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Yun District, Eagle Gang Headquarters Yun Street, Yun Street is located in the most central area of ​​Yun District. Whether it is commercial or economical, it can be said to be the most prosperous in Yun District. to describe.

In a suburb not far from the commercial center of Yunjie, there is a four-story luxury villa. The garden design outside the villa and the shape of leisure tools are undoubtedly the best and most luxurious in China at present. The walls of the villa are even more The high-voltage power grid is all in one color, and there are groups of security guards with small punches or pistols in their arms. With this kind of protection, even a top-notch killer can hardly break into the interior of the villa unscathed. , and the owner of this villa is Jiang Ying, the current leader of the Eagle Gang.

On the second floor of the villa is a huge meeting room, in front of which is carved a giant eagle as if flying in the sky with a whole block of marble.The giant eagle's eyes were fierce, and the sharp eyes were carved vividly. The two giant claws were even more majestic and powerful, as if they could tear anything in the world. In the middle of the long conference table sat a man about 60 years old. The old man with white hair sat quietly in the center of the conference table with his eyes closed, holding a sandalwood crutch with a small eagle on the top of the crutch. Although the eagle's head is small.But the two eagle eyes pierced the hearts of everyone present like two sharp knives.

"Yan'er, you said that a gang named Baiyemen rose up in Xinhua Street, Yunling District, and killed more than 200 members of my Eagle Gang." The eyes of the old man who had been closing his eyes suddenly opened. Hawkeye is even more vicious. [

"Yes, yes, father. And last night, a long-haired man broke into the electrified villa on Yingyan Road, rescued Sima Lin's son, Sima Duanhun, and even killed two Iraqi soldiers." Jiang Yan, with a cropped head and a huge black eagle tattooed on his chest, replied respectfully to his father Jiang Ying, speaking in a tone of respect and fear.

"Iraq soldiers, you are talking about those behind you." Hearing what Jiang Yan said, Jiang Ying frowned slightly, and slowly looked at the tall Iraqis standing behind Jiang Yan. warrior.

"Well, yes, father." Jiang Yan replied.

"Hi, old man, my name is Buck, and I'm their head." The man standing at the front with a white cloth wrapped around his head said calmly, without much respect in his tone, while the few behind One of them didn't even look at Jiang Ying, as if he didn't have the slightest interest in this bad old man who was going to be buried.But there were two eyes that kept drifting towards the two beautiful sisters behind Jiang Lang opposite, falling into endless lustful fantasies.

"Say..." Jiang Yan coughed deliberately, and the two Iraqi soldiers turned their gazes back.

Jiang Ying didn't seem to pay attention to the so-called rudeness of the Iraqi soldiers, nor did he pay attention to Buck's words, and continued to say to Jiang Yan: "You said that a long-haired man came to the electrified villa last night and rescued Sima Duanhun." Speaking of this, Jiang Ying stopped talking and directly ignored the killing of the two Iraqi soldiers.

"Well, yes, yes."

At this time, Jiang Lang, who had been sitting across from him, had a lewd smile on his face, and said in a high voice, "It seems that there are still more. This morning, more than 20 bodies of Eagle Gang boys were found on the mountain road in Yunqu District." , Those 20 or so younger brothers seem to belong to you...Brother." Jiang Lang deliberately said the word "Big Brother" very seriously, and his tone was full of provocation and disdain.

"Jiang Lang, you..." Hearing Jiang Lang's words, Jiang Yan seemed angry. He patted the table and stood up, pointing at Jiang Lang.

"I, what about me, you want to bite me, come on, damn it, you're useless, why are you angry with me?" Seeing Jiang Yan slapping the table and standing up, Jiang Lang also stood up abruptly, very Said arrogantly.

"Jiang Lang, you are courting death..."

"Okay, that's enough..." Jiang Ying heard that the two brothers started to quarrel again, and angrily slammed the crutch in his hand: "Do you two still have my father in your heart? You two continue to do this , the Eagle Gang will be defeated by you one day."

Seeing their father start a fire, the two immediately fell silent, the air seemed to freeze in an instant, the scene looked extremely awkward, almost both of them looked at each other with extremely unhappy eyes, as if the other was not only a real brother , but killed the enemies of his whole family.

"What are you doing? Do you really want to kill each other? Well, take it, and whoever grabs it first will shoot and kill the other party. I, Jiang Yingying I, how could I have a son like you?" Jiang Ying looked angrily. Looking at the two of them, he quickly took out a silver-white pistol from the conference table drawer, and threw it to the center of the conference table.

Seeing that their father had thrown the gun out, both of them were taken aback, looking at the silver gun in the middle of the table with strange expressions on their faces.

"Why, dare not, do you want me to help you?" Jiang Ying said, picked up the gun on the conference table, and pointed it in front of the two brothers.

"I'm sorry, father, we won't be like this in the future." Jiang Yan was still serious, seeing his father so angry, he finally held back the anger in his heart and apologized to his father.

"Then sit down quickly." Jiang Ying ruthlessly put the pistol back in the drawer.

"Hmph," Jiang Lang glanced at Jiang Yan, and muttered in displeasure: "Symother, if it weren't for this, who the hell would be your turn to be the leader of the Eagle Gang."[

"Jiang Lang, what are you talking about?" Seeing Jiang Lang muttering softly, Jiang Ying yelled at him.

"Oh, no, it's nothing, I mean, my eldest brother and I will live in harmony in the future and develop the Eagle Gang together." Jiang Lang said with a hasty smile.

"Hmph, I hope so, otherwise one day I will kill you two little bastards with my own hands." Jiang Ying said.

Although Jiang Lang was smiling all over his face at this time, he scolded fiercely in his heart: "Hmph, old man, if you let me take over the Eagle Gang, I will kill you first."

After a few minutes, Jiang Ying finally calmed down the anger in his heart and returned to his previous calmness: "Jiang Yan, you said that Baiyemen killed more than 200 Eagle Gang boys, and last night there was a young man with long hair who broke into the phone The villa rescued Sima Lin's son, Sima Duanhun."

"Yes, father." Jiang Yan replied.

"I said earlier that the area around the electrified villa is for me to take care of. If you don't listen, it's okay now. Let someone break it casually..." Jiang Lang seemed to want to say something to hurt Jiang Yan again, but was once again caught Jiang Ying yelled and pulled down.

"Jiang Lang, believe it or not, you're interrupting, I'll fucking kill you with one shot." Jiang Ying became angry again, and directly picked up the gun in the drawer and shot the ceiling fiercely. "Master, what's the matter." Hearing the gunshot, seven or eight security guards outside the door rushed in with guns and asked respectfully.

"It's okay, you guys go out first." Jiang Ying waved his hand.

"Yes..." The leading security guard scratched his head and walked out with a puzzled expression.

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