Underworld student 5 three points in the world

Chapter 27: Successful operation

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"Ming's operation is good." After finishing the matter of setting up the Longmen, Zilong shifted the topic to Ming again, after all, the most urgent thing now is to see that Ming's operation went well.

"Brother Long, this amputation is considered a major operation, and it should take a lot of time. Let's wait patiently." Ye Fan said.

"Well," Zilong nodded, "It's almost afternoon, or we should find something to eat first." Zilong said.

"Okay, then shall I go out and buy something, or order takeaway?" Jin Buque said. [

Ye Fan smiled: "No need for Lao Jin, why don't I go to the kitchen and make some for everyone." Then he took off his shirt and walked towards the kitchen of the small building.

"You can also cook," Fu Donglai, who had been quiet all along, said in disbelief after hearing what Ye Fan said.

"Hehe, there will be some, and I will show you my skills later." Ye Fan walked towards the kitchen while speaking.

"Alai, why are you surprised? Who knows how to cook? You think you're like a born son like you, who opens his mouth when he eats food and stretches out his hand when he wears clothes." Jin Buque said.

"Damn, you can do it too?" Zilong couldn't believe what Jin Buque said.

"Yes, why, I don't believe it." Jin Buque said with a depressed face.

"Woooo..." Zilong and Fu Donglai shook their heads frantically at the same time.

"How about, I'll make it for you to eat..." Jin Buque said.

"No, Lao Jin, there is no beer in the refrigerator, you'd better go out and buy two cases of beer and come in." Hearing that Jin Buque said that he was going to cook, Zilong said hurriedly, afraid that he would really go to the kitchen.

"Fuck, it's your loss if you don't eat the food I cooked. When I was in Xuanquan before, which little brother didn't clap his hands and say yes after eating the food I cooked." Jin Buque cursed and walked outside with a displeased expression on his face. "Cut," Fu Donglai and Zilong raised their middle fingers at Jin Buque at the same time. "Damn those little brothers from the beheading hall dare to say it's not delicious?"

In less than an hour, Ye Fan had brought out four or five dishes that seemed to be very good, and Jin Buque also brought two boxes of beer and some peanuts and other things outside early and came in.Several people gathered around a small tea table in the living room and started eating.

"Well, I can't see that Ye Fan's cooking is really fucking delicious." Zilong enjoyed eating Ye Fan's cooking.

"Hehe, just let it go." Ye Fan said with a smile.

Jin Buque really drank a bottle of beer depressed: "Damn, it's still a little worse than me."

"Cut, eat yours." Fu Donglai helplessly put a large piece of fat in Jin Buque's bowl.

Several people ate like this in the hall for several hours. After eating, it was already evening. The sun had already set from the west at some point, and the moon was also faintly hanging in the sky.Looking at the gradually darkening sky outside, Zilong's face showed a burst of worry.

"Brother Long, don't worry, Ston is a well-known orthopedic surgeon in Russia, there will be no problem with Ming's amputation." Ye Fan seemed to see Zilong's worry, and said comfortingly. "En," Zilong nodded with a smile.

Half an hour later, the small door of the elevator was suddenly opened, and Ston came out wiping the sweat from his forehead.After a while, two beautiful nurses came out one after another carrying a medicine box and a long box.For these two well-groomed nurses, even Jin Buque, who is usually lustful, finds it difficult to show any interest in them now.

"Was the operation successful?" Seeing Ston walking out, Zilong hurried up and asked. [

"Well,..." Ston understood Zilong's current mood very well, and said in fluent English with a smile.Zilong scratched his head and looked at Ye Fan at the side. At this time, a gratified smile appeared on Ye Fan's face.

"Brother Long, Mr. Ston said that Ming's operation was very successful. If there are no accidents, Ming will be able to get out of bed soon, but he still needs a good rest these days." Ye Fan said.

"Well, thank you so much, Mr. Ston, I heard Ye Fan say that Ming's operation was a success." Zilong excitedly shook Ston's hand, thanking him non-stop.

"Hehe..." Ston seemed to be infected by Zilong's enthusiasm, and kept smiling.Then he said a bunch of English that Zilong couldn't understand.

"Well, since Ming has agreed, then we have nothing to say." Fu Donglai seemed to have understood Ston's words, and said with a smile.Also speaking in fluent English.

"If there is nothing else, I will leave first. There are still many things to deal with when I go back." Seeing that Fu Donglai agreed to his request, Ston smiled and said goodbye to everyone, bringing two beautiful nurses and a doctor Box, a long box heading outside.

After sending Ston away, Zilong and Jin Buque were puzzled for a while.

"Damn, what did Naston say just now, and what did Ming promise him?" Zilong scratched his head and said with a puzzled expression.

"Hehe..." Fu Donglai smiled, "Did you see the box in the hand of that beautiful nurse behind?"

"I see, what's the matter, isn't it used to install surgical tools?" Jin Buque said.

"No..." Ye Fan waved his hand. "That's Ming's left arm."

"What? Ming's left arm, why did he take it away?" Hearing this, Zilong became anxious.

"Brother Long, don't worry, this is also approved by Ming." Ye Fan said hastily: "In addition to being a doctor, Mr. Ston is also doing research on human bones. Today, he is doing surgery on Ming." At that time, he found that Ming's bones were very special, so he wanted to take Ming's severed limbs back and study them carefully."

"Oh, that's it." Zilong said.

"Let's go, go up and see how Ming is doing, maybe that kid is awake now." Fu Dong said, and walked towards the elevator first.

"Damn it, Xiaofan, change the elevator that can only bear the weight of one person tomorrow. Waiting is really fucking tangled." Looking at these people, if they want to go upstairs, they have to wait for four In the small elevator this time, Jin Buque was completely speechless.

"Hehe, no need, we will move to another place in a few days." Zilong said.

"Another place, what place." Jin Buque was puzzled.

"Broken Soul Residence..."

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