Due to Zhang Bo's sacrifice, Du Ziyuan's connection with "Fishbone" was immediately severed. 【】The situation of "Fishbone" is even more difficult.

Du Ziyuan sat in his home, feeling extremely distressed.He regretted it very much, maybe Zhang Bowei should not be allowed to be this "bystander".Another thing he understands is that he must take immediate measures to help "Fishbone".

Zhang Bowei's death also made Zuo Shaoqing furious.This anger is from the heart.She and Zhang Bowei have known each other for nearly ten years.This profiteer is one of her most trusted people.On the other hand, her contact with outside party organizations has also been severed, and she does not know when it will be restored.

The shooting incident at the Nanjing Hotel was immediately mentioned at the work meeting of the Second Office.

When Cheng Yunfa reported this incident, he couldn't help but feel a little elated, as if he had won a big prize.

"I think a secret meeting of high-level officials is being held at the Nanjing Hotel." He looked around, looking for appreciative glances, "They even arranged armed guards outside the room. I think that Zhang Bowei is in charge of the lookout downstairs, He saw our people entering the restaurant, so he ran upstairs."

Zuo Shaoqing stared at him coldly.She couldn't bear it any longer, and asked sarcastically, "Old Cheng, what about the high-level people you're talking about? Where are they?"

Cheng Yunfa glared at her angrily.All tenants on the third floor were screened, but no problems were found.All have now been released.Cheng Yunfa was speechless.He also felt that something was wrong with the atmosphere in the conference room.

Ye Gongjin knew that the so-called armed guard was actually Huang Fenglin's man.But he couldn't say it.Zhao Minggui, who was sitting on the other side of the conference table, also guessed that the dead guard was more likely to be related to Huang Fenglin.He dared not speak out.He already realized that Ye Gongjin was restraining her anger.

You Shaoqing couldn't sit still.This matter has a direct relationship with her, and she doesn't want people to think that she is reckless.She glared at Zuo Shaoqing and said, "It's impossible for us to detain so many people! If we are given time, we will definitely find suspicious elements from those people!"

"Then, why did you kill Zhang Bowei? And the guard you mentioned? You really have good marksmanship. You shot one by one and killed them on the spot, leaving nothing behind!" Zuo Shaoqing said coldly.She had tried her best to restrain the anger in her heart, but she still couldn't.

"I think Uncle Zhang is suspicious!" You Shaoqing yelled loudly.

"Arrest him if you are suspicious! Why did you shoot?"

"Why is he running, why is he running!"

"Are you still not allowing others to run? I heard that when you go upstairs, you hold guns in your hands, and you yell at everyone, let alone Zhang Bowei, whoever sees you has to run!"

"You are protecting him!"

"I can't protect him! I know what he is. He's just a businessman."

"Why are you so angry! Zhang Bowei died, did he poke your heart?"

Zuo Shaoqing patted the table, "You are a mess! Zhang Bowei can be counted as my friend, he will give me some news from time to time. There are many such people, are you going to beat them to death!"

"Okay!" Ye Gongjin shouted angrily, "Shut up, everyone!"

Ye Gongjin was really angry.Huang Fenglin lost another person, and this person has not been in Nanjing for a few days.He had to comfort Huang Fenglin well.The problem is, with Zhang Bowei dead, Huang Fenglin lost his direct target.From now on, he can only stare at Zuo Shaoqing.Young Master You may have said one thing correctly, Zhang Bowei's death may have really touched Zuo Shaoqing's heart.However, is Zhang Bowei Zuo Shaoqing's contact person?He knew in his heart that this question would never be answered.Thinking of this, the anger in his heart turned to You Shaoqing involuntarily. She was too reckless in her actions.

Ye Gongjin stared at the people present, he felt that there was nothing left to say.He said angrily: "The meeting is over!" With anger on his face, he got up and left the meeting room.

In the middle of the night, Zuo Shaoqing sat quietly at home.

In Nanjing in July, the weather is already very hot.Although it is night, the heat has not receded.The humidity and heat made her feel like she was in a steamer.She held a wet towel in her hand, but she had long forgotten to wipe the sweat from her forehead and neck.She hung her head and sat motionless on the sofa.

Zhang Bowei had already sacrificed, which made her heartbroken.

He is a profiteer, and she has ignored him for a long time.However, when they met for the first time, Zhang Bowei said to her: "Mrs. Feng, I want to send a shipment to Qinglian Jiangbei..."

She didn't like his small eyes that rolled around very much.But Zhang Bowei rolled his small eyes and said, "Madam Feng, the New Fourth Army is taking action at the foot of the mountain during New Year's Day. Does Madam Feng intend to participate..."

It was this profiteer who brought her someone.He would show a slick face when he smiled, "Madam Feng, this is Mr. Du, Du Ziyuan. The New Fourth Army sent Mr. Du to contact you..."

For this alone, she will never forget Zhang Bowei.He brought Du Ziyuan to her.He also led her on the road today.

Zuo Shaoqing covered his face with a towel, and his shoulders slightly twitched.You profiteer, you dishonest profiteer!You clearly knew that Du Ziyuan was not by my side, yet you let go and left me here alone, who do you want me to rely on from now on?You are not faithful...

Zuo Shaoqing wept loudly, covering his tear-filled eyes with a towel.Her shoulders hit the ground one after another, as if being beaten with a wooden stick.

At this time, Du Ziyuan was also sitting in his home.

There was no light in the house.He sat in the dark like a wooden sculpture, motionless.

He was also feeling sorry for Zhang Bo in his heart.But what he thinks more about is how to help "fishbone". "Fishbone" is now isolated and aided, and the situation is even more difficult.He had to help him out.

Du Ziyuan sat in the dark, gritting his teeth again and again, his eyes were about to burst into flames.He understands that he must help "Fishbone" at all costs.

At one o'clock in the morning, he finally made up his mind.He quietly left his residence and walked into the quiet street.At 02:30 in the morning, he entered the residence of Lao Li, deputy commander of the Fujian, Zhejiang and Jiangxi guerrilla columns.

Lin Xiu put on her coat and hurried upstairs to wake up Lao Li who was sleeping.Lao Li also left the room in his coat.

As soon as he saw Du Ziyuan's eyes, he felt something serious was wrong.He said, "Old Du, come inside."

They entered Lao Li's room and sat down at the table.Du Ziyuan looked up at Lin Xiu at the door, and said softly, "Xiu, you go out first, I have something to talk to Lao Li."

Lin Xiu hurriedly responded, retreated outside, and gently closed the door.

Du Ziyuan looked at Lao Li and didn't speak for a while.His eyes were red and his expression was stern, staring straight at Lao Li.

Lao Li came out, Du Ziyuan must have something very serious.He said, "Old Du, what happened?"

Du Ziyuan said softly: "Old Li, I have encountered very serious difficulties. It is not me, but my comrades. I beg you, please help me, help me no matter what!"

"Old Du, tell me, tell me. No matter what it is, I will definitely help you."

Du Ziyuan was in so much pain that he kept shaking his head, and finally said: "It starts with your Liang Jicheng. Not long ago, Liang Jicheng was arrested. He is very smart, he is very smart, and he escaped. But, but... Liang Jicheng's escape brought great difficulties to one of my comrades. Lao Li, I can't tell you, and there are some things that I can't tell you. This comrade has found it difficult to gain a foothold. However, The order given to me by my superiors is that this comrade must persevere. He has undertaken a very important and difficult task. He must persevere. So, at any cost, I must help him persevere."

Lao Li nodded, "I probably understand a little bit, I probably understand a little bit."

Du Ziyuan stared at him firmly, "You must help me, please..."

"Old Du, don't worry, I will."

Du Ziyuan dragged the chair to Lao Li's side, and they discussed with him until dawn.

After dawn, Lao Li finally sent Du Ziyuan away.He went back to the house, looked at Lin Xiu who was standing at the stairs, walked to her side silently, took her hand, and stroked it gently.

Lin Xiu felt apprehensive, and vaguely sensed that something unexpected had happened.She was a little surprised to see that Lao Li's eyes were red, and he was looking at her so intently.She asked: "Lao Li, what's the matter, is something wrong?"

Lao Li kept stroking her hand, but it looked a little painful.He finally said: "Please, I will make a trip in the afternoon and ask Liang Jicheng to come here. In addition...you go out and buy a bottle of wine and come back with some cold dishes. I want to be with Comrade Liang Jicheng, and also with you ,have a drink."

When Lin Xiu went out to buy wine and cold dishes, she couldn't help thinking that something serious must have happened.This matter involved Lao Liang, as well as himself.She thought, maybe there is some mission?

Liang Jicheng, presumably the officials still remember him.

A month ago, he escaped from the flue of the old restaurant.Zuo Shaoqing was almost dismissed by Ye Gongjin because of him.Now, he's going to pay for it.This is the last task he will undertake.He has to finish.

After Liang Jicheng escaped from the old restaurant, he has been living in a dilapidated small courtyard.A nearly sixty-year-old aunt took care of his diet.He was ordered not to go out, see people, or speak loudly.He understood that he was under investigation.

The aunt is in charge of cooking three meals a day for him, and taking care of him too.Grandma raised a flock of chickens in the yard.When I am free, I feed the chickens in the yard screaming "啦啦啦".The human voice that Liang Jicheng can hear every day is the sound of chicken feeding.

Living here, Liang Jicheng felt like he was in prison, and he was so bored that he was going crazy.But he can't help it.He is a soldier and knows what military discipline is.He hoped that he could get relief one day soon.

In the afternoon, he heard a knock on the door.He sat up from the bed and looked outside through the door.Mom goes to open the door.He didn't expect that it was Lin Xiu who came in.He felt that maybe he could really go out.

The residential areas in Nanjing in the evening are full of popularity.The heat has not yet dissipated, and the surrounding houses have become active.Elderly people sat on small stools outside the door, slapped mosquitoes on their legs with palm-leaf fans, and chatted in high and low voices.Some couples quarreled at home, and all they heard were screams.The children ran about in the alleyway, laughing out loud from time to time.There was also the sound of cooking or washing dishes, which also came into Lao Li's room intermittently.

Lao Li, Lin Xiu and Liang Jicheng sat around the table silently.He had drunk several glasses of wine, but no one touched the cold dishes on the table.Liang Jicheng's face was already purple, his muscles trembled slightly, and his shoulders were stiff.Lin Xiu, who was sitting on the other side, looked pale.She looked at Lao Li quietly and motionlessly.

Lao Li held the wine glass, brought it to his mouth and put it down again, and said softly, "Ji Cheng, this is your task. Do you have any questions?"

Liang Jicheng raised his head and straightened his shoulders, "Chief, I am a soldier, and I obey orders. It's just... just... I have a request... my son..."

Lao Li grabbed his hand, "Ji Cheng, we have also thought about this matter. Someone sent your sister-in-law and your son out of Nanjing this morning. We will settle them down. Don't worry."

"Okay, okay," Liang Jicheng nodded, "If you have a chance in the future, tell my son about me."

"Ji Cheng, we will never forget you." Lao Li was already emotional, but he tried his best to bear it.

"I know. Then, I'm leaving." He stood up, put his feet together, and performed a standard military salute.

Lao Li picked up the wine glass and handed it to him, "Ji Cheng, let's drink one last glass."

All three stood up, touched their glasses, and drank them all in one gulp.

Lao Li and Lin Xiu stood side by side at the door, watching Liang Jicheng walk out.The guard at the door opened it for him, followed him out, and disappeared into the darkness.

Lao Li turned around, looked at Lin Xiu silently, and finally hugged her in his arms.They just stood there, hugging each other, motionless.Both felt each other's body trembling slightly at this moment of silence.

Lao Li said softly: "Xiu, I solemnly tell you that from today onwards, you are my wife and will always be."

Lin Xiu didn't speak, but hugged him even tighter.

In the middle of the night, Lin Xiu gently opened the door of Lao Li's room.She saw Lao Li sitting by the bed alone, with his elbows on his knees and his forehead resting on his hands.

"Old Li." Lin Xiu called softly.

Old Li raised his head.She just saw that there were tears in his eyes, and his face was distorted with pain.Lao Li wiped his face, patted the edge of the bed, and motioned her to sit down beside him.

Lin Xiu sat down gently beside him, "Old Li, you're still awake."

"I've been thinking about you. I'm thinking about everything you've done around me these days. I can't bear you. Only now do I feel that I can't bear you."

"Old Li, then...let's keep a little memory...Let me and you..."

"Xiu, just sit with me."

"You said that from today onwards, I will be your wife." She lowered her head to unbutton her shirt, "Lao Li, I will give you everything I want, my body and my heart. I'm afraid ...there will be no chance in the future."

"Xiu..." Lao Li hugged her, trembling all over.

Lin Xiu also cried, "Lao Li, you can only take care of yourself from now on, Lao Li... you have to... take care of yourself...don't make me worry..."

"Xiu, you will be in my heart, forever in my heart..."

They hugged and kissed each other.When they hugged and lay down on the bed, they really hoped that tonight would be forever.

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