Double Agent Saga

77. First joint

After working for a few days, Zhang Yalan finally felt that she was ready for the meeting. 【】

She silently recited the code word for the connection, imagining how she should deal with it if something unexpected happened.Only now did she feel that her heart was more tense than before.She rubbed her face, trying to calm herself down.

Just a few minutes ago, there was an important document to be distributed in the office, and she took the initiative to take over the work.She picked up the stack of documents from the table and left the office.

The combat hall is on the fourth floor.She walked up the stairs calmly.Several officers went up and down the stairs, and she smiled and nodded to those she knew.The corridor was very quiet, no one was there, and the thick carpet absorbed the sound of her footsteps.

At the far end of the corridor is the office of the chief of the war department.She knocked on the door, and someone inside answered, "Come in." She opened the door and walked in quietly.

Director Guo's office is very spacious, well furnished and has a retro style.Behind the huge desk in front of him sat Director Guo, who was upright and elegant.He is working on pieces.

Zhang Yalan walked to the desk and said softly: "Mr. Guo, there is a document for you, and you need to sign it." She opened the signature book, put it in front of Director Guo, pointed out where to sign, and put the distributed document on the Beside.

Director Guo glanced at the document, then took out the pen and began to sign on the receipt book.

At this time, Zhang Yalan took a breath, controlled the tension in her heart, leaned down and said softly, "Excuse me, sir, what time is your watch?"

Officer Guo flicked his watch casually, "Now it's..." He stopped.He lowered his head and thought for a while, then raised his head, leaned back on the back of the chair, and looked at the young and beautiful female officer in neat military uniform in front of him calmly.He seemed a little dissatisfied and said, "Where's your watch?"

"I'm sorry sir, my watch is not accurate. I don't know if it is fast or slow."

Director Guo glanced at his watch again, "It's 38:[-]."

Zhang Yalan also checked her watch, "My watch is 6 minutes late." The code word was finished, and she didn't know what to say next.She felt that Director Guo should be speaking next, to confirm whether her code words were correct.She looked at Director Guo with some unease.

Guo Chongmu looked at her calmly, and after a while, he said softly, "What's wrong with your face?"

Only then did Zhang Yalan remember that there was still a faint welt mark on her face.After work, colleagues pointed to the welts on her face and said many words of comfort.She said calmly, "It was called by a secret agent."

Director Guo finally had a little surprise on his face, "Are you arrested?"

"Yes, it was just released half a month ago."

"Why?" Director Guo asked calmly.

This is exactly the question in Zhang Yalan's heart.She could only answer honestly, "I don't know. After I was arrested, they interrogated me several times and tortured me. But they didn't ask anything, so they had to let me go."

Guo Chongmu looked at the young female officer silently.He was actually a little dissatisfied.It didn't seem appropriate to use someone who had been arrested and just released as his transportation.But after Gao Maolin was arrested, he really needed a new transportation.The comrades outside may have their own considerations. At least this young girl can withstand the torture of the Secret Service, which alone is not easy.

Thinking of this, Guo Chongmu no longer hesitated.He picked up a black folder on the table, took out a copy and put it on the table, and said softly, "Return it to me within an hour."

A smile appeared on Zhang Yalan's face.She knew that she had already been recognized by the comrade codenamed "Huangshu" in front of her.She picked up the piece and said softly, "Yes, sir, I will."

She didn't leave immediately, took a breath, and continued: "Sir, the comrades outside asked me to tell you that they need a combat plan or strategic decision for the Northeast."

Guo Chongmu nodded, "I know, I will pay attention. You can go."

Zhang Yalan stopped talking.She picked up the case, straightened her body, saluted, turned and left the office.

Zhang Yalan returned to her office, closed the door, and then breathed a long sigh of relief.From the bottom of the document, she took out the document given to her by director Guo, which was a summary of the meeting of the military committee, and the meeting was chaired by the chairman.The confidentiality level of the minutes is "absolutely confidential".She was startled.If someone sees her holding such a document in her hand, no matter what the reason is, she will be punished with death.

She carefully locked the door.Her conditions are much better than Gao Maolin's, she has a small office.The office is lined with huge metal cabinets, leaving only a small space for her at the desk.

She walked to the desk, first carefully and subconsciously, even though she was on the second floor.She opened the file and flipped through the pages.Du Ziyuan told her, "There can't be any traces in the document. If there are any, be careful to cover them." There are indeed no lines or marks in the document, and there are no creases.She took out the camera she had prepared from the drawer and began to take pictures page by page.The camera makes a slight "clicking" sound.

After taking pictures, she quickly took out the film, took out a smooth walnut from the drawer, opened it, and put the film in.She put the walnuts carefully at the bottom of the bag.Put the camera back in the drawer and lock it.At this point, she already felt like she was sweating.

She straightened up and let out a long breath of relief.She sandwiched one between several sheets of newspaper and pressed other pieces on top of it.She hugged these things in her arms, looked at the office and her desk carefully, and made sure that there were no omissions, and then quietly walked out of the office.

The last thing she wanted to do was to return the top-secret documents to Director Guo as soon as possible.

She had just walked out of the office when a figure rushed towards her and shouted in a low voice, "Stop!"

Zhang Yalan was scared out of her wits, her face turned pale with fright, and she opened her mouth wide in surprise.After a while, she realized that standing in front of her was a military officer named Fu Huaizhen.This is a handsome and very handsome young man, usually joking and joking with others, not paying attention to anything.Chasing girls is his specialty.But he was also chased by girls all over the world.However, he is a well-known pen in the General Office of the Ministry of National Defense, and many important documents were drafted by him.

Fu Huaizhen laughed twice, then stopped smiling, and looked at her in surprise, "Oh, I'm sorry, did I scare you? I'm sorry, I'm sorry. I saw you going out, and you gave me a look, but you didn't seem to see me. I just turned around and locked the door. Sorry, did I scare you?"

Zhang Yalan patted her chest, and it took a while to recover, "You really scared me to death. From now on, I can't do this again, I really don't need to be scared."

Fu Huaizhen smiled, "I'm sorry, I'm sorry. Where are you going, I'll take it for you."

Zhang Yalan hurriedly hugged the package tightly in her arms, "No, no need. Go do your work, and I'll deliver the package. After delivering the package, I'll settle the score with you." She dropped Fu Huaizhen and left in a hurry.

Fu Huaizhen opened his neckline, put his hands in his trouser pockets, swayed his shoulders from side to side, smiled and said to Zhang Yalan who walked away, "I'll treat you to dinner tonight, okay?"

Let me tell you all the officials first, this Fu Huaizhen will soon be "give up" to Liu Qiuyue by Zuo Shaoqing, and will become her boyfriend, and will eventually accompany her through life.People, no one can control their own destiny, everything is predestined.

As fate has destined, there is another person, Zhang Bowei.In fact, he can't control his own destiny.

These days, Zhang Bowei often spends time with Huang Fenglin.He was annoyed, but there was nothing he could do.After all, he borrowed [-] US dollars from Huang Fenglin to settle Zhang Nairen's start-up capital.He couldn't cross the river and tear down the bridge, so he had to take care of this Huang Fenglin.The place where they stay most often is in the private room of the "revolving door", drinking tea or drinking together.

At this time, Huang Fenglin asked with a smile: "Mr. Zhang, how is our pharmaceutical business going?"

Zhang Bowei squinted his small eyes and smiled, "Mr. Huang, don't worry, it's in progress. And let me tell you, it's going well, and we'll see the outcome."

"Mr. Zhang, you have to tell me some specific information. I'm not worried. I really gave you all my money. If the business doesn't go well, I'll be penniless."

Zhang Bowei just laughed and said, "Mr. Huang, this business is a bit sensitive, so it's inconvenient to tell you too much. If it doesn't go well, you will lose money, and I will lose my life." ah."

Huang Fenglin became excited when he heard this, and asked in a low voice: "You, could it be that you are with that..." He said, stretching out four fingers, "Is this the deal?"

Zhang Bowei felt that the only thing that could scare Huang Fenglin now was this move.He said mysteriously, "Don't ask any more questions, there will be news soon."

Sometimes, this Huang Fenglin also pretends to be concerned about the country and the people, lamenting the deteriorating world, saying that the government is from top to bottom, corruption can be tolerated, the country is in trouble, and the people are in dire straits, so what should be done.

Zhang Bowei smiled at him, "Mr. Huang, this is the chance for us to do business. Isn't it easy to do everything when you have money?"

Huang Fenglin and Zhang Bo clinked glasses and drank.So far, his fly has not found any cracks for maggots to lay in Zhang Bowei's egg.He was also very anxious.

However, at this time, Zhang Bowei got bad news.There was a problem with the funds transferred by the Fujian, Zhejiang and Jiangxi guerrilla columns, and they have temporarily stopped.

This incident made Du Ziyuan very anxious.The arms deal with Zhang Nairen has basically ended, and the price and quantity have been roughly determined.Waiting for funds now.

Zhang Nairen stared at Du Ziyuan seriously, "Mr. Du, we can't delay our deal at this point. The people behind me are urging me to proceed as soon as possible. They are worried about the long night and dreams. I am also very worried. The fighting is relatively calm now. In case the fighting gets serious, all arsenals will strictly control the release of arms. In that case, we will be in trouble."

Du Ziyuan understood this truth.He quietly went to Lao Li's secret residence.After several inquiries, it was found out why the transfer of funds stopped.This is a technical question.Now all the funds have been transferred to banks in Shanghai through underground banks.But when the bank issued the money order, it asked a question: who is the drawee.This question stumped Zhao Guang, who handled the fund transfer.He didn't know who to write for the recipient.

If Liang Jicheng was here, he would know how to solve this problem.But now he is in the period of suspension and investigation, and is under secret control.Lao Li strictly stipulated that no one should approach him to avoid accidents.Zhao Guang, who now took over the job, didn't know how to deal with this problem, so he had to return empty-handed.

Du Ziyuan thought about this issue for a while.This technical problem is easy to solve, just fill in "toorer" in the payee column.The word means "by instruction".Since it is based on instructions, someone needs to endorse it.The question is who will endorse.Lao Li's people can't endorse, they don't have proper status.Endorsements also expose them.He couldn't endorse it himself to avoid being involved in the matter.Then, we can only let Zhang Bo endorse.He is a businessman, and in this matter, his identity is a middleman, and the endorsement is the most suitable.

Because of this, after discussing with Lao Li, Du Ziyuan decided to ask Zhang Bowei to contact Zhao Guang, endorse the draft, and explain the precautions to Zhao Guang.

However, Huang Fenglin and his spies did not live for nothing.There was a problem with Zhang Bowei's contact with Zhao Guang this time, which led to a series of troubles.

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