if making a comparison.She took a breath, and stretched out her hand to signal number one Su Shaoqing to sit down, "Qing'er, Qing'er, it's good that you are here, mom will come back later." She turned around and walked to the door of number two Su Shaoqing.

No. [-] Su Shaoqing stood at the door and yelled at her: "Mom, she is not your lover, but I am your lover, don't admit it wrong!"

Mrs. Su took her hand, "Come on, come on, Qing'er, let Mom have a good time." She took No. [-] Su Shaoqing to the front, looked her up and down, then pulled up her sleeves, and looked at her carefully. That tooth mark.He raised his head and said, "Qing'er, you are also mother's Qing'er."

In the corridor, Zhao Minggui gently closed the door of Room No. [-], and whispered to Ye Gongjin, "Director, Mrs. Su didn't tell the truth from the fake. She thought we were using Su Shaoqing to confuse her."

Ye Gongjin nodded, turned around and entered the surveillance room with Zhao Minggui and others.

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