It was still dark. 【】Old Li was extremely anxious, pacing back and forth in his room.Lin Xiu looked at him anxiously.The guard Xiao Zheng stood at the door with beads of sweat still on his face.

As soon as Lao Li heard that Zhao Guang was not in his residence, he realized that something was wrong, and it was a big problem.Zhao Guang didn't come to the appointment on time, and he wasn't at home, where else could he be?arrested?Robbed?Either way, it's a catastrophe!The money order he was carrying was huge!

This arms transaction was originally just a procurement operation by the Fujian, Zhejiang and Jiangxi guerrilla columns.His original purpose was to purchase only part of it, the main target being the radio station.However, when this munitions list was sent to the East China Military Region for approval from superiors, it received great attention.The leaders of the East China Military Region united the four columns they belonged to and wanted to buy all the arms.Most of its funds were raised by the East China Military Region.This is also the reason why the East China Military Region ordered him to stay in Nanjing to complete the arms deal.

But now, Zhao Guang had disappeared, and the money order he was carrying was even missing, which made Lao Li very nervous.He stared back at Xiao Zheng, and said sternly: "You, take your people, go out, disperse to find in that area, search carefully, and you must find Zhao Guang. Go!"

Xiao Zheng hurried out of the room.

When the day was about to dawn, Xiao Zheng, with three guards, had already appeared on the road from Zhao Guang's house to the small hotel where he and Zhang Bowei met.They searched separately and asked the houses on the street.But nothing.

At this time, Du Ziyuan also sent Li Lin to search in that area, and he found nothing.But Li Lin got a piece of news by accident. Someone heard gunshots in this area last night.

At nine o'clock in the morning, Zhang Bowei arrived at the "revolving door".He also stayed up all night, imagining various situations that Zhao Guang might encounter.However, no matter which one it is, it is a disaster, a huge disaster!

Not long after he arrived at the "revolving door", he received two calls.The first call was from Du Ziyuan, telling him that no one was found.He also told him that someone had heard gunshots in that area last night.

Zhang Bowei became nervous when he heard the news.If the gunshot was related to Zhao Guang, there are two possibilities, one is that someone robbed him.It is possible that Zhao Guang was shot dead and the money order was stolen from him.If this is the case, it must be someone from a gang in Nanjing who did it.In this way, he needs to check which gang did it.This kind of matter involved such a huge amount of money order, and it usually didn't take long to hide it, and he would be able to find it out soon.But it is doubtful whether all the bills of exchange can be recovered.

There is also a possibility that a certain intelligence agency did it, such as the Bureau of Secrets, or the Bureau of Party Communication, or the intelligence department of a certain army.They may have discovered Zhao Guang's true identity, so they secretly arrested him.If this is the case, he must get in touch with Zuo Shaoqing as soon as possible to find out.But if this is the case, the money order may not be available.Thinking of this, Zhang Bo was extremely anxious.

The second call he received was actually from Huang Fenglin.

Huang Fenglin called in a very anxious tone, and lowered his voice, and said to him: "Mr. Zhang, I have encountered a very difficult matter. I don't know what to do. You must help me .”

Zhang Bowei was already a little alert, and said, "Mr. Huang, don't be nervous, let me tell you what's going on first."

Huang Fenglin said in a low voice: "Last night, I met a person. He may have met a robber and was shot and wounded by the robber. Mr. Zhang, I was confused for a moment. I also saw others in danger and wanted to help them." As soon as I did, I took him home. Now... this man is in my house now. Tell me, what should I do?"

Zhang Bowei became more vigilant.What Zhang Bo is vigilant about is the word "clever".Furthermore, it is the two aspects of the word "clever".On the one hand, Zhao Guang had just prepared the money order and was about to hand it over to him, but he ran into robbers.Never meet early, never meet late, but it happened after the money order was ready.On the other hand, Zhao Guang encountered robbers, but was rescued by Huang Fenglin.He didn't know Huang Fenglin for many days.

However, no matter what, the person Huang Fenglin saved was probably Zhao Guang.If it was really him, and as Huang Fenglin said, he had been saved, this would be unexpected good news.

Uncle Zhang wears the hat of a "profiteer" on his head, and he didn't get it by chance. He does have a shrewd, cunning, and scheming side.Controlling his voice, he complained: "Oh, Mr. Huang, what's the matter with you, what year is this, why do you do such a thing."

Huang Fenglin stammered on the phone, "Zhang...Mr. Zhang, I said, I... I was confused for a while, I don't know which nerve I made a mistake, so I just give that person... I'm going home. I'm regretting it now, don't blame me anymore, help me figure out a way, what should I do?"

Zhang Bowei gritted his teeth and added, "What are you doing in a daze, hurry up and find the police. He has encountered robbers, if you don't call the police, why should you call me? I can't handle this matter."

Huang Fenglin continued to stammer, "Mr. Zhang, I... I thought about going to the police. But, Mr. Zhang, I... I thought about it and I went to the police, but I was still in trouble. I... I can't get away with it. You, come here, come to my house, and help me find a way. "

Zhang Bowei sighed, "Oh, you old man, really...then, where do you live?"

Huang Fenglin hurriedly said: "No. 11 Nanfu Lane, in the courtyard, door No. [-] on the east side, this is the house I rented. Mr. Zhang, you must be careful when you come here, and don't disturb others. I am really Worry."

In order to put down the phone, Zhang Bo thought about this matter again.He felt that the injured person might really be Zhao Guang.But looking back, I became even more suspicious of this Huang Fenglin, and couldn't figure out who he was.

The first thing Zhang Bowei did next was to call Du Ziyuan and tell him that a person might have encountered a robber and was rescued by a person surnamed Huang.He was going to go there and tell him Huang Fenglin's address.He whispered, "Old Du, think about what to do with this matter. I'll go first."

In order to get out of the "revolving door", Zhang Bo didn't dare to delay, so he hailed a taxi and rushed to Nanfu Lane.

No. 11 Nanfu Lane is a courtyard with an old-fashioned wooden building and some bungalows in front of it. There are many houses in it.No. 11 on the east side is a row of one-story houses in front of the building, and the third door after turning in is No. [-].

Zhang Bowei stepped forward and knocked on the door.Huang Fenglin first lifted the curtain on the door inside to see that Zhang Bowei was outside, then hurriedly opened the door and let him in.He looked outside again before closing the door.

Huang Fenglin grabbed Zhang Bowei's arm and said in a low voice, "Mr. Zhang, please help me find a solution. This person is seriously injured, and he must not die here. Then I will be in big trouble."

In order to comfort him, Zhang Bo said, "Mr. Huang, don't be in a hurry, let me have a look, and then think of a way. Where is he?"

"In the back room." Huang Fenglin opened the door of the back room and let him in.

When Zhang Bowei entered the back room, he immediately saw Zhao Guang lying on the sofa.He was pale and gasping for breath.What makes Zhang Bo palpitate the most is the extreme fear in his eyes.Zhao Guang also recognized Zhang Bowei, but he just stared at him without speaking.He just stared at Zhang Bowei in extreme fear.

Zhao Guang's expression made Zhang Bo very alert.He also saw that Zhao Guang's leather bag was placed beside the sofa.Judging from Zhao Guang's expression, it is dangerous now, but the money order is still there.But what is the danger?From the corner of Zhang Bowei's eyes, he noticed that Huang Fenglin was standing beside him, paying attention to them.He also felt that Huang Fenglin had some doubts.

Zhang Bowei's doubts about Huang Fenglin actually existed when he first met him.But at that time, I just wanted to get a sum of money from him, and I didn't care about the rest.Now this matter, such a "coincidence", made him uneasy.Zhang Bowei guessed that maybe Zhao Guang also sensed that Huang Fenglin was in danger, so he didn't dare to show that he knew him.

Zhang Bowei sat down on the chair in front of the sofa, and asked softly, "Sir, what's the matter with you?"

Zhao Guang panted, and whispered, "I just got off work. I was walking on the road and met someone who robbed me. This gentleman is a good man. He saved me." He nodded to Huang Fenglin specifically.

At this time, Huang Fenglin felt a different scene in his heart.He knew the two knew each other, they had met a few days earlier, in a small hotel room.But at this time they pretended not to know each other.He could see that, there was something wrong with both of them.Now, the first goal of his and Ye Gongjin's plan has been achieved.However, the fear in the injured man's eyes made him a little confused.He should have seen his own people, why is he so afraid?

Zhang Bowei's small eyes rolled back and forth.Zhao Guang spoke so cautiously, which really made him feel the danger.He really wanted to send Huang Fenglin out and ask him to ask Zhao Guang.

Zhang Bowei asked, "Sir, how is your injury?"

Zhao Guang shook his head, "I don't know. It may be very heavy."

Zhang Bowei got up and touched Zhao Guang's back.The blood has already spilled out, and the clothes on his body are red.He must have been seriously injured when he left Zhao Guang.He turned around and asked, "Mr. Huang, has the wound been wrapped?"

Huang Fenglin said: "Just a simple bandage. I don't have any medicine here, only anti-inflammatory powder and red syrup. I want to tell him to go to the hospital, but he refuses to go. What do you think? Do you have to send him to the hospital as soon as possible?"

Uncle Zhang didn't answer the question, and said, "Mr. Huang, you'd better go and buy some medicine."

Huang Fenglin was taken aback, and immediately said: "Oh, under such a situation, how dare I go out to buy medicine. You should quickly think of a way."

Zhang Bowei heard it, Huang Fenglin refused to leave, he wanted to stay here.This made him even more suspicious.But the matter in front of him must be resolved immediately, and it cannot be delayed.

Zhang Bowei stood up, turned his head to Huang Fenglin, and said, "How about this? I'll go buy medicine. Besides, I'll also go out to find a way to solve this problem. Mr. Huang, you stay here and take care of him, okay?" ?”

Huang Fenglin nodded again and again, "All right, go quickly, I'll stay here."

Zhang Bowei turned his head to Zhao Guang, "Sir, I'll go out and buy some medicine for you, are you okay?"

Zhao Guang nodded, "Thank you, sir. I'm fine."

Zhao Guang's answer reassured Zhang Bowei somewhat.Explain that there is no problem with the bill of exchange.

Zhang Bo walked hurriedly on the street to leave the house, but he kept thinking in his mind.He really wanted to go to Du Ziyuan and ask him to find a way to take Zhao Guang away.But he didn't dare, the suspicion in his heart was still blowing like the wind.That Huang Fenglin made him feel suspicious.

There is a pharmacy down the street.He walked in, and asked the clerk to bring him trauma medicine, while carefully looking out.He saw a man stop across the street, leaning against a tree, and peeking in the direction of the pharmacy.Zhang Bowei was startled suddenly, this is a spy.He has been followed by secret agents.Where did this spy come from?He judged that the follow-up should start from outside Huang Fenglin's house.He understood that if this was the case, Du Ziyuan would not be able to solve the problem here.

Zhang Bowei thought in his heart that the only way to go to Zuo Shaoqing for this matter is to take the risk, and only she might be able to solve the trouble here.When he saw the phone on the counter, he didn't hesitate anymore, and immediately called Zuo Shaoqing.

However, this call was immediately intercepted by You Shaoqing's subordinates and notified her.You Shaoqing immediately jumped up and led the people to Nanfu Lane.

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