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"You, you are human, or ghosts." Seeing that more than 20 of her younger brothers were killed almost instantly, Zhuyeqing completely collapsed.

Jin Buque walked to Zhuyeqing's side with an evil face and lifted his chin: "You were so arrogant just now, why did you suddenly..."

"Big, big brother."

"Okay, Lao Jin, don't scare him." Zilong walked slowly to Zhuyeqing's side, "Now you can answer whatever I say."

"Yes, yes," Zhuyeqing nodded frantically.

"First of all, tell me about Beixuan's gangs, such as the Prison Gang." Zilong said calmly.

"Prison gang, prison gang?" Hearing Zilong's question, Zhuyeqing became anxious. "Big brother, big brother, the Prison Gang is the biggest gang in Beixuan. How can we punks know anything? What we know is at most the Yunling District and Yun District near Beixuan."

"I didn't just say how strong I am." Jin Buque said to himself with a smile.

"Yunling District, Yun District." Zilong frowned: "Don't tell me that Yunling District is covered by your Green Bamboo Gang, and I'll give you a minute." :

"No, of course not, most of the Yunling District is composed of some small gangs, and compared to the bigger ones are my Qingzhu Gang and a boss named Ye Fan's Baiyemen. Qingzhu and Baiye have always been at odds, often There were some weapon fights, but I don’t know what’s going on, every time the green bamboo will be crushed and beaten by the blinds. Maybe it’s because Ye Fan’s kung fu is good.”

"Baiyemen, Ye Fan, is very tricky? What about Yunqu?" Zilong said.

"Yun, the Yun District is dominated by the Eagle Gang. The Eagle Gang can be said to be the second largest gang in Beixuan after the Prison Gang. However, compared with the Prison Gang, the Eagle Gang is completely different from the Cloud and Mud."

"Oh, so, you said Ye Fan, the boss of Baiyemen, is good at martial arts, so Qingzhu has been suppressed in Yunling District." Zilong didn't mention the Eagle Gang in Yundi District, but directly talked about Qingzhu Gang and Baiyemen.

"En, yes." Zhuyeqing nodded in fear.

"Then I will ask you to take someone to destroy the Baiye Gate tomorrow, do you dare?" Zilong continued.

"This,,," Zhuyeqing clearly showed embarrassment.

"Hehe, you can choose not to go, and now I will give you five seconds to think about it. You have two choices, the first is to die, and the second is to do as I say." 5" Zilong is like a god of death The countdown began.

"Go, I'll go..." Zhuyeqing hurriedly agreed before Zilong could count to four. "If you keep the green hills, you won't be afraid of running out of firewood." This is what Zhuyeqing wants to say now.

"Hehe, work hard, you will win this battle." Zilong smiled and patted Zhuyeqing on the shoulder.

"Yes, yes..." Zhuyeqing looked at Zilong suspiciously.

"Hehe, you go back. If you do well, I won't treat you badly, but if you betray us, hehe..." Fu Donglai looked at Zhuyeqing, pointed to the corpse on the ground with a smile.

"Know, know"

"Go back and know what to say." Zilong said. [

'Come back and encounter the ambush by the shutter door.Brothers are all dead," Zhuyeqing said hastily, as if she had awakened in an instant.

"Hahaha..." Several people laughed loudly.

On the way back, Jin Buque, who was always puzzled, asked Zilong, "Why did you do this?"

Zilong smiled: "Ants are jumping on the embankment of thousands of miles. If you want to win Beixuan, you must first start with these small local gangs. Is it possible that the few of us can directly fight against the prison gang?"

"Oh, I see, you can't fucking tell that you know more than killing people." Jin Buque said with half loss and half praise.

"This is what Xia Tian taught me before leaving. Ming, Ye Fan will leave it to you, you know how to do it." Zilong Bai Jinbuque glanced at Xiangming.

"Well, no problem." Ming nodded slightly.

A very small hotel, no air conditioning, only an electric fan that wants to go on strike at any time.

"Damn it, Zilong, we are also big brothers from Tianmen, so you let us live here?" Jin Buque stared at Zilong in displeasure.

"When I left, Xia Tian didn't give me half a penny. I paid for the tens of dollars myself." Zilong replied very aggrieved.

"When I was very young, my former home was a garbage dump, so this place is fine." Ming said to himself, and went straight into the bathroom to take a shower.

"Hehe, I do have the money. Before I left, I raised [-] million in Xia Tian as the working capital for this trip to Beixuan." Fu Donglai suddenly said with a smile.

"What, [-] million..." Hearing what Fu Donglai said, even Ming, who had just entered the bathroom, turned around and stared at Fu Donglai in disbelief.

"Yes, one hundred million."

"Damn, why didn't you say it earlier, let's go and stay in a hotel." Jin Buque said excitedly, hugging his shoulders.

"You think Zilong is really looking for this kind of place because of money, and he hasn't got his ID card yet, so he's going to live in a hotel. Could it be that you let us go to a hotel with the ID card of Tianmen Thirteen, in Nanwu, Every better hotel is directly linked to Tianmen, which place, which boss comes to Nanwu, Xia Tian knows it clearly, you think the prison gang is so idiotic. Stay here well." Fu Dong Said to Jin Buque who came to despise.

"I'm the one who came to Beixuan to lead the team this time, why don't I know about it." Zilong said suddenly and seriously.

'Hehe, if you are given [-] million in Nanwu, and the zombies force them to know, then there will be no trouble. : Fu Donglai smiled and handed a gold card to Zilong while talking.

"Hahaha..." Several people laughed at the same time.

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